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Author Topic: Depth Charge  (Read 20810 times)


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Depth Charge
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Add Power to your game with the new DEPTH CHARGE™ from STORM. Our patented True-Roll™ technology generates true ?are dynamics ensuring dependable pick up in the mid-lane. The PRO-Thane™ LT-Plus pearl particle coverstock breeds a remarkable backend reaction to help you get DEEPER in the pocket than ever before. Now it’s your turn to STORM the rack with the new DEPTH CHARGE™.

DEPTH CHARGEâ„¢ Technical Specifications
Coverstock PRO-Thane LT Plus Pearl Particle
Weight Block True-Rollâ„¢ Design
Ball Color Silver / Gold Pearl
Ball Finish 1500-grit Polish
Radius of Gyration 2.46 (Low)
Differential .055 (High)
Durometer 75-77 Rex D-scale
Flare Potential 6 (High)
Fragrance Cinnamon
Weights 10 - 16 lbs.



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Re: Depth Charge
« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2004, 12:28:14 AM »
Bought this ball used, only had to plug the thumb to make it fit my hand. Drilled pin over the fingers CG maybe a half inch right of center line. No weight hole as of yet, going to wait until after I bowl nationals before altering this ball anymore.

Good length with an aggressive turn towards the pocket, it carries enough of its energy down lane to help carry some of my lighter hits. Used only on house conditions as well as an older pro tournament patter. Do not yet feel the confidence in this ball that I had in my Diesel, but its coming along.
Rob Moore
Charlotte, NC

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Rob Moore
Charlotte, NC

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Mr Straight Ball

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Re: Depth Charge
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2004, 01:57:50 PM »
16lb - 2.84 Top - 3" pin
Drilled: 1/2 side w/ pin above ring finger

Wondered if STORM could produce a pro-thane ball as good as the HRG or Eraser Pearl. They did it with a bang! D'Charge just pushes to the break and comes off it very strong. I used a million hand positions and it just kept forgiving me. It's great to see a ball that gets through the fronts and picks up roll in the mids so that you can get a read on the condition.

A great piece if you are looking for a pearl particle or a ball that makes a definitive move towards the hole.
...Nthing strikes like a STORM
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Storm Products, Inc. family member
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Re: Depth Charge
« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2004, 08:49:43 PM »
this ball is hot. i got mine drilled to go long and snap at the backend. for me thats perfect because i have a high rev rate but a not realy deep line. i play between the 2nd and 3rd arrows. so i rev it up and let it go and this ball smashes the pocket. does good on all sorts of oil except etreme dry. all in all i love this ball. 10-10.


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Re: Depth Charge
« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2004, 01:25:04 PM »
15 lb
3.96 top weight  
3 inch pin

My PAP is 5 1/2 and 1/2 up.

I had this ball drilled to give a similar reaction to my Deuce that I bowled 300 with, just further down the lane.

Note: I have never been a fan of particle balls.  This ball changed my mind.

This ball is great.  I used it last night on a league shot and shot games of 194-195-212-227-265.  I have a lot of room with this ball.  I was impressed with the move it makes to the pocket.
I usually bowl down 12-10 and out to 5.  When I missed my mark this ball was pretty forgiving.  The only times I missed the pocket, I did not release the ball correct.
This ball makes its move and hits like a truck when it gets to the pins.  Real good carry on this one.

Keep it up Storm.

High Game: 300 on 06-21-04  

High Series: 788 on 06-21-04


 This ball is real good.  I bought it to be an in between ball.  Was I wrong.  This ball WAY outhooks my Deuce.  This ball is one of the best I have thrown.  Just like Brickguy221, I don't have the most revs on the ball and do not play deep.  This ball allows me to experiment way deeper than I have before.  I may even adopt that style as it will come in handy in future tournaments.


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Re: Depth Charge
« Reply #20 on: September 01, 2004, 06:31:21 PM »
OK, I've now had this ball for 2 weeks. Have used it 7 times in two different houses. House #1 has wood lanes and oils 40'-42' with 55-60 units of oil between 8 & 8 and lighter oil (don't know how much) from 8 to Gutter. House #2 has synthetic to about 10' past arrows and oils to 34'-36' and a bit lesser oil than house 1 (they don't even know or aren't telling how much they put down) between 10 & 10 with almost no oil from 10 to gutter.  This house oils to 34'-36'.

