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Author Topic: Hot Wire  (Read 18946 times)


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Hot Wire
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Line Hot
Color Red/Blue
Coverstock Reactive
Core 2-piece
RG 2.56
Differential 0.033
Factory finish Matte
Weights 10 thru 16lbs



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Re: Hot Wire
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2004, 07:10:33 PM »
15-16mph med. reves

ball specs- pin 3/8" under ring finger CG kicked out a lil with a three inch pin. 2.5 top weight.
0 0

thats kinda how it looks..

i wanted this ball primarily for a tamer early ball (something i didn't quite have in my line-up) and when i first threw it i hated it absolutly hated it. then after a couple weeks it turned into my favorite ball. it comes out sooner then my tour power does. it carrys so nice which was my problem i was gettin carry like any one else was but now i am.


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Re: Hot Wire
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2004, 07:11:42 PM »
sorry thats not really how it looks below
0 0

there we hope it works this time


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Re: Hot Wire
« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2004, 10:45:11 AM »
Picked this ball up from Charlest, ball was in excellent condition. Left it with the original setup, pin over ring and the CG under the middle finger 3"-4" pin. Took a bit of the shine off it with a gray scotch pad. Ball gets through the heads very easily and makes a strong arc to the pocket. What I like best about it is it's versatility. I can pitch it hard to the bank and the ball won't overreact. As long as my feet are deep enough, I can really ope up the lane with it. I can also play deeper into the oil with a little more hand and a slower speed and get the ball to finish. The Hotwire hits very well too. I bowl in a house were the carry is not very good and my average is up 7 pins. Very happy with this ball and would recommend it to anyone.



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Re: Hot Wire
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2004, 02:45:30 PM »
Here's a mini review for me.

Specs, 2 1/2 pin out 3.5 top weight.

Drilled 4 X 4 1/2(stacked for me, weighhole 1/2 inch past my pap 31/32 drill bit.

This ball actually looks really good after I hit it with black magic.
Mine is real attractive being unlike the picture mostly sky blue with a touch of orange.  Looks a lot like the Track Revmaster but maybe better on the lanes.
Longer and more pure backend punch!

Compares very favorable to the Walter Ray MVP that I have reviewed as one of my favorite balls.  As a side roller with medium revs and soft speed I usually get all the hook I want and then some!

This ball is exactly what all the reviews say.  This ball is the X factor Deuce played straighter up.  Almost as much contiunuation not quite!

This ball because of the weighthole has good seperation of flare lines and about 3 1/2 inches of flare.

Smooth and straight down the alley near the second arrow and then a nice strong slurve with an extra curl right at the back.  This ball will carry and penetrate the pocket well.  A little later with its breakpoint than the Walter but Walter does not have polish.  Both 1000.

Essentially if you are playing the X factor deuce 15 to 9 and back for a loop.
One will get up and go straight up 10 and see almost the same move at the break!

Nice real nice for an inexpensive piece.


PS drill your weak balls strong and strong balls weak!
PPS yesterdays condition was sort of a mess, not a ton of head oil and then lots of carrydown.  Lots of balls, both pearls which skid too far and Particle solids polished which couldn't break in the nasty carrydown couldn't strike!  This one could!!!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Hot Wire
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2004, 02:22:29 AM »
Well, ever since an initially good first day this orb has been overunder!

Lots of backend but couldn't be played inside the oil line and on the oil line it would always overhook!

Was doing a multi ball ball test today.  Came in after our top area classic league and watched the top lefty in the leaque do well but trail his recent tearin em up pace of 700 plus.

Tonight he used the WMB which looked like it labored but still had a lot backend and surprising carry(i've heard it is a big carry ball).

Also watched one of our top righties have a disastrous last game of 125.  He was experiencing exactly what we lefties usually go thru at this house.  Move outside and the ball bites too early and is tough to hit the pocket.  Inside it wants to go high and if you hit the pocket it was flat 10ing this guy to death.

So I noticed the same thing on our side.  My V2 pearl needed to be swung too much to the outside and then flat 7'd me.  The X factor Deuce same, the Reaction Rip too much flare the Razor Wire was reading the dry too slow.

This pup still drilled the same as previous review was the creme! Difference a lowering of grit and an increase of polish!

Got inside the oil line a touch with the balls new surface of dull green pad(800) and a high gloss Black MAgic burned in shine!  Sliding 21 setting down at 13-14  at eh the foul line and driving hard over the 11 -10 area at the arrows this ball would penetrate out to 5-6 at the 40 foot mark and have all sorts of energy.  You know those strikes where the pins go straight back right all at the same time!!!  Or if you are bowling on the wrong side of the lane strikes like this are straight back and left!

This ball was the one with the energy to make that big move and wipe them off the pin deck!

This house seems to be the area on the right is the third arrow out to 11 to 9.

On the left the shot is always force the ball over 10-11(no hold area in teh middle) a one board miss inside is always instant crossover!  USe good speed and Drive almost to the gutter into some dirt!  Then all you need to have is a ball with a lot of energy to get back and supply the rippin!

This one is it!  Polish er up gooD!  That seemed to make all the difference!


PS around me others were struggling with everything else.  X Factor Ace, Xtreme, Triple X, Full Throttle, Deuce.  Their increased bite in the midlane their failing on this shot!  No one could believe the action this cheap orb was giving me!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Hot Wire
« Reply #21 on: March 13, 2005, 11:03:08 AM »
I used this ball for the first time last night in very dry lane conditions. It hooked so much i had trouble with it but the ball is awesome and i would recommend it for anyone.


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Re: Hot Wire
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2005, 01:55:55 PM »
Got a new thumb slug after it has been sitting idle in my garage.  Averaging 225 through 12 games this season.  For what is considered a low cost ball, this has been my favorite ball.  It hits hard and the way the ball reads the lanes is incredible.  After a 10 yr layoff where i just got back into bowling 2 years ago, I have tried other more expensive equipment without the success of this one.  If anyone wants to add to their arsenal and can find this ball for under $100 (more likely under $80), buy it!