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Author Topic: Eraser Blaze  (Read 26238 times)


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Eraser Blaze
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Coverstock: Pearl ACCU-Treadâ„¢ w/ CADâ„¢ Particle Technology

Weight Block: Modified Thunderâ„¢

Ball Color: Black/Cherry

Ball Finish: 1500-grit Polished

Logos: Storm, Flying "S", Eraser Blaze

Gyration: 2.570 (Medium-High)

Differential: .041 (Medium-High)

Durometer: 75-77 Rex D-scale

Track Flare: High (5”)

Ball Length: 7 on a scale of 1-10

Back End: 8.5 on a scale of 1-10

Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium Volume / Medium to Short Oil Patterns



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Re: Eraser Blaze
« Reply #31 on: November 07, 2002, 10:37:45 AM »
have had this ball for about 4 months. absolutely the best thing to happen
to my game in the past 5 years. while i am not spectacular, i am up 20 pins on my average from a years ago. i was averaging 140 am now averaging in the 160 to 170 range using this ball. this ball is absolutely fantastic if i keep it shined, if not it takes off on me like you wouldnt believe. to me it doesnt matter considering how it has changed my game.


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Re: Eraser Blaze
« Reply #32 on: November 08, 2002, 03:17:30 AM »
THIS ball continues to score well for me, got a small weight hole coz it over reacted for me this ball is amazing

hook - 9
backend - 9
carry - 11

overall: 9.5


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Re: Eraser Blaze
« Reply #33 on: November 16, 2002, 03:35:46 PM »

OK then....  I get this ball as a gift for my birthday and it has been a very profitable gift so far. I shot my 20th 300 game with this ball a couple weeks ago, and a 997 the following day with it. This ball is really consistent, knock on wood, but I have not had a problem with it yet.... It plays well deep inside and gets back to the pocket with great carry....  Storm always makes their bowling balls great...  Peace out, perfect18x (more like 20x now tho lol lol)


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Re: Eraser Blaze
« Reply #34 on: November 20, 2002, 12:06:57 PM »

 I have had my Blaze for quite a while, and it srill amazes me. I drilled it with the pin right under my ring finger, cg stacked in my palm, with a balance hole 3 in. below my axis, across from my thumb to remove some thumb weight. I put the hole to get the ball down the lane better and it has worked. This is the most consistant ball in my bag, I like to use it when the lanes open up cause it is so strong and versatile, and I get a awesome reaction with this ball. It reminds me so much of my old Eraser which is my favorite ball of all time besides the original triton heat! It has such a strong backend but superior length which makes this one hell of a ball. Oh yeah, did I mention it is probably one of the hardest hitting balls out there as well. Well it is, if you want to trip the corners, pick up a Blaze. But watch yourself, this is very touchy to oil, so be careful where you throw it cause it will squirt if it has a chance.

control- 9

versatility- 9

hook- 9

the Blaze gets a 9.

thanks for reading this review and I hope it helps your ball selection


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Re: Eraser Blaze
« Reply #35 on: January 12, 2003, 02:16:32 PM »
I've been using the ball for about a month and for me it is impossible to control.  i tried everything. but it just hooks to much on my house lanes. i mean i will stand all the way left as far as i can and throw it at the 1st arrow and it will still hook either in the brooklyn or the gutter.  but it has a nick roll and fell to it so on a scale of 1-10 i give it a 6.


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Re: Eraser Blaze
« Reply #36 on: March 04, 2003, 07:45:14 PM »
Pin under middle finger c.g. swung out 30 degrees toward my pap. 3 inch pin. I'm not sure what the top weight is and i really don't care. This ball is absolutely the best storm ball i have owned.

      sorry tried to make a little diagram but it wouldn't show up right.

I am left handed but i have shown it right handed. This is the most controllable ball i have had since my old purple critical mass. (which i still use for dry lanes) The Blaze goes really long and turns the corner for some of the most powerful strikes i have ever had. I have been able to use this ball on most of the shots at my center except when the lanes are fryed.


