Length: 41ft
Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS
Likes: The IQ Tour Nano Pearl is a great compliment to the IQ line. This version gets down lane a little easier with more backend than the original IQ Tour, making it, for me, more suitable for house shots than the IQ Tour. When comparing the two, I am normally about 3 boards with my feet left with the IQ TNP compared to the IQ Tour. The Pearl cover stock does its job on getting the ball down the lane and a little more responsive at the breakpoint while to 3000 finish makes sure it still reads the mid-lane just right. In my bag, it fits perfectly after the RG Wildstreak and before I go to a polished pearl.
Dislikes: NONE!
Ball Layout: 60 x 4-1/2 x 35
PAP - 4-3/8 Right & 3/8 Up
RMP - around 300
Speed - 14-15 mph