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Author Topic: Absolute  (Read 18870 times)


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« on: February 10, 2023, 10:03:35 AM »
The Storm Absolute high-performance bowling ball will absolutely improve your scores! This ball takes a single-density asymmetric core and combines it with the R2S Deep Hybrid coverstock. The core design decreases the amount of mass where the thumb hole is typically drilled. This design function helps the ball respond better to friction on the lane due to increased intermediate differential. The R2S Deep Hybrid coverstock formula allows a cleaner approach through the front of the lane allowing for more angle and aggression through the pins on heavy oil.

Color: Copperhead/Jade/Phantom Black
All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown
Core: Sentinel (14-16#)
Coverstock: R2S Deep Hybrid
Finish: Reacta Gloss
RG: 2.48 (based on 15# ball)
Differential: 0.050 (based on 15# ball)
Recommended Lane Condition: Heavy Oil
Fragrance: Orange Cream Soda



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Re: Absolute
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2023, 07:48:38 PM »
Absolute - Ball Specs
Cover Stock: R2S Deep Hybrid Reactive Cover Stock
Finish: 3000 Grit
Core: Ignition Core
Layout: 50 x 5 x 40
RG: 2.48
Differential: 0.050
Intermediate Diff: .021


The Absolute is the latest addition to Storm’s Premier line and believe me this ball should absolutely be your bag. Storm has developed the all new Sentinel Core wrapped with the RS2 Deep hybrid cover. This will ensure the Absolute will change direction and continue through the pins with more power. I tested the Absolute on a 43 feet tournament pattern, I was able to play track area with great success. The Absolute consistently read the midlane and had a lot of energy on the backend for a continuous motion with great pin carry. This is a great ball for all levels of bowlers. Order one from your local pro shop today! My ball review videos are posted on YouTube channel Stanley Waite.

Stanley Waite
900 Global Staff Member
Dover, DE


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Storm Absolute by Casey Murphy
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2023, 11:10:26 AM »
Orientation:  Right Handed
Rev Rate:  400 RPM
Speed:  16-17 MPH
PAP:  4 ½ over and ½ up

Location:  Enterprise Park Lanes, Springfield MO
Pattern:  High Volume THS
VLS Layout: 
Layout 1:  5 x 4 x 2 ½  (pin above bridge)
Layout 2:  4 ½ x 4 x 4 1/8 (pin below bridge)

The Absolute is a new cleaner hybrid asym.  It features a new core and R2S Hybrid Deep.  The cover is VERY clean and responsive.  Thankfully the new Sentinel cover is very strong and immediately creates a strong midlane so it doesn’t over shoot the spot.  In fact the Absolute rolls so strong in the mids that it still feels like a bigger ball to me that has a little more backend off the spot.  And since the Absolute is a hybrid it does that hybrid thing.  It’s clean, but not too clean.  It’s jerky but not too jerky.  It’s right in the middle of reaction and if that’s what you’re looking for this ball is a no brainer.  It feels a lot like a smoother Code Black, very similar to a Code Red.


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Re: Absolute
« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2023, 11:15:58 AM »
Ball Specs:
Storm Absolute
Reacta Gloss R2Sâ„¢ DEEP Hybrid Reactive
Weight Block: Sentinelâ„¢ Core (Asymmetrical)
Color: Amethyst/Black

There was a ton of hype early on with this ball. It not only has a great name, logo, and colorway, but we have been long awaiting a Hybrid Asymmetrical ball from Storm, not to mention the intriguing new DEEP Hybrid cover. We drilled this ball with our normal layout: tweener, 350-375 revs, 16.5mph, layout of choice is 4x4x2 (pin is above bridge). This ball gives off Intense Fire vibes in the shape and ball motion for us. The first main difference between the two is CLEANliness! Yes, this ball is probably the cleanest BIG ball from SPI we’ve ever thrown. It also has a very dynamic turn off the spot created with the Sentinel core. The Absolute fits perfectly in between a Super Nova or Gem and the IQ line. Storm has been long overdue for an asymmetrical hybrid cover so this will fit in just about anyone’s bag. It could be that first out of bag or that in between ball when the lanes start to transition away from needing a big asymmetrical solid.

