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Author Topic: Eraser  (Read 35848 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The specifications are: Coverstock: Storm's new ACCU-TREAD Pearl reactive coverstock; Core: A modified Thunder Road weight block with added Power Ball Technology (PBT); Factory Finish: 1,500-grit Polished; Color: Tiger's Eye Blue Copper Pearl; Hardness: 76-78 Rex D-scale; Radius of Gyration: 2.539 (Medium); Differential: .050 (High); Flare Potential: High (6"plus); Hook Potential: 17/13/Dull/Shiny on Storm's scale of 1-20; Length: 8 on a scale of 1-10; Back end: 8 on a scale of 1-10; Recommended Lane Condition: Medium


David Lee Yskes

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Re: Eraser
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2001, 04:23:35 PM »
Hey all, well i just bought this ball on Jan 20 and i didnt get a chance to use it till jan 22 cuz they had a kids tournament there, but I had it set up with the pin about a inch under my ring finger ( note i am a righty ) with the flying S on the right side of ball when holding it in hand, i believe the pin is 3 3/4 x 3 3/4 but not sure, with a 3/4 side weight hole taken out to limit flare, but this ball is great, at first i was trying to throw this ball like my old El nino, but it was hooking just a bit too much and always cutting high in the pocket and leaving the 3-6-10 alot, but i worked with the guy who drilled it up Tod Grams, and he helped me out and i totally just let the ball do the work, i was playing 20 - 5 and hitting pocket everytime, on a lane that had been used for a 3 game set.  And i myself i normally put about 20 revs on the ball with decent speed, and i just used the forward roll, with hardly any fingers in it, and it smashed the pocket everytime for a strike, but i also noticed that if you pull it it will take off on you. But i give this ball a 10 hits like a ton of bricks.
" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "

David Lee Yskes

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Re: Eraser
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2001, 02:57:07 AM »
Well, I used my Eraser, for only the second time, since i got it on Jan 20th, and tonight was my scratch league, and i started out throwing 12-13 to 5 and having it hit the pocket with a ton of force, my first game was a 237. And i was warned that this ball burns up the track fast, so i watched out for it setting up early. my second game, i couldnt throw 12 to 5, i had to move over two boards and throw 15-5 with a little bit more speed. I ended up throwing a 171 game, my fault, i had three splits from tring to keep on using the 12 to 5 line, but it was setting up a bit early. But during the third game i ended up playing my normal line, with is like 18-10 sometimes 5 depending on my speed and the lanes, but with this ball it didnt matter, if it was 10 or 5 i hit pocket everytime, and as long as i put a bit more into it when i knew my release wasnt right i was kewl, i mean, i cant say enough about this ball, its great, and hits like a ton, too, i ended up shooting 221,for that game. I also used this ball on my monday night league which is in a different, house, and doesnt oil the lanes as much, and at first, i had problems because i was tring to crank on the ball to much. But when i was done i practiced and got some very helpful advise, from the guy who drilled the ball up for me, and i ended up changing my release, and put a whole lot less on the ball and basically just game the ball the revs from my swing, and i was playing 20 to 5 and hitting pocket with a unreal force, so, i would deffinetly say this is a ball to get.

" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "

David Lee Yskes

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Re: Eraser
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2001, 12:47:59 PM »
Hey all its me again, Well I used my Earaser, in our local City Tournament, during the singles/doubles portions, and I started out throwing over 12 ad out to 10 and sometimes 5 board, and man i had like a groove to the pocket, and if you read my earlier review, that was based on the lane conditions at my other league house, but at this house, in which i have my scrach league, has alot more oil, and the backends are very smooth with a nice easy snap at the backend, but anyways, my first three games went 247, 241, and 201, and during the next three games, on a different set of lanes, i had to move, over 2 boards, and play a bit tighter line, but i still had a groove to the pocket, and i ended up shooting 188, 247, 246, and this ball hit the pocket with so much force that it is deffinetly a ball to get.
" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "


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Re: Eraser
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2001, 12:14:03 AM »
This ball is little more condition specific than i thought. I set it up with the pin 4 1/2 from axis and cg 3 5/8 from axis. It needed a large hole on axis because of the 4 1/2 oz top weight. Using it on heavy oil and carrydown produces one thing, too much skid and it wont turn the corner. Go back to a medium condition and performance improves, just dont miss left or its 3-6-10 every time. The best condition for this ball from my experience is medium head oil with just the smallest trace of carrydown to lessen any over reaction.

I give it 8/10. Good for the money, Good for length wether your swinging it or going up the lane
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Re: Eraser
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2001, 01:03:03 AM »
I just got this ball and drilled it 5X5 with a 3" pin.  I was looking for a roundish shot shape for carrydown, and that's what I got, being a tweener with slow speed.  What really impressed me about this ball is it's versitility on the over-under shot.  My league uses a heavy pattern from 10 to 10, light but not dry outside of it.  But it was school vacation week and the lanes were scarred up from that and the plastic-ball league before us.  Throwing this on an inside line, there wasn't much doubt as to where it was going, despite the fried heads.