In house #1 this ball is second to none. I stand on 22 and throw over 12 out to 7-8 and this ball looks like there is no way it is going to turn much at all let alone come close to making it back to the pocket. Then all at once, it turns hard (short of flip) and makes it's move to the pocket and doesn't stop. The ball seems to conserve ALL of it's energy for the back-end. Shows no signs of even thinking about rolling out. I only throw 14-16 MPH and this ball still hits so hard that on 1 & 2 pin spares it some times even bounces pins out of the pit. Ditto on strike hits. I can leave 1-2 pins on first ball on a high hit and a pin will come bouncing off opposite wall or out of pit and take out the remaining pins. In this house I give this ball a 10 out of 10.

In house #2 which has both less and shorter oil, this ball does good although not as overpowering as house #1. In this house, I need to play deeper and swing the ball out more. The problem is, swinging the ball out as much as needed is not "my cup of tea" and with my low revs, it is not enough to bring ball back to pocket. With a different drilling like Pin over fingers for more length and CG kicked out 1 1/2" or so, this ball will work as well in this house as house #1. I know this, because a friend of mine has the same ball drilled Pin over fingers and CG out. He and I have very similar spans and I have thrown his and got the same reaction with his ball in house #2 as I do with mine in house #1. So to rate the balls in House #2, drilled like mine I give it an 8 out of 10. Drilled like my friends ball, I give it a 9.5 out of 10.

I am low rev and 14-16 MPH speed. My PAP is 4 1/2 over 1/2 up. My ball is drilled 4 x 3 1/4 with Pin 1/4" under RF and just touching the bridge. It has a weight hole on a line from the center of grip thru CG to VAL with the hole on the VAL. Hole is 2 3/4" deep. If they contine to oil House #2 like they are now, I may buy another Depth Charge and locate Pin pver RF and just touching bridge.

Retired and bowling on Fixed Income
"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"


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Re: Depth Charge
« Reply #21 on: September 12, 2004, 04:00:57 PM »
I got this ball from  I was looking for a light load patticle ball that would still give me some kick on carrydown conditions, boy was I Surprised, first of all I drilled in a 4X3 drill pattern then tested this ball on a 41 Ft fresh House Shot(Synthetic Lanes), this ball would roll straight down the boards 5 to the gutter which is considered OB on this shot due to the amount of units that the center puts on the outside. In the last 5 Ft before it hit the pins it would arc hard like it was on Steroids, I played different angles on this shot, everything from up the boards and and deep inside and this ball continued to arc pretty hard at the breakpoint, I then tested this ball on a 44 Ft Sport Shot and once again this ball would  go long and arc at the pins playing from 20 to 12, and as the shot started to open up a little I was able to make moves deeper inside but the ball still gave me enough kick to kickout the corner pins, but just like all particle balls there comes a time when you need to put them away, when you start hitting flat and the shot burns up, all and all I would definately recommend this piece to anyone looking for a pearl light load particle piece


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Re: Depth Charge
« Reply #22 on: January 03, 2005, 09:41:01 PM »
Got this ball second hand drilled with the pin under the fingers and the cg kicked out.  This ball has impressed me. It has good length to it, reads the dry and flips hard, very hard.  I was looking for something like this for medium oil and I  found it in this ball.  Even though it was hard to find a color of grip to match it, I guess the neon green grips work with it.  This ball recovers very well and carries well just like most storm balls do.  Good job storm.
"You aren't carrying unless it says S-T-O-R-M on the side of the ball."  "Nothing hits like a storm"
"Oops, Looks like we are going to need another timmy."  -Dr Lizard, "Dinosaurs"


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Re: Depth Charge
« Reply #23 on: January 05, 2005, 10:47:36 AM »
Storm’s Depth Charge is a unique kind of ball that anyone who likes control over raw hook/snap should enjoy.

   The “Pro-Thane LT-Plus” pearl particle cover stock combined with the lower r.g core system evens out the break point and adds control to the break point for most styles.  

   We drilled several Depth Charges but we concentrated on two for the purposes of our review.   The first was drilled with the pin 4” from the axis and the c.g. swung out slightly, making a small extra hole necessary.  The shell was left in it’s out of the box condition.  The second ball was drilled 3 ½ x 1”.  This required a larger extra hole, which we placed on the midline, 5” from the grip center.  

   The first ball was thrown by our most commonly used tester, a right hand player averaging 17 mph, 20 revolutions, minimal axis tilt and about 35 degrees of axis rotation.  The second ball was for a young bowler who throws harder, more in the 19 to 20 mph range with a high rpm rate and also has approximately 30 degrees of axis rotation.  This bowler likes to play straighter up the boards and has struggled throwing the ball through the break point from time to time in the past.  

