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Author Topic: Attitude Shift  (Read 20445 times)


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Attitude Shift
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
Coverstock: R2Sâ„¢ Solid Reactive
Weight Block: SHAPE-LOCKâ„¢ (14-16 pounds)
Ball Color: Scarlet/Navy/Sky All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
Fragrance: Cranberry Orange
Ball Finish: 2000-grit Abralon
RG Differential: 0.053 (Medium-High Flare) on a scale of .000-.080 Low Flare-High Flare
RG Average: 2.55 (Medium) on a scale of 2.43-2.80 Very Low-High Break Point
Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium to Heavy Oil
Description: You''ve Gotta Have An Attitude. If you think you''re good enough to be the best, then we''ve got the Attitude Shiftâ„¢ you need. The latest release in the Premier Lineâ„¢ comes with the awe-inspiring Shape-Lockâ„¢ core system and is surrounded by a 2000-Grit sanded R2Sâ„¢ Reactive coverstock. This lethal combo delivers more bite in the pines and brawny backend reaction. Bring your Attitude and leave with the trophy.



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Re: Attitude Shift
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2007, 01:00:30 PM »
I have used my Attitude Shift on a few different PBA Experience patterns, as well as on league night. I have found this ball to be a perfect complement to the original Shift, as the Attitude provides more traction throughout the entire lane than the Shift. It is also a great complement to the Special Agent, when needing more Length with backend, but still needing a solid cover to combat head oil. The match of such a strong core, with a strong cover, has yielded suprisingly great results. Generally, this combination gives the bowler early read, and "burnout" with very little backend recovery (sometimes experienced when using a Special Agent (same cover)without enough oil up front). THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN WITH THIS BALL, as the high RG allows energy retention for a strong arc on the backend. Actually, this ball has more backend of any other solid ball with surface that I can remember. The Attitude Shift also takes surface adjustments very well.
This ball has something to offer ANY style of player. Energy retention for slow ball speed, high RG for higher track players, a strong core for weaker hands, a strong cover for high ball speed, and strong cover and core combination for the spinner release.
God creates us with a blank canvas, and the "picture" we paint is up to us. Paint a picture you like and love!


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Re: Attitude Shift
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2007, 02:45:25 AM »
After seeing the specifications for the Attitude Shift, I was dead keen to get my hand into one.

I've only bowled with this on Brunswick synthetics so far, but here's how it went.

The ball in question had 2.9 Top Weight and a 3½" pin. Pin was laid out 4½” from the PAP, with MB 4” from the PAP with a 3” Pin Buffer. This puts the pin nestled into the bridge, with the CG toward the grip centre.

The cover stock is R2S Solid. I smoothed the cover to 4000 grit Abralon and shined it up with Reacta-Shine. This proved to be too shiny and I have rubbed it by hand with 2000 Abralon. This ball looks great with a shine on it, btw.

Boards across the US have been crowing about how this ball goes straighter through the heads, and then makes a move like a Special Agent. At first I thought they had understated the strength of this ball. On the fresh backends, with brand new surface, this ball made a serious and continuous move. I found it too strong for me as a cranker, but that’s not surprising.

We played a while to carry the oil down and break up the pattern. When the Triple Xtreme started to go long, I got the Attitude Shift out again, moved 8 left, sped up and aimed for the gutter. This ball proceeded to open up the lanes. It was game on!

Once you have carry down, this ball does what the guys from the US were talking about. Clean through the heads, with a strong, continuous movement. (I never got this ball to roll out, btw.) I was standing on 32 at the foul line, targeting 18, breaking at 5 board. On the carry down.

The Attitude’s pin carry is extraordinary. I carried solid hits, rolled 9 pins late, tripped 4’s, caved in 4-6’s, rolled two 6-10’s and blew 5 pins into next week. It also slaps the 10 pin on the half hit with outstanding regularity. I left a few classic Anvilane stone 10’s when I got quick – to be expected.

Like every R2S ball I’ve thrown, this ball cracks the rack with a very satisfying clamour.

Overall - The Shape-Lockâ„¢ core makes this ball turns the corner with great strength, but the R2S cover provides good control. The Attitude Shift is stronger than a Special Agent, going longer, and then recovering magnificently. The 2 balls complement each other nicely. The hitting power is eye-popping.

If you are looking to conquer lanes that require you to play toward the gutter more than usual, I recommend the Attitude Shift to you. On longer patterns or carry down, this ball is the nut.

When the Attitude Shift turns the corner, hang on! This ball moves off the spot and cracks 10 pins with, well… Attitude!

Jason Doust
Storm Amateur Staff
Australia (Hence some Australian spellings!)


