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Author Topic: Single Drill (LOW MILEAGE) IQ Tour / DareDevil FS  (Read 6532 times)

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Single Drill (LOW MILEAGE) IQ Tour / DareDevil FS
« on: May 28, 2018, 08:00:41 AM »

I have two good pieces of equipment for sale.  A single-drill IQ Solid and original DareDevil. 

I can assure you these both have less than 35 games on them and the covers are in absolute pristine condition.  I am only selling as I feel like I have a complete tournament bag w/o these two and I'm just looking to clear out some extra equipment that would be put to better use than sitting around at my house.

Asking $75 + shipping for the IQ Solid and $60 + shipping for the DareDevil.

Hit me up!