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IQ Tour Nano
« on: October 22, 2014, 12:02:24 PM »
Storm IQ Tour Nano Features:

- Color: Black/Hunter/Red All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Coverstock: NRG Solid Reactive Nano
- Core: Centripetal Control Core (C3)
- Finish: 4000 Grit Pad
- Lane Condition: Heavy Oil
- RG: 2.49 (15# ball)
- Diff: 0.029 (15# ball)
- Fragrance: Apple Cider



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Re: IQ Tour Nano
« Reply #16 on: January 27, 2015, 04:23:54 PM »
 What can I say but WOW! This ball does not disappoint as Storm Continues to show why they are the best in the business.

 The Newest Ball in the much Loved Master Line. The IQ Tour Nano is an absolute beast! Matching up the IQ’s legendary, high-revving C3 Centripetal Control Core with The ultra-aggressive NRG Solid Cover this ball has no problem getting through the fronts clean and generating its power down lane at just the right time.

 I drilled 3 of these and they are the 1st balls out of my bag. I used these so far on all conditions from house shots to kegel challenge patterns and surprisingly enough I was able to use one of the 3 on all shots for the 1st few games before the lane completely broke down.

 Number's on my 3 are as follows,
 30 x 5 x 90 ( Rico ) This layout is excellent if your looking for that trick ball when the lanes blow up and you need that simple motion to control the lane better.

 40 x 4-1/2 x 45 ( Pin up- Center Hole ) This one I brought down to 3000 then added some shine to the cover. With this layout I can stay in that hook spot longer and it clears wonderfully.

 50 X 4-1/2 x 45 ( Pin up - No Hole ) whit this I can create more Down Tilt. Excellent on shots I need to get way in on.

 I hope this helps anyone considering this Ball. you will not be disappointed.

 Joe Pompilio
 Storm Amateur Staff Player

Joe Pompilio
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Re: IQ Tour Nano
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2015, 06:42:07 PM »

Length: THS 41'
(Chameleon 43')

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):

The IQ Nano is quickly becoming one of my favorite balls in my bag! The IQ Nano is the newest ball in Storm's master line, with the C3 Centripetal Control Core with the NRG reactive coverstock.  It has a 2.49 RG with a .029 diff. I drilled this ball exactly like my IQ fusion (pin is above ring finger, CG slightly kicked) and I was very happy with the results.  The ball roll is very similar, with the exception being the IQ Nano rolls sooner because it is stronger.  When I bowled on Chameleon with this ball, I could start with this ball on fresh, and stay with it through transition.  When this ball did become too much for me, a quick ball down to the IQ fusion worked well.  I would say the IQ Nano hooks about 3-5 more boards than my fusion. Based on my experience, this ball is very similar to the Marvel S.  When there is more oil in the middle, I find the Marvel S to be effective.  However, when there is less oil in the middle of the lane, the IQ Nano fits perfectly.  I think this is a good ball for bowlers that felt the Marvel S might have been too much ball for them especially.

One other observation I found is that this ball works very well on house patterns.  The house pattern I bowl on is 41' with some push in the middle of the lane.  While using the IQ Nano, I can get deep inside and cover quite a few boards while still being able to kick the 10 out and can throw it the whole night. I truly think bowlers will be very happy with this bowling ball.  Thank you for reading, go pick up an IQ Nano! #STORMNation

Kevin Donovan
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Re: IQ Tour Nano Review
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2015, 05:49:29 PM »
The drill that I have on my IQ Tour Nano is 3 1/2"x 5"x 3" (Pin through the middle finger). As for me, I tend to struggle on longer oil patterns. This particular layout helps me out alot with ball motion down the lane. For surface, I left it at factory (4000 grit), which i believe is plenty of surface to start off with. Its in a continuous roll down the lane, smooth archy motion as it exits the oil pattern. This ball is my favorite ball in the IQ tour line that storm has to offer. I strongly recommend that this is the ball to start off with either it be in your local house shot league or some of the fresh longer patterns! This ball needs to be in your bag!

Josh Johnson
Storm Amatuer Staff Player 


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Re: IQ Tour Nano
« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2015, 06:11:52 PM »
IQ Nano Review by Storm Staffer Tony Marino

The IQ Tour is one of my all-time favorite bowling balls, so needless to say, I was chomping at the bit for the IQ Nano. The Nano combines the Centripetal Control Core (C3) with the solid NRG coverstock. I drilled my IQ Nano 4.5” x 5.5” with a 3” pin buffer and no weight hole.

