Reviews => Storm => Topic started by: admin on December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM
Coverstock: Curleyon 2 (Reactive); Factory Finish: Factory sheen; RG: Medium Low; Differential: Medium High; Flare: Medium-High; Length 5 (1-10 scale); Backend: 9 (1 - 10 scale); Hook Potential: 19; Available weights: 12 - 16 ; Recommended lane conditions: Medium Oil
First off, the ball specs on this site (as of this post) are different than what Storm has on its web site. I suggest going there to read what they have to say about the ball.
Left mine in its box condition (dull), drilled it rev leverage (pin next to ring finger, CG down near thumb) for a controllable backend reaction on fresh oil with screaming backends. Came out with 3/4 positive side and 3/4 thumb weight -- didn't need an extra hole.
I don't plan on being able to use this ball much when I move inside with a surface and drill pattern such as this one, but that's ok because that's not what I drilled it for. The ball was very controllable on the backend on the bone dry back. There was a lot of head oil so getting through the heads at the time wasn't a problem. The oil carried down a bit but all I had to do was move a board or two right and the Erase-It was still in the pocket, sending pins flying everywhere. The reaction is almost like a really strong urethane ball with this layout. I'm impressed.
- JP
This is not a signature. It's true, it's true.
My first thoughts about the EraseIt - "Holy S…."
My second thought was "Oh my GGAAWWDD!"
My EraseIt came with a 5" pin and 3.28 oz top weight before drilling. I
wasn't sure what to do with this ball with the pin out this far. We decided
on a 5 X 4 layout, which put the pin about 1 ½ inches above my finger holes,
and the cg above and to the right of my thumb hole. This puts the mass bias
in a strong position, below and right of my thumb hole. I drilled the
fingers shallow and the thumb as deep as possible but, I still had to use an
extra hole, which I put 2 inches below my PAP on my vertical axis line.
I bowled with this ball on fresh oil on Brunswick synthetic lanes. I bowled
with the ball with the box surface which is dull. The first game or so the
ball was very strong, revved up heavy in the midlane, and had a strong back
end motion. The EraseIt hit very hard, carry was very good. But…. With this
high flare ball being dull, it changed the lane conditions fairly quickly.
Once I got inside to third or fourth arrow, the ball revved up too quickly
and wouldn't recover well enough to make this ball the optimal ball for the
condition. So, I had the young man that works for me, Derrick, do his
spinner magic to shine this ball up. He used Storm #2, Storm #3, and Storm
Xtra Shine. The ball came out very shiny, very smooth. Shazam!
While Derrick was doing his thing, I continued bowling with my El Nino Gold.
I had a pretty good shot, standing about 32 and looking at 12 down the lane.
I had about a 5 board area to hit the pocket, but only had about 1-2 boards
to strike. This shiny ball revs up quickly, and doesn't have a huge back
end, usually very smooth. The now shiny EraseIt was much better. I started
at about the same place as the Nino Gold and had a nice line there. The
EraseIt gave me room on both sides of my break point. My best line at this
time was standing about 35 looking at about 14 down the lane. Just crushin'
'em. I then decided to move left to see how far I could open up the lane and
effectively strike. I reached the limit standing at about 44 looking at
about 18 at about 5 feet past the arrows. I was able to keep moving left,
target closer to me, and just saw on it at release and get the ball back from
as far right as I could throw it. I kept moving my eyes right and the ball
just kept coming and hitting like a truck. When I kept my eyes down the
lane, I was able to create hold area, but the ball did not come back as hard
from the right. I tried the Nino Gold from this same area or close, I still
got over/under to the right and really under/under from way left. I pulled
out my Eraser also, and hit the 3 pin in the face! I needed to be about 30
looking at 12 at the arrows to make this ball effective, and the lanes have
been broken down considerably. By the time I was finished I had attracted
quite a crowd of people finishing up their league, wanting to see what Mike
is testing now, and at one point a nice sized moan erupted when I left a
stone 8 pin on 15 in a row! WOW!
Overall, this ball is very impressive. As good as the Ti Messenger is/was, I
think this could be the next best buy. Very strong weight block and
aggressive easily adjustable shell make this ball very versatile, and usable
by many different kinds of players. This ball hooks AlOT more than the
Eraser. This ball does what I thought the Pearl Super Power should only
Mike Austin
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX
Well Chris has drilled a couple of these for himself and we have noticed a couple of thing with this ball.
