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Author Topic: Electrify Pearl  (Read 31298 times)


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Electrify Pearl
« on: June 24, 2020, 08:49:00 AM »
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Storm Electrify Pearl
Storm created the Electrify line of bowling balls to offer value performance along with control in motion. This line of balls works well for beginners to pros. The Electrify bowling balls feature the Circuit Core which uses a lower RG and medium differential to offer accuracy. The Pearl version of this ball utilizes the Reactor Pearl coverstock which offers control without too much motion at the backend on medium to light oil.

Color: Sky/Amethyst/Fuchsia
All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown
Coverstock: Reactor Pearl Reactive
Core: Circuit Core for 14#-16# (Modified Centripetal Core for 12# & 13#)
Finish: 1500-grit Polished
Recommended Lane Condition: Dry-Medium
RG: 2.51 (15#)
Differential: 0.030 (15#)
Fragrance: Frosted Cake


Kevin Duncan

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Re: Electrify Pearl
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2020, 06:10:29 PM »
Storm Electrify Pearl
Layout: Pin 4 “ and 1” pin buffer
Rev Rate: 325 rpm
Testing information: 41 foot THS (medium to light volume)
Bowling Center: Fulton Bowling Center
Kegel Machine – Brunswick Anvilane

The Storm Electrify was impressive in its first practice session.  I went into the practice and video session with a mind set the Electrify was going to be similar to my Tropical Surge.  Boy was I ever wrong.  First the specifications – Reactor Pearl coverstock wrapped around the new Circuit Core.  The bonus is the frosted cake fragrance.  After about three warm up shots to get loose and determine where I needed to play on the broken down, light volume house shot, I threw 18 consecutive shots in the pocket.  And, it wasn’t because I was splitting boards and posting every shot.  I had my typical array of off shots.  I didn’t say I struck every time but I controlled the pocket, which is what you want late in the day of a house shot tournament.  I walked away impressed.  My opinion is the Storm Electrify is early and has a stronger down lane motion than the Storm Tropical Surge, which is what the specifications tell us.  I typically struggle with carry percentage with lower end balls.  The reason is I need to move in when the lanes break down and loose carry with the weaker balls.  I don’t see this happening with the Storm Electrify. #Stormnation


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Re: Electrify Pearl
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2020, 01:53:29 PM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):






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Re: Electrify Pearl
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2020, 01:54:18 PM »
My Electrify Pearl is drilled with my normal symmetric layout which is 7/8 pin off center line and CG 2 inch from center line. With this ball having the same cover as the Tropical Surge I have very good length, but with the core numbers being 2.51 rg and .30 cg (15lbs) it has some more backend and slightly earlier. The ball works great for me because I like to stand far left and throw up the gutter. Definitely not the first ball out of the bag, but will be good for dry lanes of shorter patterns where the break point is outside.


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Re: Electrify Pearl
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2020, 07:39:27 PM »
Electrify Pearl
Introducing Storm’s new low end pearl, the Electrify Pearl. The Electrify Pearl has the new Circuit Core wrapped with the Reactor Pearl Coverstock. With a RG of 2.51 and a differential of .030, this ball is a great piece for when you need a ball that is very clean and angular downlane. When you find your lower end balls like the hyroad or hyroad pearl being too much in the midlane or just being very uncontrollable, the electrify pearl will give you the length you’re looking for with a smoother back end motion.
This ball is best used for very dry lane conditions or older surfaces. This ball strikes a ton and is a steal for the price point that it is at! Get yours at your local Storm VIP Pro Shop!
Nate Garcia
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Re: Electrify Pearl
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2020, 04:00:19 PM »

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS


Cover: Reactor Pearl Reactive
Core: Circuit
Finish: 1500 Polish
RG: 2.51
Differential: 0.030

Right-Handed Tweener
Speed: 12-13 mph
Rev Rate: 315
Ball Layout: Pin Under Bridge 4 7/8 Pin to Pap 4 1/2 Pin Buffer

Storm has added a couple new Hot line releases called the Electrify. The Electrify Pearl has great shelf appeal. The Pink, Light Blue, Fuchsia swirl looks great on the wall and going down the lane. The Electrifys feature the new Circuit Core and Storm's benchmark entry level cover: Reactor.