I have thrown the Nano on a couple medium to medium-long house patterns, as well as a few medium and high volume sport patterns. This bowling ball is just as advertised. Unless you are a speed dominant player, this ball needs oil in the front part of the lane. The best way I can describe it, is a smooth and even rolling ball that does not hesitate in heavy oil. I initially threw it against my IQ Tour Solid, a Crux and a Zero Gravity. The IQ Nano read the lane earlier than both the IQ Tour and the Crux, but not quite as early as the Zero Gravity for me. The Nano gave me a smoother, more predictable motion than the Crux and the Zero. When the Zero Gravity reacted too quickly off the dry, and the Crux and IQ Tour floated through the breakpoint, the IQ Nano read the pattern correctly and the smoother motion of the C3 core allowed me to stay in that zone longer. For me, this is the reliable motion that I love about the IQ line, with a coverstock that will allow me to use it in heavier oil.

The IQ Nano is quickly proving itself to be a great ball for flatter oil patterns for me. Much like the IQ Tour, the Nano will most likely find its way into my bag for every tournament I travel to. I haven’t had as much luck with it on house patterns as of yet, however. I drilled this ball with tournaments like the USBC Open Championships in mind, so the extreme wet/dry of house patterns don’t quite match up well with this ball at this layout for me. I may drill a second Nano with a 5” pin and a 4.5” pin buffer, which is my ideal layout for house shots.

I love my Nano so far, and I recommend it to a lot of my customers at the pro shop who are more speed dominant or for those looking for a smooth heavy oil ball.

Want to see what I am talking about? Click this link to see my video which compares the Storm ball mentioned in this review.


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IQ Tour Nano Review by Derek Eoff
« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2015, 12:06:52 AM »
The IQ line has been hit or miss for me.  One of my all time favorite bowling balls is the Pearl IQ Tour.  The solid IQ tour and original IQ have been good, but I always seem to match up better with something else. 

I put my standard layout on the IQ Nano, pin above middle finger, CG kicked out at 45 degrees with a small hole near my axis. 

I have used the Nano on a variety of patterns and found my best reaction to be on the fresh or on shorter patterns like the Cheetah. 

The Nano is very smooth, which is why it works best on fresh and short patterns.  For me it controls the back of the lane and gives me a consistant smooth roll that is very predictable. 

Comparing it to the IQ Tour, the Nano is much smoother.  I can start with the Nano, and when I need more angle down lane, I go to the Solid or pearl IQ tour.

When comparing it to the Crux, the Nano is smoother off the spot and about five boards weaker. 

The Nano is a great benchmark ball.  When you need something smooth and predictable on the fresh, Storm doesn't have anything better than the Nano.

PJ Haggerty

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Re: IQ Tour Nano
« Reply #21 on: February 23, 2015, 10:14:19 PM »
Storm IQ Tour Nano Ball Review by PJ Haggerty
   The IQ line from Storm has been a very versatile and dynamic line.  Bringing symmetrical pieces with strong covers and low differentials to the table, it’s been a line that appeals to all players.  Before the Nano was released, my favorites were the IQ Tour Solid and the IQ Tour Fusion.  The IQ Nano is a different shape that we haven’t seen from the line yet and I love it.  My thoughts with the IQ Tour Solid and IQ Tour Fusion are that the response times are quicker.  The difference I see with the IQ Nano, because of the famous Nano cover, will slow that response time down a bit. 
   I’ve drilled two IQ Nano’s so far.  One of my favorite layouts is drilling out the pin in my middle finger with a slight shift and a hole below my axis.  This puts the layout at 5 ¼ x 4 ½ with a 7/8 hole two inches below my pap.  I’ve left the surface at box and thrown it enough to get some oil in the cover.  This is a ball I can use on most conditions.  It looks great in transition periods because the cover is still strong enough to read the mid lane, but the core helps the ball store energy. 
   The second one I drilled I put the pin above my bridge with a larger shift and a hole on my axis.  My goal was to create a cleaner, more angular shape.  This layout comes out to be 5 x 2 ½ with a 31/32 hole on my axis about two inches deep.  I also put a touch of polish on this one to create a much different shape than the first IQ Tour Nano I drilled.  This one comes into play a lot more when the lanes have broken down and I have to create more angle. 
   All in all, I feel you can create a lot of versatility with this ball.  Depending on the shape you’d like to see, you can drill the IQ Tour Nano stronger to create an earlier motion, or drill it weaker and apply some Xtra Shine to create a longer and more angular shape. 



