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Author Topic: Hy-Road Max  (Read 27375 times)


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Hy-Road Max
« on: March 04, 2021, 10:47:44 AM »
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Continuing the long success of the Hy-Road line of bowling balls is the Hy-Road Max. The Hy-Road Max is a mid-performance bowling ball that uses the Inverted Fe2 core. This core is known to produce a higher RG presentation which typically delivers a later reaction as well as a cleaner shape through the front part of the lane. Storm has added the NeX Solid Reactive coverstock around this core. This coverstock offers more reaction down the lane. The makeup of the coverstock helps slow the ball which causes it to hook on medium oiled lanes.

Color: Emerald/Lime
All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown
Coverstock: NeX Solid Reactive
Core: Inverted Fe² Technology (14#-16#)
Finish: 3000-grit Abralon
RG: 2.57 (for a 15# ball)
Differential: 0.046 (for a 15# ball)
Fragrance: Green Apple
Recommended Lane Condition: Medium Oil



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Hy-Road Max
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2021, 02:55:24 PM »
I was really excited they brought out another hyroad and wrapped it in the NEX cover. This ball at the price point hooks!. This is going to be the strongest hyroad out to date. If you're looking for a ball that reads the midlane and has something of the spot this ball is for you. This ball is great paired with the proton physix. These two together on the lanes is a 1-2 punch. Get to your local pro shop and grab one of these!

Anthony Wiegand Pro Shop Staff


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Storm Hyroad Max review by Trevor Roberts
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2021, 07:00:48 AM »
Lane Condition
Length: 40
Volume: Medium
Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS

This Hy-Road Max has quickly become one of my favorite balls in my bag. Because the cover is so strong, I polished it the day I drilled it and haven’t looked back. It is a ball that I have thrown on many different patterns and volumes, and it amazes me on every one. When the Hy-Road is going too long, this is the perfect ball. When the Phaze 2 can’t get the 10 out because it isn’t retaining enough energy, this is the perfect ball. The Hy-Road Max perfectly embodies a stronger, more overall hook Hy-Road. Whether solid or shiny, the Hy-Road Max will give you a predictable motion that you can rely on. If you want to strike more, go get one!

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Bowler Stats
Trevor Roberts
2016 PBA Southern Regional Rookie Of The Year
Storm Products / Turbo 2n1 Grips / Bowlifi Staff Member
Right Handed
Rev Rate: 400
Speed: 16
PAP: 5 1/2 up 13/16


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Re: Hy-Road Max
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2021, 01:58:22 PM »

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): Modified House Shot


As I predicted this ball has a benchmark shape for me. It is smooth, predictable and continues through the pins. Where I do run into trouble is when there isn’t enough oil. I have been struggling to make this work on our typical house shot but have been thriving with it at other centers with more oil. I can see this being a modified house shot” killer! As it has lane shined it has only gotten better for me. Next time I think I would just knock the shine off of it right out of the box. I have always wanted that typical Hyroad shape with a stronger cover so that it would be more usable in tournaments for me. This is exactly what I have been waiting for. Head on over to my YouTube channel to see my ball reaction video!



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Re: Hy-Road Max
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2021, 06:51:22 AM »
The new HyRoad Max is a new solid that has been added to the famous HyRoad line. This ball features Inverted Fe2 Core wrapped in NeX Solid. NeX Solid was first founded on the Axiom and is also on the Proton PhysiX. Out of the Axiom, Proton PhysiX and the HyRoad Max, the HyRoad Max is going to be the weakest of the three with NeX on it. But the HyRoad Max allows you to stay in a bigger cover with a weaker core during the transition. This is going to be a great league ball because of how versatile it is. Be sure to get yours today!


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Re: Hy-Road Max
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2021, 11:04:09 AM »
I always get excited when I hear about a new Hy-Road coming out - they always impress!

The new Hy-Road Max is a solid ball with the Nex solid coverstock attached to it. I always like to compare any new Hy-road with the OG Hy-road.

My Max is drilling pin above the bridge - which is 3.5 inches from my PAP. With the Max being solid, it's earlier than the OG Hyroad, so I have to get about 5-6 boards left witht the Max.

