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Hy-Road X
« on: October 19, 2018, 10:19:03 AM »
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Storm Hy-Road X
Ten years after the release of the original Hy-Road the tradition continues with the Storm Hy-Road X. This ball was designed with the modern game and conditions in mind by offering both power and reaction. This bowling ball takes the same Inverted Fe2 Technology core found in the other Hy-Road balls and pairs it with the R2X Solid Reactive coverstock. The R2X coverstock with a 1500 grit polished finish is a little more aggressive than its predecessor but it doesn't react too early or too late. This ball offers the perfect amount of power and smoothness.

Color: Midnight Black Solid
All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown
Coverstock: R2X Solid Reactive
Core: Inverted Fe² Technology (14#-16#)
Finish: 1500-grit Polished
RG: 2.57 (for a 15# ball)
Differential: 0.046 (for a 15# ball)
Fragrance: Blackberry
Recommended Lane Condition: Medium to Light Oil



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Re: Hy-Road X
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2018, 10:45:30 AM »
I tested the Hy-Road X shortly after throwing the PHYSIX so there was some good transition I got to bowl on.

I was impressed with how controllable this ball is and how clean it is through the front part of the lane. I was one of the rare bowlers that wasn't in love with the original Hy-Road due to the over/under reaction I got from it so I was a little skeptical going into this demo. I, also, was skeptical going into the Hy-Road Nano, when that originally came out, and now almost 1 year later I have 4 of them and it is probably one of my favorite all time balls.

I was a big fan of what I saw from the Hy-Road X as it didn't do the negative things that the original Hy-Road did for me (over/under). This could be attributed to the solid reactive coverstock. The polish gets the ball clean through the initial part of the lane and saves energy down lane when I need angle and drive through the pins.
I already have plans for this ball and how it will be incorporated into my arsenal going forward. It will be a definite step down ball from the Nano when that begins to burn up to early and a transition ball on sport patterns when I need control and down lane angle.

For those who love the Hy-Road series this ball will be a must for you.


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Re: Hy-Road X
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2018, 11:35:37 AM »
The Hyroad X features the R2X Solid cover, wrapped around the proven inverted FE2 core found on all of its predecessors. For this video, I decided to use a 41 foot challenge pattern, to give everyone a little bit of a different look. For anyone that knows me, the Hyroad has been a staple in my bag for as long as I can remember now. It’s one of the most consistent higher RG balls that I’ve been able to use on a variety of conditions, that never seems to run into any over under. So naturally, when the release of the Hyroad X was announced I got excited. I ended up knocking the shine off with a fresh 2000 pad, then going back over the surface with a fresh 4000 pad to add a little more of a higher grit finish to it. This allows the ball to see the pattern a little sooner than out of box, but still retain a lot of energy down lane. When compared to the original, you can see it provides a slightly rounder shape and a few more boards overall in terms of strength. I can see myself throwing the Hyroad X as a ball down from a Phaze ll or physiX during tournament play, or the first ball out of my bag during a variety of league conditions. Remember to preorder your own at your local pro shop for the October 19th release date! #StormNation
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Kevin Duncan

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Re: Hy-Road X
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2018, 05:54:49 PM »
Storm HyRoad X
Layout: Pin 4 inches and below the ring finger, with a weight hole below mid-line
Rev Rate: 300 rpm, 7 degree of axis tilt, 40 degree of axis rotation
Testing information: 41 foot THS (medium to light volume)
Bowling Center: Fulton Bowling Center
Kegel Machine – Brunswick Anvilane

My most anticipated review of the year is finally here.  The Storm HyRoad X didn't disappoint.  The combination of R2X reactive coverstock and the Inverted Fe2 core (used in the original Hyroad) work well together.  I knew the HyRoad X was going to be good when I drilled into it and the shell was almost two inches thick.  Anytime the shell is that thick, the ball is going to be good (that is my rule of thumb).

The Storm HyRoad X was a stronger version of the original HyRoad.  The RSX covertock provided ease through the fronts and a great continuation at the pocket.  The ball exited the back of the lane to the left on most shots.  The HyRoad X can be a benchmark ball. 

We tested the HyRoad X along side the Storm Physix.  The HyRoad X was about 5 and 3 right of the Physix.  This should hold true for most of your high end balls.



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Re: Hy-Road X
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2018, 09:02:57 AM »
If the IQ Tour is the greatest bowling ball of all-time (it is in my opinion), then the Hyroad is a close 2nd.

