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Author Topic: IQ Tour Pearl  (Read 61360 times)


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IQ Tour Pearl
« on: November 01, 2012, 09:23:32 AM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
- Color: Gold Pearl All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Coverstock: R2Sâ„¢ Pearl Reactive
- Core Type: C³™ Centripetal Control Core
- Factory Finish: 1500-grit Polished
- Radius of Gyration (RG): 2.49
- Differential (Diff): 0.029
- Hook Potential: High
- Length: High
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium-Heavy

Description: Now bowlers can have the best of both worlds, introducing a ball with both control and strong back-end. Storm now introduces the IQ Tour Pearl. This ball will read really well down the lane and then break longer towards the back-end with a strong arching hook. Storm is considering this IQ TOUR line one of their benchmarks, meaning every bowler needs this in their arsenal. This ball is recommended by bowlers like Jason Belmonte who need both high Rev's and low RG's to control the break-point, which is found in the C3 Centripetal Control Core. The major differences in this ball from the others in the Tour line will be the way this ball reads the mid-lane, it won't over-respond to the oil but yet slide straight towards the pocket with a smooth arching hook.



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Storm IQ Tour Pearl
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2012, 11:35:16 PM »

The IQ Tour Pearl- the perfect combination of mid-lane control and backend hook.
We added a new highly polished, pearl R2S™ coverstock to this phenomenal core to create a combination that makes this a MUST HAVE ball in everyone’s arsenal.
 The IQ Tour Pearl has great Color and shelve appeal.  Very noticeable going down the lane.
  I drilled the Pearl just like my IQ Tour Solid, 60 x 4.75 x 40.  Thanks Steve Kloempken for the layout.
The IQ Pearl is just what I was needing when the regular IQ Tour started to labor a little down lane.  This is where the Pearl shines, when the heads start to go, and you need a little more angle on the back end.  But still very controllable ball motion due to the lower differential of .029.  This ball is good for all type of bowlers.  For me it is going to be a great tournament ball.  Also very driller friendly and coverstock is very versatile.  This ball will be a very big seller for Storm!

PAP 4 up 1 1/4


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IQ Tour Pearl review by staffer Garrett Richardson
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2012, 05:38:00 PM »
Hand: Left
Ball Speed: 16-17mph
Ball Weight: 15lbs
PAP: 5 left 7/16 up
Degrees of Tilt: 17
Layout: 5 x 4 x 2

I drilled my !Q Tour pearl pin above my ring finger with the cg out with a very small hole about 1 ½ inches down from my midline. For a pearl cover it is super smooth and controllable like I have never seen before. The !Q Tour pearl is very predictable and you know when the ball is going to make a move and when you have to move when the lanes transition. The first time I used it at a tournament which was basically a house shot but modified a little bit with a little more oil outside the 10 board. I played up the boards and let the oil take it and once it hit the back ends it does not jump hard it makes a nice smooth roll to the pocket, hits hard and mixes the pin ups as if it was a big asymmetrical weight block ball. I bowled 2 squads and shot back to back 279s on game 1 of each squad and avg a little over 240.

Compared to the !Q Tour solid, which is drilled the same as the pearl, the pearl it gets down lane and can be used more on a burn pattern once the solid tour starts to hook too much or gives you up and down reaction. Depending on the pattern I am about 5 to 6 more boards left (being left handed) with the pearl than the solid which is good because I can play more of my comfort zone and once it dries up even more I can just move right and still be around the pocket and not giving it away too much and having to worry about corner pins. If you love the !Q Tour solid then I recommend you get the !Q Tour pearl! You won’t go wrong!

If you have any questions about the !Q Tour pearl email me at

Garrett Richardson
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Re: IQ Tour Pearl
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2012, 10:23:34 AM »
Storm's Intent:
The IQ Tour Edition quickly became the new standard for benchmark balls in the industry. The C3™ Centripetal Control Core is engineered to yield ample midlane roll while smoothing out the transition. People have loved the unique combination of low RG and low differential as it allows even high rev players to better control the breakpoint.

We added a new highly polished, pearl R2S™ coverstock to this phenomenal core to create a combination that makes this a MUST HAVE ball in everyone’s arsenal. You’ll be able to see the difference as this ball reads the midlane without over-responding to the friction at the end of the oil pattern. Then the real magic happens; it reads the backends with unparalleled consistency through the pocket.

