1 month old Nano, low games for sale $120 (includes shipping) or will consider trade for a NIB 15# Hy-Road.
Single drill on fingers with thumb plugged once and redrilled to go from a round to oval shape.
Spans are:
4 3/8 MF (53/64) 1/8 forward pitch, 1/4 left, no inserts.
4 7/16 RF (23/32 1/8 forward pitch, 1/2 right, no inserts.
Recently resurfaced to 2,000. Drilled at a 4 x 3 x2. Pin to CG distance 1 to 1 1/2 in which gives the ball an archy, rolly shape and I prefer more back end shape. Great ball. Just not the right fit for me.
Will send pics on request.