That said, I often found it rolling a little early, leaving 8 and 9 pins, and a pocket 7-10.  I think the cover a little more powerful than it seems.  A few more revolutions might have served the ball well.  (We all say that, right?)

This ball will certainly not work on absolutely scorched conditions, or on a flood, but as a midrange ball, I think it has real potential.  It's consistent, carries energy well, and it seems to keep the pins low.  I recommend you give this one a try--for the money there's not too much to lose.
We call it a "solid 10" to make ourselves feel better.


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Re: Eraser
« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2001, 10:44:49 AM »
Storm Eraser

Bowler style: Cranker (Med ball speed, high rev)
Lane: 35ft oil, buff backend (single oil)
Pin: 4" pin out
Drill: 5" from PAP
Rate: 9/10

  Out of the box, this ball reacts much like a polished command zone. It is very controllable that gets down the lane with ease. Lots of skid without pushing the ball too hard.

  There is also sufficient back end to bring the ball back into the pocket. This ball will be suitable for most playing styles and it is easy to drill and layout the ball to suit your style and needs.

  Easy to control, easy on your pocket, my first ball out of the bag. Highly recommended regardless of your style or skill level. You and your driller will find a way to suit your needs.

Matrix 300

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Re: Eraser
« Reply #22 on: June 06, 2001, 03:11:06 PM »
I guess I should add to the many postings on this popular, not to mention cheap, ball.
    First off, this is a Pin-In ball. The pin is out only about 1 1/2 inches.  I drilled it with the pin right under the ring finger with the CG angled toward the thumb hole.  By doing this, it tamed the ball down a little.  But because it is a pin-in ball, it started to roll early on me, which did not let it get through the heads cleanly and therefore hooking too much on medium or medium-dry lanes which are the conditions that I got it for.  The only way it reacted good was with a lot of head oil.
    I did manage to get some good games out of it though (240, 235, 229, and other good, over average games).  I've only bowled 9 games with it, maybe I need to break it in.  The thing is, when I was bowling those games, everyone else was bowling 160's and 170's (Sort-of reverse block condition).
    I can't compare this ball with a similar one because I have never had one like it, which is why I got the ball.  I'm sure that this ball is great.  This is without a doubt the BEST ball for your money that Storm has ever produced.
    I'd rate the ball a 8.5 - 9 out of 10, but there are some drawbacks to the ball, like sliding too much on oil, but that is not what this ball is meant for.  Anyway, great job Storm.



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Re: Eraser
« Reply #23 on: June 10, 2001, 08:35:25 AM »
Had this ball for almost 6 months, and I must say, after all the games I have thrown on it, it still has the same reaction it had when I pulled it out of the box. Drilled like most of my balls, max length and backend, I dont think there has ever been a ball for this price. I throw the ball about 16-17 mph, playing normally over 12 out to 5. The drilling pattern/standard house shot I bowl on sets up perfect for this ball. My standard house shot is about a 42 foot wet/dry 10 to 10 pattern. If I get the ball out too fast, it comes up high and sometimes crosses over, and if I get it in to high, the ball usually holds then hits he pocket, sometimes a little high, leaving 6 pins, and sometimes, the unfortunate 6-8 split. Bowled my first 800+ series in Feburary, 299, 234, 287. I take this ball to tournaments and I can usually find a shot very quickly with it, and stick to my line for almost 3-4 games. Cant wait to get my hands on the Erase-It, from I hear it is almost like the Eraser on steroids. 9 out of 10 for the original Eraser.


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Re: Eraser
« Reply #24 on: September 14, 2001, 08:44:01 PM »
My Eraser is drilled stacked with the pin 3 in. out and the CG in the middle of my palm. There couldn't be a better ball for any condition like eraser. This is the most versatile ball ever. It hooks on oil, carrydown, bone dry, fresh, 1st and 2nd shift, this has it all. rips the rack every time carries corners very well, and keeps the scores high.... a definite winner. i haven't heard or seen a bad review about about this ball yet. A solid 9.5


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Re: Eraser
« Reply #25 on: September 28, 2001, 07:30:37 AM »
I just bought and drilled this ball yesterday, and all I can say is Thank You!! This ball is amazing, it carries down to the point where you think it is going to carry into the right corner and then bang, a sharp right turn into the pocket!! I bowled on lanes that had heavy front oil and dry backend and this ball carries the oil just enough to get that extra length and snap at the right time. This ball is definately made for light to medium oil conditions. I was previously throwing a Brunswick Zone Pro Azure, and that ball is a monster!! It rolls early in any lane condition!! I am sold on Storm products. The Eraser is an excellent ball at a not so bad price!!


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Re: Eraser
« Reply #26 on: October 03, 2001, 11:57:14 PM »
top weight-3 oz.
drilling-3 3/8 leverage with mb in strong position.
box finish
check profile for spec.

very, very strong ball.  this ball gets through the heads well and turns the corner.  i bowl on wood lanes with tons of backend.  the eraser is almost to strong for this house.  i originally wanted it drilled to get down the lane farther than it does but now i am glad i didn't.  it compliments my other equipment well.  because this ball is so strong i am forced to swing the ball and only use it on fresh oil.  once the lanes breakdown it goes in the bag, because there is virtually no carrydown to tame this balls reaction.  but i knew when i had this ball drilled it was going to be condition sensitive.  i give it a 9 overall, very happy with my reaction, it carrys well and a is the best ball for MY money in its price range.  