My review:
My layout is 50 degrees X 4 1/8 inches pin to PAP X 2 1/2" pin buffer
My PAP is 5 1/2 inches over and 1/2 inch up

I chose this layout because it's an exact match to an IQ Tour that I have and love the reaction I get from it but most of the time I can't use it because it kicks too hard off the dry. I was hoping to see a smoother a slightly later reaction. What I ended up with was exactly that and I'm very happy with the results.

So far I have thrown the IQ Tour Pearl on a 44' house shot in league and 38' Atlanta sport shot at the NEBA Tournament of Champions and the ball performed very well on both patterns.

The reaction shape is smooth, doesn't overreact when hitting dry, but continues through the pins very well. This reaction was very evident when bowling on the shorter 38' Atlanta pattern.

On Atlanta I started the day farther right but once I got settled in the last 3 games of qualifying I played 14 at the arrows and was getting the ball out to 6 at the break point. Looking around I thought the IQ Tour Pearl gave me a great chance to make a run in match play but unfortunately I ran into a buzz saw and was high loser in the round of 16.

On the 44' house shot I finished the night playing 20 at the arrows and getting the ball out to 8 at the break point. Typically on this house shot I can get into trouble with under/over as the night goes on. The IQ Tour Pearl got better as the night went on, striking more in each successive game and allowed me to create some room to the right at the break point without diving through the face.

Overall this is my new go-to pearl and benchmark ball. I will definitely be trying some other favorite layouts on this ball in the near future. Don't be afraid to try a stronger/earlier rolling layout on this ball, it may be exactly what you're missing in your bag.

Ball video:

(edited to add ball video link)
« Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 09:27:08 AM by SWidmer »


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Storm IQ Tour Pearl Ball Review by Casey Murphy
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2012, 12:39:00 PM »
Storm IQ Tour Ball Review by Storm Staffer Casey Murphy
Storm Lucid Ball Review
by Storm Staffer Casey Murphy

Right Handed
Rev Rate:  375-400 Rpm
Ball Speed:  16 mph
PAP:  4 5/8 straight across

Location:  Sunshine Lanes
Lane Pattern:  Typical House Shot
Layout:  65, 5 ½, 35

I loved the IQ Tour and was excited when I saw the spec sheet.  But my jaw HIT THE FLOOR when I saw the spec sheet for IQ Tour Pearl.  Gold?  And Pearl with the Centripetal Control Core?!  I couldn’t wait. 

I drilled the IQ Tour Pearl to clear the heads and create angle on the back.  I threw it on a house shot and was not disappointed.  The coverstock got the ball through the heads and the fast rev’ing low RG core generated plenty of mid lane.  It was surprisingly strong overall and I had to play 5 or 6 boards deeper than any other ball in my arsenal.  First league set with was 804!

Gold, beautiful, unbelievably strong.  The IQ Tour Pearl is a must have.


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Re: IQ Tour Pearl
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2012, 07:43:55 PM »
IQ Tour Pearl Review by Derek Eoff

I drilled the IQ Tour Pearl with the pin above my ring finger and the CG kicked out at a 45 degree angle with a hole on my axis (My favorite layout).  For me that is about a 5 3/4 inch pin from my PAP.  I wanted a ball that skid/flipped and thought this one would be perfect for that.

When the IQ Tour Pearl was being drilled I was practicing on a house pattern and was lined up with my Fire Road.  When the IQ Tour Pearl was ready, I played the lanes the same and my first shot went runaway brooklyn.  I ended up moving 6 boards to the left to be able to create enough angle to hit the pocket. 

I was really impressed and the ball did exactly what I wanted it to do, super skid/flip.  For me this is the most angular ball Storm has made in quite a while.  In league this past week we bowl on WTBA pattern Montreal.  While many people in the league had trouble creating angle to hit the pocket and then to strike, I had no such problem with the IQ Tour Pearl.  I bowled 750 with two splits on pretty bad shots. 

From the reviews I have read and my personal experience with this ball, I think it is a must have for everyone.  It probably won't be very good on shorter patterns if you have a higher rev rate, but anything medium and long it will get a lot of use. 

I plan on drilling another one pin down to have a skid/flip one and an earlier rolling smoother one that will still be more angular than the solid IQ Tour.