Out of the box, this ball is a great mid-lane arcing ball, and will outhook an Eraser. If you do some surface preping and get the ball polished up. It will get down the lane longer than a Eraser.
Storm continues to put great ball on the market and manages to fill a gap in their arsenal.
Chris has tested this ball on a variety of condition, and the Erase-It was great in getting through the head, and giving you good mid-lane read and reaction.
On a scale of 1-10, I would give this ball an 8. It is a very versistile ball and will meet with a lot of bowlers. I am sure that the guys with a strong hand, with need some polish on this ball, and the weaker hands with need to keep it box. As with all Storm balls, it has great hitting power.
If you have any questions, please email me at
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"
Just drilled the Erase-it up last week. Rolled a couple of practice sessions with it and just like the Eraser, love this ball. I bought this one in a 15lb after years of using 16, but felt it weas time to look lower. The ball had a pin at 2 1/2 and 2.58oz of top weight. Drilled it up with the pin at 4 1/4 and mb on the VAL. I have used it so far on left overs from league and on fresh 40ft blend. On the fresh I had a nice arcing shot up the track with excellent carry, on the leftovers I had everything from standing 25 sending the ball out to 7, to standing on 40 out to 10. Ball seems to work well to changes in axis rotation(hand postions). The only problem I had at first was the out of box finish was too much for the leftovers. So I hit it with a white scotchbrite, would have been great on fresh, but still to much. Next hit it lightly with Storm #1 and the ball came to life. Rolled 2 shots and started stringing strikes. After a couple of league nights I will update if anything changes.
Had to update after first night with the Erase-it. We caught the wall pair at our center which typically are drier, but to compensate they double oiled the pair. Even with the light polish I still had a nice line that just kept getting better. The balls carry was excellent. I did manage to leave a few 10 pins, but all on shots that were pulled into the flood. Until the lanes made a quick change on me at the end of the third game, the ball just kept striking. I was quite pleased.. 226,279,258=761 and missed back to back 10pins early in the first game. I am pleased with the ball and my decision to drop to 15lb.
Excellent & Strong Storm Ball!
We were very excited when the new Storm Erase-it finally showed up at Our Proshop Doors! I immediately drilled this one with our favorite test drilling, (Full Leverage) with the pin 3-3/8" from the PAP, with a weight hole at 5-1/2" from the grip, straight across. 1/2 oz. finish side weight.
I went to the lanes which were dressed with a typical house shot, Medium Oil, and begin to roll shot after shot. Immediately I found that the "Out of Box Cover" was way too much ball for a Medium lane condition, I went back and put a lite polish on the ball, (Black Magic) and came back to the lanes to watch this Powerful Ball begin its mastery of the lanes with tremendous hit and pin carry!
The ball seemed to also roll early and hard when it hits the break point.
This ball seems to be a bit more aggressive than would be indicated with the 19+ hook rating that Storm gives to it! (Which is not a bad thing!)
Powerful! Hard Hitting! and Great Pin Carry! Adjustable Cover! Describes this ball best!
The shell seemed to be very friendly and adjustable so every bowler who gets one of theses balls will find that it can be adjusted to a wide range of lane conditions from Med to Heavy Oil!
I was very impressed with the overall performance of this ball and highly recommend this ball to all bowlers!
I continue to believe that Storm is leading the way in bowling ball technology and is second to none!
Drilled my Erase-It with a 4 1/2 x 2 drill pattern with an extra hole 1" past PAP. Put a light shine using Ultimate Clean and Polish. This ball is a very heavy rolling ball that recovers well from medium carrydown conditions. I have tried this ball on both hooking lane condition and as well as tighter lanes, with excellent success on both. The carry is tremendous and the area that I can create makes this ball a very versatile ball. Although some head oil is necessary since that ball rolls very strong. Another excellent ball by Storm and not a bad price point either.
Drilled my Erase-It with a 4 1/2 x 2 drill pattern with an extra hole 1" past PAP. Put a light shine using Ultimate Clean and Polish. This ball is a very heavy rolling ball that recovers well from medium carrydown conditions. I have tried this ball on both hooking lane condition and as well as tighter lanes, with excellent success on both. The carry is tremendous and the area that I can create makes this ball a very versatile ball. Although some head oil is necessary since that ball rolls very strong. Another excellent ball by Storm and not a bad price point either.