This ball is extremely versatile for me, and it sees the midlane great. It's not too strong on the backend, so it blends the patterns well, where you have a nice strong controllable motion. If you like the Hy-Road series, you'll enjoy this one!
Trent Knoop
Storm Staff
Level 1 Bowling Coach


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Re: Hy-Road Max
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2021, 10:11:32 AM »
Hyroad core. Nex cover.  Sounds like a great combo and it is.  The strong cover and weaker core combination of the Max fits a spot were there aren't a lot of options.  Takes great to surface adjustments to make it easily adjustable to as much or as little as you want it to hook.


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Re: Hy-Road Max
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2021, 04:12:13 PM »
I drilled the Hyroad Max with a plan of being able to play a bit straighter and keep my angles in front of me.  With the NEX coverstock and a weaker hyroad core, I am able to do that.   This ball is great to start out league and play up the oil line.  I have also had some success on different sport patterns.  I drilled mine 40 x 3.5 x 40.   I am 17.5mph, 375 rpm, 10 deg til, 60 deg axis rotation.

PJ Haggerty

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Re: Hy-Road Max
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2021, 12:04:35 PM »
Storm Hyroad Max Ball Review by PJ Haggerty

The newest addition to the Thunder Line at Storm is the Hyroad Max.  The Hyroad series has been out for over ten years now and will go down as one of the most successful line of balls the game has ever seen.  Out of all of the Hyroad’s that have been made, the Max is definitely the most unique one yet.  The biggest difference is the NeX coverstock is on the Max which was originally used on the Axiom. 

I’ve drilled one Hyroad Max so far and really like it.  I mapped the layout as 5 x 4.5 x 75.  This puts the pin above my bridge and I also changed the surface with 4000 and water.  I’ve had the most success using the Max on medium-longer patterns.  Even though the RG is higher at 2.57 and differential is .046, the Max feels much stronger than that (maybe due to the coverstock).  It’s been a great compliment to the Proton Physix, Axiom, and Respect. 

Overall, the Max is another home run addition to not only the Hyroad line, but the Storm line as well.  Go drill one to get the latest & greatest!  #StormNation


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Re: Hy-Road Max
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2021, 12:29:01 PM »
Take it to the Max!!!

The new HyRoad Max features the trusty old Inferted Fe2 core wrapped in the NeX Solid cover which is also found on the Axiom solid and the Proton Physix.
I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by the ball reaction that I’ve seen from the HyRoad Max. This ball reads the mid-lane very well and isn’t overly aggressive on the back in which can be very helpful in controlling your breakpoint and blending out patterns.
I have thrown mine on my local centers house shot as well as a higher volume 1:1 pattern and the HyRoad Max rolled great on both.
I bowl league on old wood lanes and there is a lot of friction. I was still able to use the Max for a full 3 game league set, I just kept bumping left to open my angle and find some head oil and the Max never struggled to make the corner.
The Max also hits like a truck. I haven’t had a ball that drives through the pins like this one does in quite some time.
If you are a fan of the HyRoad line this is a must add for your league and or tournament bag.
And if you are new to the HyRoad experience this is a great one to start with?


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Re: Hy-Road Max
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2021, 11:41:14 AM »
The HyRoad Max has some big shows to fill for sure after the original hyroad is still being used on tour. 
My first reaction to the max was that cover was just to strong for me and I was not getting the carry I wanted. It would tend to just give up in the back end and not go through the pins good.
As I used it and it got some lane shine on it I did find my self getting the carry I wanted. I just needed the ball to get another foot down the lane to get a nice shape. I think a lot of the complaints are about the out of box finish.
With that being said the ball takes to lots of different surface changes.


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Hy-Road Max review by Lonnie Pemberton
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2021, 05:39:14 PM »

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS


Cover: NeX Solid Reactive
Core: Inverted Fe²
Finish: 3000
RG: 2.57
Differential: 0.046

Right-Handed Tweener
Speed: 12-13 mph
Rev Rate: 315
PAP: 4 7/8 Right 3/8 Up

Ball Layout: Pin under Ring 4 1/2 Pin to Pap 3 1/2 Pin Buffer

The newest addition to the Hy Road family of bowling balls is the aptly named Hy Road Max. The Inverted Fe² core that has powered what may be the most successful line of balls ever produced is again featured. The chosen coverstock for the Max is the NEX cover that was featured so successfully on the Axiom and Proton Physix. The nano formulation creates a max amount of friction and the continuity of the Inverted Fe² creates a unique shape for the cover so far.