Kyle, Joel, & Dean Johnson
Storm Pro Shop Staffers


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Re: Absolute
« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2023, 08:51:05 AM »
Pin Length: 3 - 4 
Starting Top Weight: 2.9 oz
Ball Weight: 15

Pin over the ring finger
Rev Rate:  380-420
Ball Speed: 15-16
PAP/Track:  PAP:  5 13/16” and 1/2" up
Box Finish: Reacta gloss
 R2S Deep is cleaner through the front compared to the flagship R2S formula. This yields a more aggressive shape to the pocket with more overall angle through the pins.
I drilled this ball pin up with my favorite drilling It’s a strong ball but very clean through the front part of the lane for me. I love this ball but it does hook I put 2000 suface with an abralon pad to give me a better reation.

Mike Sipple
Storm Amateur Staff


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Re: Absolute
« Reply #20 on: March 19, 2023, 09:00:52 PM »
Ball Review Absolute
RG: 2.48 Dif: .050 PAS: 0.021 Cover: The New R2S Deep Hybrid Reacta Gloss Finish
PAP 5 3/8 over 1 5/16 UP, Medium/Ball Speed Rev Rate 255-300 Layout: 4 ½ x 4 x4 ½
I continue to be amazed at the technology and new ball released by Storm. The NOVA was my favorite got to ball form last year. It was a new core with R2S hybrid cover. You wonder if you can make something better well the released for the Absolute a start. This ball is going to be a hit. I have not been able to through in much, but the few times I did I was so impressed at the shape and continuation. This ball picks up and keeps going. The motion is smooth a bit cleaner the Nova with a strong backend motion and seems to continue through the pins. I have drilled several of the for league bowler of all styles and it just seems to find the pocket and strike. This will be a great addition to any arsenal and can be played on various parts of the lane. What a great addition to the Storm line.


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Re: Absolute
« Reply #21 on: March 21, 2023, 08:35:57 PM »
Storm Absolute ball review
VLS Layout  5 × 4 3/8 × 1 3/4

This is a ball I have grown to like the more I used it. For me it fits in perfectly where I want a hybrid cover ball to fit in my arsenal. Longer than the solids but will see the lane earlier than the pearl balls. At first I mostly used in for transition games when the fronts start to go but my pearl isn't seeing it soon enough. And it worked great in games I would have struggled without it. As I have gotten more comfortable with it, I have started to put some good sets together. In houses where I can't use a big solid because of the friction, the Absolute gives me a good consistent roll. The ball is very predictable and definitely gives me a shape I was missing. the Absolute gives a good shape to carry both when I'm in my comfort zone (straighter up the lane) and when I have to chase left. This ball is always in my bag now.

Dave Adams
Storm staff

Michael Slatky

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Re: Absolute
« Reply #22 on: March 24, 2023, 09:24:24 AM »

Cover Stock: EXO Solid Reactive
Finish: 2000 Grit Abralon
Core: Supercoil Core
RG: 2.47
Differential: 0.053
Int Diff: 0.023

Layout: 5 x 4 x 4 - 2LS

Layout Extras:  2 1/8 Finger Depth, "X" - 4 1/2 D and 1 Inch Left
Tester: PAP 6 1/2 R, 1 1/4 D

The Storm DNA features an all new core and covetstock design. For those that are looking for a similar motion to the Storm Proton Physix or the Super Nova will enjoy the DNA, which provides a new look for your bigger asym solids.  At recent MatchMaker events the DNA has sparked bowling enthusiasts.

For my review I left the 2000 Abralon factory finish on this ball. I was pleasantly surprised how much the DNA glided through the front part of the lane in comparison to the other balls I mentioned above.  After a little lane shine built up on the DNA I was even more surprised and impressed with the results.  One aspect I really liked about this ball is it didn't quit or get into the roll phase too early.