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Re: IQ Tour Nano
« Reply #22 on: February 25, 2015, 04:41:08 PM »
Storm IQ Tour Nano
PAP-5 over and ½ up
Ball Speed: 15-17mph
Rev Rate: 300-500
Right Handed
Layout: 4x4x2
Surface Preparation: OTB

Bowling Hand          Right Handed
Experience          Advanced (I have bowled in a league and PBA)
League Average          220
Ball Speed          Medium
Style             Cranker

What I wanted from this ball: A strong reaction for sloppy to oily lane conditions and a wider entry angle to hopefully carry out

those corner pins when my angle isnt right.  I further wanted a stronger compliment to my entire IQ series of equipment.

Result: A very smooth reaction and a great transition through the midlane.  Much more stronger and continuous that my IQ solid.  The

NRG cover allowed me to move left early on and open up my shot.  With heavy head oil I can tear the pocket up. 

I tested this ball on the house pattern that we use at SuperBowl, the new center located in Metropolis Illinois where my pro shop is

also located.  Our shot is a modified version of the crown jewel shot.  Heavy in the middle and 42ft in length.  the outside portion

of the shot falls off to 5 units downlane.  Out of the box this ball was a monster.  I dont have the speed I used to have so I moved

left immediately and played deep inside swinging the bad boy to the gutter.  I was quite surprised at the hitting power and

continuation through the pins.  I contined to roll several games playing deep and scored quit well.  Once my shot started to dry up

somewhat, I moved even deeper and found success.  Eventually the shot became much too much for this ball and I started getting

midlane reaction.  Time to put the IQ Tour Nano to rest until a fresh shot.
To sum this ball up:  Simply one awesome ball!  The IQ Tour Nano allows me to complete my IQ arsenal.  This ball is one bad boy and a

very strong piece of equipment.  Great midlane read and a very strong mean backend with an IQ angle that carries the corners.

Pro Shop Reaction:  Outstanding!  This ball has an awesome look and sells quickly.  I have drilled several very strong for customers

and have no complaints. 

Recommendations:  I recommend this ball to everyone.  Mainly my customers wanting a big ball that will carry and customers that have

less revs wanting something strong.

Storm/Roto Grip Staff
Sean Baker
Bowl Like a Pro Shop
1107 E. 8th Street
Metropolis, Illinois 62960


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Re: IQ Tour Nano
« Reply #23 on: March 23, 2015, 08:42:09 PM »
Storm IQ Tour Nano

Layout: 60 X 4 3/8 X 35

Box Finish

Bowler Info:
325 Rev Rate
Speed: 16 - 17 MPH
Pap - 4 7/16 over, 3/8 up

The IQ Tour Nano is an incredible ball for medium, medium/heavy, or even heavy oil patterns, depending upon surface prep.  With box finish, I am able to use it on fresh house shot patterns with ease.  The Nano has plenty of midlane, but still has enough energy retention down lane to create very good entry angle.  The angle down lane also allows for the ball to still be usable while moving left and giving the pocket away more.  The roll characteristics of the Nano also make it a favorite to use on many sport patterns.

In comparison to the Nano, the Storm Rocket glides 3-4” further down the lane, with a more pronounced backend reaction.  The Rocket is better for medium to medium/dry conditions.


Mike LeViner
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Storm IQ Tour Nano
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2015, 09:04:48 PM »
  Storm introduced the IQ TOUR NANO into the popular Master Line.  The IQ Series has become my favorite line from Storm.  The Nano uses the NRGâ„¢ Solid Reactive Nano coverstock with the low diff C³™ Centripetal Control Core.  I drilled mine with my favorite layout 5 x 4 x 3 pin above middle finger.  I have a IQ Tour with same drilling.  The Nano for me is a little earlier motion and smoother transition off of the spot.  Also the Nano can the puddle better than the IQ Tour Solid.  The Nano is a very good benchmark ball especially for the tougher sport patterns.  Another winner from Storm.

Right Hander
PAP -  4 up 1 /14
Tilt  - 15
Rev Rate - 400
Ball Speed - 17
Storm Pro Shop Staff


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IQ Tour Nano Review by Staff Member Louis Narvaez Jr.
« Reply #25 on: March 29, 2015, 11:25:40 PM »
Layout: 65 x 5 x 30
 Surface: 3000 Grit Pad

 When I saw that another IQ was coming out I could not help but be excited. I had found in the past that in tournaments that my IQ Tour Solid would go just a bit longer than needed but if I were to ball up I would have too large of a gap and would end up in between.

 Enter the IQ Tour Nano. For anyone who loves the IQ series this ball would be the earliest of them all while offering a very smooth transition off the spot without sacrificing hit power. Where this ball shines is on difficult patterns where you need to control the pocket.

