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Author Topic: Hy-Road Pearl  (Read 54445 times)


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Hy-Road Pearl
« on: May 24, 2013, 09:00:03 AM »
Ball NPS Score: 60.00
Storm Hy-Road Pearl Ball Specs:
- Color: Blue/Purple All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Coverstock: R2Sâ„¢ Pearl Reactive
- Core: Inverted Fe² Technology™
- Factory Finish: 1500-grit Polished
- Reaction: Medium Hook with Length
- Fragrance: Grape Punch
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal

Description: Do you feel the need for speed? The Storm Hy-Road Pearl R2Sâ„¢ Pearl Reactive coverstock is meant to react to your ball speed though the backend. This speed will unleash from your ball to the pins when they meet creating pin domination. Take the Hy-Road!



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Hy-Road Pearl
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2013, 11:49:15 AM »

Length: 42ft and 39ft

Volume: medium volume on both patterns

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS


Likes: The Hy-Road Pearl is a very goom compliment to the original Hy-Road. I went with a 35*5*35 layout with an xhole 4in from my center line on the mid line. This ball is very clean thru the front and mids because of the pearl cover and has great motion at the break point. It still got great length on the shorter pattern with good recovery.
Thrown by Storm Staffer Nick Smith

Dislikes: None



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Re: Hy-Road Pearl
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2013, 09:06:33 PM »
This ball is just as amazing as the original Hy-Road.  I drilled this ball with the pin above the ring finger and the cg swung out 2 inches with the weight hole on my axis.  I love throwing this ball because it rolls so smooth and is so strong on the backend.  The carry is great too! I've only had this ball a few weeks and have already shot many high 270's with it.  I'm going to drill another Hy-Road Pearl with the pin down in order to play the wetter lanes just as well.  This is a versatile ball that is a must have in your bag at tourneys.


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Hy-Road Pearl review by Mark Tarkington
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2013, 09:18:30 AM »
Right Handed
Ball weight:  14
Rev Rate:  378
Ball Speed:  18.2
Axis Tilt:  6.67
Axis Rotation:  45*
PAP:  3 7/8 horizontal, 1 ¼ up
Layout:  3 7/8 Pin to PAP, 4 1/8 PSA to PAP, 1 5/8 pin buffer

I’ve had two of the original HyRoad and loved both of them.  I was very curious to see what a full pearl version would do.

Before drilling mine, I had talked to another shop operator that had drilled one and he had nothing but great things to say about it.

I decided to drill mine for when sport patterns open up and there is some bump right. 

I’ve used it on a beat up Dick Weber pattern and a fresh house pattern.

On the Dick Weber pattern, I used it from games 3-6 and it was a great option.  I had serious problems trying to keep the ball far enough right.  More operator error than ball issues.   As long as I gave the ball room to the right, it recovered quite well.  There was NO hold in the middle, so if I tugged it (which is my normal M.O.), it was through the nose or even runaway Brooklyn.   It was very clean through the oil, but around game 6, the middles started burning up, so it started checking up early.

On the house pattern, the ball was quite clean through the heads and recovered so well that I was surprised that it made the corner.  It glided to the breakpoint and was sharper than any ball I’ve thrown in a few years. 

Of the few games I’ve put on this ball, I can say it reminds me of the first Thunder Road Pearl more than any ball I’ve rolled since that one was released.  It’s sharper than anything in my bag, but it’s not an uncontrollable flip.  It reads the lane so well, that the movement on the friction is not unpredictable.  Of course, with a ball this sharp, the carry is pretty spectacular. 

I’m looking forward to using this one on a variety of patterns and seeing how it matches up with different volumes, but I can say that as a first ball out of the bag on a THS, it could be a little strong, but the rewards could outweigh the risks.

Storm made a very good decision to put this cover around this core!
Mark Tarkington
Storm Pro Shop Staff Member
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Re: Hy-Road Pearl
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2013, 07:49:36 AM »
HY-ROAD PEARL review by Storm staffer Jeff Richgels

DRILLED June 27, 2013

A picture of my HY-ROAD PEARL is at my blog here:

When you look at the specs of the HY-ROAD PEARL, you automatically think T-ROAD PEARL: both balls feature the great R2S Pearl coverstock over the Inverted Fe Technology weight block.

But it’s not the same ball, as the R2S Pearl has been tweaked/upgraded some so it’s a little stronger than it was/is in the T-ROAD PEARL (I still have one I use now and then on hooking conditions).