3 Oz. TW
Pin 2 1/2" out
Pin in leverage position
Tested with box finish and shiny
OK, before I go any further, I'd read up quite a bit on this ball. I was looking for a strong reactive, something that would still turn the corner after some carrydown...thus, the strong drill.
I was not prepared for what I had unleashed.
This ball is not is more like Incredible Hulk strong. Out of the box, it matches up with my strongest particle. Before I threw it, I was loosening up with a Blue Messenger drilled label leverage and a 1000 grit surface. The Erase-It hooked 3 feet earlier and 10 boards more. The Erase-It (dull) not only likes oil, it dares oil to get in its way.
After seeing that this might be a bit more ball than I had planned on, I threw it in a Ballworx machine for 4 minutes for a medium gloss. The shine definitely tamed it down, but I was still 5 boards deeper on the lane than usual and seeing movement a couple of feet earlier. What impressed me about this ball is that the backend movement was continuous, no roll out or hook out.
I am just about to the point where I am swearing off high-end equipment. With Ebonite's Cat and Vortex series, Columbia's Beasts and Messengers, and Storm's Flash and Power series, there is really no need to spend $200+ for a ball these days.
The Erase-It is as much ball as just about anybody will need. Out of the box, it is a super hooker. Shined up, you'll get about 2-4 more feet of length, but it's still a big mover. Decent length, hard midlane move and continuous backend. This was my first performance Storm won't be my last.
I just got this ball back in from a customer who said his drilling was a little too over/under for him. His drilling was pin over fingers with CG kicked out 2". Original specs were 4" pin with 3.66 topweight.
I plugged this ball up and redrilled it with pin over bridge and cg on span center (basically a 5x5 for most people). Side weight? none! Finger weight? 1/8 oz Top weight? about 1 oz. Finish? 800 wet sand.
All I can say is...I love this ball! IT clears the heads well, has a smooth roll thru the pines and a swift but not overly aggressive turn on the backend.
One more thing...this ball can cover some boards! Granted I was bowling on a left over shot from a mixed doubles league but it was still challenging. My Eraser was a bit weak so I figured I'd try the Erase am I glad I did.
As much as I like the Eraser I think I like this ball more. If things change significantly I will repost but for now...this ball rules!!!
A solid 9.5 out of 10 as far as I am concerned.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
I got this ball about a week ago and couldn't wait to use it in league on Sunday. The league shot is wet in the middle and even wetter on the outside 5 boards. I got it drilled 3 3/8 X 3 3/8 with a weight hole on the PAP, and after seeing other people throw this ball and knowing how much its gonna hook, I went ahead and polished it as much as possible with Ebonite's Extender Polish. I stood on the center dot, and was able to play anywhere between the 10 and 15 board and make it back to the pocket flush. You haven't seen a ball hit until you have seen this ball. I shot a 519 at league, nothing special but its my average, I should have shot a 560 but I lost my shot in the last game. Storm must have been on some good crack when they said that this ball was for medium oil. This ball gets a 10 out of 10.I used this at a tournament this weekend in Knoxville, TN and this ball kicked @$$. I shot my first sanctioned 700(709) with the Erase-IT. This ball also won me a Super Power, after a 268 I had the highest game over average that day, I will post a review on it after league.
I am not sure what to say about this ball yet. I have used it only a few times. It deffinately hooks, no doubt about that. The only problem that I am seeing is that it sets up so early. I am sure that it is due to the pin placement which is 4-5 out. This ball looses alot of energy by the time it gets to the pins which leads to me leaving alot of back row pins. But when it does get down the lane, it crushes the hole. I think that I need to experiment with it a little bit, but until now I am still not sure.
I bought this ball with the pin out 3 inches. I throw a hard ball with a lot revs so I had the ball drilled with the pin one inch above my fingers and the cg about twoinch from th pin almost dirrectly under the finger. I found this drilling changes the reaction of this ball drastically. I find that with this drilling the ball goes on average about 40 feet before making the turn to the pocket. I find this ball easy to play on just about most condtions to play from 20 to 5 with room to get out to around 15. I am unable to swing this ball and get huge amounts of hook but overall I like this drilling for me it helps keep the ball in play and playable on just about every condtion I have found. Overall I rate this ball a 9 out of 10.
