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Author Topic: Core Power LRG  (Read 19395 times)


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Core Power LRG
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »

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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2003, 03:43:01 PM »
Good ball. I shot a 300 with it out of the box on my school team.
doesn't last long. I have 30 games on it and its starting to lose its hook and hitting power. I clean and it still dose not perform as good as in the begging.


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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2003, 07:46:00 PM »
I just threw the LRG for the first time today and I was very impressed. The ball started up in the midlane and had a nice strong arching backend and good hitting power. There was no wild snap hook backend which I really don't want. I had my success throwing the ball straight up the boards because if I swung it outside it would hang and not get back. Overall another great effort from storm


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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #18 on: May 11, 2003, 12:02:36 AM »
15 lb.
3" pin
3.5 oz. TW

Drill specs:
Label leverage (MB in track)
0 side/finger
Box finish

This ball wasn't what I was expecting.  Given its low RG and sheen finish, I really expected a hook monster...what I got was a ball that reads the entire lane as well as any ball I've thrown in a long time.

I've only gotten to test this ball on a house shot (34' Christmas tree, tons in the middle), but I've already fallen in love.

What I love about the LRG is that it is all about continuous motion.  You can see it read the mids and once it get going it doesn't stop.  I played around with different speeds and releases and always got the same look.  For those of you who like to change hand positions, the LRG responds well to different releases.

As far as what it compares to, I would put it a notch more hook than the Deuce.  Actually, the LRG reminds me of the V2 Particle, but is a bit earlier and stronger.  

Overall, this is another winner from Storm.  Slower speeds and strong roll players will like this as a big oil ball.  Bigger hands and faster speeds could use this as a benchmark.
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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2003, 07:55:44 AM »
I got my Core Power LRG back in November. I drilled it stacked because it had a close pin. The ball had a simple roll to it which was great for planning down and in on oil patterns since I don't put that much on the ball, plus you want to play more towards the pocket on Oil conditions instead of giving the pocket away. I even did well at a center that I've done well at because of this ball. The one thing I should never did was mess with the coverstock. I never believed in changing the coverstock, but I was talked into it and now, I'm trying to get it back the way I brought, but other then that, it's a great ball.


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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #20 on: June 26, 2003, 08:37:51 PM »
I have had 4 of these. Each time using a 4 3/4 by 4 1/4 layout. Always use pins that are 1 - 1.5, top weight around 2.5 - 3. This layout just makes the ball roll and gives it predictability. The ball will not hook out of the building but it will get the job done. Love the versatility because when I tkae my hand out of it the ball still has something left down the late to make it hit. I use this ball so many times on sport conditions and by far it gives me my best look. The only pattern it was not great on was the short pattern (18 ft buff to 34 ft). Great first ball out of the box on a fresh house pattern. Wouldn't give you over reaction on fresh backends.


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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #21 on: October 23, 2003, 07:30:37 AM »
I've had this ball for nearly 8 months now. Came with a 4 inch pin, and 3.5 oz of top weight.

Had it drilled up basic leverage and took it to the lanes. I knew this ball would roll, and the first night it rolled EARLY. 35' down the lane it made it's move, and what a gorgeous, smooth move it was. The lanes had just been oiled, but I was standing up against the ball return and trying to muscle it into the 1-3 pocket.

Instead I took it to the spinner and shined it up to 2000 with a layer of Elixir. Now the ball still maintains it's ever-so-smooth move of the breakpoint, but gets down the lane much much easier. The hit it produces is a nice little crack at the pindeck, with enough punch to carry the mixers as well generate a messenger here and there.

I seriously think everyone should have either this ball or one that produces the same type of reaction. It is just so very predictable that you're hurting yourself by not having this ball.

The proto-typical first ball out of the bag.