Both balls provide easy skid and a strong back-end motion, but it’s apparent to me that the HY-ROAD PEARL is a bit stronger and not as squirty in oil.

I used my HY-ROAD PEARL a bit on Cheetah at a recent PBA Regional and it got down the lane easy without squirting.

However, the drilling I chose for my HY-ROAD PEARL simply wasn’t strong enough for the boomerang shot I was playing that weekend (using a VIRTUAL ENERGY and REIGN SUPREME mostly). 

Since I wasn’t really looking for another skid/flip motion ball, I decided to try a control drilling that I’ve found success with in other balls. The drilling features the pin above and left of my middle finger with the CG near the grip center and no weight hole. Assuming my PAP still is 5 1/8 x 3/4 up (I need to re-check it!) it worked out to 6 3/8 Pin-PAP, 4 1/4 “Mass Bias” (it’s a symmetrical)-PAP, and 4 5/8 pin buffer.  I left my blue/purple grape fragrance HY-ROAD PEARL at 1,500-grit box shiny.

The idea is a pearl ball I can play a little straighter with and have more control of on hooking conditions – where I don’t want that skid/flip motion.

So far, that’s exactly what I’m seeing.

If you’re looking for a ball that will go long and make a strong move – with a slightly stronger cover than the T-ROAD PEARL – the HY-ROAD PEARL is for you.

I have not drilled many of the recent Storm weaker/shiny/skid-flip releases like the LIGHTS OUT and FREAKIN FRANTIC so I can’t give a comparison to those.

I will say that the HY-ROAD PEARL definitely is smoother and less "wacky" than the FRANTIC, which remains one of my all-time favorite strong shiny balls.


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Hy-Road Pearl by staffer Garrett Richardson
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2013, 04:38:00 PM »
Hand: Left
Ball Speed: 16-17mph
Ball Weight: 15lbs
PAP: 5 left 7/16 up
Degrees of Tilt: 17
Layout: 4 ½ x 5 ½ x 4 ¼

The Hyroad Pearl I have drilled pin under the ring finger with the cg in with no hole with the factory finish 1500 grit polish. With (once again) my favorite cover stock the R2S technology and the great Inverted Fe² Technology™ that is from my first pin down ball I have ever drilled the T-Road pearl that this was going to bring back great memories.

Lets see...How do I start this review up and not be so emotional and give you good info about it because I just didn't see this coming and I love that Storm did this and kept the original Hyroad in the line up also.....For people who know me I have always loved the Hyroad and forever will. I keep a Hyroad in my at all times because it gets me out of jams when other balls couldn't. I have gone through many Hyroads and none of them have let me down and could use it for THOUSANDS of games! That is how I feel with the new Hyroad Pearl. The Hyroad Pearl reminds me of the T-Road pearl with the same cover stock and weight block technology with the only difference is the color and the name.

The Hyroad gives me a great mid lane read with a predictable back end that is controllable and when the Hyroad starts to hook too much or not enough with the heads being burnt I go to the Hyroad Pearl that is cleaner through the fronts and gives me a strong BUT controllable back end. It does not have the whipping back end action like a typical pearl for me but that is what I like about it which I believe the change in color pigmentation comes into play unlike with the T-Road Pearl being a blue color it had more of an angular look. I am able to read what the lanes are doing on the back end with the Hyroad Pearl and can stay in the same part of the lane and not give the pocket away. All and all the Hyroad Pearl is going to be another great ball Storm is putting out and hopefully this ball will also stay in the line up for 5 years or more. If you want to replace your T-Road pearl that I know many people still use or a great new/old technology that still works for medium condition or your typical house shot pattern this is the ball for you. For the T-Road Pearl users don't be afraid for replace it with the Hyroad Pearl. You will be very happy with it. 

If you have any questions about the Hyroad Pearl email me at

Garrett Richardson
Storm/Roto Grip Amateur Staff
Vise Inserts Amateur Staff
Pinole Bowler’s Supply


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Re: Hy-Road Pearl
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2013, 04:22:15 PM »
Hand - Right
Ball Speed- 16-17 mph
Ball Weight - 15
PAP - 4  up 1 1/4
Tilt - 15
Layout- 4.5 x 5 x 4..5

The Hyroad Pearl is clean through the fronts with a strong arc motion on the backend.
I have a T-Road Pearl drilled the same, and the Hyroad Pearl is a stronger overall ball motion. Not as skid flippy as T-Road. Plus handles more oil than T-Road and doesn't squirt through fronts.
I drilled the ball with a 4.5 inch pin down with no hole. Thinking about a smoother and controllable ball motion. This is what I got out of the Hyroad ball, smooth and continuous, and carries real well.
This ball will be good on League and Sport conditions.
A very good compliment to the very successful Hyroad !