I drilled a Storm Erase-It and have used on both synthetic and wood lanes on a medium to heavier oil pattern. Check my profile. On this pattern I played anywhere from starting/crossing 13 board at arrows to 8 board at break point and moving left rolling 16 board at arrows to 11 board. Ball had 3" pin out and 2.70 top weight before I started. I did a label shift stacked leverage with pin 1/2" down to the right of my ring finger. This put the mass bias 1" right of my thumb hole. I drilled an extra weight hole 3"s below and to right of my thumb hole quite low. This gave me 5/8's of an ounce of positive side weight.
I put an 800 shine on it....more of a sheen not out the box that would be to dull for me.
This relatively inexpensive ball is great. This type of drilling fits this ball great for my type of bowling style. It allowed me to open up the lane quite a bit and with this kind of surface I did not get the over reaction many might see. Best game so far with it 268. Boy does it carry light hits well. I would suggest this ball to anyone. Storm is doing a great job.
OK lets try this again, my first time didnt go through,, grrrrr. OK, i got this ball on monday and didnt get to practice with it, because i needed the thumb drilled out and new inserts in it, because i got this ball from my cousin, who didnt like it, and it only had like 12 games on it. Well the ball is drilled with the PBT engraving turned to the 1-7 clock pos, and the fingers drilled 12-6 and the pin, is under the ring finger, and to the right, ( i am a righty ) the pin is i believe 2" from the pap, and is almost horizontal with the CG which is in the middle of my palm, no side hole, and left in original cover. Now i first got to use this ball in the second frame of the first game on 11/12 on a split i left, and i just wanted to see how the ball would react, and WOW it rolls so nicely and has a nice smooth reaction on the backend. Well is used this ball the rest of the game and shot 141, lol but the next two games went 234,208. And i used this ball also on tues, same house, a bit diff shot, but still played the same line shooting 20-10 and just smashing the pocket, i went 215,265, and 192, now this ball does get a bit squirlly in the carry down, and all i had to do was, Move right and not left, and BAM! right back in the pocket. I really cant say enough about the stuff Storm puts out, but HANDS DOWN THEY PUT OUT THE BEST EQUIPMENT it is totally unmatched. s4e= STORM 4 EVER
I'm dropping to 15 lb. equipment, if anyone is interested check out some of equipment on eBay (item 1034021750).
Back to business...
3 oz. TW
3" pin
Drilled 5 X 4 (pin above ring finger)
Polished in Ballworx machine for 4 minutes
Since I decided to drop to 15, I knew one of my first balls would be an Erase-It, my first one is barely a month old and has eome 100 games on it. However, I decided to drill this one to compliment an Eraser I just drilled up (see review). This layout has quite a bit more length than my first Erase-It (3 3/8 X 0), but it is still darned impressive.
I tested this ball along with an Eraser I drilled for length and recovery (5 1/2 X 5). This longer, meaner Erase-It has some attitude. It's 3-4 feet earlier than the Eraser and doesn't have quite the recovery due to the cover. However, after some early testing with the Eraser, the carrydown kicked in and the Erase-It made and manly debut.
I had been swinging the Eraser all over kingdom come on the fresh shot, but after 5 games or so began to get some skid and over/under due to carrydown. At this point, I bagged the Eraser, moved left and let the Erase-It dig in. With the carrydown, I couldn't swing the lane like I could with the Eraser, but don't get me wrong I could still cover some boards. As I'd hoped, the Erase-It dug through carrydown that the Eraser didn't like.
I won't even get into hit, let's just say I drew some looks when the head pin flew back and forth across the lane like a pinball.
Storm has done a fabulous job with the Eraser and Erase-It. The are perfect compliments for each other and are wonderful pieces of equipment. As a pro shop employee, I would not hesitate to recommend either or both to any customer.
Ball was 15lbs, 3/2oz top drilled full leverage and polished to 2000. First impression of the ball was that it was very strong, since the first ball i threw ended up hooking from 10 at the arrows into the ditch at about 45 ft. So i moved in a tad (up against the ball return) and set the ball down at about 20 and sent it out to 5 and was rewarded with a X. Since then I have used this ball only durring tournaments when the backends start to carry down. When i do use it I have to watch my speed, too slow and through the beak it goes. Best thing about this ball is the carry, just get it close and they all fall down. Over all i give this ball an 8, 7 for controllability, 9 for carry.