I tested the Hy Road Max on a fresh house condition. I threw one practice shot, turned around to a buddy I was practicing with and told him, "this ball is smooth with 15 O's". The drilling I chose stretches the transition of the ball as it goes down-lane. With my lower ball speed my worry was that had I chosen a layout where that move happens faster that the high friction generated by the nano cover could cause the ball to roll out. I was very happy with the results as I could square the ball up on the oil line and really control the downlane reaction.

I can really see this ball being great for me on higher volume patterns. It is so consistent in the mid-lane that I feel like whatever angle the ball needs to take off the friction, I can be confident in my ability to get it there where I need to. I do think that for lower speed players longer pin buffer layouts are going to be preferable. This ball really looks great for the high speed/high rev players. Its very responsive to surface changes and hand position changes.


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Re: Hy-Road Max
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2021, 12:01:37 PM »
Ball Specs
Hyroad Max
Cover: 3000 Grit NeX Solid Reactive
Weight Block: Inverted Fe2 Technology
Color: Emerald/Lime
Fragrance: Green Apple

Another addition to a proven line that has been successful throughout Storm’s history so what could go wrong? The answer is simple, nothing. The Hy-Road Max with it’s unique cover core combo allows me to play a little straighter while still having ball that can finish at the end of the lane. The fact that they put a proven cover with a prove core just makes it that much better of a ball in my opinion. I drilled my Hy-Road Max to be a smooth rolling ball, I wanted to be able to play a little straighter with my angles. I am very happy with this ball and I can see it being in my bag right next to my original Hy-Road for many years to come. If you haven’t gone out and gotten yourself a Hy-Road Max yet you are really missing out on a unique ball that can take your game to the next level.

Will Tefft
Storm Staff Member


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Re: Hy-Road Max
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2021, 03:06:55 PM »
The Hyroad Max features the same proven FE2 core but is now wrapped in NEX solid. The FE2 core boasts an RG of 2.52 and differential of 0.058 in #16 respectively. The design intent behind this ball was to provide a similar amount of friction to the Axiom (being as they share the same cover) but from a zone farther down the lane. Anyone that knows me, knows that I'm always honest with what I think. Just because I'm on staff with Storm does not mean I love every ball I drill. That being said, I do not like what I see out of this ball so far. It's cleaner than expected but much straighter off the end of the pattern than I would like. It's strong enough to force me too far left too quickly but a little too forward to properly get through to pins. This combined with the color of the ball just doesn't fit what my eye likes to see so far. I do plan on taking the surface up some and letting it lane shine to hopefully increase the friction response downlane. I see this ball being better for straighter players on higher volume/flatter patterns when they need to keep very closed angles. When compared to the original Hyroad, the Hyroad Max is earlier, rounder and straighter off the end of the pattern. The Hyroad Max is available for pre order today from any storm VIP pro shop!

Review Video:


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Re: Hy-Road Max
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2021, 03:26:10 PM »
Drilling pattern: 90 x 6 x 41

Pin position: Above and left of ring finger

PAP: 4.5 over and 1 up

So after taking a look at my arsenal I noticed I didn't have any solid balls with long pin to PAP numbers and had been running in to issues of balls burning up on the high friction surfaces in my area. Talked with the PSO and decided to throw a 6" pin to PAP on this ball to try and make sure the ball gets down lane, even with the aggressive surface on this ball as I left it at box finish, and retain its energy for increased hitting power. Oh boy did it deliver. The notorious back end motion of the Hy-Road line was again evident as the ball made a very strong turn at the break point.

I haven't used this ball on a house pattern yet however when bowling in our challenge league (40 foot KEGEL Mercury oil pattern) the surface provided some forgiveness when I missed out making sure to dig in and still get back to the pocket. This ball will fit great in my arsenal between my earlier rolling solids (900 Global Aspect) and the strong pearls (900 Global Zen) when additional traction is needed in the mid lane but that "pop" is still needed down lane.

Brent Ritchie

900 Global/Roto Grip/Storm Staff