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Author Topic: Eraser  (Read 35844 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The specifications are: Coverstock: Storm's new ACCU-TREAD Pearl reactive coverstock; Core: A modified Thunder Road weight block with added Power Ball Technology (PBT); Factory Finish: 1,500-grit Polished; Color: Tiger's Eye Blue Copper Pearl; Hardness: 76-78 Rex D-scale; Radius of Gyration: 2.539 (Medium); Differential: .050 (High); Flare Potential: High (6"plus); Hook Potential: 17/13/Dull/Shiny on Storm's scale of 1-20; Length: 8 on a scale of 1-10; Back end: 8 on a scale of 1-10; Recommended Lane Condition: Medium


Paul Meyer

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Re: Eraser
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Drilled my Eraser with the pin 3 3/8 from PAP and CG about 2 inches away.  Weight hole was drilled on PAP to bring ball back to zero side weight. I must say that this has excellent length with still more than enough flip in the backend. I would compare this ball closest to the Lightning Flash but the Eraser definitely made a stronger move on the backend. Carry was above average as well. Storm has put out another winner (and the price certainly helps as well!)


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Re: Eraser
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Let me start out by saying that I am impressed with this Storm ball.

I drilled it up with the pin over the fingers and shifted the c.g. in the negative finger quandrant and man does this ball work. It has an easy push through the heads and mid-lane and when it hits the dry look out, as with most Storm equipment it keeps the pin low and hits extemely hard. I am not a big particle person but this coverstock is the best I have seen Storm come out with in a long time. I left the coverstock alone on this one and had to play 15 out on the house shot, this ball read the lane nice and it seemed as though I had unlimited error to the right.

Have fun!



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Re: Eraser
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
when this ball turns the corner it goes LEFT in a hurry. drilled mine 4X4 got exceptional length then a left turn.  this is a great compliment to the power bolt


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Re: Eraser
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
The Eraser gets extreme length.  It's length can be compared to "Hot" series of Storm balls.  Unlike the Hot series which gives very little or a jumpy back end (depending on the drilled pattern), the Eraser give an arc finish.  A ball was drilled with the pin over the ring finger and the CG underneath finger.  With slow speed the Eraser still got very good length and finished with a strong arc.  With above average speed the ball got down the lane and had a even arc.  The slower speed allow the ball's core to take over and make more pronounce move.  The ball hits well.  No dull/flat sounding hits.  Great ball for drying conditions.  

Bob Hanson

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Re: Eraser
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
I drilled my Eraser out just before Albuquerque to replace an aging Blue Thunder that I had been using primarily as a spare ball and super dry condition ball.  This one was pin in and I drilled it 5 1/2 by 5 in my grip and put a small balance hole below the axis to give it just a little bit more flare when I wanted it.  I still haven't found a condition with dry enough heads to give it a real test.  The one thing I do notice is that it goes through the heads almost like a 3 piece high rg ball.  It almost reminds me of some of the Track Sensor series balls in the heads, like the Sensor C with the ceramic block.  The real test will be on a totally broken down shot where the heads are a little burned up.  I have no doubt that I can keep it in the hole, but the test will be if it will hit.  You guys with a little more hand might like this on a broader range of conditions.  for me it will probably only come out of the bag for spares and dirt.    


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Re: Eraser
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
My review of the Eraser...I finally got the ball rolling correctly.  The ball goes very long and for me and snaps on the backend The christmas tree pattern to about 36 feet at my house forces me to go to this powerful ball and play an inside angle.  The pin is at around 4 o'clock off the ring finger with the cg offset to the right about an inch. (2-3 inch pin)   This ball crushes the medium to medium-dry shot.  Need length?????, get this ball. The only thing that I would suggest is that when you encounter heavy oil put this ball away.  The ball will skid to far down the lane and will not be able to recover.  This ball is though, a wonderful ball for second shift bowlers and medium to medium dry lanes.  
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Re: Eraser
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
I have had this ball for about a month now.  I had it drilled using Storm's warm front drilling. With this drilling, the ball is best used on lightly oiled lanes.  I get quite a  bit of over-under reaction with this drilling.  On optimum condition, the ball hits very hard, keeping the pins nice and low.  Overall I would rate this ball a 7 out of 10.

Dwight Albrecht

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Re: Eraser
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Thanks to Doene Moos and Bill Supper from Storm for their magnanimity and encouagement. This polished reactive is one of the most beautiful balls I have seen or drilled. It is a tiger eye blue/copper combination, truly something to see. I drilled this ball to go a little longer with a smooth transition on the backends. I drilled the pin 4 1/4 from my P.A.P. and set the mass bias at a 110 degree angle. What a powerful but controllable ball. It does remind me or overlaps my Brunswick MVP Parker Bohn. I shot 696 out of the box with it and definately makes a easy shot easier. Lots or recovery from the outsides and lots of backend reaction, more arc then snap. The best part of this ball is the Value for the Price. Retails around $135.00-$150.00. Hats off to the fine people from Storm for producing a low priced ball with similiar reaction to the Brunswick MVP Parker Bohn III or Columbia Ti Messenger. Thank you for reading this review.