Drilled this one with a 5" pin MB on the axis plane.
Shined with storm Xtras 3 (2000) On top of out of box surface.
ball reads the pattern well and stores enough energy to corner nicely on medium volume condition with moderate backends. Comes off the pattern cleanly and makes good strong move towards pocket. Not as squirty as the Eraser. Great ball on fresh conditions or when the heads hold up and there is a little carrydown. Also great price tag for the average Joe. great bang for the buck.
a must have for the serious Storm Fanatic! One of the best mid priced balls on the market!
This ball frustrates me. I am not sure what to do with it, maybe throw it in the river, I dont know. This ball hooks through the heads loosing most of its power by the time that it gets down the lane leaving back row pins like it is going out if style. I tried changing the surface of it by polishing it. After throwing a few games with the polish on it I came to the conclusion that the ball does not hook with polish on it. It skates through the heads and even dull, there is no back end. The only thing that I think I can use this ball for is dry lanes. I will try that and post a review after throwing it on light oil. Hopefully that will work, if not I may have found a new paperweight.
I like this ball it hit's hard on the back-end,it really eat's up the oil on oily lane condition's.
Big hook, versatility, and carrying power are all characterics of the Erase-It. This is one of the most versatile balls I have thrown. I wouldn't recommend the Erase-It for desert dry lanes or flooded lanes, but it performs exceptionally well on all other conditions. On drier lanes the Erase-It easily clears the heads and has plenty of hitting power on the backend. I have thrown the ball from coast to coast on drier lanes and the ball just does not quit. On oily lanes I played a down and in shot and the Erase-It continued to carry well. The backend is more of a flip than an arc (similar to the Track Contender). If I could only carry 1 ball in my bag, the Storm Erase-It would be that ball.
Does STORM know how to make bowling balls or what? I picked up an Erase-It just after the New Year, and this ball is far superior to the Eraser. With my Eraser I can play between 3rd and 4th arrow. With the Erase-It, I tend to play almost 5th arrow, usually about 23-25 board get it out to about 5-8 and the ball roars back with a ton of energy and I get more carry than before. My ball is drilled with the pin over the ring finger and a little left to get a little more backend than my other Storm equipment, and that called for a small balance hole on the side. I didnt tinker with the finish yet, so it is still 600 dull, but I will play around with it this week to see how it reacts polished. Shot 686 the first night out and I figured it was extra confidence because I bought a new ball but I have continued to be in the mid to high 600's ever since, finally bringing my average up to where it was last season (struggled a bit this year). Used it in my sport league as well on a short oil pattern and I was playing either 5th-6th arrow, or straight up 1st arrow (heavy oil out, light in the middle). Ball is not as jumpy as my X-it or my Ultra Hot, and so far it has out-shined all my other bowling balls. Definately a ball that should be in every bag, no matter what your game is. 10 out of 10 in my book. Cant wait now for the new Trauma to get to my proshop so I can test that out.
I got this ball drilled with a 1:30 pin for maximum flare. I play a down and in shot with this ball, and it rocks. I put a light coat of Renew-It on the ball followed by a light coat of Hook-It, because the out of the box condition was sucking up too much oil. I haven't found any heavy oil to try it on, but on the medium condition, you couldn't ask for much more out of a bowling ball.
I bought this ball for heavy oil, which was becoming more common where I bowl. My old Crimson Sledge Hammer was no longer finishing in the extra oil, and my average dropped from 199 to 190 similar to our entire league. The Erase-It had a good price and is popular at this house, but I had never owned a Storm product. Due to the lack of recent offerings by Faball/Hammer I bought one and I do NOT regret it! I haven't really increased my overall average, but I just scored my first perfect 300 game on 3/4/02 during league play!!!! Sorry, but I don't pretend to understand the drilling jargon so I can't describe the drill pattern, other than that I asked the guy for a ball that hooks due to the oily conditions and my past problems.
Occasionally, probably more by accident than by design, the shot is drier than usual with a snapping back end. This was the case last week with the 300 game, playing about 12 at the arrows out to 5 or so, and man this ball comes screaming back especially on drier conditions. Even if I missed by 1-2 boards on either side, it still filled the hole. No junk strikes here-- to the casual observer it probably looked great but I'm not that accurate so I know that 3-4 shots were off a little. I'm looking forward to tonight to see what else happens!