The biggest change from the Match Up line is that the Circuit Core is a lower RG lower diff core. This makes the balls very controllable. The pearl cover really makes this ball something different in terms of getting the ball downlane and then taking advantage of the smooth motion. It reminds me of the Roto Grip Scream with just a bit more hook and hit.

I tested it first on a fresh house shot for league in a house with ample friction. I was amazed at how easy it felt to get the ball downlane and not have it over-react. I had trouble getting some balls to slow down so that my misses tended to be splits and washouts. With focusing on simply rolling the Electrify Pearl to the right it felt like i had incredible hold and just enough get back to really open up the area around the track right away. With small hand position changes I played through the transition well. I didn't really see a need to change balls until the transition (which is considerable on this surface) Forced me inside of 4th arrow.

I see this ball being really helpful on lower volume/medium length oil patterns and in houses with alot of surface friction. 



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Re: Electrify Pearl
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2020, 09:45:15 PM »
Ball Specs:
Storm Electrify Pearl
1500 Reactorâ„¢ Pearl Reactive
Weight Block Circuitâ„¢ Core (Symmetrical)
Color Sky/Amethyst/Fuchsia

This is one of those staple balls we look forward coming into our shop for many reasons. The color and fragrance are great (yes this matters to a novice bowler looking to step up from a Tropical Storm or a first ball purchase of something a bit more than “entry level”).  This ball also serves many purposes for the traditional league bowler as well as seasoned tournament veteran. The Electrify Pearl could be used to fill the gap for a traditional league bowler who either does not have a symmetrical piece of equipment or has not yet experienced a pearl coverstock to help stay to the right part of the lane on those nights where you may run into some dry conditions. This ball is also a must have for the seasoned tournament veteran who needs a ball to get through the dry conditions late in a block without having to move against the ball return. Pairing with the Electrify you will also find success in times that you want to play to the right of everyone else. You can see similarities in the Electrify Pearl to that of the Match Up Pearl in that it fills the gap between the Tropical and the Thunder lines perfectly and still packs a punch that you need to carry those corners!

Kyle & Joel Johnson
Storm Pro Shop Staff Members


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Re: Electrify Pearl
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2020, 10:01:09 AM »
For those lighter oil conditions we have 2 options in the Electrify series, Hybrid and Pearl. We see the Reactor cover matched with the new Circuit core which will provide bowlers a go-to option for when the lanes are hooking significantly and cleanliness and control is what’s required.

If you’re looking for something a little bit early go with the Hybrid and the reverse if you’re looking for more angle go with the pearl. This is going to be a great piece in 2 different environments for me. I can see myself using this after a long block of games and a weaker core cover combination is needed and potentially early in blocks in those houses where the fronts hook super early and you need a ball to clear the fronts and still maintain control off the back end.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2020, 11:13:32 AM by StormAndrew »


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Re: Electrify Pearl
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2020, 01:24:48 PM »
Storm Electrify Pearl
Layout – 55 x 5 x 25
I drilled both Electrify balls with the same layout and tried to differentiate them using surface.  I had the Electrify Pearl a couple of boards weaker with more length.  Both balls are super clean through the front of the lane with plenty of back end continuation!  My expectation is to use this ball late in blocks as the “weakest’’ ball I plan to carry. Right now my HyRoad Pearl is my weakest and sometimes that ball is too round in shape and I need some more “flip” down lane.  The Electrify Pearl gives me exactly that!  For those of you needing to fill that spot in your bag, you won’t find something prettier or better.  Get yours today!