The Hyroad X is the latest release in the Hyroad family. It features the same Inverted Fe2 core that is known for creating effortless length and a defined down-lane shape but is wrapped in the R2X solid coverstock which is a medium strength formula cover in Storm’s current lineup.

I have thrown the ball on a 42’ house shot as well as a 40’ 2.5:1 pattern and what I see out of the X is a ball that likes to get down lane and makes a slightly aggressive move on the back. I wouldn’t say the X is skid snap or super roll-y, but somewhere in the middle.

I think the Hyroad series as a whole is one of the most versatile in our sport, so I believe the surface preparation and my layout had some to do the final shape. Speaking of versatility, the R2X solid cover really shows off what a solid cover can be. Out of box, the Hyroad X sits between an IQ Tour and the Roto Grip Hustle INK in both length and shape. I tend to matchup better to duller finishes, so it is no surprise that the X rolls better for me once the front part of the lane starts to dry up, but I can see higher rev rate or softer ball speed players loving this ball out of the gate. But I sanded the cover (I started at 500 grit then went 1000 grit, 2000 grit ABR) and the ball definitely started its hook phase sooner. With this surface prep I would almost consider the Hyroad X to fit between my IQ Tour and Hyroad Nano.

If you are looking for a benchmark ball with some versatility and a core that tends to give more than average length, you need to drill a Hyroad X


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Re: Hy-Road X
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2018, 08:52:12 AM »

Length: 43'

Volume: 20 mL's

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS


Likes: Same familiar HyRoad motion


The Hyroad line pretty much sells itself. The polished R2X coverstock does give the Hyroad a new shape but the motion is somewhat familiar. The shape is cleaner through the front than the original with a stronger motion off the spot. What I have heard from many staffers is that they knocked the polish off their HyroadX with a 4000, 3000, or old 2000 pads, to make it read the midlane a little better. I really like the look and the shape it gives me with the polish on it! The center that my family owns is wood and even though our house shot is good enough that you can throw most all High End balls when they are fresh, they do tend to break down quickly on our 5 man league nights. They HyRoadX gives me a look that I can start the night with and keep chasing it left as they break down. I recently shot 807 with the HyRoadX on one of our tougher pairs in the house (1&2) and I also have shot 300 with it, just this week.  All of this was within the first 10 games on the ball.

I used my go-to pin down layout of 60x5x70, no hole.

Casey Mattingly
Storm/RotoGrip Staff
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Coach's Corner Pro Shop
Alexandria, IN


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Storm HyRoad X Review by Casey Murphy
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2018, 03:16:30 PM »
Orientation:  Right Handed
Rev Rate:  375 RPM
Speed:  16-17 MPH
PAP:  4 5/8 straight across

Location:  Enterprise Park Lanes, Springfield MO
Pattern:  High Volume THS
Layout:  45, 6, 45

The HyRoad X is the modern HyRoad everyone has been waiting for.  I loved the original HyRoad but with more oil and better lane surfaces in today’s game, it gets a little over/under at times.  The HyRoad X solves that problem.  It’s clean in the fronts, but it hits the breakpoint SUPER smooth with ultimate continuation.  You already know what I’m talking about, the HyRoad X is everything you wanted it to be. 


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Re: Hy-Road X
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2018, 01:23:57 PM »
The Hy-road X is the latest release in the thunder line. This ball celebrates the 10th anniversary of one of the best bowling balls any company has ever made: Hy-road. Out of the box the black Hy-road X with yellow letters stands out; Its factory shined solid cover is stunning. Don’t let the solid cover fool you though; For me, this ball has a stronger overall ball motion than the Hy-road Pearl and the Hy-road (OG). The Hy-road X is also stronger downlane than the previous Hy-roads in my opinion. The Hy-road Nano is by far the strongest due to the nano base cover stock. The Hy-road X comes in second in overall strength followed by the (OG) Hy-road and the Hy-road Pearl being the weakest. Do not be scared to hit this ball with surface! I have my Hy-road X at 1000 and the continuation is insane! 

As you can see the Hy-road x is much stronger overall than the original Hy-road and the Hy-road pearl. This ball will be better (than the two comparisons) on the heavier volume patterns.