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Re: Hy-Road Pearl
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2013, 07:57:26 AM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):Sport to house

The HyRoad Pearl is a very versatile bowling ball. I was not a big fan of the original HyRoad but the HyRoad Pearl will always be in my bag! The HyRoad Pearl gives me enough length and is strong enough on the backend to get through the carry down. The Layout that I used was 70 X 5 ½ X 70 or pin under the bridge with a weight hole 3 3/8 down from my axis point. My PAP is 5 5/8 over and ¾ up. I am right-handed and a low rev player (rev rate around 300). My ball speed is around 15mph to 16mph depending on the calculations.

I have used the HyRoad Pearl on numerous conditions and realized that the HyRoad Pearl is pretty good on most of them. Versatile is the word I use with this ball. The pearl cover allows you get through the heads and retain energy and core has enough strength to make the turn. The heavier the oil concentration or longer patterns do give the HyRoad Pearl some issues because of how clean the HyRoad Pearl gets through the heads. Surface changes do help with getting the ball to start to hook sooner but in reality. It is still a pearl. The short to medium patterns with medium concentration of oil will suit the HyRoad Pearl fine!

I used the HyRoad Pearl on Viper and also Athens and on both patterns gave me decent length with a strong but readable backend motion. The moves were simple and was able to just move left and chase the pattern as it broke down. I compared the HyRoad Pearl to the Lights Out and there was no comparison. The HyRoad Pearl was stronger than the lights Out with about the same length. What I noticed was that the HyRoad Pearl was just more readable than the Lights Out. Both balls have a place and the Lights Out needs more dry while the HyRoad Pearl just needs to be thrown and go from there!

The HyRoad Pearl will always be in my bag!



Daniel Schaden
Storm/RotoGrip Pro Shop Staff
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Bowlers Corner Pro Shop since 2002


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Storm HyRoad Pearl Review by Casey Murphy
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2013, 10:17:06 AM »
Orientation:  Right Handed
Rev Rate:  400 RPM
Speed:  16-17 MPH
PAP:  5 across ¾ up

Location:  Enterprise Park Lanes, Springfield MO
Pattern:  High Volume THS
Layout:  80, 5 ¼, 45

IT’S BACK!!!!  Storm heard the demand from Pros, avid tournament bowlers, and competitive league bowlers.  They’ve resurrected the EXTREMELY successful TRoad Pearl and renamed it the HyRoad Pearl.  Why was the TRoad Pearl popular amongst the best bowlers in the world?  Simple.  It had the longest cover and the latest transitioning core in the Storm catalog.  The 2.57 RG is the highest in Storm’s competitive line and the .046 Diff ensures a strong but predictable motion on the back.   The result is the cleanest ball in the heads that you can buy on the market today in the HyRoad Pearl.  This is an absolute MUST buy for those looking to build a complete arsenal.


