IQ Nano Review by Storm Staffer Tony Marino
The IQ Tour is one of my all-time favorite bowling balls, so needless to say, I was chomping at the bit for the IQ Nano. The Nano combines the Centripetal Control Core (C3) with the solid NRG coverstock. I drilled my IQ Nano 4.5†x 5.5†with a 3†pin buffer and no weight hole.
I have thrown the Nano on a couple medium to medium-long house patterns, as well as a few medium and high volume sport patterns. This bowling ball is just as advertised. Unless you are a speed dominant player, this ball needs oil in the front part of the lane. The best way I can describe it, is a smooth and even rolling ball that does not hesitate in heavy oil. I initially threw it against my IQ Tour Solid, a Crux and a Zero Gravity. The IQ Nano read the lane earlier than both the IQ Tour and the Crux, but not quite as early as the Zero Gravity for me. The Nano gave me a smoother, more predictable motion than the Crux and the Zero. When the Zero Gravity reacted too quickly off the dry, and the Crux and IQ Tour floated through the breakpoint, the IQ Nano read the pattern correctly and the smoother motion of the C3 core allowed me to stay in that zone longer. For me, this is the reliable motion that I love about the IQ line, with a coverstock that will allow me to use it in heavier oil.
The IQ Nano is quickly proving itself to be a great ball for flatter oil patterns for me. Much like the IQ Tour, the Nano will most likely find its way into my bag for every tournament I travel to. I haven’t had as much luck with it on house patterns as of yet, however. I drilled this ball with tournaments like the USBC Open Championships in mind, so the extreme wet/dry of house patterns don’t quite match up well with this ball at this layout for me. I may drill a second Nano with a 5†pin and a 4.5†pin buffer, which is my ideal layout for house shots.
I love my Nano so far, and I recommend it to a lot of my customers at the pro shop who are more speed dominant or for those looking for a smooth heavy oil ball.
Want to see what I am talking about? Click this link to see my video which compares the Storm ball mentioned in this review.