Below are the specs. When I draw a line from the pin to the rad,
the CG is the last column from that line in inches. It is right of that
line unless it states otherwise. The 1st and 3rd Paradigms would need
minimal wt holes, if any, and the same for the 1st and last Passion.
Paradigm Pro CG 15 lb 3 oz 3-3.5 2.78 1 1/2
Paradigm Pro CG 15 lb 4 oz 3-3.5 3.24 2 1/2
Paradigm Pro CG 15 lb 3 oz 3-3.5 2.16 2
Paradigm Pro CG 15 lb 4 oz 3-3.5 3.06 2 1/2
Passion Pro CG 15 lb 2 oz 3-3.5 2.78 left 2 1/2
Passion Pro CG 15 lb 0 oz 3-3.5 2.82 2 1/2
Passion Pro CG 15 lb 4 oz 3.5-4 3.28 3
Passion Pro CG 15 lb 5 oz 3.5-4 2.78 2