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Re: Hy-Road Pearl
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2013, 10:01:04 AM »
The Hyroad pearl is the latest addition to the Thunder line of bowling balls in the Storm catalog. The Hyroad has been a mainstay of the Storm line for about five years so it doesn’t come as a surprise (albeit how long it took) for another version of this ball to come down the pike. The core is the same as the T-Road series, as well as the Hyroad, Fe2. The cover is R2S pearl, which is much stronger than the R2S pearl that was on the T-Road pearl. Materials are much improved upon compared to the original release on the R2S pearl cover, allowing the current version to read oil better, while still having a strong change of direction. The Hyroad pearl replaces the Victory Road in the current line-up.
I drilled the Hyroad pearl with pin over ring finger and CG on the grip line. It is the same layout I use on almost all pearl balls, when drilling a new one to be able to give accurate feed back with my reviews. The comp balls will be a Victory Road, and a Freak’n Frantic.
One thing I would like to mention before going further with my review has to do with how core RG relates to different styles of players. It is important to keep in mind that how higher RG cores may react for my style can be different for how they react for another player.  For example, for me, a low to medium rev player with a higher ball track (lower tilt) and softer speed, I really see the difference in high RG to low RG balls. Bowling balls like the Hyroad pearl with a higher RG and medium diff, actually goes down the lane longer and has less board coverage than what the lower RG, lower diff Freak’n Frantic does for me. So for my unique roll, the Hyroad pearl is actually a ball down from the Freak’n Frantic. Now a player that has more revs, and can apply more torque to the ball than what I do, will find that this increased torque actually makes the Hyroad pearl a stronger piece than the Freak’n Frantic, because of how the core reads the lane based on applied rotation. They can get the ball to cover more boards because the ball hasn’t “spun up” as quick as what the Freak’n Frantic would. Plus, the added speed would not allow the Freak’n Frantic’s lower RG to “read” the front of the lane the way I can get it to. So with all of that said, I have the Hyroad pearl as about a three with my feet and two with my mark, left move compared to my Freak’n Frantic. It gets to the spot much cleaner, and has less over all motion. The shape is a skid snap for me. The Hyroad pearl gets down the lane a touch longer than an identically drilled Victory Road, and “flips” off the spot a touch more than the Victory Road. I have the Hyroad as a one and one left move from the Victory Road. The Hyroad has a hook-set shape closer resembling the original Reign. The Victory is more rounded and continuous.
This ball seems to like the new Kegel Fire oil, as it doesn’t slow down too early, and doesn’t over hook. At 38 feet, and 18ml’s of oil on our house shot, It glides easily to the spot with very little effort and has a great change of direction for good entry angle and pin carry, especially as the shot dries up and I have to move in. The Hyroad pearl will see a lot of use from me when the fronts start to go away, and I need push to the spot. This ball will allow me to keep my angles in front of me on lower ratio side to side patterns, that don’t have much built in hold.
Thank you for taking the time to read my review of the Hyroad Pearl. And always remember to bowl up a Storm.
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Re: Hy-Road Pearl
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2013, 09:16:29 AM »
I have been waiting a long time for the release of this ball, and it has finally arrived.  The Hyroad Prl is a more modern version of the T Road Prl (which was one of my favorite balls of all time)  I layed mine out the same way I had my favorite t road prl 50x4x40, and the comparisons are sickening.  The Hyroad prl gives you the nice clean motion through the front, and a very smooth continuous motion down lane.  This is a great addition to the bag, especially when you encounter burnt heads, and a decent amount of friction in general.  It allows me to migrate left and float it to the right without an over jerky motion down lane.  This is a must have for all!!!

Erik Ramos
Storm/Roto Grip Staff


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Re: Hy-Road Pearl
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2013, 04:41:21 PM »
Hyroad Pearl
PAP - 4 3/16 over 1/4 up
Ball Speed 17-18 mph
Rev Rate 300-350
Right Handed
Layout 37 x 4.25 x 37
Surface Preparation: OOB

What I was looking for: I wanted a great benchmark ball that gets down the lane and has a sharp breakpoint for typical house shots.

What I got:  This ball rolls much more predictable and smoother than I imagined. I expected it to go sideways. Very Clean through the heads. It has a very nice smooth transition and it just seems extremely effective.

These are selling so fast it is incredible. This ball has some big shoes to fill and does it very well.

This is THE benchmark ball this season. You will see a lot of this ball everywhere you go. It is very versatile and just all around great. If you are getting over/under reactions then this ball is definitely something you want to check out.

This ball pairs very well with my IQ Tour solid. Once the heads are blown up and I need something reliable to get down the lane, this is the ball.

All my layouts are created using the Storm VLS. It has done a great job getting balls to react exactly how I imagine them in my head.

Steven Fagan
Storm Pro Shop Staff
Lexington, KY

Ernie Mccraken

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Re: Hy-Road Pearl
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2013, 05:15:53 PM »
Type of bowler: Tweener
Avg Speed: 17.5
Rev Rate: 375-400
PAP: 5 x ¾ up
Layout: 60 x 4 ¼ x 25

Drilled a Pearl Hyroad recently and I have to say I am surprised and the ball has given me a bit of surprise.

I used a layout that has worked to create a skid-flip reaction for me in the past but attempted to bring the pin to a more aggressive position. What I did was create a ball that is more benchmark than skid-flip.

I have thrown the ball on two different patterns: the 2012 U.S. Open pattern and a THS.

On the U.S. Open pattern the ball read the dry very strong but wiggled in the oil. Now, granted, most of my stuff that night wiggled in the oil so that’s not to be frowned on. What the ball did allow me to do was get deeper and play the dry with more backend reaction. The issue was that it would over-read if I got soft or around it. Again, that’s understandable on the U.S. Open pattern.

The THS I tried it on had a little more juice, but that ended up being a good thing. I was able to create room with this ball that wasn’t there with my other shinny stuff. However, the move in the back was consistent and not “violent.” What I really liked was that I could get in the oil easily and still have success with the ball finishing; something that my Victory Road Pearl would not do, although the VRP has more on the backend.