 Another thing this ball does is handle transition with ease allowing me to clearly see that its time for a move or change without getting me in trouble so quickly.

 I would recommend this ball to anyone who is looking for a strong smooth rolling ball for some heavier volumes of oil. This is a great compliment to any of the other IQ's in the line or for someone looking to fill the gap between a strong Asymmetric and weaker Symmetric.

Check out the video below to see the Crux Pearl compared to the Original Crux.

 Louis Narvaez Jr.
 Storm & Roto Grip Staff Member


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IQ Tour Nano review - Mark Tarkington
« Reply #26 on: March 31, 2015, 11:02:52 AM »
Right Handed
Ball weight:  15
Rev Rate:  378
Ball Speed:  18.2
Axis Tilt:  in flux
Axis Rotation:  in flux
PAP:  3 9/16 horizontal, 1 3/8 up
Layout:  50 x 4 ½ x 50

I drilled this one for a strong arc.  Something for medium/heavy oil, but wouldn’t jump at the end of the pattern.  This ball is exactly what I was needing.  It rolls off of my hand and just continues to roll until it falls off the back of the deck.  The motion is a true arc and it reads the lanes really well.  It actually reads well enough that it is a great benchmark.

I’ve only been able to use it on THS, but it’s strong enough that it’s a heavy arc and isn’t too strong on friction.  I normally have to start well left of the wall, keeping the ball in the oil longer than I would normally.  If it gets to the friction too soon, it would move way too early, but it doesn’t turn into a runaway crossover.  The sweet spot seems to be exiting the wall around 35 and allowing the ball to bounce back to the pocket. 

The overall motion of the IQ Nano is really good.  On fresh or second shift THS patterns it rolls great.  It also doesn’t really eat up the pattern enough that I have to ball down.  I’ve been able to use it for plenty of full sets. 

This may be my favorite of the !Q series.  It’s really smooth and quite controllable.  It will move plenty, but it’s never unpredictable.
Mark Tarkington
Storm Pro Shop Staff Member
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Storm IQ Tour Nano review by Staffer Garrett Richardson
« Reply #27 on: April 02, 2015, 01:20:38 PM »
Hand: Left
Ball Speed: 16-17mph
Ball Weight: 15lbs
PAP: 5 left 7/16 up
Degrees of Tilt: 17
Layout: 3 ¼ x 5 x 2

The IQ Tour Nano is drilled up and to the side of my ring finger with the factory finish of 4000 grit abralon. The IQ Tour nano is a smooth solid but stronger than its big brother the IQ Tour Solid. Hence the name nano it has the nano technology cover stock that was from the Virtual Gravity nano but still the unique lower density centripetal weight block. For the people who have the original IQ Tour solid this the nano version is a great compliment when the original solid starts to go too long you can go up to the nano version and get more recovery. Comparing it myself its around a 3-4 board stronger ball than the original which is great to fill in that gap before going up to something stronger.

The best condition for me for the nano has been on fresh condition house shot when I need to have something smooth that does not jump off the spot on the back end. For sport patterns the short to light medium length patterns have been the best suited. Anything longer than about 42 feet on a sport pattern will start to iffy then I would just go to something overall stronger. Pure solid balls like this one has been really great for me and a lot of others as well; really versatile than they have in a while for multiple conditions and lane play. For slower ball speed bowlers you can easily polish over the factory surface to give you more control and length for a house shot or short sport patterns. You can never go wrong with the unique numbers it has to read the mid lane early but keeps the oil flare low and not over reacting so when you need control this is great to have in your arsenal.

If you have any questions about the !Q Tour Fusion email me at I also have a ball video on youtube for the !Q Tour Nano.

Garrett Richardson
Storm/Roto Grip Pro Shop Staff
Vise Inserts Amateur Staff
Pinole Bowler’s Supply

« Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 03:20:24 PM by GRstorm »


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Re: IQ Tour Nano
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2015, 01:33:17 PM »

Length: 42ft and 45ft

Volume: medium 42ft and heavy 45ft

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): Sport patterns for both lengths


Likes: This ball is a great addition to the IQ line. It reads the lane very well and is very smooth and continuous through the pins. I went with a 55*5*50 layout. On the 42ft pattern I was able to open up the lane and the ball read the pattern and rolled very well at the end of the pattern. It gave miss room both left and right. I left it out of the box surface. On the 45ft pattern I hit it with 1000 and it was perfect for the beginning of the block. I was able to play the lane straight and keep the ball in front of me. It read the lanes at the correct spot for the long heavy volume. This ball is a must for any tournament bowler.