   The first ball was being thrown along side a Black Vendetta, Fear Factor and Columbia Detour.  On men’s league conditions with heavy centers and dry back ends the Depth Charge was awesome.  The particle cover stock seemed to eliminate the kind of over skidding that would be a problem on this condition with a reactive ball or a highly polished shell.  The Depth Charge does come with a factory polish but the textured cover smoothes out the break point very nicely.  That doesn’t mean this ball doesn’t move on the back end, quite the opposite, it’s just that it starts up just a touch earlier to make the reaction more of a strong arc than a snap.  The Depth Charge played very nicely from inside the track area and carried as well as the Fear Factor and when the condition began to break down, the Depth Charge continued to carry when the Fear began to leave corners.  It wasn’t as strong overall as the Detour but it stayed in play much longer.

   For the second bowler, we sanded the surface to 800 grit and left it dull.  This allowed the bowler to play his style without having to hold back.  The Depth Charge revved off his hand and had a nice mid lane arc, charging to the pocket and smashing the pins.  He was able to play a little bank shot off the outside dry boards without any fear of the ball not getting back to the pocket.  He was also able to play straight up the third arrow and still get enough friction to carry.  

   He loved the ball so much he polished it for a dryer condition he faces in a Sunday morning league.  He was able to get the ball down the lane without any problem here and used the more angular back and to pound the pocket for all three games.  This was an instant favorite for both players.

   Overall we found the Depth Charge to be a superior ball with a very consistent and true roll.  The shell was versatile enough to allow us to make adjustments to play the oilier side of medium to some dryer conditions.  The carry was never an issue and that was even more impressive considering the numerous angles we played.  

   If you have any questions regarding this or any other of our reviews, e-mail us at:


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Re: Depth Charge
« Reply #24 on: January 17, 2005, 11:47:18 PM »
I have a Depth Charge 2" pin.Pin next to ring finger C.G.,m.b next to thumb and it's a ball I can play on any condition.Goes into a hard roll at 45' and it's over for the pins.But I seem to leave a few more stone 7's then I'd like to.Must have spare ball.I bowl where the Waukegan Open used to be held.Wood lanes tough house.Earl Anthony did win alot there.


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Re: Depth Charge
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2005, 11:39:32 PM »
Had mine for about 2 months now and have enough games on it to review it.

3" pin
3 oz top to start

Drilled 3 1/2 x 5, small weight hole near PAP.
Surface: 1200 sanded

First of all I had been having some trouble throwing the ball to ohard and blowing everything through the breakpoint. This ball with drilling picks up a roll sooner and gives me the backend I am looking for out of my equipment. Moved a little more outside, almost playing up the boards and can carry light hits/pocket hits all day.

House one:
Thursday night classic league, shot has been suspect to carrydown and an afternoon head run with no strip of the backends. Problems arise when my Ultimate Inferno goes straight or backs up. After fixing the shot (stripping), able to play in my comfort zone which is about 12-7 with the ball coming back. If I get too fast with speed, I either move left and still throw it, or slow my apporach down to get the ball to read a little better. Clean through the front, picks up nicely in the midlane and moves hard on the backend. Put up some good scores with it in league, much better than before when the shot was horrid.

House two:

Friday night mixed league, fresh shot for the most part (minimal carrydown) and lots of head oil, ball breezes through the front 20 feet without losing any energy. Playing outside a little more almost an 8-5 type of shot ball picks up the roll and makes it move once it hits dry. Carry is great in the pocket, and decent on light hits (overthrowing). Working with hand positions lately and can really turn on the ball more to get more movement and dont sacrifice too much in speed. Can play 15-8 and still get a very similar reaction.


Ball is very clean and hits very hard. With my speed I can play more outside and "overthrow" it and it will still get to the hole. Have not tried different surfaces yet on it (will be for upcoming tournaments though) but if it works as well shined up or sanded down more on different shots, I will be very happy and might be convinced to drill up another one. A great ball from Storm, keep it up!

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorn for Sega....


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Re: Depth Charge
« Reply #26 on: February 07, 2005, 09:59:47 PM »
This ball is nice. It has a reliable roll to it if you keep your hand consistent than that is what the ball will do. I have bowled easily over 50 games with it and it is still good. Just resurfaced it a week ago( going to 600 and using storm 1&2) and it is beautiful and i am not just talking about the looks of it. I prefer this ball on medium dry lanes or short oil patterns with dry back ends over anything else. Just remember to use "Moon Shine" on it after each use and it will be good to you.