Overall, I think I’ve landed a ball that fits more the middle of my arsenal and not the true skid-flip ball. I can probably increase the VAL or change the surface to get that, but the ball is versatile enough to be very good with this layout.

Great buy for the money and another very good Storm product.

Darrell Lovell
Darrell Lovell

Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shop


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Re: Hy-Road Pearl
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2013, 12:35:03 PM »
Storm Hyroad Pearl
PAP – 5 over and ½ up
Ball Speed:  15-17 mph
Rev Rate 300-350
Right Handed
Layout: 4x4x2
Surface Preparation:  OTB

What I wanted from this Ball:  A compliment to my Hyroad with the same overall reaction but more length.

Result:  Exactly what I expected.  A really clean roll throughout the front portion of the lanes with a strong finish on the backend..

I tested this ball on our typical house shot which is a non forgiving pattern.  18ft of gutter to gutter oil and buffed another 12ft.  Keep in mind, we also have wood lanes.  Our typical house shot is pretty tough and over a period of 6 games, an out of bounds forms on the lanes and a dry middle creating over under effect.  The first 3 games on a fresh oil pattern, I found this ball to work well playing our dryer mid section of the lanes and not getting it out past 10.  I was impressed by the hitting power and I was able to actually read the transaction from the heads of the lane to the middle lane portion.  This ball kept its strength and actually seemed to pick up pace and become really strong on its way back to the pocket.  .  The next set of games, I moved out with the ball and played more of an up 5 board shot.  I did like how the I could utilize the front end oil and still get this ball back to the pocket with force with a great clean front end motion.  I did have to stay up the back of the ball more than usual for me to play this angle however due to how strong of a backend reaction I had, but this was to be expected.  Over another 5-10 game spread, I moved deep inside and started to swing the ball out as much as our house shot would allow.  Keep in mind that we do have a 5 board out of bounds normally starting at the first arrow.  I was able to rev the ball up more and get hard hitting reaction I wanted playing the fourth arrow out to about 8.   

I have the Hyroad and can definitely say that this ball is an absolute fantastic compliment..   

Overall opinion:  An awesome pearl ball.  I highly recommend this ball to anyone for a dryer lane condition.  This ball is a big seller in my Pro Shop with no complaints.
Sean Baker
Roto Grip/Storm Pro Shop Staff


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Re: Hy-Road Pearl
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2013, 02:54:33 PM »
Storm HyRoad Pearl
Layout via VLS (Vector Layout System):
4” x 4” x 2”
4-1/2” -> ½” ^
Speed: 15 to 16 mph depending on lane play
Revs: 300 rpm range
A. Center A- 38’ house pattern*, Route 66 pattern from Kegel, PBA animal patterns (Cheetah, Chameleon, Shark, Bear and Badger)  Kegel Kustodian Lane Walker, 7+ year old Qubica/AMF HPL lane surface and used the new Kegel Ice lane conditioner.
B. Center B- both 36’ and 39’ house patterns, newest generation Brunswick Anvil Lane surface, Kegel ION machine, type of oil unknown.
Hype an opinion are very powerful thoughts.  Hype can make your expectations much higher than needed and opinion is the lasting thought that stays with you for the duration of the event.
There was great anticipation of the release of the HyRoad Pearl, as we all know, the original HyRoad has been the staple of many arsenals for over 5 years now!  How can anyone even fathom a greater release?  Enter the HyRoad Pearl!
Backend, there should be a picture of the Pearl next to that word in the dictionary.  The motion of the ball is true to its history, with more length and more motion than its predecessor.  The ball can charge so hard on the backend that if you are not in tune with your speed control, bad things will happen.
I have tried various surface preps ranging from factory, Ruff buff, Step 0ne finishing compound and 1000, 2000, 3000 Abralon finishes.  Each one of these had a very added a dimension to the reaction that allowed me to use it on various PBA patterns this past summer.
My overall thoughts are this is a great piece to have in your arsenal.  Some of you will choose it as your benchmark ball, others will bring it in in the middle of the 2nd game.  Many of you will break it out past game in a tournament block.  There is room in your bag for this ball.
Don’t be afraid to make surface adjustments to the coverstock to fine tune it to your roll, as great as this combination of core and cover are, fine tuning it will be a big plus in matching it to your game.
Does it live to the hype, most definitely yes?  What will be your last opinion, your actions will decide that one for yourself!