Reviews => Storm => Topic started by: admin on December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM
The Flame Reactive has a traditional three-piece core encompassed by Storm's Curelyon reactive cover stock making it clean through the heads. Minimal track flare potential will keep the backend reaction tame on dryer lane surfaces.
The specifications of the Flame Reactive are: Coverstock: Curelyon Reactive; Factory Finish: 1,500-grit Polished; Color: Orange Marmalade Pearl; Hardness: 76-78 Rex D-scale; Weight Block: Traditional three-piece core; Radius of Gyration: 2.674 (High); Differential: .018 (Low); Flare Potential: Low (2"); Hook Potential: 10/7/Dull/Shiny on Storm's scale of 1-20; Length: 8 on a scale of 1-10; Backend: 3 on a scale of 1-10; Recommended Lane Condition: Dry.
Drilled my Flame, Axis Leverage with my Pin about 2 inches away from PAP, cg on PAP. Extra on PAP as well. Basically this ball worked well straighter down the lane, as it was very predictable and hit like a truck. I am waiting to try it out on the extreme wet/dry I bowl on during my monday league. I would like to see if it works better than my Lightning Flash (on the wet/dry).
Otherwise this seems like a ball for dry lanes, since it doesn't flare much at all, but the hit is better than an Attack Zone /R or /MR.
This has been my most recent big seller for the "burn" conditions. This ball offers a lot of hit for a little price. Most of the scratch players that are drilling the ball can't believe what the selling price is and the first time resin users love being able to get a great ball at a great price. This is a fantastic ball for late blocks or the big hands, it also has all the makings for a go to ball when it's 3 a.m. and action games are going strong. Before you even think about getting a urethane ball check out this ball, you'll be glad you did.
A 3piece reactive BOMB. I drilled mine stacked 3x3 to get a lil pop on the backened. For me outta the box on freshly oiled lanes saw this ball go dead left when it came off the oil.. I took it to 400 grit and back up to 1200 to get out some of the ultra-flecks and polished it w/ 1200 polish. Now I have tremendous length, unbelievable backend, but it's a nonstop drive. This ball to me actually drives harder than any of the Blue Hots or Hot Shots. A great dry-med ball.
Drilled my flame out about 2 months ago. Ball started with 3.5oz of top weight and a pin 3.5in out. Put the pin in gripline above my fingers and the cg at 5 o'clock. Was trying to fill the dry/dry spot in my bag after my old turbo/c died.
**Please check my profile for my style and typical house shot**
Ball works great on the drier conditions...but can be played on wet as long as there is some dry to bounce off of. Ball works best for me straight up second arrow. As expected I get great length with this ball with a nice little kick in the back end. Have used this ball in both houses in the area. Works well on the burnt heads in one house...but is mainly a third game ball in the other. However, I did get to use the ball for a complete series on a fairly dry shot and actually shot an 802!
Goes to show you that even the "low tech" stuff can get you good results! I give this ball a solid 9 out of 10...great dry lane ball from Storm.
I bought this ball a couple of weeks ago.I thought that it would be a great ball for dry wooden lanes,wrong. It comes in with anice smooth arc, but it hits like a marshmellow. I leave lots of corner pins and pocket splits. Great spare ball for the price. GET OUT OF YOUR CHAIR AND GO BOWLING!
Bought this ball for dry back end lane conditions in first shift league. Ball has pin in middle of grip, slightly right.
As advertised, this ball is long. However, if you rev the ball, as I do, and find the dry on the backends, it is a smooth arc to the pocket. It hits better than I thought it would. In fact, I have gotten some of the strangest pin action out of this ball I have ever seen.
If you buy it, it gives you a great alternative for a dry shot, plus you can kill it for spares.
Good ball for the money. 8 of 10.
An update to my last review on this ball. This thing is, in my opinion, the best ball value on the market. Can be bought for 50-60.00 on the web, and I fid myself pulling this one out more and more because it is so dependable. Skip the thought, just go buy it. Need a little more hook, scratch pad it. Less, use a little control it. Just awesome!
I went to Nashville Bowling Supply today for my first time with the pro shop owner, he said it was amazing but I had no idea what I was in for, shelf after shelf filled with balls. Anyway onto the ball review, I'm not to knowledgeable about drilling but I got the pin 1-1 1/2, 5 o'clock to my ring finger with a weight hole on the side(like I said I don't know much). I threw it on medium oil with minimum carrydown, I was able to to play a good down and in shot, and most of all this is the hardest hitting(16#) light oil ball I have ever seen. Great for light oil/spares.
