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Author Topic: The Storm Lucid  (Read 1309 times)

Good Times Good Times

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The Storm Lucid
« on: December 05, 2012, 12:32:39 PM »
I'm considering pulling the trigger on a Storm Lucid around Christmas time!!!  YAY!  :D

For those of you that have thrown this piece, how do you like it's performance on medium to heavier THS and sport patterns?  How does it handle oil / friction?

What surface / layout have you put on your Lucid?

My Generic Profile:
PAP:  4 7/8" RT 1 1/2 UP
Axis Tilt 8-10 degrees
Avg Speed: 16-17 mph
Medium Revs



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Re: The Storm Lucid
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2012, 03:28:59 PM »
Wrong place, but I'll answer anyway.

I have one drilled 50* 4 3/4" 20* That I like to use on longer patterns when I need a strong entry angle

I have a 2nd drilled 50* 5" 65* That I like to use on shorter sport patterns or on most house shots.  Both are OOB.  I haven't had the chance to test either on a sport shot yet, but hopefully soon.