Mr Straight Ball

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Re: IQ Tour Pearl
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2012, 08:43:22 AM »
Pin Length:  3 ¾”
Starting Top Weight: 3.12oz
Ball Weight: 16.0
4 ¾ x 4 ½ x 2 ¾
Weight hole: 4” straight across

Rev Rate: High per C.A.T.S
Ball Speed: 18
PAP/Track: 5” across ¾ up
The IQ Tour ruined the surprise that the IQ Tour Pearl [IQTP] would react better than expected. The IQTP went from the press to the lanes and it did not disappoint me. It cleared the heads and just recovered on the 43’ house pattern with ease. This ball retains a lot of energy as the pins were flying like they were escaping from the devil. Night two, I used it at a house with a pronounced wet-dry and while the ball came harder off of the spot, I still knew where it was headed. As the lane became more over-under, the ball started to look more at home as it refused to wiggle down the lane. The third time out, I used the ball at a center I’ve been using my Lucid and the IQTP allowed me to play straighter than the Lucid to start the night. By the end I was pressed against the ball return and delivered two bad shots that left me looking at 10 strikes knowing I could have had 12.

You can expect the “Butterscotch Beast” to give you a clean look through the fronts, a predictable transition off of the dry and just continued through the pins strong. This ball does a great job of energy retention which translates into better carry. And she’s versatile enough to play straight or with your body against or in front of the ball return.

Likes: Color, strong predictable transition & the versatility
Dislikes: I don’t smell enough butterscotch!
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Tony Reynaud

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Re: IQ Tour Pearl
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2012, 01:30:25 PM »
Typical Conditions: Mostly House Shots so far
Type of Lane: All Synthetic
Weight of bowling ball: 15
Surface of bowling ball: Factory/Box
What grit was the surface of the ball? 1500
Likes: It is a great compliment to the IQ Tour
Dislikes: None so far

My layout: 65 x 4 1/4" x 2 inch pin buffer
My PAP: 4 3/4" over 1 5/8 up

I firmly believe the IQ Tour ranks up there as one of the best balls ever made. I drilled my IQ Tour Pearl the same exact way as my IQ Tour. Because of the difference in the coverstock, the IQ Tour Pearl gets through the fronts easier then the IQ Tour, it also tends to store more energy and therefore is sharper in the back for me. The IQ Tour Pearl adds a great option for me in my tournament bag. It won’t take long before people realize this ball is a weapon!

This ball really worked great on the transition on my 39-40 foot league pattern. I struggle to get a consistent 3 game reaction because the back ends get tamer as the night goes on. I started my league on 12/4/12 with my IQ Tour and shot 279. The second game the transition kicked in and I lost the angle to the pocket, which affected my carry, and I shot 214. I decided I was tired of fighting the transition, and switched to the IQ Tour Pearl in the 10th frame.  The IQ Tour Pearl hooked in the back where the IQ tour didn’t and I shot 300 the last game. I know 300’s are cheap these days, but I didn’t shoot 300 in that house in over a year. I therefore credited the ball for making the difference. 5 days later my partner picked up his IQ Tour Pearl right before our doubles tournament. He came out of the box shooting 800 for the first 3 games.

During the tournament there were already a number of bowlers throwing the IQ Tour Pearl. I can tell you the ball looked great in everyone’s hands. I feel every serious bowler should consider the one two punch of the IQ Tour and the IQ Tour Pearl. You won’t be disappointed!

Video of Ball


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Re: IQ Tour Pearl
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2012, 12:10:06 PM »
IQ TOUR PEARL review by Storm staffer Jeff Richgels
The IQ TOUR PEARL ball details are here:

