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Author Topic: Core Power LRG  (Read 19408 times)


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Core Power LRG
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available

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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2002, 01:06:24 PM »
Just got this ball last week,
Drilled just under a pin with 5-3/4",
Throwed it in the morning with fresh oil,
Played many different board to see a different pins actions....
This ball hit likes a truck... nothing is standing...
Another great ball from storm...


Mike Austin

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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2002, 07:53:55 AM »
I drilled my LRG with my "default" layout.  Which for me is pin over the fingers on the span line and the cg swung out to the right.  This would also be about a 5 inch pin in about a 40 degree layout.  I had to use an extra hole, as this ball had close to 4 oz of top weight before drilling.  I put the x hole 5 inches straight over from the center of my span.

The LRG comes dull in the box.  This is supposed to be an oily ball, so I threw it dull first.  I have a couple of Trauma Responses, and this is Storm's big oil ball, so this is what I used as a reference point.  Out of the box, the LRG has better length and a sharper break point than the Response.  I would attribute this to the lower load in the particle shell.  The LRG finishes better through the pins than the Response does also.

The first set I bowled was not on fresh oil, and I had to play in front of the ball return to get the ball down the lane.  Not really the correct condition.  I tried to use the LRG in my Monday scratch league at another (wood) house.  Emerald bowl gives me fits because they are very wet/dry.  I like to play them deep with a ball with surface to cut down on the over/under reaction.  I was able to throw the LRG for the first game, shot 237, but could tell the ball was struggling to get down the lane.  Put it away, went to the Eraser.

After this set, I polished the LRG with NeoTac Control It.  Made the ball shine nicely, not like glass, but a noticable difference from the box surface.  Now I was able to play the lanes at Emerald much better.  I did not get in front of the ball return until the third game, and this is a house known for breaking down early and often. 256, 200, 187.  Big 4 the 9th and 10th the third game.  Missed a spare and split in the second game.  Lower scores were not the ball's fault.  

Finally, I bowled the scratch league at my "home" house, Brunswick synthetics.  This league is divided into periods.  They run a different pattern for each period.  Right now the lanes are on the dry side.  The last few weeks I have bowled well using a Tour Power and Eraser.  Standing about 30-35 looking at 13-16 a little past the arrows.  With the polished LRG I started at 38 looking at 17 at the arrows.  Very nice reaction.  I was deeper than everybody on my pair, able to get it back from errors to the right, and could hook it in around 3rd arrow from the get go - did not have to wait for the lanes to break down.  245 (4-9) in the 10th, 227 (one split), and 260 (solid 8 and 10 keep me from 300).  Solid 8 and 4-9 keep me from 300 the first game.  Very explosive, ball runs over the 8 pin, not much deflection, hits very hard.

I think this ball will be able to cover most mediums to almost any oily condition with the correct surface prep.  Ball hits very hard.  Hooks alot, but has more "usable" hook than the Response.  Favors the Super Power, but stronger.  Sharper break point/more hook than an El Nino X it.  Earlier hook than the Shock Trauma with more hook overall.  Not really any comparison to the other Core Power.  Ball should retail around $180, so not in the top tier price wise, but worth the money.  Very high performance.

Sorry so long, hope this helps ya!
Mike Austin
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX
Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shops
Inside Emerald Bowl
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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2002, 08:46:37 PM »
We recently had synthetic lanes installed on the upper half of the house.  Most of the bowlers are having trouble adjusting to the new lane surface, as they get too much skid inside and don't project the ball well enough to play up the lane.  I got an LRG in a little while ago with a 1.5 inch pin and 3oz top.  I thought it would be a good ball for one of the better bowlers who has been struggling on the synthetic lanes; 540 and 550 the first 2 weeks.  I put the pin just under the ring finger with the CG swung out a little, no hole.  He was a little skeptical because he didn't think a pin-in ball would be strong enough for him.  I asked him to try it anyway, and he used it that night.  The ball rolled stong in the mid-lane and kept the pins low.  He was able to kick the corners with the LRG because of the stong mid-lane roll, whereas the Recovery he normally used would over-skid and leave a lot of corners as a result.  He was also able to open up the lane and the ball continued to react well as the condition broke down.  He had 670 and 665 the first 2 times he used it, so he was very happy.  I would recommend this ball for bowlers with medium ball speed who tend to spin the ball more than roll it.  I have seen a couple of people with higher ball speeds try to use this, and it doesn't have enough flip for bowlers that throw hard.  It also doesn't really have a lot of "pop" at the back end, so don't drill it for someone who thinks they want a lot of hook.


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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2002, 05:45:46 PM »
Ok ive had this ball 2 weeks now and got over 20 games on it and WOW...the more im using it the more im liking it. This ball will absolutely NOT over react unless A. i throw it as slow as possible or B. There is absolutely no oil on the lane.