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Re: Hy-Road X
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2018, 04:39:35 PM »
Color: Midnight Black
Coverstock: R2X Solid Reactive Core: Inverted Fe² Technology (14#-16#)
Finish: 1500-grit Polished RG: 2.57 (for a 15# ball)
Differential: 0.046 (for a 15# ball)
Fragrance: Blackberry
Recommended Lane Condition: Medium to Light Oil

The Hy-RoadX is the is the newest ball in the thunder line and joins the long Hy-Road line. This piece comes at 1500 grit polished and the R2X solid reactive cover stock is easy and responds to different surfaces meaning that this ball can be used by players with a lot of hand and like to hook it to guys that may not have as much. This was a fun ball to test and with the box finish I was able to stay right of where I was while throwing the PhysiX on a “THB” typical house shot, but the ball was still responsive.
For anyone that has thrown a Hy-Road you will see the same shape that has made this ball last X “ten years” in the market.
Go get the new Storm Intense Fire and #BowlaSTORM!
BOWLER STYLE: RH - Stroker Rev Rate: 320 - 350 Ball Speed: 15-16 PAP: 4 7/8 right 5/8 up.
Storm - Roto Grip - VISE - Logo Infusion Staff Member
Brian Hirsch
Brian Hirsch
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Hy-Road X
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2018, 03:48:55 PM »
Weight:  14 lbs.
Pin Length:  3-1/2-4”
Drilling:  45 x 3-1/2 x 25
Pattern Length:  40 ft.
Pattern Volume:  Medium
Pattern Type:  THS
Right Handed

The HyRoad X has the symmetrical, proven, Inverted Fe2 weight block from theHyRoad series, wrapped in the R2X Solid reactive cover stock, similar to the CodeX.  The box finish is 1500 grit, polished.  It is a Solid Midnight Black color with a 5-6” flare potential.  The 14 lb. has an RG of 2.58, and a differential of 0.037.

I have used the HyRoadX  on a 40 ft., and a 39 pattern, each on a different lane surface.  I’ve also used it at different houses in State tournaments.  I used the HyRoadX at box finish and haven’t needed to try any surface changes to date.  This ball gets through the heads and mid lane and makes a super strong turn coming off the pattern.   It is very angular on the back ends and continues right through the pin deck.
This ball is more aggressive down lane than I expected it to be, and hits much harder than I expected.  Being a lower rev player, I’ve been able to use the HyRoadX on a variety of conditions in different houses.  For a first game ball, I have used speed control to help my carry, and just get firmer with it as the lanes break down.  It’s a perfect mid range ball for any arsenal.   For the price point, you are getting A LOT of ball.  You will see very angular motions from the HyRoadX coming off the oil pattern.  This is in my bag, right beside the Halo and Idol, wherever I’m headed.

Carol Teel
Roto Grip Amateur Staff Member

Chad Hauser - Storm Staff

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Re: Hy-Road X
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2018, 12:18:03 PM »

As we couldn't for this release the HYROAD X has lived up to its hype. As with all the Hyroads, this ball is very predictable with its reaction, yet this one adds a little more punch. With the RG being 2.57, this ball for me gets down lane a bit more than I thought it would for a solid coverstock. But when it makes its move left it doesn't disappoint.  I have drilled 2 of these balls with the following layouts. 4 1/4" x 45 and 3 1/2" x 35. The 4 1/4" ball I left the stock polished finish, and the 3 1/2" I have brought down to 2000 grit.  With the 3 1/2" layout and the coverstock at 2000, this gets the ball to start up earlier to create a smoother move to the pocket in oil. My specs are 6 1/8 x 1" up, 300 rpm with 75 deg axis angle and 10 deg of tilt.  I have used on multiple patterns and this is a great bench mark ball to help with getting a read on the lanes for your first couple shots, and then go up or down in strength of ball from there.  This ball along with all the Hyroads is a must have in the bag. Whether you play once in a while on house shots or your tournament enthusiast, you will love this ball!

Luke Rosdahl

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Storm Hy-Road X by Luke Rosdahl
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2018, 10:21:54 AM »
The Hyroad X uses the classic inverted Fe2 core from the original Hyroad, with a polished R2X solid cover.  The result is a ball that feels like a stronger Hyroad Pearl across the board to me, and a great compliment to the original.  The original feels a little sharper to me, and is a little straighter on the backend, where the X is still quick, but blends the back end of the lane a bit more, and is a rounder shape.  The original for me is best from straighter angles, while this one is good from anywhere on the lane I want to use it.  It’s great on the fresh going straight, but also very good in garbage time when the track gets beat up and you need to get inside.  Due to the polish and super high RG, it gets down the lane easier than most balls on the market, but the medium-high differential helps it gain traction down the lane, and remember that despite being polished, it’s still a solid cover and also responds well to surface changes.  You could really have a case of these with different layouts and surface preps and cover 90% of the conditions that you see on a regular basis. 