I've never polished it, it's still "out of box condition", and I just clean it now and then with Acetate. With oilier lanes of course it hooks less, and I actually can't score as well playing down 6 or 7 and in to the pocket from there. I throw the ball hard and have high revs, so it may be that I'd need an even more aggressive hooking ball or start to work the coverstock with a coarser grit when the lanes are doused.
I purchased this ball about 5 or 6 weeks ago and believe me it's the best mid-priced ball around. I had it drilled with the pin out 3 5/8 out and a weight whole. And even with a few coat of polish it hooks hard. I have recently went to state in Seattle and on synthetic lanes. I started with it a didn't look back I took 2nd in state rolling 228 average for 15 games. And on my own lanes, on wood I still use it rolling 222 average after 48 games. I am able to shoot lines I am usually not able to shoot, even with my Columbia Rip. I can stand on the 30 board and throw it over 15 sliding it out to 11-12 board and it devistates the pins. I am only 17 years old and I have won many tournaments. Including a state wid Storm tournament for Ametures(pardon the spelling). And I rolled two 300's and no games under 234 for 10 games using the Erase-it. What a ball!! I have 9 300 games since buying it. I hasn't not died out at all after 50-70 games. I am a power player with high revs and speed. And I have 8 balls from 3 different companies and the Erase-It is the ball for medium oil and the Truama Response in the ball for heavy oil. I love storms they rock the f#$%^& house on all lane condition.PEACE and get this ball
I got an Erase-It with a 2-3 inch pin. I wanted a ball that was similar to my Eraser that just got into a roll a little bit sooner. I got everything I wanted and more! This ball is absolutely awsome, there is no other way to put it. consistency, roll, power, and control. You wont find all of these in any other ball.
The only problem I had with the ball was polish, I got a bad over under reaction with the ball shined. I took it down to 1500 grit and left it dull. The reaction was great, It gave me more control and carry. I know scores dont tell how good a bowling ball is, but when you consistently shoot 250's you have to give the ball a little credit.
Overall a great ball. Well worth the money. Thankyou Storm!
I am a newbie here but anyway. I started bowling in a "learn to bowl"league for couple of months now. I started with a light ball because I don't have a strong wrist but finally went up 2 lbs heavier which is VERY light to everybody here .I got myself an 11 lbs Erase-It
It is drilled at Layout #1 and immediately tried it out of the box on a medium-med light lane condition.It mildly hook but as I got use to it.I saw my score go up and up -50 more pins than my average--WOOHOO!!!I cant wait to practise again and league night
Well I bought the Erase-It about a month ago and seeing alot of the other reviews I was totally surprised. I am making a transition to all STORM equipment and I needed something for a heavier condition. Prior to buying this ball the largest Storm piece I owned was a surfaced Hot Shot with the pin and cg in the palm so whatever I did to the ball was the way the ball reacted. I purchased the Erase-It with the box finish. I bowl in 6 leagues and the house shot from league to league is drastically different. Even the oiliest house was not enough for the ball. The ball would roll out at 35 feet due to lack of oil. I lucked up one day and was able to practice on a flat 40ft shot with vey little backends. Needless to say the ball was an ANIMAL. In 9 games I left 1 7-pin and averaged 240+. This ball, for me, definitely needs plenty of oil in the heads with minimal backends to see this balls true capabilities. THUMBS UP STORM. Keep them coming.
I picked this one up on Ebay for about $45.00.. It had 5 game son it , plugged and resurfaced.. AT first I did not liek it.. It
hit lite but what I have found out is the more the oil gets on it the batter the ball becomes. It develops a track and then it dutton slide our roll to far.. Now it hits' great but this is a med to med dry lane conditon ball.. trust me it does not like oil!!! It jsut rolls to far.. Doesn't have ht epower to go through..Have left a few splits but I hae not been on top of my game lately. Anyways, it is a good ball if you throw it uthe right side with med to heavy hand but good speed needed.. Slow bowlers forget about it you will go brooklyn no matter where u stand and throw.. It rolls just a tiad to early so u really have to get it out far fiddle with the speed and the amoutn of hadn and once u got it down this bal is great!!
