second review
gave up 2hand release long time ago, now im tweener, med speed.
ball: i believe about 4 1/2 - 5 from pap, pin above bridge
pap: 4 over
lanes and shot: synthetic (half year old) THS
reaction: clean thru the heads, stores lots energy, move little bit to the right and bang, a very hard arc to the pocket.
i think the house shot is too little for the agent, i would use it for a oilier condition. on fresh oil, the agent is very angular, when the release is good, it carries. However, when carry down and the lane starts dryin up, i only see this ball going back to the bag
this ball was originally drilled by the local driller who charged me 75 bucks for drilling and with finger insert. she did a crappy job and took my money!
gave it to someone else to change the pitch of the thumb (i like the feel of 1/8 rev) the ball had 1/8 forward. we drilled the thumb hole and put a sleeve in. changed the finger inserts (i like the pink one, dont know whats called) and the ball now feels great, when throwin it, i dont even feel the thumb.
now with the ball fitting properly, it was very nice, im more than impressed.
for my gold pin league on tuesday, i went to the place to redrill my agent, and drill another ball (brunswick red crown 3) we were too late for practice, so i got there pull out the agent and started bowling. 7 in a row, then 2 solid 10s (which i didnt spare any of em, had no warm up) to make the story short, i end up with 208 average (4 games, with my last game being in the 150s), crappy but i take it
agent is a very underrated ball, but anyway ppl who has it knows what im talkin about
overall 9/10
When a house bowler misses the mark, misses the break point and strike, for many ppl its called a wallshot. When a pro does that its call adjustment

When a house bowler gets his finger stuck in the ball and fall on the lanes, for many ppl its called lame bowler. When a pro does that its called the Machuga flop! ha i like this one.