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Re: Hy-Road X
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2018, 12:08:51 PM »

Length: Medium

Volume: Medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):  THS

Storm wanted to celebrate the HyRoad’s 10th year in the Thunder Line…  So they released the HyRoad X!  The HyRoad X has the R2X solid reaction coverstock with the Inverted Fe2 Technology core.  However, the difference is that the weight block lacks core material and has a thicker shell.  That means more power through the pins and less deflection.  What I noticed while throwing the HyRoad X was how smooth and predictable it was.  The layout is nothing fancy just Pin and CG kicked 1 ½ from midline.  Roughly 60 X 4.5 X 40 for Dual Angle people and 4.5 X 4.5 X 2 for storm coordinates.  These are based off my Axis Point which 5 5/8 over and ¾ up with a 300 Rev Rate and medium ball speed.  The HyRoad X is the first HyRoad that I feel comfortable throwing.  The Original HyRoad would give me good length but I had no idea where or when it was going to hook.  The HyRoad X is extremely predictable at the breakpoint and is still aggressive enough to throw some pins.  I did not have an opportunity to throw the HyRoad X on anything tough just House Patterns.  The HyRoad X made the Great Wall of China look blended there was no over under even with the factory polish.  To test a theory, I took the shine off with a 2000 pad and it still generated generous length with a more distinct break point.  The first time I can say this about a bowling ball in the Thunder Line…  The HyRoad X is going to be a mainstay in my league and tournament bags.  I will not leave home without it! 



Daniel Schaden
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Bowlers Corner Pro Shop since 2002

PJ Haggerty

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Re: Hy-Road X
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2018, 12:32:01 PM »
Storm Hyroad X Ball Review by PJ Haggerty

Anniversaries are something to celebrate.  The Hyroad has been one of, if not, the most popular bowling balls in the industry the last 10 years and Storm decided to make a Hyroad X, representing a 10 year anniversary of the ball.  We’ve seen several different versions of the Hyroad and from what I’ve seen, this one is as close to the original in 2008 as we’ve seen.  The engine is the same as it’s always been, but this one has the R2X solid coverstock. 
I’ve drilled two Hyroad X’s thus far.  The first one is mapped out as 5.5 x 5 which puts the pin above my middle finger.  This is my standard layout on most balls and I’m seeing a good amount of length and a pretty quick response time.  I’ve been using this one when there’s a good amount of friction on the lane and I need to open my angles. 

The other one I drilled is mapped out as 4 x 4 with a taller pin above my ring finger.  I changed the surface to 2000 by hand and this gives me a completely different motion than the first one I drilled.  This one provides an earlier and smoother motion.  The response time is slower down lane and I’ve been able to use this one earlier in blocks as opposed to the 5.5 x 5 Hyroad X. 

If you’ve been a Hyroad fan over the last 10 years, the hype is still real and the Hyroad X is as close to the original as I’ve seen since then.  I’m a big fan and am bringing two of them everywhere I go!

Go drill one!



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Storm Hy-Road X
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2018, 02:45:24 PM »
  The new Storm Thunder line ball is the Hyroad X.  The original Hyroad has been in our line for 10 years so to have a newer version is pretty exciting.  I personally drilled around 4-5 Hyroads and had good success with them.  The only downfall I had with the original was the over/under reaction that I got.  The Hyroad X took care of that reaction for me.  I drilled mine 4.5 x 4.5 x 4.5 pin down no hole.  I also hit the cover with a 3000 pad.  The reaction that I get from the RSX cover is skid/snap.  I got a ton of length and strong back motion.  I have no problem getting it back if I miss right of target.  For a polished solid coverstock I am surprised with how much downlane motion I get from the Hyroad X.  In our Storm matchmakers the Hyroad X has been a big hit with all styles of bowlers.

Brian Watson
PAP - 3 5/8 up 1 1/4
RPM - 400
Speed - 16-17
Tilt 17
Storm Pro Shop Staff