I got two e-mails today asking about this ball, so here goes....
I drilled my Flame with the pin under my ring finger, and the cg directly below. The pin is out about 2 inches from the cg. This ball had 3.5 top weight before drilling.
This layout comes close to being a 4 1/2 X 4 1/2 for me. With the big top weight, and the overall weakness of this ball, it is a DART. It hooks about a board or two less than my Too Hot #1. (See Too Hot Review) The motion is different than the Too Hot though. The shape of the hook is smoother with the Flame, snappier motion with the Too Hot.
You better have some dry to work with. On most any kind of oil pattern this ball will be used for spares. But for kids, Seniors, dry lanes, and possibly some entry level resin buyers, this ball is nice. Good control, not much track flare if any at all. Pretty much the drier the lanes are, the better off you will be, as this ball doesn't hit very well, especially compared to all the monster mashers on the market today. Sometimes, 9 is better than Big Four!
Hope this helps ya.....
Mike Austin
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX
I have found that for me, I do better when the shot is down and in with this ball. You can turn the corner with it, but I think the stronger shot is a straighter shot. The ball does squirt on the oil, but it wasn't meant for that. I have also noticed that when the carrydown gets intense from those guys playing the middle, you can get some interesting set-ups with this ball. It tends to ricochet, and leaves the five pin with company. I must also report that if you are a high track roller like I am, you better follow Storm's recommended drillings, or without a letter perfect shot you will thump over the thumb hole every time. You can play the oil line with this ball and get happy more often than not. On the very dry, the ball does hook some, but if you keep your ball speed up, you will not be disappointed. Overall, I would say that the ball does what it was intended to do. I give it a 9 out of 10.
Please note this review is for the NEW Flame Reactive Solid coverstock ball. The original Flame is a pearl.
I drilled my first one for Johnathan Wiley, probably the best player in the Houston area. (Man, can he throw it, he gets crowds just to watch him practice)
Nothing really special about the drilling. Pin under the ring finger. Used a pin out about 2 inches ball with about 3 1/2 top before drilling. Drilled over the lable, no X hole. John had the original Flame with him, the lanes were hooking, so I thought this would be an excellent comparison.
I shined the solid Flame with Ebonite Extender Polish right on the box surface, nothing else. The ball had about 3-5 feet less length than the Orange Flame. The breakpoint was not nearly as sharp, and the overall hook was about 1-2 boards more with his feet, same target.
What was significant was the hitting power and the reaction when a little oil carried down the lane. 1) The hitting power was noticably better with the Solid Flame over the Pearl. Hit like it weighed 20 lbs. 2) You could square up/change lines with the solid and work around carry down. With the pearl, the ball was just skittish (for lack of a better word). You could not really tell with confidence what the pearl Flame was going to do when it left John's hand. The carry down seemed to help with the solid Flame, letting John create some angle to the pocket with the lane instead of with his hand. The ball seemed to run over the 8 pin no matter what though.
Overall, very impressive ball. Great for kids, Seniors, dry lanes, but may be a little weak for an entry level ball. The solid shell is a nice improvement over the Pearl.
Hope this helps ya.....
Mike Austin
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX
I bowl in a center with dry pattern, a bit more oil on the inside, but very dry on the extreme outside. I have a 15lb Orange Flame. I find that this ball works the best if you swing it a long way out up the outside, and carries very strong when you hit the pocket light. However, if you pull it inside a bit, because of the extra oil it will still get into the pocket.
So, it is very very forgiving. The only thing I would say about this ball is that there is a border line between this ball working and not working. If you try and use it on medium oil conditions it will not carry at all unless you have a load of hand.
I think the reaction on dry lanes is similar to the Trauma on med to heavy oil, it has a big backend if it finds some very dry boards, and it doesn't lose it's energy. Also, on extremely dry lanes you can polish it up a lot and it won't lose energy even on the driest lanes.
I'll give this a 9 out of 10 for dry lanes.
I drilled one of these for drier conditions. The Flame, with its 'weak' coverstock and simple core design are supposed to create maximum length and decent backend pop.
I drilled my 15.4 pound flame (pin out 1.5", 3.25 oz. top) with a 4 x 4 pattern to produce the best backend reaction possible. I wanted it so I could use it on dry, but still give it enough power to carry something.
