I drilled mine with the pin up against the top of the ring finger, 2.5 oz top weight, box surface. I bowl on the JBT, so there are many different conditions for me to base this on, but here are my early observations.(check my profile fror my personal stats)
The polished surface gets this ball through the heads extremely clean. On anything from medium-dry to medium-heavy, this ball will clear the first 30 feet without any problem(the rest depends upon the oil length). At the house i normally practice at, which i usually get to bowl on when its fresh, it is about 38 feet or so, brunswick anvilane, with dry outside 7 but a small OOB from 2 to the gutter. The application isnt too thick, but there is a pretty good amount of oil from around 13 to the center(i'm a righty). typically, for the best results, i played this ball from 20 at the line out to around 13 at the arrows. the ball revs up incredibly through the first 25 feet or so, and hits a breakpoint of around 9 before grabbing the lane. the ball doesnt snap whatsoever, and makes an aggressive arc to the pocket.
what i like most about this ball is the consistency. it will do exactly what u do to it. i rarely have had the ball react differently from what i expected. also, the angle of entry into the pocket when coming from outside is incredible. i have not had the carry results i had hoped for yet, but the entry angle is definitely one that makes me want to find a way to throw this ball. my carry problems with this flash force are due mainly because this house tends to carry more from tighter lines over the oil in the middle. i threw it in practice at a tourney, and had much better results. the final thing i like about this ball is the price...i bought this ball on Ebay for $77 shipped, and had it drilled for another $40...if you dont have a ball for medium conditions, this ball is a great option.
as far as dislikes, i was not very impressed with the carry, but like i said i used it at a house that favored a different style. i left alot of 8 and 9 pins, which is normal for me, and if anything this ball drives too hard, if there even is such a thing. lastly, the light hits were not as impressive as i had hoped. maybe i havent thrown it enough yet, but the pins seem to go flying in all the wrong directions, and i have left plenty of 7's, 10's, 7-10's, and other counts that i normally get with my Hot Wire and even Barbed Wire.
Overall, I give this ball a 7 out of 10. its consistency seems like something that may be good on a sport shot, but for a THS the carry has not impressed me enough YET to give it a better rating. the angle is great, and the price is even better, but this ball has a few flaws as far as performance. hit or miss type of ball.
Erik Olsen - e13ez85@hotmail.com