Picture of my IQ TOUR PEARL in my blog here:
DRILLED Nov. 17, 2012
The drilling is the same as the VIRTUAL GRAVITY NANO I’ve been using since early 2011 — the ball I used the last 2 games of team event at 2011 USBC OC. It measures out at 4.5 Pin to PAP x 4 “mb” (it’s a symmetrical ball) to PAP x 3 3/8 pin buffer. The pin is above the ring finger and the drilling angle is about 60 degrees. There is a weight hole at P1 just to get it back to static legal. (Picture at end of my blog.)
I have found over the years that solid and pearl coverstocks rapped around the same core often perform completely differently for me, with one being great and the other just not working.
Such appears to be the case with the IQ TOUR and IQ TOUR PEARL.
If you read my updated review of the IQ TOUR at I simply could not find a way to use it successfully, even with multiple coverstock surface changes and two drillings. This despite the fact that so many have raved about the ball, notably Bowling This Month magazine.
My issue with the IQ TOUR is that it either went too quick for me and quit, leading to plaque 10s, or when I then got more left and into the oil (if it was there), it didn’t slow down enough and left solid 9s, ring 10s and 4-pins.
Of course, I joked when I ordered the IQ TOUR PEARL that I probably would love it … and that looks like it might be the case - at least on a house shot. (Read down for where it might not be the best choice.)
In fact, I would say from what I have experienced and seen that the IQ TOUR PEARL may be one of the greatest house shot balls ever.
Storm describes the IQ TOUR PEARL as “the perfect combination of midlane control and backend hook” with the low RG, low differential C3 Centripetal Control Core.
And that’s exactly what it has provided me on a house shot. I’ve now used it in practice and tournaments on different house shots and it was a monster each time. The IQ TOUR PEARL rolls strong in the midlane and continues with a very strong move in the back-end.
When I saw him at the Senior High Roller in Las Vegas, famed coach Mike Jasnau said exactly what I said: The IQ TOUR PEARL is the strongest pearl ball ever.
I initally had a little trouble with squirt in the puddle, but after hitting the box shiny surface with a 4,000 Abralon pad, that went away.
What I really love about the IQ TOUR PEARL is how hard (for me) and straight I can go with both hold and swing and great carry. Yet, I’ve also seen bigger hand players (with and without higher speed) get in and wheel it and strike at will.
The most impressive part was the smooth roll through the pins, which produced awesome carry — it was almost exactly the opposite of what was the problem for me with the IQ TOUR! Although it makes a strong move in the back-end, the pins stay low on the deck, which for me usually produces better carry than flying up and about.
I would agree 100 percent with what Storm says: “You’ll be able to see the difference as this ball reads the midlane without over-responding to the friction at the end of the oil pattern. Then the real magic happens; it reads the backends with unparalleled consistency through the pocket”
I do have one huge caveat with the IQ TOUR PEARL: I have been unable to use it successfully on a Sport shot.
I tried it on the 2012 USBC Open Championships pattern at a tournament, on the Senior High Roller pattern, and on Team USA Montreal in the league I bowl in and found it tough to control. On the heavier oil Sport shots, it went too long and was inconsistent getting into a roll. On the lighter Sport shots, I found it difficult to consistently get it to the breakpoint.
I did see others using the IQ TOUR PEARL at the two tournaments with success, including Rob Aimers, who I think led the tournament on the 2012 USBC OC pattern. But he has higher ball speed, more revs and a heavier roll than me.
So I am not saying it won’t work on a Sport pattern, I’m saying to be cautious in your expectations.
But if you’re someone who is looking for a strike machine ball on house shots, I highly recommend the IQ TOUR PEARL.


