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Author Topic: Hit Sparkle  (Read 9792 times)


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Hit Sparkle
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
Click here to shop.

Two Colors: Blue & Red Sparkle

Core: Traditional 3-Piece Pancake



Finish: 1500 Grit Polished Finish

Flare: Low (3" plus)

Hook: 13 +

Coverstock: Pro-Glide Reactive Solid

Lane Conditions: Medium to Dry



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Re: Hit Sparkle
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2002, 09:13:28 PM »
The New Storm Hit Series comes to us in the image of the "Flames"

With two new colors to choose from, "The Hit" is a remake of the Reactive
Flames using the same great weight block design but with some personality!

The Red & Blue Sparkle Hit's will be a great entry level ball for your
Beginner and New Bowlers! at the same time, those of you who are of a
"Higher Average" and skill level would enjoy a "Hit" as a "Dry Lane" ball!

With the Mild Reactive Coverstock, this ball will "Glide" down the lane
and still have enough traction to give you a "good hit"!

Driller friendly! and easy to use! the Hit will find its place in most
bowlers bags! Also could be used as a "Spare Ball" and "Corner Pin" ball!

We will recommend this ball to all bowlers and to Our Customers!

(check out our new link to "Phantom Radio")


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Re: Hit Sparkle
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2002, 09:52:36 AM »
Bear with me this is my first review ok to start ball was drilled using first pattern on list that came with it pin is 1.5 to 2 out First time out of box after drilling through a 265 the first game on freshly oiled lanes ball worked fine til the carrydown got in the way this ball definitely hates oil but will work great if the backends are dry any oil and boom it dies quickly would recomend ball for the first game or when oil has dissappeared from your lanes otherwise try something else overall give this ball a 8 out of 10


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Re: Hit Sparkle
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2003, 02:32:17 PM »
pin: who cares its a pancake
tw: just enough to make up for 3 holes I guess

where do I start hmmmm
I hits so hard that I never take it out of the bag...
It hooks so little that my other reactives hook more
Its red with sparkles so its not blue with sparkles
It is less expensive than my most expensive ball
If you need one like this you'll buy one won't
It's ok, nothing fancy and will fit in your 3 ball bag if there's only 2 balls currently in it


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Re: Hit Sparkle
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2003, 01:28:40 AM »
I have the purple pearl Hit.

Great ball for toasted lanes.  I was able to play 5th arrow out to 10 with this ball when the lanes were fried, so it will hook, just not in oil.

The other night everyone was struggling with the drier than ever conditions and everyone was shooting about 170 - 190.  I pull this ball out and shot 253-244-258.  A few of the shots I missed on were my fault and I pretty much carried almost every time I hit the pocket.  

This is the best dry lane ball I have ever thrown.  I can't tell the difference in hitting power with this ball and any of my other 2 piece balls.  Keep in mind, it is meant for dry lanes.  When they are dry this ball will go loooong but still hook plenty.  This ball is awful on slick conditions and ok on medium.  Once they get somewhat dry, this is the ball I will go to from now on.

I don't think his will be a good ball for anyone who is not a cranker or for people with high ball speeds.  If you're a cranker with high revs and medium ball speed, this ball is great for dry lanes.  Everyone is afraid to go with a weak resin ball, but trust me, it hooks a ton when they are dry.  Like I said, I was playing 5th arrow with it and throwing it about 16-17 mph.


UPDATE - I bought a Barbed Wire a few months after this one and have to say the BW is a much better ball for dry lanes.  Just has a more controllable arc to the pocket and much more versatile.  They're both good balls, but the BW is much better in my opinion.


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Re: Hit Sparkle
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2004, 11:11:54 PM »
I have the Red one. I wanted something stronger than plastic on dry lanes. I really like this ball. I have normal speed and above average turn on the ball. Mine is drilled with the pin over my middle finger(righty) and the CG in the palm. On the lanes I use it on, any reactive with a medium hook potential or above is terribly inconsistent. You just never know where your shot will end up. Severe over/under reaction with just about all my other stuff. I thought I had this solved last year with my Thunderflash, but the shot is too dry for even that ball. Enter the Hit Sparkle. Absolutely no over-reaction. None. It is very forgiving and extremely predictable. Granted, it hates oil. But that isn't what I got it for. It just excels on dry. For a weak coverstock/core, the carry is exceptional. The only drawback that I see is that because it is used on dry, the surface needs upkeep because it dulls out after a dozen or so games. I'd like to get another one to keep in storage for when they discontinue this one.


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Re: Hit Sparkle
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2004, 05:46:15 PM »
I got the red one.  I am not going to bore you with specs, since it is a pancake ball.  But after drilling it was 7/8 finger and almost 1/2 side.

I have been holding this ball and finally got it drilled up when my league started playing around with the shot (dry heads, a little oil in the mid lane and dry back).  The even wiped out the middle, play there and it hooks right off your hand.  It became so dry that anything I threw died before reaching the pocket.  The following week, my friend (tonygee) drilled it up, brought it to my league, and I used it that night to shoot about 640.  Not a great series, but considering the scores that night, not bad, and with a 15lb pancake ball.  When it's dry, this ball shines.  It just skids over the dry and has a great hard roll to the pocket (surprisingly strong).  The only time you leave 10's is when you play deep.  It got so dry, I went inside 15 by the 3rd game.  I just could not get the right reaction to carry.  By the 6th frame, I decide to go back to my original line about (10-12), with more speed.  That did the trick.  I will use it for spares on a more oily shot.

I do have a high track and it will occasionally clip the finger holes.  However, a minor adjustment (less hit, more push) and that stopped.  In fact, this ball will be a good practice ball when I work on a release with a lower track.

Overall, this ball is does exactly what it is supposed to do, and is a little stronger than what I expected.


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Re: Hit Sparkle
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2005, 06:35:09 PM »
I have the Red one.

I really needed a ball that I would solely use for dry to fried lane conditions, and I didn't want to break the bank.  So I found this one used for $14.95.  It was drilled with almost the exact span and finger hole sizes, so only thing I had to do was add tape so that it can fit just right.
Here are the stats for this ball:

15 lb Right Hand drilled
4 1/4 by 4 5/16 no grips
Pin 1" out @ 12:00, no weight holes
pin under ring finger
CG in the middle of the palm

I bowl in a wood lanes house.  The ball was smooth to the pocket.  I did not see any overreaction when it hit the extremely dry boards.  Most of the Storm balls that I had in the past did a skid/snap motion.  This ball does a smooth arc motion to the pocket.  It is suprisingly strong when it hits the pocket, sending pins everywhere. The Hit Pearl allows me to play my favorite shot, down and in.  It doesn't matter how dry the lanes are, the ball did not overreact in the dry.  Definitely and underrated ball, and overlooked for dry lane conditions.  It's definitely a keeper when I go to league on Wednesdays.

"Now rolling Track and MoRich"
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Re: Hit Sparkle
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2006, 10:16:12 PM »
God I hate this ball. I also hate the conservative drilling I got on it, but really even on dry conditions unless you can throw it hard and dart it straight, I can't find much to like about this ball. I really don't like the coverstock on it. I think it's a poor match with the core used. Reaction is pretty tame to say the least and is difficult to rev up. I seriously can rev up my White Dot harder. Alot of flat tens this ball leaves and if it hits like, dont expect it to carry. I'm going to get a new dry lane ball soon to replace this rancid ball.