I'm excited to use this ball on heavier to medium volume THS and some sport patterns. In comparison to my Super Nova where I took a fresh factory 2000 finish and hit the ball four sides with a new 4000 pad to get through the fronts better, the DNA surface did not require an adjustment.

For me, my slower ball speed generally has me surfacing balls up slightly to clear the front part of the lane.  If my situation is similar to you, you will notice in a few games your new solid will calm down from the oob finish.

In regards to transition, I really enjoy what the DNA has to offer. The DNA allows a great deal of forgiveness and it is easy to see when you will need to make a change. The Super Nova along with the DNA make a nice one two punch if you desire a two ball combination out of a block of bowling on heavier volume patterns.

Be sure to try out a DNA and fill that gap for fresh league and heavier volume tournament patterns. I'm definitely excited to use the DNA more in tournament competion. Please be sure to visit your favorite pro shop today or for more information.

Michael Slatky
900 Global Staff Member
York, PA


Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):






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Re: Absolute
« Reply #23 on: March 27, 2023, 09:32:32 AM »
The Storm Absolute features an all new Sentinel core with a new R2S Deep Hybrid coverstock finished with Reacta gloss.  The Absolute in 15 lbs features a low RG of 2.48 with a diferential of .050 and an intermediate diff of .020.  I put my go to layout of 5 x 4 x 2 in my Absolute which puts the pin just above my ring finger.  The first night I threw the Absolute in league, I shot 750 with it bowling on your traditional house pattern which after a game and a half becomes very cliffed.  The Absolute allowed me to make small parallel moves the whole night and keep my angles closed and stay in the tighter part of the lane.  On my errant shots to the right, the ball made it back to the pocket but would often leave weak 10 pins.  I tried a surface adjustment and hit it with 2000 grit to take the shine off to see the difference.  To me the only big difference I saw was the errant shots to the right didn’t make it back to the pocket, they would leave a 2 pin or 2-10.  I didn’t really see much difference when I kept the ball in the oil.  Both surfaces read the lane equally well.  This is a ball that has a lot of versatility built in to it, and the bowler can play around with surface changes to find the reaction they are looking for.


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Re: Absolute
« Reply #24 on: March 28, 2023, 01:44:56 PM »
Absolute is the newest clean asym from Storm. Featuring the new R2S Deep Hybrid Cover, this ball creates a unique clean and smooth shape that is unlike anything else in the product line. The smoother shape gives me more forgiveness than a typical shiny asym, while still storing energy and continuing through the deck. The overall weaker coverstock formula makes the window of usability for this ball much larger than most bigger asyms as well. Overall, this ball will be great when the backends are flying or the lanes are hooking, but you still need something to calm down the friction while storing energy.

PJ Haggerty

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Re: Absolute
« Reply #25 on: March 28, 2023, 06:35:47 PM »
Storm Absolute Ball Review by PJ Haggerty

One of the latest additions to the Premier Line at Storm is the Absolute.  With an RG of 2.48, differential of .050, and PSA of .020, the Absolute provides an awesome motion that compliments the line extremely well.  With those numbers I listed above, that would historically tell me this ball wants to read the lane early.  However, after using it for well over a month and in different centers along with on different patterns, the Absolute is much cleaner than expected.  It’s in my arsenal for league as well as tournaments and I’ve been impressed so far.

I mapped out the Absolute as follows: 5 x 4.5 x 2.  The pin is above my bridge and the mass bias was drilled out through my thumb.  I’ve had the most success with the Absolute when the lane has allowed me to create shape and curve it.  The most comparable ball that I can compare this too is the RST X2 from Roto Grip.  The Absolute feels clean and has a quick response time, which is a perfect go-to from a Reality, Gem, or TNT.  I also scratched the surface with a 3000 pad to create a little smoother motion and control the response time.