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Re: IQ Tour Pearl
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2013, 09:50:37 AM »
The IQ tour pearl is a great addition to the master line of bowling balls. The gold pearl R2S cover really stands out on the shelf. This ball is the second ball released with the density changed C3 Centripetal core. The change in densities of the centripetal core lowered the diff to .029 from .050 in 15lb bowling balls. The scent is butterscotch, which we haven’t smelled since the Double Agent.
I drilled my pearl IQ tour with the pin over the ring finger, and the cg only about 5 degrees left of stacked, to produce a touch of midlane, without sacrificing down lane motion.  It basically comes out to a 5x5x2.5 drilling for me. I used a very small, shallow hole to keep the ball at ¾ oz side weight, to stay under the USBC max allowed of 1oz. I very moderately touched the cover with a well used 4000 abralon pad; just to give the ball that slightly used cover finish.
The pearl Tour IQ gets through the front of the lane very easy, and produces more backend reaction than the solid tour IQ. I like to use the pearl IQ tour as a step down from my pearl Marvel. If the pearl Marvel starts hooking too early or just stops cornering, because it is slowing down too soon, the IQ tour pearl is a great go to piece. This is the same way I use the Marvel solid and IQ, and step down to the IQ tour solid.
The strong backend reaction I get out of the pearl IQ tour, allows me to stay a little more firm, and throw the ball keeping my angles a bit tighter, when there isn’t a lot of miss area on the lane. The lower flaring core keeps the ball from reacting too quickly later on in the blocks when the fronts start to go, and for me, seems to give me a bit of miss area and recovery from pitch out shots when the patterns are a little harder. Interesting enough, I also  can use the IQ tour pearl on house conditions, as long as I keep it in the oil, and don’t get it to the dry too quick. The strong move down lane is enough to slap pins left and right, and make me feel like I have more revs on the ball than I really do. The pearl tour IQ really rolls strong through the pins. Seeing the pearl tour finishing off the deck going through the 9 pin position is not an uncommon occurrence with the pearl tour. This ball really continues down lane.
I have had good success with the pearl IQ tour on Shark, house conditions, USBC White pattern, WTBA Seoul pattern, and Chameleon. The pearl tour IQ really allows me to open up the backend of most any pattern just short of very oily conditions. I can just chase the pattern in, and find a touch of oil up front, and find some dry to throw to, and let the pearl tour IQ come screaming back to the pocket. Thank you for taking the time to read my review of the pearl IQ tour.
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Re: IQ Tour Pearl
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2013, 06:30:40 PM »
no need to reoeat what has only been posted, other than to confirm too that I'm very happy with the IQ Pearl. My only comment is that it slides very well through the heads as long as there is some oil, and works very well with any back end,  will hook firmly in heavy as well as light oil (mids) and carrydown doesn't syop it, the only thing that will put this ball in the bag (and quickly) is if thrown on fried heads, there the ball will ready immediately upon encountering friction, and burn up very quickly leading to weak, rolled out hits. Because of the ease through the fronts, I use this always on any fresh shot, and move on to the Marvel pearl when the heads start to go (to control the break point better (slower)), and cycle on down to a Tropical Pearl as the heads really go away.


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IQ Tour Pearl review
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2013, 06:28:31 AM »

The IQ Tour Pearl does well for me when the back ends have a little carry down and the heads have some oil on them. The IQ Tour Pearl is a perfect complement to the IQ Tour. When the IQ Tour starts to read or hook too early and lose some of its energy for the backend the IQ Tour Pearl is the Ball to go to! IQ Tour Pearl conserves enough energy to make the turn on carry down and is explosive through the pins. My axis point is 5 5/8 over and ¾ up and my ball speed is around 15 mph and my rev rate is around 315 very little axis tilt. The layout that I used on my IQ Tour Pearl was 60 x 5 ½ x 75 or just pin below the fingers and the cg kicked out enough for a low hole on my P3. I slightly scuffed the surface with a 3000 pad, just to get some of the shine off of it.

The first pattern I threw the IQ Tour Pearl on was a fresh house pattern and the IQ Tour Pearl gave me decent length and a drastic reaction at the break point. I had over under from the start so I went and threw my IQ Tour which is laid out the same but in box condition and the ball smoothed over the over/under nicely. Game 2 I switched back to the IQ Tour Pearl and was amazed at how much room I had with this ball!!!! The over/under was gone and the IQ Tour Pearl looked unbelievable and was exploding through the pins with reckless abandoning. In conclusion the IQ Tour Pearl for me needs a little carry down because of the aggressiveness of the backend. I am a tweener and the first games on house patterns are always tricky for me so I am not surprised by the over/under… However, I am surprised in a good way by how controllable but aggressive the IQ Tour Pearl is.

The last pattern I threw the IQ Tour Pearl on was the Earl Anthony Pattern and was pleasantly surprised by the length and reaction I had with the IQ Tour Pearl. The reaction was aggressive and I did not have enough hold for my liking so I chose to start with another ball. Which I believe was a not so good idea. After fighting a few frames I switched back and again the IQ Tour Pearl opened up the lane for me. The IQ Tour Pearl is the mix of both worlds for me when there is a little carry down…. Power and controllability!!! I might rough the cover up some (hand scuffed at 3000, I was thinking spinning it at 2000) and see if it will allow me to start with the ball and stay with it all night! However, If you own an IQ Tour and looking for a ball that will complement it…. The IQ Tour Pearl is that ball with same controllability mixed with more length and backend motion.