The biggest plus with this ball is its controlability and its consistency. The hit is just 10 in the pit on every shot. where my boost and blaze seem to carry better on lighter hits (specially the blaze) this ball just blow em all back CONSISTANTLY. practicing tonight i threw first 8 and they all looked identical and i missed marked by few boards wide and ball recovered nicely without over reacting (like the boost does)

I would also like to add im not sure this ball is for everyone. Bein a hi track player with above average revs this is what my pro shop person recommended along with a tour power. id like to see someone with lil less hand throw it on the same condition

Picked up the LRG last week and this is my inital impression review.
Drilled #1 on storms sheet. Im a high track player 5 3/8. Threw first 3 games on sport condition. 201, 206, 210.

I currently throw a boost and blaze and this ball is VERY DIFFERENT. this ball revs up very fast, reads the midlane very well and the hook was smooth and controlable.  The hit was also different than my boost and blaze.


Go Yanks


Billy Ray

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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2002, 07:42:20 AM »
Just got mine last week.
drilled it 5 by 5 with box surface(1000 matte)
this ball never reads the heads and revs up incredibly well in the mids and reads the lane exceptionally well. It also looks like its going to hit very soft but clears the deck well. both inside swinging the lane, Inside tight riding the wall in league and down the boards given enough oil it performs well. Glad too see a very new look at the lane from Storm and not just a new color with new hype like some other companies!

Now I can't wait to get my Hands on the X-FACTOR Next Month!
Billy Ray
Track Pro Staff
Owner Rays Pro Shop
Inside Sparetime Lanes-East Greenbush
"Let Us Help You Become More Competitive"


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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2002, 09:06:31 PM »
Follow up:
Well i threw this ball for the better half of the year and things only got better and better. This is the first ball that actually grew on me more and more. I found myself goin to this ball on conditions i wouldnt have even given a thought of playin with it on. I got very comfortable with it. It has been one of the most forgiving balls ive ever thrown, yet in 2 leagues i never saw anyone else with one. Perhaps its a sleeper or as guys in my league call it the UGLY ball. Im so tempted to grab a power charge now ( same block)
If your looking for control WITH some decent hook and great hit this is  worth a try!

Thanks for reading my update

Ok ive had this ball 2 weeks now and got over 20 games on it and WOW...the more im using it the more im liking it. This ball will absolutely NOT over react unless A. i throw it as slow as possible or B. There is absolutely no oil on the lane.

The biggest plus with this ball is its controlability and its consistency. The hit is just 10 in the pit on every shot. where my boost and blaze seem to carry better on lighter hits (specially the blaze) this ball just blow em all back CONSISTANTLY. practicing tonight i threw first 8 and they all looked identical and i missed marked by few boards wide and ball recovered nicely without over reacting (like the boost does)

I would also like to add im not sure this ball is for everyone. Bein a hi track player with above average revs this is what my pro shop person recommended along with a tour power. id like to see someone with lil less hand throw it on the same condition

Go Yanks


Mr Straight Ball

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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2002, 12:07:57 PM »
This ball is gooooood. I waited this long because my HRG was raising so much noise on the lanes. This ball is an excellent compliment to my HRG. The LRG rolls with a distinctly different roll from its Core Power bother the HRG. My HRG is VERY angular to the pocket while this ball really manages the breakpoint and makes a strong arcing motion to the whole. The LRG sports a 5 x 3.5 layout with a 1/2 of side weight still.

I rolled it on the sport pattern in league and shot 600 with my spare game MIA. The Sunday before sport league I saw what this ball could do to one of those everyone is scoring patterns. Man I had a messenger tumbling head over heels and hit the 10 pin on the top as it did a fly by. These Core Powers are the super ball version of the Super Powers. Two good tournament bowler pieces, keep the LRG and it's little bro the HRG in mind.

Bakes...Bevel is for wimps!!!
Storm Products, Inc. family member
40 Boards & A Ball -
Storm Products, Inc. -
Ko's Glen Burnie Pro Shop

Paul Gault

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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2002, 12:42:59 PM »
I have only owned the ball for 1 day now and all I can say is who needs anything else but this ball. WOW!!!!!! Like the other reviews here this ball does not over react. As long as I hit between the 5-1 board I could sit down cause I knew it was 10 in the pit. My first set with this ball straight out of the box no adjustment to cover, was a 706 series with 25 out of 36 frames being strikes. Not 1 time did this ball not strike when I hit my mark. The only frames that were not strikes for me were the ones I got shaky on in the 10th frame and missed my mark. I mean I have never thrown a 300 but went 9 in a row and 7 in a row back to back games. Awesome ball keep it up STORM!!!


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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2002, 09:02:46 AM »
This will be an INDIRECT review of the ball, based on three examples we've drilled for people in two weeks:
#1: Drilled for right-hander, very good bowler, medium revs, medium speed-- house condition, shot 803 with it. Did not appear to move all night long.
#2: Drilled for lefty, higher-revs, medium-high speed; layout with pin-negative (about 5-1/2" from PAP) to tame down stripped back-ends. Out-of-the-box, shot 300/792. Again, stayed within a board or two of the same place, where he usually goes through 3 balls a night and moves a lot.
#3: Drilled for righty, VERY good bowler, medium revs, medium speed, deadly accurate-- shot 834 with the ball. Also did not appear to move much all night.