If you need a ball that’s clean, quick, has a big core, and can help you create shape down-lane, the Absolute is a ball you should drill!


Gil B

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Re: Absolute
« Reply #26 on: March 30, 2023, 05:30:54 PM »
I laid my absolute at 4- 4 1/4 -75. Its been awhile since we have seen a single density asymmetric core bowling ball and i am loving it. This hybrid is really clean through the front part of the lane and really creates some angle for me down lane. This ball likes to see the friction at the end of the pattern and i am enjoying using it on a typical house shot. Love the color scheme on the ball looks really cool going down lane. This ball will be in my bag for a time to come


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Re: Absolute
« Reply #27 on: March 31, 2023, 08:52:01 PM »
I drilled my ABSOLUTE 5 x 3 x 2. I cracked the surface first with 3000 to remove the shine then hit it again with 1500 lightly to put some teeth on it. I have thrown on a couple of cliffed up house shots mainly.

The ABSOLUTE gave a couple of ways to play this wet/dry pattern. I could go right up the edge of the cliff with softer speed and the ABSOLUTE would just roll off it and hit very well. When that went away, I started more up the back with slightly higher speed and now it came back to life as it cleared the now burnt fronts easier but still had plenty down lane.

I compared it to the REVENANT and EXOTIC GEM. The EXOTIC was a lot more motion down lane and was almost uncontrollable playing where the ABSOLUTE looked so good at. If there was a need to get into the meat of the pattern, the EXOTIC would have been the better play. The REVENANT was just too clean to play in the burn like the up-the-back ABSOLUTE was. The REVENANT just was too late and made me move into the dry more and then was not enough when I blended left to get away from the early burn.

Drill up an ABSOLUTE if you want a versatile piece that is a slight step down from the sharp motion of the EXOTIC GEM or a little more than an REVENANT.
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH


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Re: Absolute
« Reply #28 on: March 31, 2023, 09:52:53 PM »
Storm Absolute – all new Sentinel Core with the R2S DEEP coverstock – Box finish is with Reacta Gloss
My specs: Ball speed 15+, Rev rate 425, PAP 4 and up 13/16
Layout: 60 x 6 x 65 refinished with 2000ab, used on SPL and HPL lane surfaces with Typical house pattern – both with a BIG cliff on the end of the pattern.
First impression was “why do I need another asymmetrical ball”. My next impression was – why did I wait to so long to really dig into this ball, the Storm Absolute! As I stated earlier, I changed the surface because I noticed with the new Sentinel core and updated R2S coverstock – that the ball was a little late in reaction when I tried to swing the lane as much as I could, which is something I normally would have to do with strong asymmetrical balls like the Astro Physix, Parallax, and the Code series. Both the brains at Storm Bowling found that if you put evenly weight parts on the core at both ends, to me, that would cause the cover to remain unstable almost like if you added a weight puck on the core. By updating the very successful R2S with the DEEP update, which basically means that Storm made the cover for consistence because they made the additives all equal and balanced in amounts used. (More technical information at Back to on the regularly scheduled ball review, sorry – Got a little nerdy there! I realized watching a wide range of styles using the Storm Absolute during several Storm Matchmaker events, that the straighter you played, the better the Absolute worked and produced better overall carry and striking percentages. So, at a demo, I used the pro shop’s ball spinner and hit the surface with a fresh 2000ab pad and proceeded to play very straight up the track on the SPL that was there. The Absolute was no joke on worn out, beat up, no fresh oil in 2 days lanes that I practiced and bowled on a few days later. I was still able to play very straight forward up the track area and the Absolute moved a little earlier than the Exotic GEM and with a little more angle into the pocket. I feel that if you try to “hook” the whole, this ball would not be a good fit as a middle road/ “benchmark” ball. Like I said a little bit earlier – the straighter you play, the better the Storm Absolute is. The Absolute will travel with me in my tournament bag as ball #4 in the strength department. I hope you found this interesting and informative.
Thanks to the crew at Bowlers' Supply, Inc, Roto Grip, Colony Park Lanes and Vise Inserts for all the support and assistance!

