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Author Topic: Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl  (Read 14242 times)


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Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
Feel the Boom!!! Get out of the pits and on the fast track to higher scores with the latest edition to the Hot Rod family, the new Pro Stock Pearl.™ The MONSOON™ Pearl Reactive Coverstock soars through the driest front ends for big length and blazing backend. Powering the Pro Stock Pearl™ is the notorious FE2 Thunder Weight Block making for a potent combination that crushes racks with no remorse. When it’s time to put up or shut up, which will you choose? Shut’em up with the Pro Stock Pearl™!

PRO STOCK PEARLâ„¢ Technical Specifications

Coverstock MONSOONâ„¢ Pearl Reactive
Weight Block Modified 2-piece
Ball Color Aqua/Silver
Ball Finish 1500-polish  
Radius of Gyration 2.54 (Med)
Differential .033 (Med)
Durometer 74 - 76 Rex D-scale
Flare Potential 4 (Med)
Fragrance None
Weights 10 - 16 lbs.



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Re: Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2004, 05:16:49 PM »
15lb 3oz top 2.5" pin

Drilled two of these, one stacked pin just right of ring finger. The second, pin is right of ring finger, but cg in span and MB left of thumb in the weaker position. I throw about 16.5 mph, medium revs, 203 avg and both of these balls are way stronger than I ever anticipated. The backend is monsterous. When you hit it right, boom. Unfortunately, I am about to plug the label drilling and try to go with pin above bridge, cg and mb in line stacked or slightly to the left. I need more length and not so jumpy on the backend.

Just wanted to let you guys know this is much stronger than advertised. NOT a weak ball by any means.


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Re: Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2004, 05:22:27 PM »
16#, standard label drill, pin just above bridge, 3 inch pin with 2.5 oz topweight

i bought the ball for a medium shot on those snappy AMF lanes, where my hot wire is over-under and my power charge is ridiculously erratic because of an aggressive drilling.  ive used the ball on 3 shots so far, including the one i just mentioned

condition 1 - AMF lanes, app. 33-35 feet of fresh medium oil, fairly flat compared to most house shots, with dry outside 5 and unplayable for anyone with decent hand.  there is very little hold area inside, and pushing the ball right without hitting the 1st arrow usually leaves a washout or 2-8-10.

     on this shot, the PSP is a solid ball.  the pearl cover gets pretty good length, doesnt grab early, and then screams back to the pocket.  i played from 24 at the line to 16 at the arrows, with a breakpoint of around 9-11.  every ball that hit the pocket carried, and the finish on the ball was as good or better than anything ive seen.  the pins stayed low, and the reaction itself stayed very consistent, even during the 3rd and 4th games bowled when breakdown usually becomes noticeable.  i give it a solid 9 out of 10 on this condition.

condition 2 - brunswick anvilane, app. 38-40 feet of broken down medium-heavy oil, some hold over the middle, drier towards the outside, dry but playable outside of 5.

     on this shot, the PSP is an absolute beast.  while still not a THS, it is easier than #1, but the carry at this house is usually(always) a problem.  i played from 20 at the line out to 10 at the arrows, with a breakpoint of about 4 or 5.  out of 48 shots, i managed to hit my mark on 42, and carried on 37.  the carry is amazing.  3 nine pins, an eight pin and a flat ten were all that stood up when i hit the pocket.  the angle this ball generates from the outside is ridiculous, but most importantly, playable and consistent.  the mixture of the monsoon with the pearl turns out to be a perfect combination for angle and consistency.  perfect 10 for this condition.

condition 3 - same lanes as #2, only a fresh 38-40 heavy shot.  the shot is outside of 7, although still not an unplayable amount of friction, and anything inside of 7 better be an aggressive ball thrown slow with a lot of hand to get it back to the 1-3.  

     on this shot, dictated by the oil, i tried playing from 10 out to 7 at the arrows, with a breakpoint of 3 or 4 down the lane.  as would be expected, the PSP is really not made for the condition.  while the ball did make it back to the pocket on a number of shots, it also didnt recover on alot as well.  normally, an aggressive razor wire with a touch of polish(very, very little) is perfect to play on a similar line, and the carry is above average.  with the PSP, the pearl cover had to fight too much to recover, and didnt have enough to finish the job once reaching the pins.  the ball could be used on this line possibly with an aggressive drilling to get the ball to roll earlier, but a duller surface is probably a better option.  6 out of 10 for this shot.

overall, any medium-light to mdium-heavy should allow you to play this ball.  the monsoon is an amazing cover with the pearlized shell, and the combination of length with a strong backend is extremely powerful when it comes to pin carry.  anything that can carry like the PSP did in the house represented by shots 2 and 3 should always be in your bag.

questions or comments, PM me.



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Re: Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2004, 05:46:43 PM »
i got this ball for xmas. drilled it with layout 4 b/c my original hot rod is drilled for light carrydown. this ball gets down the lane great. starts to rev up bout 35 foot and watch it turn nice and smooth. this ball i dont have to throw real hard to get it to go down the lane at all. the only problem with the layout i chose is that it is very speed sensitive but i always speed it up for my spares. hope this helps some on.
btw. the pattern i was throwing on was a 36 ft. blend with 5 units on the outside.
specs in my profile.


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Re: Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2004, 10:14:57 AM »
I threw this for the first time I expected a lot more motivation on the backend.  Thankfully this ball just got into a roll and produced a smooth controllable backend.  I moved about 10 boards left of where I was throwing the ACE and went on to shoot 676 on a line I do not play very often.  I am convinced the bowling gods were trying to teach me a lesson that 4th arrow isn’t always the best line.  Lesson learned.
Check out the full review and other cool articles at's+Junction/728.aspx


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Re: Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2005, 01:47:27 AM »
Just took this ball out of the box on dry wood lanes and this thing did not over for the real late league with spotty conditions on synthetic lanes...drilled to go long and no over under...I will give more feedback far so the way hits like a hammer on dry conditions so far...