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Re: Eraser
« Reply #27 on: October 19, 2001, 09:48:47 AM »
The Eraser has become my go-to ball and here is why: It goes long and hooks hard - just kidding!  I was in need of a ball to play through the oily fronts and yet give a good backend reaction on the dry backends.  The Eraser I have is drilled with the pin under the ring finger.  I have finger grips and a thumb slug in the ball.  My best line with this ball so far is one to two boards right of third arrow.  The balls needs oil in the heads to get down the lane.  Once the ball hits the dry backend it makes a very aggressive turn. I'd say somewhere around the 45' mark.

I've also thrown this ball out farther (Swung it) and it has reacted very nicely.  I threw 13 out to about 3 or four and at about the 40-45' mark the ball made a very aggressive turn to the pocket.  I have really seen an increase in pin action from this ball. More messangers than ever and very good carry.

I reduced the weight on this ball to 15# from my normal 16# stuff.  The lesser weight provides me the ability to add speed to the ball which helps it get down the lane.  It also deflects a bit more which is allowing me to carry those pesky 8 and 9 pins.

I hope this was a good review.  I'm a little new to this review stuff.

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Re: Eraser
« Reply #28 on: October 19, 2001, 11:39:16 PM »
As they say on that great golf commercial
"OH Yeah!!"

Got a chance to do a little ball test.  Using another lefties stuff.  His finger pitches are not the same but close to mine.  Both balls 16lbs, I usually use 15.

Had a chance to try two of the great balls of the past year drilled exactly the same.  Label or 4 X 5.  The two, this Eraser and a Ti Messenger Pearl.

My specs lefty 14 to 15 mph speed at the pindeck and about 14 revs.

There's an oil shortage in my area and lately most balls are too much for me.
10 to 10 pattern and not a long pattern.  Most balls have two much backend for me on these conditions due to side release and soft speed.

Not this beauty!  Just perfect.  Lots of length, smooth powerful backend and BIG Carry.  Just as I thought the Ti Messenger Pearl was quicker to make its move as it exited the oil pattern(more midlane) and covered more boards on this shorter pattern.  Carried just as well but with lower pocket percentage.

My view is the Ti Mess Pearl is a stronger cover ball while the Eraser is a little cleaner and is driven more by its core.  In comparing this ball to other balls I use in this category I relate the Eraser to be very similar to the Tiger while the Ti Messenger Pearl is more like the Battle Zone Bullet.  Both of these latter two have humungous backends(the battle zone is longer) and are cover strong balls.  Both are probably more suited to higher speed players.

I typically use 15 lb due to an injury to my hip a couple of years ago but these balls was sailing smoothly down the lane and carrying much bigger than my 15's.
I might go back!  Injury has healed.

I will be trying tomorrow a Messenger Pearl which is little higher RG than the Ti Pearl.  I expect it to be very similar to the Eraser.  I'll review tomorrow.

Summary.  The Eraser as tested is the best ball I've ever used on this shorter oil condition!  The ball is very versatile as I've seen many players use it on a more inside swing line by drilling it stacked or cg out.  Unless my new Cherry Pearl Messenger is just as awesome I will be owning one of these gems by the end of the week.



It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Eraser
« Reply #29 on: October 21, 2001, 08:00:33 AM »
This ball just will not quit for me. I have had it for almost a year now, and the Eraser is just as good as out of the box. Ball is still drilled the same as my last review, pin under the ring finger for length. Started this season throwing my ElNino X-It and on my house condition, it hooks out of the house. Went back to the Eraser about three weeks ago and once again I have found it. I changed my style a little since summer bowling, slowed my speed down from 16-17 to 15-15.5, little more hand in the ball, moved about 5 boards right ( I am lefty), to try to get a better angle into the pocket. Found the ball was hooking so I polished it to 1500. Goes as long as before, but the addition of more rev has caused the ball to break harder and leave nothing standing. On 10-15-01, finally bowled a 300. All 12 flush, all 12 left the pins no chance. The next night, threw it in my Sport Bowling league, and shot 672, high for the league. No need to get another ball, this one will stay in my bag forever I think. Ball still a 9.5 out of 10 in my book


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Re: Eraser
« Reply #30 on: November 02, 2001, 01:04:03 PM »
I just purchased the Eraser a couple weeks ago and it is great.  I was a little concerned when I purchased the ball because I am a 188 average bowler and my first series with the Eraser averaged out to 188.  I realised I didn't strike as much as usual because the Eraser hooked so much more than my old Turbo X.

I don't know the exact drill pattern, but my fingertip are just to the left and above the pin.  The lane conditions can best be described as light to medium oil, which is perfect for this ball.

Whith a price that can't be beat, the Eraser is a top notch ball.
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