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Re: Eraser Blaze
« Reply #37 on: April 15, 2003, 08:51:39 AM »
Got this ball about 6 months ago.  3 1/2" pin 5X5 drilling (pin 1 1/2" above bridge).  This ball surprised me with such a strong backend move.  Intended use was for it to be a step down from my Wicked when the lanes started drying out.  With my style (see profile) I use this ball when I need to play deep (inside third arrow) and need that extra backend pop to turn the corner.  Works perfectly in these situations.  I cannot use this ball down and in.  On a fresh shot it either goes too long and turns too late or with shorter patterns it turns too hard with too much angle.  It is a great ball for me to use on medium conditions playing deeper shots.  Keep in mind this may not be the case with a different drilling pattern!  I usually pick this ball up after the Wicked and before either the Big Hit Pearl or the Sonic X.

Can you Rev

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Re: Eraser Blaze
« Reply #38 on: May 27, 2003, 07:28:29 PM »
My specs are in my profile. To be brief on the specs for those who won't open my profile and look: high revs, high track, medium-high speed.

The ball has a 2.5" pin and is drilled 4 x 4.5

First thing that I will say about this ball is it is IN NO WAY ANYTHING LESS THAN A LONG LENGTH MEDIUM OIL BALL. Storm says it will work on shorter oil patterns and lighter oil patterns but that is a complete joke unless you have super sissy revs or unholy ballspeed.

On a 42ft medium oil sport pattern this ball clears the heads with no problems at all and starts revving up early in the midlane. Once it clears the oil the ball is a definite "left turn clyde" type of reaction. For me to keep this ball in the pocket on this pattern I have to have it very wide (4-5 board) at the breakpoint. It recovers hard enough that 9 pins are quite typical. Pretty nice ball on this pattern as long as I stay firm with it.

On a 38ft medium-heavy house pattern with light carrydown I got a much better reaction out of the ball. The jumpiness of the ball off of the dry boards is not as wild on this condition as the carrydown prevents such a dramatic left turn. It still moves, just not the borderline roto grip left turn that it has on the sport pattern. The move is however controllable and very powerful at the pocket on this type of pattern. The ball was quite consistent at the breakpoint on the carrydown to, most likely do to the light load particles in the cover to provide grip in the carrydown. I love this ball on these types of conditions.

I'm not even going to bother with talking about how poorly this ball does for me on 32ft medium oil, fresh backend wet-dry. There could not be a worse match up for me and an oil pattern than what I get out of the blaze on this pattern. Without fluffing the revs and rocketting the ball there is no way for me to keep it on the right side of the headpin. It is funny how poorly this ball reacts on this type of pattern seeing as how it is supposedly designed for medium oil patterns of shorter length. YEAH RIGHT.

Overall it is a great ball. It hits very hard, and makes buying any of the balls from the x-factor line seem kinda pointless in my opinion. The entire eraser line shines very well for offering great performance on various conditions, and when you match them up well the hit and carrying of these balls is excellent. I've had balls from the more expensive lines, but I won't have them again.