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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2003, 09:56:51 PM »
I am 15 years old and just got my new ball.  It has been the best ball I have ever owned and it has accelled me to the top of my league.  When I first got the Core Power LRG, I noticed it had tons of hook, but after about 30-40 games it didn't;to hook as much, but I could still easily get a 10-15 board hook just by throwing it.  My average went from 150 to about 190-195 in league and I rolled my best series of 674 just 4 weeks after using it.  My best thing to say is to make sure you have mid to high oil lanes in your league before you buy it.  If you have dry lanes, you will not be able to keep it on the lane!!  Also, I have been told that this ball gives me great pin-action, and half of my strike have a "messenger" or "scout" on 'em.  Good luck bowling and make sure it is fun, without fun, there is no bowling!


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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #23 on: January 31, 2004, 06:03:02 PM »
This is by far the best ball I have ever thrown. My average is 25 pins higher this season. I just ordered two more for my arsenal. Im going to have three different drill patterns. The first one i have is drilled to play outside ten and straight up. The second one i had drilled so it goes a little longer with less arc. I tell you one thing. Storm sucks for getting rid of the core power. I emailed them to see if they have any left in stock. I want this ball over any other out there. This ball is a power house.


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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #24 on: February 17, 2004, 12:42:51 PM »
Absolutely Love at first throw!

This is one of the very best bowling balls I have ever thrown.

On medium to medium heavy oil one can use this all day and just strike and strike and strike and strike!

Picked up in a trade from DA_Lefty along with a Apex Adrenaline.  Also had a Victory SPT and a Wow Pearl at the center.  All lighter load particle balls for MEDIum to medium heavy.

Let me start by saying the Victory SPT is one of my favorite in this class!!!

However, this baby which is at 1000 surface mat may just turn out to be my favorite in this class of all time!

The Apex Adrenaline was very good and looked like it could be played more more in with a little more side roll as does the Victory SPT(ie more versatile).

But for a pure lefty up the 8 board with a small swing shot on Synthetics this is the cats meow!!!  Unbelievably clean thru the heads in comparison to any solid particle I've ever used yet with unbelievable control of the midlane(like other particles)  Then a smooth big strong rounded move to the hole which packs an awesome wallop!!!  Light flush and mixxy all carry.

The closest ball I've ever used was my beloved Prozone Violet which had a ton of punch and a ton of control and made it look like it was going to throw a 300 just about every time you used it till you finally flushed one(lights always carried) and then it would leave that nasty violent looking ringing 7!

This ball with a 4 inch pin out has the pin actually touching the top and pap side of the ring finger and the cg down(1 inch) and slighlty out about 3/4 of an inch.  I would call this a 4 3/4 X 4, very very small weighthole!
A 60 degree drilling great for my strong side roll!

This ball right out of the gate chalked up a 227 with a 7 10 pocket split in the 9th that stopped what would have been an 7 bagger!  Only bad carry at all and the messenger tried to kill it!

They say this is the same core as the tour power but I don't believe it!  The punch is so much stronger(I had one).

THis ball is one of the best ever and is the winner of the competition above amongst a bunch of great stuff above for medium heavy oil!!!

In the bag!


PS I don't know how they make a particle this clean?  It must be a very low particle load!  But actually cleaner than most solid reactives.
PPS on this shot I had enjoyed the old and much praised Violet 3D offset from Hammer, this ball is actually cleaner thru heads, more control of the midlane and even smoother off the break with maybe more punch!  Comn!  That baby was ball of the year!  This is better!  Don't forget the Violet helped me win a hole pile of money so this is sayin somethin!  Got a used one?
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #25 on: March 15, 2004, 10:42:19 PM »
Have one its my go to ball when I cant carry any condition if I am having trouble with carry I pull it out and see what happens alot times always works for me wish they were still out there would get a couple more love this ball