First off, I would like to say that Storm is one of my favorite line of balls. Tremendous hitting power. However, with the Erase-It, I have tried a couple of different drillings, and have not really found a great reaction from it.
It seems to be too jumpy when heading from oil into the dry, and if there is a lot of oil, I get too much skid out of the ball. I have left the ball in the out-of-box finish because I wanted a ball that would drive through the oil. I haven't really seen that capability from this ball.
I first had the ball drilled for an early roll, but the ball never seemed to want to make the turn in oil. I had it re-drilled for more length, but when I did that, I could not get a consistent break point out of the ball. Sometimes through the nose, sometimes just skid past the head pin. I also know that a lot of times, when there is a less than acceptable reaction from a ball, frequently it is the bowler, not the ball. I also had a couple of teammates throw this ball, with the same inconsistent results.
On a positive note about the ball, when I could get a good reaction, the ball really does crush the rack. Not many single pin leaves with the ball.
From all the positive feedback about this ball, I am actually thinking about getting another one. This one did have a lot of topweight compared to my other equipment, and I am wondering if this may have been the problem.
Thanks for reading.
Follow-up review on the Erase-it.
In my earlier review, I had stated that the Erase-it had been very inconsistent for me on its reaction. The lanes had been oiled fairly heavily; I was getting too much over/under with the ball. However, I also stated that when I could get a good reaction, the ball would just absolutely crush the rack. The carry was excellent.
Here is my update. The last 3 weeks at my bowling center, the oil pattern has been clean heads, average amount of oil to around 40 ft., and then drier backends. I had been trying to decide between using the Erase-it, the Hammer Wheel, and a Black Messenger from Columbia. I went with the Erase-it, and let me tell ya, it was the right choice for this oil pattern.
Throwing 15 out to around 4-5 board, this ball comes back harder than anything I have ever thrown. I throw at about 17 MPH, and at that speed the ball carried just about everything. I don't get too hyped up about scores, because spare shooting counts for a lot. However, I wanted to mention the low score for three games in these three weeks has been 647. I left two 10 pins in these 3 weeks, when I have hit the pocket. It does drive too hard sometimes. I left three 4-9's, and two stone 8 pins. The carry with this ball, in the right environment, is absolutely incredible. I am glad I gave this ball another chance, and also learned something in the process about which pattern to use this ball on.
I wanted to be fair with the review. I won't use this ball on a long-oil pattern; but for a drier backend, this is definitely the go-to ball. Good job, Storm, and as always, the Storm hitting power is terrific.
Thank you for reading.
Absolutely love this ball. Period. On oilier conditions, it's a perfect ball. I have it drilled between length and earlier roll, and it starts to set up early, and then heads straight for the pocket. It does have a tendency to flatten out a bit, but when it drills the pocket every time, does it matter? I shot 300 with it (in practice) just a few days after I bought it. It does excellent with higher speed and revs, which I've gotta push a little to get, but all I have to do is get it to the backend somewhere between 5 and 15 and it punches right through. Very strong ball, compliment to the awesome Eraser line.
This ball i had drilled as a 4x4 leverage weight for backend. The ball did more than my expectations, Went long with a strong backend snap right to the pocket. Not only did it cary strong to the pocket, it wasn't so overpowering that i left nine-pins. This is one of the most consistant medium oil lane balls i have thrown. I would recoment this ball to anyone who plays a long skid snap.
Well I've had this ball for a while.This ball has a short pin 2in.And is drilled to slide and snap.It is polished.Dam this ball is one of the smoothest ball I have ever thrown.It rolls up perfect every time and doesn't over react at all.This ball is a 10 out of 10 in my book.
Have this one drilled up w/my favorite and most common drill patern (pin above and right of ring finger, cg lined up with it below, extra hole) and after loving its brother the eraser, expected more of the same, just a little bit eariler being a solid ball instead of a pearl. Boy was i wrong, this ball has no snap for me unless the backend are stripped. First used it sanded on a heavy patern when my eraser was going a little to long, and this didn't move, polished it up, thinking it would have a little more snap, nope, just more skid. Great ball when the backends are stripped, i'll give it that. If it wasn't for that, it would be the first, only and probalby last strom ball i would dislike.
The pleasure has been yours.
The great one
You can view my profile for most of my specs. I purchased this ball once plugged from my local driller. Didnt know much about the ball, just saw it and for the price gave it a shot. Glad I did as I have loved it ever since. My Trauma ER is more even hooking, while this goes longer and snaps harder in the last 30% of the lane.
