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Author Topic: Fire Diablo  (Read 16813 times)


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Fire Diablo
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The Diablo™ has unleashed a sinister new weapon for the new Storm Fire Line™. Within the depths of its Reactor™ solid reactive coverstock lies the powerful Twin-V™ weightblock that produces a soul crushing reaction. Make all pins pray for mercy. Give ‘em HELL.

View Diabloâ„¢ Video - 1.3 MB (Requires Flash)  

DIABLOâ„¢ Technical Specifications
Coverstock Reactorâ„¢ Solid  Reactive
Weight Block Twin Vâ„¢
Ball Color Fire Orange/Black
Ball Finish 800-grit Matte
Radius of Gyration 2.54 (Med)
Differential .049 (Med-High)
Durometer 74-76 Rex D-scale
Flare Potential 5" (Med-High)
Fragrance Red Hot Cinnamon
Weights 10 - 16 lbs.



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Re: Fire Diablo
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2005, 07:12:51 PM »
ya... i don't have this ball but it deserves to get a review..... it looks cool
Age: 16
 High Game: 299 (bowled on 11/14/04)
 Bowling Balls: Track Triton Elite (favorite ball 299 with it), Monster, Intense Inferno.
Average: I finished Zumbrota MN with a 194 average and with the intense inferno i was averaging about 210 the last 3 weeks


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Re: Fire Diablo
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2005, 12:57:26 AM »
15, 3 oz, pin out 3.5 to 4 and 3.44 top weight..  Drilled pin over ring cg in palm..  No extra hole needed..  typical house shot, not enough oil being layed down causing drastic change from game one to game three...  standing 28, aiming 12 out to 5 and occassionally 3, cruising back to the pocket.. 2nd frame realized needed more speed and strung from 3rd to 10th frame where left ringing 10 for a 258..   This ball needs speed to be effective on the drier lanes... but I like the fact that I have to be aggressive..  Lane started breaking down in 2nd game and shot a clean 199, then strung the front 7 before leaving a stone dead 8 pin in the 8th, strike in 9th and 10th and rung another 10 pin for a 268 last game.. 725 series first full series with my new Diablo.. It's a keeper!!!

2nd week in the same house, experimented with my new Lane # 1 H20 the start of first game.  Brought out my Diablo and finished 1st game with a 4 bagger, then strung the front 8 in the next game..Yes, that's 12 in a row!  lol.  This ball is awesome and I love the overall read I get from this ball, even when I tugged it once it held it's line and crushed 10 pins into the pit.  My normal line was carring it out to the 5 board and making a direct turn to the pocket 12 times in a row!!  Tugged the next one and it held it's line but rung the 10 pin..  This is definitely a ball you want in your arsenal!!  My 6 games with it, I have averaged 231 on my Friday night house shot!  
If at first you don't succeed

Throw another ball!!


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Re: Fire Diablo
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2005, 11:27:51 PM »
15.6lbs to start.  drilled 4 1/2 X 3 1/2, hole down.  i really wanted to have this ball come as close to my super charge as posible. let me tell you that it does with alittle more bite.  when there is oil i played straight 15 to 10.  when they started to burn up, moved left and played 20 to 10.  the ball held great and finished strong.  never over hooked, unless it was my fault.  i throw around 15mph with med revs.  great ball for those that can't controle the stap of particle.  most of all i want to thak bill ray of he fit this ball perfectly to my hand and bowling style.  thanks bill.


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Re: Fire Diablo
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2005, 02:12:04 AM »
Pin to CG Distance: 4"
Drill: Pin Leverage

This is my primary ball at the moment and I'm really loving it.  I have medium ball speed (16-17 mph) and lower revs with a high track.  It was drilled for more of a controlled reaction, I'm not 100 % sure about the specs but it most resembles Layout #4 in the drilling instructions for the ball.  I've been throwing it for about 2-3 weeks now and have have 2 670 series and a 699 (288 included). The house I've been using it in is what I consider a medium oil standard house shot with very dry backends. But I have also used it on longer oil conditions with great success as well.  This is the first 15lb ball I've thrown in a long time, and after looking at the results with the Diablo, I need to seriously considering recreating my arsenal in 15lbs.  Great Job Storm !!!


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Re: Fire Diablo
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2005, 11:30:06 PM »
Fired it today under tournament conditions at a house I have not shot at in at least 2 years....  Back end reacting like nothing was there..  Threw the Diablo just like last night!!  Exceptional read and smooth move to the pocket..  204 Avg..  Shot 225, 227, 222 to be the High Qualifier for the ABT Salt Lake Branch at the Town and Country Lanes!!  If you do not have a Storm Fire Line Diablo and are considering getting one,  GET ONE NOW!!!  Awesome ball, that I am SSSSOOOOOOO  Glad I purchased!!  Get yours today!!

Update 9-17-06..  Not sure why I haven't been carrying the Diablo with me!  But yesterday's ABT tournament was up in my part of town so as I was packing, I noticed my single ball tote sitting there and took a peak at what was inside!  There is my Diablo just waiting for a chance!  And what a chance it got!  Bowling last squad starting on lane I had just bowled a 150 on.  The Diablo gave me a consistent look for these three games and I shot 225, 223, 258 to once again be high qualifier in the ABT this weekend.  Shot 249 in my first round match play game and then struggled a little on the next pair and ended up finishing 3rd.  The Diablo has definitely proven to me that I should be carrying it all the time!!
If at first you don't succeed

Throw another ball!!


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Re: Fire Diablo
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2005, 08:36:18 AM »
Sweet ball!

This is my first high-end (relatively) ball and also my first drilled as a fingertip. After a few practice throws to figure out how this was going to roll, I threw a 194 (better than my 156 average) with several spare shots that I'd normally throw my Ebonite Tornado Warning at instead of a big hooking Diablo. Only had time enough to throw the one, but I'm dying to see how it will play out once I get more of a feel for this ball.