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Re: Attitude Shift
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2007, 07:17:57 AM »
This is the best asymmetrical release by Storm  to date,
If you like hook and versatility then this is the ball for you.
a perfect complement to the original Shift
One of the conditions I used the Shift Attitude  (tournament patterns )
The lane conditions developed a lot of carry down but the attitude recovered very well!
On A house Condition The Attitude reacted to the  blend Like the condition was made for this equipment only
Even when There was Heavy oil  pattern  the ball seems to hook thru it
 It’s Roll is an little earlier mid-lane than the original Shrift,
But finish  is  strong and continuous
this ball is for  to anyone who likes to get  and controllable reaction in heavier oil conditions.

Remember Shift Attitude,
A real Ball With an Attitude  when it comes
 great hitting power and control
Buddies pro shop Staffer


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Re: Attitude Shift
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2007, 03:06:20 AM »
Attitude Shift = AWESOME !!
I drilled my Attitude 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 (pin & Mb distance) with a 3 inch pin buffer.  Dual angle layout numbers 4 1/2 x 45 degrees x 40 degrees. I drilled this ball as a tournament arsenal ball as i figured there was no way i could throw it on my house shot. I was wrong! Normally for me an asymmetrical ball rolls early and pukes on the back end due to my lower ball speed. Not the Attitude!. This ball cleared the heads with ease, read the mids and then made a very strong move to the pocket with great continuation. For me it is only a first game ball on the house shot as by the end of the first game i had already moved 7 boards left and started ringing 10's. This ball is another great piece from Storm and i can't wait to throw it where the oil will last more than a few frames
Current arsenal

Break Down 60x4.5x60 @3k+polish
coming soon X,Desert Ops,Special Ops, Shadow Ops., Truth Pearl ,Drift


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Re: Attitude Shift
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2007, 05:11:17 PM »
The Attitude Shift...


... I've been waiting for this one since the day I heard of it and I finally got it. Drilled it very strong and early. Not as strong as I thought but still turns the corner. This Attitude revs up so easily and justs crushes the pocket. Awesome pin carry and pin action. Cover is very versitle and can easily get length with a touch of reacta shine. Clean through the fronts, revs up fast in the mids, strong smooth arch into the pocket. Great ball.
PAP 4.75> by .625^
Revs=  about 450 rpm
Axis=  medium (45-50 degrees)

Visit the Strike Zone Pro Shop in Brunswick, GA!!! Silver level coaches Wesley Jones and Dave Sill would be glad to help you.


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Re: Attitude Shift
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2007, 11:27:17 AM »
See stats for profile.

Lay Out: 5" from PAP at 30* PAP angle and 35* VAL angle. The pin ended up slightly to the left of my ring finger. I put a weight hole 1" down on my VAL after I threw it for a few games to increase the flare ever so slightly in the midlane.

Surface: I had left it box which is 2000abr.

Purpose: To give myself a ball for longer distance/heavier volume conditions.

Initial Observations: I have used this so far on a couple of house conditions. This ball "seems" very rolly, but is very strong and continuous on the back end. I can only imagine how much more this ball would give me with a stronger pin placement like 4".

Final thoughts: This ball definitely hooks! It is very strong right out of the box at 2000abr. One thing it does for me so far on house conditions is, it has taken the 2-8-10 out of play. If anything, I couldn't get far enough left and send the ball far enough right. This is usually a good sign for me as this means when I hit something longer than house conditions, this ball should really shine. Our PBA league bowls on the Scorpion pattern tonight and I hit a US Open pattern qualifier along with a couple of monthly sweepers in the next few weeks that tend to favor putting out longer patterns. I will post more when I get some more feedback.

Additional Thoughts: This Shift is a stud on longer oil patterns. I got to throw it on the Scorpion for a couple of weeks in a row and it was a beast. Once I got my feet and target separated enough, it seemed like I got an extra board or two to the right of my target. Usually on these PBA-EX conditions, anything that resembles a couple of boards of area relaxes your armswing and makes scoring better. The second week our pair was a little tighter downlane. I made a tempo adjustment to slow down my feet and armswing slightly and this ball was giving me room again. I am getting close to 5" of flare with a 5" pin-to-pap placement. If I was advising a customer in the shop, I would say be careful on leverage pin positions like 3 3/8 to 4" This motor and tires might overflare and "spin out" and make the ball too weak at the pocket. I would say to a low rev player to lay it out 4.5", a tweener to put it at 5" and a power player to look at 5.5", maybe even 6" if they really "saw" on it and rev the ball in the 500 RPM range. At 2000, this ball reacts very strongly and could be tweaked if not reading the pattern early enough. Use the KEY to change the breakpoint shape as well. This ball really surprised me how continuous it was at 30*

Mike Craig-Columbus, OH
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH


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Re: Attitude Shift
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2007, 01:22:13 PM »
Lay Out - 4 by 4. Through this on the house shot last night and was very impressed with ball reaction. The ball gets nice length already and we made it for a smooth arcing reaction on the back end. I went out and shot 226, 257, 214 for a 697 last night in my league. This ball hits like a truck when it hits the pocket I was very happy with the results that I got from this ball. I will be bowling on saturday at another house that i'm bowling a tournament at and I will see how tha reacts and give a review. I think this ball is very verstaile and will be great for any bowler.