All three players have remarked about the predictability of the ball, its tendency NOT to over-read or over-react at all, and its ability to play a consistent line for extended periods, anywhere from fresh oil and dry back-ends to fairly toasted heads and medium carrydown. All have also mentioned HIT and CARRY as exceptional, which the scores above would substantiate.

Needlesstosay, I have one on order and will be reporting shortly from first-hand experience.



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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2003, 12:39:35 PM »
I have had the LRG for a couple of months now.  This ball has been a disappointment.  I have removed it from my arsenal I take to the lanes with me.  The ball is drilled with the pin over the ring finger and CG is out to the right and no weight hole.  This layout was suggested by the Storm tech department based on my statistics.  PAP is 5 1/2 over and 1/2 up.  The ball is too much for the dry and not enough for the oil.  When I do get it to the pocket, the carry is not good.  I probably need a different layout.


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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2003, 12:17:05 AM »
4-4.5 pin
15-17 mphs
good amount of revs
I drilled this ball up about a month and a half ago and I love this ball. It has a 4-4.5 pin and I drilled it up with the pin above and to the right of the ring finger and cg kicked out a bit. This ball goes long and makes a hard roll not really a skid/flip ball just keeps coming back and just demolishes the pocket. I know why it is called a core power just hits so hard. In Nov I had a 288 with this ball it hit so hard on the 11 ball I had a solid 4 pin. Oh well great ball by storm and good smell too. MMMMM banana. I give it a 10 out of 10 great ball for med-heavy oil real strong. Way to go storm keep it coming.
Mike Marchak
NIU Grad 2010
Forward Together Forward Never Forget
I have Huskie Pride, how about you?


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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2003, 09:38:58 AM »
Back in December, I posted an 'indirect' review of the ball, based on several we'd drilled for others. This is my own follow-up review of the ball in my own hands.

Test ball: 15 lbs., pin 2-3/4"; drilled stacked-leverage, balance hole on PAP
Bowler: RH, senior, stroker, "rotationally-challenged"
Condition: OLD wood lanes- heads freshly re-coated. Fresh league "house" shot.

Having seen what others were doing with this thing, I couldn't wait to get mine. When it finally arrived, I had no chance to practice with it after laying it out and drilling it. Therefore, I used it for the first time in league without ever throwing the ball before, which is something I NEVER do.

I needn't have worried. This ball is RIDICULOUS.

On fresh oil, the ball scoots 45 feet, turns smoothly and controllably, sets up and accelerates in a TOTALLY predictable line. If you miss right, it sets up a bit earlier and moves a bit more; if you tug it, it holds and sets up later. Either way, it's FLUSH. And the pins never travel more than about 3"-4" off the deck-- it holds them REALLY low. Carry is amazing. First game, lots of people shot big numbers, but that's normal for this house. For the first game, the shot is VERY easy. Once things start to transition, that changes.

As the lanes broke down this night, things got very interesting-- because the heads were freshly re-done, the carrydown made the mid-lanes get spotty and weird, and people struggled on both sides. Lots of corner pins, lots of hook-fade-hook-fade reactions, lots of strange leaves. Except with the LRG. It IGNORED the spottiness in the midlane. It just kept itself in the pocket and in control. By third game, most people were really fishing, and I did have to move left to stay with the oil-line, but carry didn't decline appreciably with the LRG. As the back-ends broke down, it became obvious I couldn't keep using the ball once things got too dry-- when it hits dry, it does move, and move decisively-- but on almost anything up to totally dry, it works beautifully.

Final result: First time, out of the box, I shot 722 with PREPOSTEROUS ease. I used the one ball all night, something that's unheard-of for me in that center. For two games, I didn't need to move my feet or target more than a board-- also very unusual. And even in the deeply-weird 3rd game, the moves were minor and the ball stayed predictable and controllable. With the very low-Rg core, this ball doesn't waste ANYTHING on big moves or major transitions out on the lanes; it saves EVERYTHING for the pins. The only 10-pins I left, and there weren't many, were richly-deserved weak 10's on bad shots; and the only surprise was a ringing, blowout 7 on a flush hit in the first game.

The Banana Ball gets a SOLID 10 from me.


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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2003, 09:35:32 AM »
Ball came 15# with a 1 1/2 inch pin and 3.6 on the top. Drilled
the ball 4 X 3 (pin under ring, cg kicked 1" to right). 1st,
this is the most controllable particle I have ever thrown. Does
not jump in the dry, and does not hang in the oil. Very forgiving.
I loved my Track Money but Storm has turned my head with this one.
Normally in our leauge, particle balls must be put away after the
first game unless they are highly polished. I was able to use this
one all night with about half the normal left adjustments (with my
feet). The ball also has great carry. I think this is a great fit
between the Trauma Response and the X-Factor. Great job by Storm.
Looking forward also to the solid version of the X Factor.
Storm rules again !

The Bowling Store, Niles Il


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Re: Core Power LRG
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2003, 08:11:25 PM »
Good ball! this ball goes long and takes a hard left turn at the break point. just a great ball and not a bad price!