Kelly Beasley

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Re: Eraser
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2000, 10:51:14 PM »
I think this could be one of Storm's most underated balls.  This ball is a lot more versatile than i previously had thought.  I'm not a person who likes to mess with surfaces on one ball a whole bunch but with this ball i have tried it with many different surfaces textures and also several variances in shine.  I have found that this ball works very well with a slight ball track on it, either really shiny or very dull I didn't like.  I would put this ball in the catagory of popular balls such as the Messenger TI, or the AMF TI HAWK, with a much stronger move at the break point.  I think this is a ball that many tournament players should keep in there bag for control with a ton of hit.


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Re: Eraser
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2000, 08:40:42 PM »
I have my Eraser drilled Label - in my case, pin next to my ring finger and CG just to the right of my palm. 3.22 oz starting top weight, so I know it'll go long.

This ball goes long and hooks very hard, even on drier lanes. I bowled after a women's league where they don't put a lot of oil out in the first place, and this ball would go very long, set up nicely and really blow away the pins. I could speed this ball up and get an even more satisfying crunch as all 10 go down.

I am trying very hard to kill my hook so I can shoot 10 pin spares with this. Very versatile on medium to drier lanes. I have heavy particle equipment to take care of the floods.


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Re: Eraser
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2001, 11:39:13 AM »
I have had my Eraser for about 3 weeks now.  I drilled this ball to be able to handle medium-dry conditions, specifically when the middle part of the lane gets dry.

The drilling is pretty simple.  The pin and cg are lined up parallel to my center grip line with my ring finger drilled right into the center of the pin.  This gives me great length and gets through the dry middle part of the lane when I utilize some of the remaining head only on the left side of the lane near the left channel.

The reaction of the ball can be categorized as mild to strong depending or how hard I turn the ball.  The ball makes a smooth transition to the pocket when there is a little bit or carrydown.  I have thrown the ball only once on wet-dry conditions and that was the only time the ball seemed a little "flippy" on me and I could not seem to control the breakpoint.

The hit was the only thing I thought I was not going to like about this ball.  For the first 6 or 9 games that bowled with he Eraser the ball did not seem to drive the pocket that well.  I had talked with some other local bowlers that have thrown the Eraser and some of them stated that theirs' did not seem to hit that great when they first started using it either.  They did say that the ball started to hit better the more that they used it.  It turns out that they were correct because I used my Eraser in a tournament yesterday and detroyed the rack.

Overall I think this is a great ball by Storm.  It seems like the type of ball that is so versatile that it can be used by league bowlers of all types and levels.  Although I used this ball yesterday in a tournament yesterday I do not see myself using this ball that much in tournament competition.  The conditions just happened to be right yesterday.


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Re: Eraser
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2001, 02:33:21 PM »
AWESOME BALL!  I have had mine for about two months now and I love it.  I have a traditional 1030 drilling and this ball is great for medium oil conditions.  The carry is just inbelievable.  It hits like and truck and is very controllable. Hey...and it looks good not only going down the lane...but the way it blows the rack is just beautiful.  I am thinking of getting another one and trying a different drilling for it to truly test it.


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Re: Eraser
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2001, 10:49:31 AM »
I have always been a fan of storm products and this is definetly another winner. I drilled mine pin up with the cg kicked out and a balance hole on my axis. This drilling allows me to play the drier conditions with ease. The only down side to this ball is oil, but if you are looking for a dry lane ball this is a ball you should consider. I give it an 8.5 out of 10 rating.


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Re: Eraser
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2001, 09:55:56 PM »
After 3 months with this ball all I can say is wow!  I drilled this ball because I have a thunder road and loved the reaction...but hated the hit.  With the modifications storm made to the weight block and coverstock I just had to try it!

I drilled mine with pin right above my fingers and the cg at 3 o'clock.  The ball started with a 2" pin and moderate top weight so an average sized weight whole on my midplane was required.  I drilled it this way to try and get a little more midlane hook and take some of the skid snap out of the ball.  **Please check my profile for my style and typical house shot**  

For me this ball works well from every angle that I have come across.  The only problem I have had is wet dry conditions or when the lanes start to carry down and the shot is inside of 3rd arrow (I'm a righty).  On these shots it's a guess if the ball is going to react or not for me.  I have seen other people through the same line but with a more aggressive drilling and have good results.  I would almost guarantee that this is my problem as well.  However...when I encounter this condition I take out my old meteor storm or the rock star.  I am looking forward to getting my ti messenger pearl this week.  I believe this ball will combat this problem well.

Overall I love this ball...and can't wait to see what storm comes out with next!  I rate this ball a solid 9.5 out of 10.  Truly one of the great league balls of the year!!  GO STORM!