I must say that I am very impressed by this 3-piece ball. I can use it when they're torched, and play my normal line. It gives me the same look as my heat 2 does on a fresh shot. Good length, and excellent backend. And, it carries EXTREMELY well for a 3-piece. I can also shimmy way over to the twig (an unfamiliar place for this strong-handed righty), and actually play down and in on a house shot (oily 7 to 7, dry outside, semi-clean backends), without having to take my wrist out of it. So, it also adds another good angle to my game.
I have only gone to Storm for my dry lane equipment, but this ball has the Tour Power looking better and better every day. Solid 8 out of 10, good for dry and good carry for 3 piece, loses points in overall versatility.
drilled 3X3
box condition
I know I mainly bowl with Ebonite equipment, but I got this ball for a steal, drilled grips, slug for a grand total of $45. This ball is my dry lane ball. I can play down the boards when the lanes are fresh or move feet and eyes left when the lanes dry up. Once this ball changes direction, it has a smooth roll up. This ball, for me does not have an over/under reaction. This is my go to ball when nothing else is giving me a good reaction. I reccomend this ball to every one. I give it a 9/10. Very versatile, doesnt carry on some conditions.
My info:
5 1/2 PAP
375-420 RPM
17-18 MPH
Ball Info:
Pin below ring finger
Shined to the gills
This ball is only as good as the condition it is on. I know you can say that about all balls. This ball needs the dry. If you cover boards and it sniffs oil, you will be shooting a late or a flat corner pin. When you play up the boards, it will not forgive you if you tug it into the soup. When the heads are fried and the back ends are cooking this ball is right at home. Any other time it is funny smelling spare ball.
I have to say that this ball is exactly what I wanted it for. I was warned when I got it to get a very aggressive drilling because with my ball speed this ball will not move.
This ball hits very well, and when the lane is just gone I can still play straight up the boards with the Flame.
If I carry this ball with me I can leave my plastic ball at home. This is a great spare ball when you have oil.
For the purpose this ball is made to serve I give it a 10. But as an overall ball if you have oil you don't need this ball.
I sure am busy drilling up stuff for myself (darn it all).
I recently posted a review on the solid Beast, essentially saying that is was wonderful...yada yada yada. The Beast is still a great ball, but I just drilled up it's big brother...the solid Flame Reactive.
Before I's the specs:
15 lb. TW 3 1/2 oz.
2" pin
Drilled 5 1/2 X 5 1/2 (pin under bridge)
Box finish
Surprisingly, the Beast and Flame Reactive are pretty similar. The Beast is a a bit earlier, but not as sharp off of the dry. I threw both balls on a fresh house shot (34' Top hat) and was really surprised by the results. The Beast was much smoother than the Flame, not that the Flame was jumpy, it just seemed to recover better than the Beast. I actually played a bit deeper with the Flame and was able to open up the lane where the Beast seemed to lay off.
To give you an idea of the difference between the two balls, I threw the Beast for the first game and leave 3 flat corners and a couple of buckets. I then move in 3 and 2 and pins begin flying all over the place and shoot 650 for the last 3 (I'm not the spare shooter lately).
I'm still a big fan of the Beast, but I really like a dry lane ball that H.I.T.S. and the solid Flame does that. Again, given the difference in cores I'm really suprised at the strength of the Flame...but not disappointed.
Great job Storm (again)
Wow, its about time for a low price reactive ball
that dosnt hit like a marshmallow. This ball has
worked very well for me on dry lane conditions.
parrtern 2(levarge) the ball clears the heads extremly well.
Almost to well, make sure to keep it out of the ditch if you
swing the ball. This ball will keep driving threw the pins .
And the carry is extremly good, No JOKE this ball hits hard!!
This has to be the best valued light oil ball on the market.
Overall i rate this ball a 10 for dry lanes.
I do belive i might be able to throw it on a fresh shot,
will try it in my matchplay league next week and post and
update on how it did on a medium shot.
Crankers will love it, strokers will hate it.
I got my Storm Flame Reactive About 8 months ago and this a ball I never leave without. I got this ball with a 1-2 Pin placment. It has a consistant reaction and always comes back. I can tell that storm was successful again in making this ball. I throw it on house condition and dry condition. It is an all around good ball to have in your Bag. I give it a 10-10.
This little known gem from Storm has saved me many times on light to fried conditions. 1" pin, drilled under the fingers, cg kicked out a bit, it allows be to either play down the boards coming up behind the ball, or put some turn on it and swing it. Not a skid/snap, but nice strong move, on the right conditions, again light oil or less. It has even doubled as my spare ball many times. Only drawback may be it's orange color.