Rolled nice - hooked nicely at the back end and even made nice Brooklyn hits when I mis-threw it.

Very glad I got it and looking forward to learning how to throw it properly.


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Re: Fire Diablo
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2006, 08:26:11 AM »
Had this ball for a few months now, feel comfortable posting a review.

 I've been a bowler for over 30 years, and in al lhonesty, this is my first experience with resin - all my balls prior to this were urethane.  I selected the Diablo because I thought it had "medium" numbers all around - 2.54 RG and .049 Diff.  Since this was going to be my first resin ball, I wanted to kind of start in the middle.

The thing I've found with the Diablo is - when the conditions are right, it works! great  But when the conditions are not "just right", you're better off putting it back in the bag and taking a lane ball off the rack if this is your only ball.  The word for this ball is "unforgiving".  Maybe "extremely unforgiving".

I bowl in a center where they lay fresh oil just before our league MOST of the time.  Most people in this center play "down the boards".  This is the condition I bought this ball for.  But every so often, they don't lay the fresh oil and we end up bowling on the broken down condition.  Our center uses short oil to about 38 ft, and its probably medium.  Bowling on fresh conditions, this ball is tremendous.  I had a 258 with it this year, and this is my first year back to bowling after a 6 year break.  But when we hit those weeks where they don't lay the fresh oil, this ball is extremely unforgiving on the broken pattern.  One shot is high, the next from the same spot over the same line at the same speed is weak.  Maybe its not made for these conditions.

There is definitely a place for this in your bag (right now, its the newest and best ball I own) but it should not be your only ball, if you're a one ball bowler.  


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Re: Fire Diablo
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2006, 02:30:41 AM »
Dilled 2-3" pin, pin under ring finger, cg swung 1" from center.  Nice, nice.....NICE.  Amazing ball from Storm.  Very even and predictable, when kept at grey pad has a very even roll, when shined has a heavy amount of snap on the backends.  Very versatile coverstock, but I suggest to keep a light shine on it, still stays true and is very predictable.  Rolls a little early if dull, but a slight shine really creates and even, smoooooooth reaction.


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Re: Fire Diablo
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2006, 07:12:46 PM »
PAP: 3 1/2 over, 1/2 inch up.
BALL SPEED: anywhere from 14-19 mph.
REV RATE: 350-450 rpm, power tweener style.
LANE CONDITIONS: brand new installed synthetics. played outside of ten board first, then opened up the lane.

most of my experiences with storm have been great. i've used storm since the thunder series. shyed away from them for a while just to try other stuff. i'm glad to say that storm fits my game the best, and i'm with them now for good! with that in mind i drilled this ball up strong with the intention of using this piece for inside lines, and longer heavier oiled lanes. i'm not sure about the top weight, but it was a 16 pounder. laid the pin 3 3/8 from my pap, with the cg kicked out 1 1/2 inches from my pap. this placed the pin directly under my bridge, with the cg almost directly beside my thumbhole. we needed an extra hole, so we popped it with a 3/4 inch bit in the thumb quadrant on the val. this is basically a rev leverage layout for me.
i have shyed away from stronger layouts in the past, but i can say now that i made an excellent choice. this ball is super clean up front, with a strong continous backend reaction i haven't had in a loong time! super controllable, clean rolling ball. played well staying up the back of the ball, straight up the lane around 7-9 board, with good speed(around 17.5 mph). i can tell you that compared to my trifecta, its about 5-6 boards weaker, but definitely stronger on the backend. well, that all for now, i'm bowling a pba pattern tournament, with a 41' oil pattern next sat., i'll let you know how it works on it next week. hope my review helps!

your ball company sucks!
oh, and your ball club sucks even more!
DV8 Regional Staff


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Re: Fire Diablo
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2006, 09:09:11 PM »
15lb im 17 and this ball is great! i play a house shot on about the 8th board striaght up and wow hits like a train. i average 221 in my league and in practice i've had 6 chances at 300!!!! 279,276,278,289,290,and 294. great ball wtg storm i am getting a Paradigm because my dad's Paradigm hits hard too!!


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Re: Fire Diablo
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2006, 03:34:52 PM »
Just shot a sanctioned 299 dam solid 8 pin.!!!
ABS Nanodesu (blue ball)
Brunswick Rampage
Brunswick Target Zone(Spare)
Circle Voltage
Hammer Road Hawg
Hammer Doom
Storm Diablo
Storm Paradigm


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Re: Fire Diablo
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2006, 03:02:47 PM »
I have been bowling since I was 5 and I am 15. This one of the best balls I have botten I have increased my average by 30 pins with it the hardest hitting ball I have. I have shot a 279 and a 679 with it and it carries like no other.

Storm Double Agent
Storm Diablo
Brunswick Absolute Inferno
Brunswick Smokin Inferno
Brunswick Raging Inferno


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Re: Fire Diablo
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2007, 08:46:32 PM »
I drilled this ball agressive, stacked pin under ring finger. was not impressed with it until i put some polish on it and got it to read more dry down the lane. This is definetly not a good choice for anyone with a slow ball speed, and a lot of roll.


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Re: Fire Diablo
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2007, 01:54:20 PM »
I have been pretty impressed with the Diablo since drilling it a couple of weeks ago. The ball is still in box condition. The ball plays fresher patterns very well allowing it to get to its midlane breakpoint and make its sharp arc/flip. I have not had the greatest success on carrydown as it seems to go too long and not have that same power off the spot and through the rack. I plan on trying it with a touch of surface to see if I can get the ball to read longer oil better. Overall a good effort from Storm.