Luke Rosdahl

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Electrify Pearl Review by Luke Rosdahl
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2020, 08:32:47 PM »
The Electrify Pearl along with the Hybrid brings a rework to the Hot line, replacing the Match Up’s.  The Electrify’s go more the way of Roto Grip’s Hustle line, which are lower RG and lower differential, which create a more IQ Tour-like shape and look on the lanes.  Using the same Reactor cover formula from the Match Ups, the Electrify Pearl is an IQ Emerald feel for lighter oil.  This creates more control and consistency on lighter volume patterns or when regular league patterns break down and transition.  The Electrify Pearl for me feels like a more performance lower end ball than a higher performance entry level ball, meaning that while I rarely would have used a Match Up in a competitive situation, I’ll use both Electrify’s with frequency, or in a majority of situations that I want an IQ type reaction in when the IQ’s are too strong. 
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Re: Electrify Pearl
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2020, 02:55:28 PM »
The new Electrify series from Storm comes with the all new Circuit Core giving it an RG of 2.51 and a differential in 0.030 along with the Reactor Cover that is found on the Tropical Surges. I drilled mine 5 x 5 x 4.5, my first thoughts throwing this ball that it was pretty smooth for something with a pearl cover. This ball defiantly reacts better when there’s friction on the lanes. League bowlers that face drier lanes are going to like this ball a lot !

PJ Haggerty

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Re: Electrify Pearl
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2020, 11:25:50 PM »
Storm Electrify Pearl Ball Review by PJ Haggerty

After drilling the Electrify hybrid and really liking the way it rolled, I had a good feeling about the Electrify pearl too.  Knowing the RG is 2.51 and the differential is .030, I knew I had to drill this ball relatively strong to make sure it flared enough when I wanted to use it.  I drilled it the same way as the Electrify hybrid (5 x 4).  This puts the pin above my bridge with a small shift of the CG.  I also knocked the shine off with a 3000 pad just to smooth-up the response time a bit.

I’ve seen the Electrify pearl have the most success when the lanes have gone through transition and the pattern has blended out.  I can see players with a lower rev-rate using the Electrify pearl when their Omega Crux or UFO is too strong.  I can also see the higher rev-rate players use it when we need to create some angle through the front and a quick response time down lane. 

If you need a ball for friction and at a great price point, the Electrify pearl should be a candidate you should consider!  #StormNation


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Re: Electrify Pearl
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2020, 12:00:32 PM »
Was looking for something to compliment my IQ Emerald. Having it drilled pin up 4X3 (non pin buffer drilling), I was getting good length and pop.

 With the Electrify, having reactor as the cover, I went 3 1/2X3 with pin in ring finger, trying to create a smoother “step down” ball from the IQ Emerald. That concept kind of failed, but I HAVE created a “little brother” type ball to it instead of a step down.

 On our normal house shot (at my “oily” house), these two go hand in hand. The Emerald IQ goes longer and flips, where the Electrify actually starts a little bit sooner, and is a little bit smoother, which was unexpected, given the Emerald and Electrify RG numbers. I line up in almost the exact same place, play the Electrify a bit wider, and it creates a lot more of an arcing reaction then the Emerald IQ does.When one of them isn’t carrying, the other one usually does!

 For someone who never had much luck with Storm/Roto stuff, I have now somehow managed to fill a four ball bag with the stuff, and I’m pretty happy about it
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Re: Electrify Pearl
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2020, 01:12:34 PM »
The Electrify Series is a new series in the "Hot" Line for Storm replacing the match up balls.  The lower RG and slightly higher Differential will give the Electrify pearl more midlane control and more angle downlane then the Match Ups gave.  Comparing to the Hybrid, the pearl will be cleaner, longer and more angular in the back part of the lane.  While the Hybrid will be more controllable, the Pearl will give good angle for a more medium range ball.  The two balls in the line can compliment each other very well if drilled identically or with a small surface change to remove some of the polish.  This series is best on medium to lighter oil but will handle more oil than the Tropical Surge Line or Hustle line on the Roto Grip side.

Adam Chase
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Storm Electrify Pearl by Casey Murphy
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2020, 07:29:12 PM »
Orientation:  Right Handed
Rev Rate:  400 RPM
Speed:  16-17 MPH
PAP:  4 ½ over and ½ up

Location:  Enterprise Park Lanes, Springfield MO
Pattern:  High Volume THS
VLS Layout:  5 x 4 x 2 1/2

The Electrify Pearl is a great option for those who need something weak and controllable.  I have it 4-5 boards less than the Electrify Hybrid, but still with a controlled backend.  The Hot line has always offered superior value for the prize and the Electrify Hybrid is no exception.  It’s the weaker of the two Electrify’s so it needs some friction, but it’s going to be a great option for those who need a ball to get through some toasty fronts.