This ball is a good ball, if a little too touchy. But here's the secret, sand the living daylights out of it and use it on heavier oil! I didn't really like it all that much, and gave it to my brother. I did a little sanding experiment with it, and it just was too much for him, so I gave it to a friend. He has higher ball speed and revs, and the ball CRUSHES everything. He shot 985 (for FOUR GAMES) second league day with it. If it doesn't quite fit you for the lane conditions it's supposed to work on, give the sanding idea a try.
I love this ball!! I usally use it when the lanes are burned up, which is often at the house i bowl at, or use it up the side when i have no other line. Drilled w/the pin over the fingers and the cg slightly to the left of the span for some negative weight, this ball hits like a truck when it gets into a roll from some dry boards. If hits oil, any at all, skids and hits weak. Lots of 10pins and weak 8's. 2nd night i had this ball i shot 289 w/it. I also use it for a spare ball.
The pleasure has been yours.
The great one
Ok, so i went out and bought this ball at a real good price, and had it drilled fairly weak so that i could give it all the hand i wanted, and to just play down the boards, instead of a deeper line. (I would tell you about the drilling pattern, etc, but im not ovely sure on these specs so i'll leave them out) BUT, this ball is a beast!! I find myself swinging this ball right out at least 15 boards, with a lot of hand, and letting it come back (with its nice arc shape, not a snap) and DEMOLISH the rack!! I am very impressed with this ball, glides on the oil, holds the dry boards well, i was told it hits like a piece of wet paper, but its not like that at all, if you buy one of these, expect a nice arc shape in the back end, no early hook, and a very nice hitting power, BUT i suggest if you really want to give this ball some hook, you dont buy it unless you can really get some licks on the ball. Good bowling to y'all!
Lefty 2K: Leftside Isnt Easy... We Make It Look Like That
This is a review on the Purple Pearl Urethane Flame, NOT THE REACTIVE
Ball Specs
Simple label shift drill 1.5 inch pin. Pin under ring a little to the left and cg in palm
Surface has not been altered
My Specs
See Proflie
Tested Conditions
Condition A: Standard Xmas Tree oiled to 36 ft - good backends
Condition B: Standard Wet/Dry 10-10 oiled to 40ft - good backends
General Information
This is by far my favorite ball of all time. It is the most controllable ball ever made and even with it's 3 piece core, it hits extremely well. I have shot better with this ball on certain conditions than any other ball I have ever owned.
Condition A
Simple, Simple, Simple. Nice small controllable arc. I usually play a small swing on this from 14 out to about 6 or will throw straight up the boards. I can rev it as much as I want with no problems and it never overreacts. Outstanding for this condition.
Condition B
Same as above. Straight up the oil line or small swing out to the dry. Ball works well, recovers well and does what you want it to do.
Rankings, 10 point system
Condition A - 9
Condition B - 9
Final Thoughts
Even though most of today's conditions are different, urethane should not be underestimated. It does what you want it to do. Again you can change your release for a drastic change in reaction and this ball is the best for me on medium conditions without a doubt. It does, however; need backends that move decent and cannot handle carrydown at all.
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This is a great ball by Storm and I think it will be one of the first balls I pull out now. I bowl at a house that you can play up 10 but more left and still hit 10 and hit the pocket with the same speed. In the last 2 weeks with this ball I have shot a 290 and last night I have shot a 286 with it. I pulled the 11th ball. The first night I got this ball I shot 279 and 727 with it. I am in love with this ball and I think its a great ball that Storm has made. Thanks for a great ball.
I am a stroker with med. speed and high revs.
The ball is very effective for the conditions it was made to handle. It is sorta "flippy" on the backend and carries pretty well. Ball is 15# drilled over the label(not sure it really makes a difference because ball has no "real" weight block) and it skids down the lane with a late, hard break. Bowled my highest ever game with it...278...ugly split in the first and then 11 in a row. Cheap and easy to find. Ball rates a 8 for dry conditions.
i got the flame hot spot. so its not excatly this 1 but its close. anyway i got it drilled full roller because it had a far pin and i wanted to see how a full roller reacts. so i drilled it up and i have to say i loved it. it works beautifuly. ive had it for like 2 months and it still works like it did when i first got it. and i got it used for free and it was pluged so no drilled holes. so all in all a great ball.8-10