For Sale/For Trade/Want to Buy => Storm => Topic started by: Z Jellsey on November 07, 2008, 02:49:12 PM
I had a thread up here awhile back, I have been away for awhile.
I'm looking for NIB or single drill older Storm balls in 15. (mid to late 90's especially)
Lemme know what you got...
I''m a Rev-O-Tronic pinky tucking machine
I'm a Rev-O-Tronic pinky tucking machine
I have a 15 pound elnino X-it it has two drillings, but there real close together, the only difference is that the thumb was moved down a bit. It has low games. Let me know, send me a pm thanks

If your going to bowl...bowl for fun or go home
special agent?
Too new...Thanks anyway!
I'm a Rev-O-Tronic pinky tucking machine
I know these aren't late 90's but i do have an original xfactor and a xfactor triple x...let me know if you are interested.
Very interested in the X-Factor...
Can you send me pics
I'm a Rev-O-Tronic pinky tucking machine
Ive got a 14 lb. original El Nino and a 15 lb. Thunder Bolt...both single drills available. Let me know.
Whats a Thunder Bolt? You got pics? Send to
I'm a Rev-O-Tronic pinky tucking machine
I have a single drill 15lb Thunder Road great condition.
102101? Hmmmm
15 trifecta nib $100 shipped
15lb ace 1st line nib not cheap if you interested lmk :
I like bowling because it give me 3 holes of fun.
I'm sorry I meant Powerbolt, not Thunderbolt
pm's sent
I'm a Rev-O-Tronic pinky tucking machine
I have two 15 LaNina's and a 15 fully plugged Eraser.
I have a power charge with a cracked bridge.
Big Hit
Flash Force
Razor Wire
Its Hammer Time!!
HammerHead 4 Life
X factor deuce 15
One one drill(essentially) straight up. pin over bridge mass bias under thumb!
Hot Wire one drill lefty.
many two drill...right now left! 15
X factor
XXX factor
El Nino many drill
Bolt righty now plugged
Hot Rod Hybrid two drill
How Rod Pro Stock two drill
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Edited on 11/29/2008 8:58 AM
I have single drilled, all 15#:
Trauma(thumb slugged shown a bit off plugged work).
Trauma Recovery,
X-factor Deuce(thumb slugged shown a bit off plugged work),
X-factor reloaded,
Too Hot.