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Author Topic: Flash Point  (Read 19528 times)


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Flash Point
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
If you are like most people, you demand performance at a fair price. The revolutionary Flash Point by STORM®, features the powerful TYPHOONâ„¢ coverstock. This ground-breaking material, when paired up with STORM's new PMTâ„¢ (Power Mass Technology) weight block , increases midlane friction, resulting in more overall hook. Affordable prices with extraordinary results, light 'em up with the Flash Point!  

FLASH POINTâ„¢ Technical Specifications:

Coverstock TYPHOONâ„¢ Pearl Reactive
Weight Block Multi-Density with Power Mass Technology
Ball Color Black / Bronze
Ball Finish 1500-grit Polished
Radius of Gyration 2.52 (Med-Low)
Differential .045 (Med)
Durometer 74 -76  Rex D-scale
Flare Potential 4-6 (Med-High)
Fragrance Peppermint
Weights 10 - 16 lbs.



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Re: Flash Point
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2004, 02:22:21 PM »
Second Flash - First one burned up and got nicked - so I sold it.

With a 2 inch pin I stacked-leveraged this ball with a 3 inch shift to the right - 2.3 ounces top before drilling 1.5 after (0.5 side weight).

I have used this ball on both the PBA "C" pattern in Houston, and the "E" pattern in Lawton. This ball reacted very well on both conditions.

This Flash doesnt have the backend as my previous Flash - which makes it more controllable. This is a very good ball; the last ball I bought 2 of was the Vendetta Black Solid - another very good ball.

Mr Old School

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Re: Flash Point
« Reply #17 on: April 07, 2004, 05:41:27 PM »
Well,well. I've started rolling storm about two months ago, And since I was going to the ABC in Reno, I was going to buy a new strom ball! After I had purchased a anomaly, I was off to the storm booth to see what I needed to step down to! After talking to the reps, It was going to be the Flash point! 15.2 lbs 3" pin and about 3.5 top, He drilled like the Anomaly. This ball didn't fare to well at the ABC, But when I came home, I used it on a league pattern. Our league banquet was having a no-tap tournament, and I was going to use this ball only! Boy what a good choice it was. In the first frame I left the 3-6, and chopped it, and procedded to throw the next 35 Strikes(Only 9 No tapped). YEAH a big whopping 879 series, with back to back 300 Now if only,I could repeat that in league!

Mr. Old School
If you can't swing it, Your probally throwing brunswick!


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Re: Flash Point
« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2004, 10:11:03 PM »
25 years old, medium revs, fast speed.

I've had this ball for around 3 months now and its good in medium oil conditions.  Very VERY consistant break point on the ball you aren't going to find one this consistant however if you screw up you will pay for it.  I have bowled a couple of 279 games with this ball, it has some flip in it, however its more of a consistant arc ball not really what I wanted but very happy with how it hits.  Remember kids, buy a storm and your average will grow.

"You aren't carrying unless it says S-T-O-R-M on the side of the ball."  "Nothing hits like a storm"
"Oops, Looks like we are going to need another timmy."  -Dr Lizard, "Dinosaurs"


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Re: Flash Point
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2004, 06:27:49 PM »
I must say from all the Storm balls I own, or have owned(thats a bunch) this ball is by far the most predictable ball reaction I have. Its not jumpy just a smooth arc. Drill is: pin above ring, CG kicked 1/2 inch from that, no hole. Thrown 15 league sets with it, 8 above 700, with 2-11 in a rows and 3 300"s and a 800... Best thing I got right now.
Hey HAMMERTIME24...Theres a Storm Warning out for you!!
Hey HAMMERTIME24...Theres a Storm Warning out for you!!


