Both 15lb, span is 4 1/2 and 4 5/8 on both. Pics on request.
2nd Dimension - $80 shipped. 3 games on it, overlaps alot with another ball. Pin is at 1:30 and CG is kicked out with a balance hole. Cover is GREAT.
Will consider trades for 15lb Motiv or Hot Sauce Pearl in similar condition (willing to put a little cash on it for a NIB)
Dimension - traded to Russell.
Edited on 7/17/2009 1:00 AM
Edited on 7/17/2009 7:56 PM
Edited on 7/18/2009 2:45 PM
Edited on 7/19/2009 4:21 PM
Edited on 7/20/2009 3:00 PM