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Re: Depth Charge
« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2005, 01:09:04 PM »
I bought this ball in the summer and at first was not impressed. After about 9 games, the ball really came in and still is consisten. I am a tweener I guess. I get some revs on a ball, but definitely not a cranker.

I have a 14# with a 2 1/2" pin drilled agressive for backend.

On drier conditions, the ball hooks up a little early, but still retains a punch if I can get it into the pocket. On medium conditions with oil on the heads and a clean backend this ball really excels. It reads the lanes well and retains it's energy. It hits hard and usually carries the 10. I do leave solid 4's and 7's occasionally.

I took this ball to Baton Rouge. On fresh oil, I could not get the reaction I was looking for. On heavy oil you have to SLOW this ball down. I tried it on the second squad of double/singles and it worked better very well.

I am definitely impressed with the Charge line. A friend of mine just drilled an Atomic Charge and it also has a solid backend.


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Re: Depth Charge
« Reply #28 on: March 01, 2005, 04:38:56 PM »
Cranker, 17.5 mph, 450 rev, very high track, bowl mostly on sport shots.

I HATE THIS BALL!  I've had it for about 6 months now and have tried it on just about every condition.

I love Storm, but not this one.  This ball goes very long and has an uncontrollable snap for me.  I've tried everything including sanding the surface of the ball to try to tame the reaction a little bit, but to no avail.  Might not be a good ball for crankers or players with a high roll.  Just too uncontrollable for me, especially on sport shots.  Never found a condition that this ball was better than my Razor Wire or Messenger b/s/p.



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Re: Depth Charge
« Reply #29 on: March 04, 2005, 12:33:35 PM »
I wasn't going to review this ball, since I didn't want my first review on this site to be about the strangest ball I have ever owned, but then I saw Kevin62571's review and decided to do this review.

My results are the same as his.  I am on my second drilling of the ball, and have tried the full range of surface preps on both drillings.  At present, I have the pin just outside my ring finger, about 4 inches from PAP, and the CG swung out so that a weight hole on my VAL was required, about 3 inches or so below PAP.  

This ball is just determined to go long and flip, regardless of drilling or surface prep.  It will blow past the nine pin or bust.  I also leave more 4-9s than I have ever seen with anything else.  I bought the ball because it's specs fit the profile of the type of ball that I usually like--low RG, high diff, light load particle pearl.  For the sake of editorial honesty, I must say that I don't enjoy much success with flippy balls, so I stay away from them.  I did not expect this ball to be so flippy, and I can't tame it down much.  The only reason I have messed around with it as much as I have is that--as I said--it's specs are the kind of specs that usually suit me; and just plain curiosity about such an odd piece.  

At present, I have settled on an 800 grit dull surface achieved with gray Scotch-Brite.  It may be a bit duller, since I really leaned on the Scotch-Brite.  Even with this and a fairly high flare, early roll drilling, this ball will go long even on a fairly dry condition and flip.  Amazing.  I had just about decided that I couldn't use it, when I finally found its niche.  It's a small niche.  When the lanes are pretty well broken down, but there is significant carrydown--that is the niche.  I actually see this sometimes, since my Saturday mixed league gets freshly--but lightly--oiled heads and mids, but no back end work; so the back ends have carrydown from the Friday leagues and from kids bowling all day.  On this condition, balls aggressive enough to move in the carrydown break down the heads quickly and then burn up too early.  If, however, you use something mild to get through the heads, it'll never grab on the back.  This is where the Depth Charge comes in.  It will go long even on the dry, but the carrydown tames its highly aggressive back end reaction enough to create some angle, but not too much as is the case when I use this ball on a dry back end condition.

This is a tiny niche, but an occasionally useful one.

I would say that this is not a ball for a bowler who plans to carry only one or two or three balls.  If you have a sizable lineup and can afford to carry something that is highly specialized, this ball may be worth a look.


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Re: Depth Charge
« Reply #30 on: April 19, 2005, 10:30:53 PM »
Bowler specs:
5" PAP @ 0 up/down
10-14 axis tilt
45-55 axis rotation
18-21 mph @ release

14# 2 1/2oz.
pin 4"

pin 4 1/2 up
cg 1" right from grip line 1/2" above midline

AMF synthetic
38' top hat
50 units center

The length of it's roll, strong arc turn, continuous driving hit, keeps the pins low, ability to allow me to play different rolls and lines and still be very controllable.

The smell.

This is my first Storm ball and it may not be the last. I like balls that are not skid flippy/snappy, balls that allow me to stay with it longer when lanes break down, and balls that is easy to play with. Personally this ball is a 9 in my book for the condition I'm playing on - fresh and broken down.