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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #26 on: May 16, 2004, 09:15:08 PM »
This is a 14 pound ball with a 3 inch pin and 4+ oz of top weight before drilling. I had it drilled with the pin above ring finger and the cg a bit right  and above grip center. This is about a 6x5 for me. I rolled this ball a couple of frames in box condition, but the LRG is too early for all of the house patterns I see here. I polished it to a high gloss. This added some length, and the ball was now playable for me on a fresh house shot.
The main feature of this ball is a nice midlane read. It is easy to see what this ball is going to do at about the 30 foot mark. It definately arcs rather than snaps. It carried well. I did notice that the ball was very receptive to speed and release changes. An accomplished bowler would appreciate this feature. A lane sprayer like myself might see their mistakes exposed.
As the lanes broke down, I tried to move deep inside. The ball reacted poorly here. It started to over/under a bit and the carry was poor.
All in all this is an excellent piece to play a slight swing on a wetter shot. I wouldn't recommend the ball for those who play on drier conditions or are looking for a late strong snap.
This is not a first ball out of the bag unless you bowl in a very wet house or have a shortage of hand. However, when the lanes are slick and you want to play around ten there is none better.

Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?


Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?



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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #27 on: November 23, 2004, 01:55:58 PM »
1st Drill 55degree pin above finger
2nd Drill 45degree pin below finger

Great ball for taking away the gas smell from inside my Car, it smells like banana candy now
Great ball for making me dizzy when I bowl
Great ball to attract the chicks, they like bananas.
Great ball to throw into the river with a chain attached to your dingy (I'm talking boat get your mind out of the gutter, don't you go getting me banned again)
Great ball to bring to the MegaTourneys they might pity you and give you a comp ball

Bad ball for bowling especially if you want to bowl your average
Bad ball if you're drunk, you won't be able to see the puke on the ball after you see the pin action.
Bad Ball to use in league, everyone will laugh at you and point at your yellow ball.

Ball reacts arc like and hits soft, when I flip it and try to cover boards it will hit soft and leave very many leaves.  When I throw it straight however the carry is much better but will occasionally leave something which keeps it out of my tourney bag.  I've polished it dulled it washed it dried it; threw it on synthetics, wood, cotton and asphalt and all I got was alot of money ill spent on a yellow turd that helped me lose alot of money.


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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #28 on: December 22, 2004, 11:36:37 AM »
I was looking for my first review and I could not find it, it was probably posted in my pre reincarnated state.

To summarize my first post:  "Its the Turd of Turds"

Then after using it AGAIN, I don't know why maybe I'm a masochist, I suddenly realize that my 'turd of turds' review was completely incorrect.  You know why?  Because turds would love their baby turds and that would be a good thing this LRG is a BAD THING.

The LRG is the type of object that repulses turds, they would look at it and say "EEWWWWW"  My teammates now want to beat the crap out of me, lucky for me they are hippy tree huggers.  My wife now wants a divorce, lucky for me I make twice what she makes.  My car mysteriously shakes and rattles when the smell of banana candy wafts over the cabin, luckily its a Honda and will still get me from A to B while shaking and rattling, it doesn't help my upset stomach though.  What is it with this ball???  

You know what my 'turd of turds' review might've been on the Showtime ball.  What's with these yellow balls being turds?  They both hit so soft and mushy like my hand on a concrete wall after using these turds.  

LRG stands for "Left Reeling on the Ground" after you buy and use this ball..heh heh

Merry Festivus


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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #29 on: January 08, 2005, 04:17:22 PM »
The best ball in my aresenal
This ball can do it all...heavy oil move outside and throw up over 6...medium oil 6 to 10....dry 15 to 10...this ball is the best and am pissed it is discontinued...


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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #30 on: February 23, 2008, 01:23:05 AM »
i love it its so consistant for me and strong too ist hard not to hit brooklyn with this bad boy not my fav but its a ball i can always count on love it!!!
Bowl up a storm

Storm Shift Gravity
Storm Shift SLT PRO CG (overseas ball)
Storm Shift Attitude
Storm Shift
Storm Shift Global PRO CG (OVERSEAS)
Storm Special Agent
Storm Rapid Fire
Storm Core Power LRG
Storm Eraser Boost
Storm EL NINO X-it
Storm Team Storm spare ball (blue and yellow)
(two one got scratched so it moves a little)