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Re: Eraser Blaze
« Reply #39 on: July 10, 2003, 06:10:13 AM »
Its review time again,this time it’s the Eraser Blaze.I’ve already bowled with this for over 2 months now on different conditions.The specs,I bought it used and had this redone in “Layout #1 in that basic instructions flyer with a twist of a 15 degree left turn angle of thumb and fingers fron the pin straight down .Also instead of the ring finger slighter above the major pin,MINES  a 1/4 “ inch below it.My drillboy told me this will produce an earlier roll,ok.Ok,now the fun part,also “Reader’s Digest version too.The first time I tried it was a HEAVY oil night big time!This ball kinda did what the specs read.On this exact condition it would hook,but not all the way.I’m aware I need a better Storm,it’s a test,that’s all.As the lane got a little drier,this ball GOT to act like its suppose ta!This B-ball is a great spare ball too with good taming action.Well,when you slow down a little.I bowled with this for a while,ONCE a week with some problems in the beginning and as the lanes become lighter in the oil department.They do wonders.This ball comes in with a very nice revving action,on lighter oil.I bowled a 200ish here and there.I stopped using for 3 weeks until last night(July 9th).It was Sport Shot with a new pattern.Only 25 feet of oil with more dry than usual.Boy tonight(sorry,last night) this ball WAS GREAT for my swing.It would slide a tad as its spinning like a madman!I LIKE IIIIIITTTTTTT!!!Well the first 2 games,It’s a pratice night too.No 200’s,but I bowled 4 190ish’s(not in row though) with a high of 197!Shoot!!!I’m still human I bowled a 163 and a 172 or 4?On my second ta last game I bowled a 138!Uggggh!I missed some ten pins,the ball takes off on the ten pin especially on this S-Shot,uh oh!!Seeyaaa ten/head pin,ya know the lanes got drier.That’s  bad,and bonehead ME didn’t bring ANY spare ball or DRY ball either!!I was surprised at the NEW Sport Shot.This ball had more Brooklyn’s than I’ve had in months!!Hoo Boy!!Remember I’m trying to condense my stories,I’m just giving and honest ta goodness report.Overall rating””B”” solid!!!When you do throw this CORRECTLY,its crushes pins,I’ve done this!!!
This ball does what the Companys specs read,especially DOWN to the short oil patterns.
One has to ADAPT that’s all.I very much know this ball is OUTDATED,but I’m sure a NIB one is sold at a reasonable price,I think? I personally DON’T know what sport shot you all have this week/month/year/century? WE all live all over the world.Well if YOUR house has a SPORT SHOT with a SHORT OIL pattern then this ball is a good back up ball for your arsenal.By the way,yaayayaya I donated one ,BECAUSE I had two of them(maybe three,or was that a different color,stlye,I dunno,I’m tired).I also donated a another eraser cause I didn’t feel like resurfacing because,sometime when a B-Ball is resurfaced.It’s never the same again.I got a lotta b-balls anyway,I’ll get more,I’m not worried.Be cool everyone,I’m tired and my hands are a little sore from bowling.I’m surprised I can type!


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Re: Eraser Blaze
« Reply #40 on: July 18, 2003, 12:22:36 AM »
I started bowling last NOVEMBER 2002 @ BELLEROSE LANES, NY....And I was looking for a beginner ball for me... I bought this ball on the INTERNET, the weight is 14 1/2 lbs, drill specs is is STORM LAYOUT #3
This ball is very aggressive on MEDIUM to DRY, excellent on sport shot and enough backend to clean the heads...BUT NEVER USE IT on OILY LANE, This is best suited on last games of your league night were lanes break down...I give this ball a 7 out of 10....
"spare is a must"


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Re: Eraser Blaze
« Reply #41 on: January 12, 2004, 05:50:53 PM »
I've had this ball for sometime and I've never liked it out of the box. Recently, I sanded the ball down to 500. The lanes on my last tournament were pretty slick, and my setup ball didn't react well. I went to the Blaze that I sanded and I ended up bowling a 112-over for 4 games qualifying and finishing with in 5th place. I never got to change ball because the lanes were still oily and it worked when there was carry-down too.


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Re: Eraser Blaze
« Reply #42 on: September 06, 2004, 12:24:14 AM »
I must say that this ball was a disappointment. It was fine for a few months but it just dies before it gets to the pocket. My only Storm that went south. All my other Storm balls are great.
Just Stormin' Through!!


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Re: Eraser Blaze
« Reply #43 on: March 31, 2005, 03:22:38 PM »
I've never been more impressed with a ball as I was with this one.  Receiving it as a gift from a friend, having it drilled, and then throwing my first 300 with it after my first 5 games was a feeling like no other.  Since then, I have rolled about 2500 games, with a high series of 824 and another 300 with it and it still hits like a truck, yeah with less hook than out of the box, but thats where working with a ball and equipment usage knowledge comes in handy.  I liked this ball so much that I was so set on finding another, even since they were discontinued.  Finally found another and once again feel like a 4 yr old finding a $20....ecstatic!  So far, high games of 279 and high series of 728 with having the new ball for only 2 weeks feels so good again.  I would highly recommend this ball for the tweener/stroker as it seems to have excellent carrying ability and lane reaction.
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