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Re: Attitude Shift
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2007, 10:20:53 PM »
I needed a ball for longer oil pattern that i could get started up quicker and be a nice arc to the pocket and thats just what this ball and more. the first night bowled with it i bowled 222 289 224 for 735 but it was on a 36 ft pattern thought this ball would be 2 strong for it but was wrong on the 36ft i bowled the same line as my domination but it has alot differnt angle into the pocket so on that pattern i can use both balls when one starts 2 leave 10 pins i change balls. the other night i bowl is a 39ft pattern thats why i got this ball was only at a 198 avg when i avg 205 on the 36ft. fist game i bowled a 212 then a 206 then found out why i was not carrying as i thought i should.  slowed down my speed just a bit and moved left 2 boards and had the line last game i bowled 268 if i would not have missed my mark in the 6 frame and the 2nd ball in the 10 would have been 300. great ball hits the pocket like a mack truck. another GREAT ball from storm

Bob Hanson

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Re: Attitude Shift
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2007, 06:06:25 PM »
Very nice ball.  I don't throw a lot of Storm, but I have two Special Agents with different layouts and really like them both, so I tried the Attitude Shift.  Layout was pin below bridge at 4.75 to PAP with no extra hole.  Reaction was similar to the Special Agent with the same layout, but, as advertised it gets very good length before standing up into a strong continuous roll on the back end.  I was able to grab a little more of the dry than I expected on a THS and not get an over reaction.  Conversely it also worked very well when I opted to square up at 10 board on a fresh shark pattern.


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Re: Attitude Shift
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2008, 11:40:34 PM »
This is the first ball I've drilled myself, and started with something pretty conservative, just a stacked leverage.  This ball is extremely strong.  Very nice early roll in the midlane, and smooth as can be through the breakpoint.  If there isn't sufficient head oil, it's tough to keep it online, as the cover and core just wants to pull it to the head pin as soon as it feels friction.  The carry is very good, and can't wait for shots with a bit more oil, to get some better use out of this ball.  Medium oil, just move in, send it wide, and see if it conserves enough energy to carry.  Definitely more hook than the OG Shift, and able to handle much more oil.


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Re: Attitude Shift
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2008, 11:15:41 AM »
Attitude Shift #2

Wow, this ball is amazing. I've never thrown a stronger ball. This ball is super clean thru the fronts and make a very snappy, huge turn left. Not much else to say but you better have a ton of oil to throw this ball!

PAP 4.75> by .625^
Revs=  about 450 rpm
Axis=  medium (45-50 degrees)

Visit the Strike Zone Pro Shop in Brunswick, GA!!! Silver level coaches Wesley Jones and Dave Sill would be glad to help you.


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Re: Attitude Shift
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2008, 10:59:05 PM »
4 x 4  layout
this ball is much smoother and has a stonger move than the original shift but is more predictable then my gravity. OOB it was a little stong for the ths at my local bowling center took it up to 4000 and it has quickly became my benchmark i can roll it up the boards or move inside and play multiple lines all the way to lofting the guttercap if the lanes get really fried and it still holds energy to carry. with the occasional dumb a@$ balls this ball carries extremely well from all angles. it is a terrific compliment to my cell


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Re: Attitude Shift
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2008, 01:12:47 PM »
The Attitude Shift fits perfectly in the line with the other shifts.  My Attitude Shift has a 5 x 4 layout with the pin below my middle finger, and the mass 2 inches from PAP.  I left this ball at 2000 abralon and it compliments the shift and gravity shift to the tee.  The Gravity has more back end then the shift.  When thats to strong off the spot, you would down grade to the shift.  When the shift started to squirt and just didnt have a enough through the mid lane, thats when the attitude comes into play.  This ball revs up something fierce but doesnt lose energy or burn up.  It is still very clean but a lot earlier then the other 2 in the line.  A perfect 1-2-3 combination!!!

Erik Ramos
PBA Storm Regional Staff


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Re: Attitude Shift
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2009, 06:45:50 PM »
The attitude shift is an amazing ball. after i had the ball drilled with an agressive layout, i tested the ball on a medium oil lane. i have a stroker release style and medium speed and rev rate. the ball bit the lane well and reacted magnificently. pin reaction was good as well. alot of carry. I am using a 14 lb. attitude shift as well. i bowled a 289 right out of the box, after getting the ball drilled. the ball is amazing and is well worth getting.