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Re: Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2005, 04:06:30 PM »
ok this ball can do it all...oil long with not much backend and this ball hung in there and boom...Jesse James has no chance against this Hot Rod...This ball on the outside hits like a ton of bricks...the transition into the pocket is subtle and not over hooking...dry conditions its sharp and not over powering...If you are a stroker like me you would prefer to have this in your arsenal...great ball...I give it a 9


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Re: Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2005, 01:50:29 AM »
ok I have seen this ball on long oil with nice movement in the is however speed sensitive and hits harder than I thought...shot 257 with this ball on a 10x10 pattern...if it hits oil it will rev up...dry backends this ball will not over react and will stay near pocket...if it hits light get strong carry...if it hits late it will trip up outside 4 and not leave this ball in the middle it will leave splits and catch too much head pin...not really great for inside out swinger type bowling...great for medium to medium dry lanes...great ball give it 9...versatile and many angles...also can hit ten pin spare more often do to crossing oil and getting down lane smooth...dont miss right with spare it will slide to gutter...givr it try...drill pattern is over finger with cg in span...3 inch weight hole...


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Re: Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2005, 10:44:36 PM »
1st review,so here goes, 15lb, out of the box finish, drilled label #1, pin over and to the right of ring finger. Rolled first tournament this weekend, 5th in team, 6th in singles, don't know doubles yet, suspect top ten.
 This ball will go where you want it to go, want backend? get under it and it will cover a lot of boards, you a stroker? get out from under it and it will hunt the pocket, it don't really get the pins jumping just clears the deck, unless it is a flood you can roll this one all night, rolled six games and never looked at the recharge in the bag, very good ball for the money.


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Re: Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2005, 12:57:23 AM »
I got this ball from Buddies pro shop a few months ago. This ball was drilled with the pin 12 o'clock above my ring finger and the CG at 6 o'clock below the ring finger.

This ball hates long oil, and it loves second/third shift lane conditions. This ball needs head oil to work and it just won't work on extreme dry conditions.  You always have to keep your speed up never underestimate the aggressiveness of the monsoon coverstock.

This ball works exactly the way I wanted it to. It replaces my Monster Frenzy, a disspointing ball which is sitting amongst house balls in a dark alley. After two drillings and a multitude of surface adjustments, the frenzy didn't do what I wanted it to do. Enter the Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl. It has length and backend to die for.

This ball is used to complement my recharge when it starts hitting weak and leaving splits. I usually switch to this ball in the third game. The ball goes straight, and the back end is one of the most dramatic moves to the pocket I've ever seen. When it hits, I can literally hear the pins scream When it misses the pocket, it pretty much leaves what other balls out there will leave such as splits, and odd leaves. Overall, I'm very satisfied with this ball. Another reason I'm a storm guy !!!!
Also known on a first name basis at Buddies pro shop !


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Re: Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2005, 12:27:25 PM »
I went in search of a new ball a couple months ago to deal with my local house which seems to like to use as little oil as possible to condition the lanes.  The only two balls in my arsenal were an old Rhino Pro Gold by Brunswick and a 2000 Power Bolt by storm.  The Rhino is way too aggressive, while the Power Bolt was still a little too aggressive.  So I went out looking for a ball with maximum length that would be good for light oil conditions.  

I think I found what I was looking for.  I had the ball drilled for maximum length as I bowl with a lot of velocity and reps.  I also like releasing at the 12 board out to the 5...  so I hate sweeping the ball out wide and letting it come back....  I don't think this ball would recover well from leaving it out too wide.  The ball reacted just as I had hoped... Getting down the lane with a smooth arcing transition to the pocket.  If you like snap, this ball likely will not do it for you.  (Check out a Fired Up... my wife uses it)

The ball hits hard like every other Storm Ball out there...   I didn't have many off-pocket hits to speak of except one light Brooklyn that carried... So it mixes the pins up great.

This is a great offering from Storm for us Crankers who need something for Medium-Light oil... or for those who bowl 2nd shift leagues on lanes that have been used up already.

I am a 197 average bowler...  I have thrown two games with this ball... 1st for a 226 and the 2nd for a 246...   I'm looking forward to the next league night!

Good luck and good bowling!


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Re: Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2006, 02:59:45 PM »
Like nandosze said, this ball is much stronger than it's advertised to be.

Out of the box, the backend is monstrous, extremely angular; it makes any conditions I've thrown it on act wet/dry.  I'm a high rev, medium ball speed bowler.  The only time this gets to the pocket is if the lanes are long, otherwise I'm eating left side of the head pin.  I have had some success by throwing it very hard from the 4 to the 30, but I can't maintain the speed required.

I've had great success by sanding it out with 1000-2000 grit (was actually a heavily used 500 grit abralon pad).  I'm throwing it from 15 board out to about 10-5 board, and it carries extremely well.  Second game with it sanded down, I threw 11/12 strikes, the only leave was a solid 10 pin.

Just wanted to second that this is much stronger than advertised. NOT a weak ball by any means, but readily accepts scuffing to be great.


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Re: Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2009, 11:04:30 AM »
I got this ball off ebay and had it drilled up to go long and hook. The first two times I used it in my league I shot okay with a bunch of low 200 games. I put it away for awhile and decided to give it one more try. Man am I glad I decided to try it again I shot 244,253,267. The ball was working awesome. If it wouldn't have been for a solid 10 pin in the 3rd frame I would have had 300. I currently have a 200 average and carry only two balls with me now a Storm Xfactor & Storm hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl. If you can still find one of these Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl they are great to have in the bag!