I find the nights I bowl best are when I can pull this ball out and use only it. When I am hunting around for a shot and using 3 different balls throughout the night, it usually is bad news. I never have problems with Carrydown with this ball, as I am usually able to use it the third game. If you miss outside, the ball tends to overreact (more the lanes than the ball, but some balls give a smoother bounce off the dry) but that is my fault so not an issue, and rarely happens. I strongly dislike a person saying a ball "hits or carries" better than another ball, but I will say that this ball usually matches most conditions I face, allowing my carry percentage to be higher than most other balls.
I have over 200 games on the ball now, and have not noticed a lack of hitting power, or mellowing out at all, it is still very strong with no resurfaces. Our lanes on Tuesday (the easier of the two shots I see) is a pattern similar to a 8-8, but it often changes and they like to throw in surprises sometimes. We usually do not have much bounce room to the outside of 8 as tonight I missed my board 3 right and it came back barely enough to give me a 5-count in the middle of a string of 9!
What I will say is this. For medium-heavy oil and for a person with a fair amt of revs, you can certainly do worse than this ball if you get one. It is not a miracle ball (no such thing, even the beloved X-Factor or Lane #1 Balls) but if added to the mix of nice revs, medium-high oil, and reasonable speed (16+) you should find yourself a winning combination. Good Luck and Bowl well!
Since I am slowly adding my arsenal to the reviews I have done, I feel it is time to review this one. Having purchased a Trauma Recovery prior to this ball I wanted a ball that would hook earlier, instead of giving me a late snap reaction. This ball did that but I can't find a house I can throw it in. I bowl in two centers during the week on several different patterns, being a mechanic does have one advantage. This ball consistently rolls out just past the arrows for me, I have only had two good sets with it the first was by spinning the ball and the other was when my wrist was too tired to turn. Probably the drill and the way I throw the ball cause this situation but it kinda put me off of the storm line for myself. (Except for the SP pearl with the pin in)
by far i feel this is the best storm ball to date for what i have used the ball has a very even roll the x-factor is similar but can be be spotty a very good ball for the low rev bowler or the high rev bowlers which determines whether or not to leave dull or polished this is my number 1 ball
by far the best storm I own.I got the ball weighting 15.8 now weights 15.6. I am 14 and i have shot consestent 200-240's with it. It rolls great has a lot of backend. It hits hard but I have trouble with carrying 10 pins with the ball. Overall great ball. pin directly above the fingers.
0 0
sorry pin placement is wrong on the little drawing
0 0
placement is directly above the fingers not on the left
this ball was a good one for me and the ball ges don the alley and when it hits the pins they go in the pit, al ten of them. the oin placement 2.5 - 3 with 2.5 ounces of top weight. Drilled with #2storm drill
I've had this ball over a year and thought it was time for a review. I got this ball from Doug Sterner and left the drilling alone. I don't know the exact drill, but the pin is right of fingers about 2 inches and the cg is swung towards the palm.
This ball is the ball I use when the lanes are a bit tight or I'm struggling. I can always get it to the pocket. I don't like it when people say that whatever ball they are reviewing is a great ball, because most are on the right condition, but bottom line is that this ball is versatile.
Although I usually score better with other balls when conditions are right for them, but with the Erase-it, I can find a good line in about everything but very dry heads or heavy oil shots. A great ball for anyone that sees a lot of medium conditions.
I've had this since it came out. I was 16 and I shot 690 my first series with it. It's only got better since then. I drilled it to go long with a hard snap that I could use on heavier conditions. It had a really great move to the pocket. I usually stand about 10 past center and throw it to 2-4 (in that area). It rolls really smooth but I would not use it on wood. Like most storm balls, I feel they should be used on synthetic only, this one does just the same. I used it on wood for 2 years and got an extremely inconsistent reaction. But on can't get anything better.
I have found myself going back and using this ball much more often lately. I was using my X-Factor for a long time and I would switch to this when the lanes dried up. Thruthfully, I love the way it hits. I don't leave nearly as many 10 pins as I have in the past with other equipment. I know that it is where the ball is hitting the pocket, but it sets up much better than most equipment that I have thrown.
HG: 300
HS: 826
Paradigm, X-Factor, Erase-IT