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Re: Flash Point
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2004, 01:44:46 PM »
so as you can see or maybe not, everyone seems to be on board with this ball. and now it is time for you all to know the truth behind this ball and what its really about. the truth is....this ball is great!!! got mine bout a month ago and let me say i love it. i brought the ball bcuz of the core was interested to see what it would do. well the ball is deffinately a roller and by that i mean it rolls and arcs back to the pocket. i have mine drilled in label levarage. thats pin in line with cg vertically and about 1 in off my ring to the right, with bal hole. ball was 15.5 top 3.2 pin 3. now with this ive played to house my own and another. one was dry while the other had some oil. in the dry house i was able to get this ball to do its own thing all i had to do was lay the ball down. with the oil house, i saw that this ball sets its self up to smash the pocket. overall i am pleased with this ball and would tell everyone to get one. i can wait to see how it does in tourny play with 80 guys and no freash oil after a 6 game block. get it you wont be disappointed.
"Strikes show them you know the game. Spares show them you can play the game." A wise man knows when he is beat, it's time you RECOGNIZE Talent!!!


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Re: Flash Point
« Reply #21 on: May 12, 2004, 10:49:09 PM »
Pin above the fingers no x-hole.  Let me start by saying I've never been a big fan of pearl reactives, but I keep trying.  The Flash Point is a really nice ball that is what I call "rolly" meaning it's not a big backend ball and reads the midlane pretty well which is nice to see in a pearl.  It gets through the front pretty well on mediums and is predictable provided I don't try to cover too many boards.  The ball hits pretty good when it matches the condition, but what ball doesn't.  Due to the drilling it's pretty conditional, but it definately stays in the bag.

Hope this helps,
#AFutureForMembership #WhoDoesUSBCWorkFor


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Re: Flash Point
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2004, 11:36:18 AM »
Just like the last two reviews.

There is something different about this pearl.
It just seems somehow rolly or less skid, less over/under.
Softer???  Whatever it is something special and maybe perfect for my weird local condition.

Whatever it is there is just an oil shortage in my new area around 30 feet.
Even more so for lefties than righties.  Tremendous jumpy midlanes.  Often very skiddy heads or then lighter heads.  Problem in oiling I don't know, but it is there every week.

And the shot changes nearly every game even if one is all alone on the left.  The shot is so bad on left that in many of the houses I am alone on left as they are all leaving(That crap Defense maybe)?

Regardless, I've struggled for a year to ever get three games together.
Problem most of the time is early midlane read or jump.

Most of my stuff like all lefties is drilled slightly cg out pin outs of 2 1/2 to 3 to handle the heavy midlane and head oil that most lefties see.
With these drillings I have continued to well in tourney's.

But around here league has been a chore with doubles a difficult chore.
Finally opened my eyes and spotted the local drilling.

Pin outs of only 2 inches drilled essentially label leverage with the pin and cg down.

In this case a 4 X 5 with the 2 inch pin out ball.  Pin down below the level of the pap ring finger by at least an inch and cg down about 1/2 inch.

This ball is beautiful!  Somehow because it is a midlane ball without a pronounced jump this drilling solves the local problem.  It gets thru the midlanes because of the "Arc drilling" and then curls and wraps in the most controlled way you've ever seen to the pocket for a drilling that is near straight up but it packs a powerful punch!

Similar in performance to my Cg kicked out Sledgehammer, but more glide inthe midlane (naturally) and more curling up to the pocket.

I almost couldn't shoot below 220 in its first practice session that with at least a missed corner pin in every game!

So this is a creme de la creme ball.  For lightly oiled hard surface synthetics(brunswick anvilane).
This ball gives glide but the control of solid and all the hit of your traditional over under pearl reactive.  Frankly it reminds me of a hybrid of a XXX factor with an Inferno.  Like they mated or something.


PS now I see why many of our bigsticks struggle out of the area.  The area driling will not cut it on heavily oiled midlanes typical to other parts of the country.
PS now that I've found the local
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Flash Point
« Reply #23 on: October 18, 2005, 01:22:33 PM »


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Re: Flash Point
« Reply #24 on: April 17, 2006, 06:38:08 PM »
I have had a Flash Point for quite some time now.  I had it drilled at J & J Bowling Supply at fox Bowl and my main goal with this ball was to get through heavy transitions and fight the break down of the oil.  This ball has actually done quite well for what it needs and even more than that.  I can fight coditions from medium to light oil with everything in between that and still ht quite well.  I would not advise going into the heavier oil though as it really isn't for that area.  It does snap and it does what it needs for my game.  I would say go with a FP ONLY if you need to have a MEDIUM to LIGHT oil ball.
(General Update On: June 9,2006)