Remember to Bowl Up a Storm!



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Storm Absolute
« Reply #29 on: April 10, 2023, 06:57:48 PM »
Ball Specs: Storm Absolute
Coverstock R2Sâ„¢ DEEP Hybrid
Weight Block Sentinelâ„¢ Core
Color Copperhead/Jade/Phantom Black
Finish Reacta Glossâ„¢
Layout 45x4 3/8   x70 or 4 3/8x4x4
Bowler Specs:
Right Hand. PAP 3 1/2 Over 5/8 up
Rev Rate 400
Speed at release 17.5
The Storm Absolute is the new clean and responsive asymmetric ball in the Storm Premier line. This ball features a new core and cover combo. The first thing that I noticed with this ball is really clean. The R2S deep is cleaner than other iterations of R2S and creates a strong aggressive shape downlane. The box surface is reacta gloss but if you want it to pick up a little sooner step two compound is a great way to shine it. The cover is also going to allow for surface changes very easily. When you compare this ball to the Infinite Physix, this ball is going to be longer downlane with more shape also. This is going to be a great step down from any of the big solid asym balls or if you are bowling on a lot of friction. This ball is going to be great for a variety of bowlers whether you are high speed or high rev rate. Get yours now at your local Storm VIP pro shop.
Alex Thomes
#StormNation #StrikingWorldwide #SquadRG #Driven2Bowl


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Re: Absolute
« Reply #30 on: May 05, 2023, 06:51:56 PM »
Ball - Storm Absolute
Core - Sentinel Core - Asymmetric
Coverstock - R2S Deep Hybrid Coverstock - Reactive
Surface Finish - Reacta Gloss Finish
Dual Angle Layout - 60 x 4 ¾ x 60
VLS Layout - 4 ¾ x 4 ¾ x 3 ¾  and 3 ¾ x 4 x 2   

Bowler Specs:
Right Hand
14 - 15 out of hand
Speed/Revs matched
PAP: 5 ⅜ over x ⅞ up

The Storm Absolute was a ball I was super excited for when we first caught wind of it releasing! My first impression of the ball was a little confusing. Do not get it wrong, if you are looking for a ball that has that pop down lane while getting through the front and mid lane, then this is the perfect ball of choice! The R2S Deep Hybrid Coverstock paired with the new Sentinel Core is a great combo. Having a strong Diff and PSA helps this ball read the lane and give you the flare you desire.
For me, I had to bump down the surface. Generally with asymms for me, especially with a higher RG, pearls tend to be a bit over/under and that is what I noticed with this ball. After hitting it with a wet 2000 pad on the 4 ¾ inch ball, it looked a lot better and gave a more consistent motion! With the 3 ¾ inch ball and 2 inch pin buffer, it read much better and wanted to read the lane sooner, but if you are bowling at a place where it can be a bit wetter in the middle part of the lane, you might want to hit it with some surface! Anywhere from 2000 to 4000 grit is great on this ball, and you do not lose the backend reaction that this ball is known for!

   Overall, this ball gets an A minus! (A-) The Absolute is very clean through the fronts and gives a strong backend motion being a pearl asymmetrical ball! If you notice any over/under motion, hit it with a little bit of surface and it will create a little bit more pop hitting the dry. To compare to other equipment, the Absolute is a good step up from bowling balls such as the Phaze 2 or Zen Soul, and is a good step down from bowling balls such as the Gem or DNA. This ball loves friction and if you are bowling mainly on house shot conditions, I would recommend a stronger Pin buffer or Val angle to utilize the responsiveness of the Absolute. For the Pin-to-PAP and PSA-to-PAP, I recommend stronger angles/arcs if you want the ball to read the mids sooner, and longer angles/arcs if you want the ball to skid further down the lane!