Likes:The mix of Power and control with decent length

Dislikes:I am not a big fan of Butterscotch

« Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 06:34:05 AM by StoRoto2013 »
Daniel Schaden
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Re: IQ Tour Pearl
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2013, 07:06:48 PM »
Just a bit more info, drilled mine 4 x 4 x 2" pin buffer, a layout that matches a Columbia300 Outburst, and a Storm Tropical Pearl (blue/Yellow) that have been favorites of mine. I concur with StoRoto 2013 in that this ball NEEDS oil in the heads to keep from rolling out. Pin carry is wildly different rolled out (corner festival) vs not rolled out (very solid hit) This ball is truly exhausting to thow on anything other than medium - very heavy oil at least for me. I have medium high revs, and 13.2 mph average @ the pins. This combination (when using Storms Matchmaker program) pairs this ball with me to oily (heavy) conditions, so I'd have to agree. I've recommended this ball to quite a few bowlers, with various releases and speeds (they saw some huge series from me and went out to get the ball for themselves) A 11.5 mph low track medium rev player loves the reaction, for him it's much more controlled than for me, and actually outhooks his like drilled Nano by a few boards. We've all seen with horror, Osku Palermaa use this as a spare ball,  so the match is all important I'd say. Got this ball 'cause I'd bungled up the layout on a Marvel Pearl (pin down for my very high track, caused finger hole tracking) and my initial layout on the Marvel was pin over bridge stacked, which for me is nearly a 7" pin up, so it would only flip on the driest of conditions, prompting the pin down fix. I was overall very happy with the pin carry and reaction of the marvel, and figured that the slightly weaker (not for me with the pin down) cover-stock of the IQ Pearl, I'd get the energy retention of the pin way to out (on the marvel) with the control and carry of the centripital core (well if the oil is heavy enough it is controlled some, but on medium to lighter medium it hooks with a frightening snap) In all the IQ Pearl really works for me as a heavy - medium ball (though I already had enough of those) and good enough in that area that when usable (oil present in front half of lane) everything else stays in the trunk (of the car). Still looking to find the right drill layout for my Natural Pearl for very burnt - light oil shots (seems most tournaments break down to this in the third game/ squad)


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Re: IQ Tour Pearl
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2013, 01:07:20 PM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS


Likes: Flat, out, this ball hits like a tank. Zero deflection through the pin deck.  Continuation is exceptional.  these are all things i've seen commonly from the R2S cover from Storm.  What is new with this ball is the amazing midlane read i get even with a fairly weak drilling.  I like to start with stronger solid equipment playing as straight as possible, and then switch to something cleaner through the front after transition.  this ball fits that bill perfectly.  Another Winner for storm.

Dislikes: My only dislike for this ball is the color does show alot of dirt/lane wear.  I get somewhat fanatical about keeping my equipment clean, so i'm usually forced to put this on the ball spinner with some reacta-clean to keep the golden nugget looking shiny and new!



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Re: IQ Tour Pearl
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2013, 01:21:27 PM »
Lay Out: 5" from PAP at 65* PAP angle and 30* VAL angle. Dual angle measurement would be 65/5/30. I have a weight hole 5" straight across the grip center.

Ball Surface: I started box finish which is 1500 Reacta-Shine. I have also touched up the surface with a used 2000-abr pad.

Lane Condition Observations: I have thrown this on a couple of different patterns: Our league pattern which is around a 38' shot. I also threw this some on a Kegel Sport Pattern that was 43'. On our league pattern, the OOB finish was kind of snappy off the spot. I left several 9 pins with this. I decided to hit it with the used 2000-abr pad to slow it down in the back a little more. This did well and let me edge closer to the friction line since the ball would stop more in the back of the lane than in box finish. On the 43' pattern, it gave the appearance it might be in play once the heads really went away. We never got enough games in to dramatically alter the front of the lane, so the IQ Tour Solid and the Lucid were much better choices on that condition.

Other Ball Comparisons: I did get to throw it some side by side with my Fire Road, IQ Tour, and Lucid. The Lucid is earlier than all of those as the surface lets it slow down more. The IQ Tour is a little smoother of a look for me than the Lucid and I was 3 and 2 right compared to the Lucid. Where the IQ Tour Pearl shone for me was when I put it head-to-head with the Fire Road. Now this ball was blowing racks and just sawing up pins compared to the slower to medium response of the FR. Head to head with the IQ solid and the pearl was sharper off the spot in the back of the lane but the solid was earlier in the mid lane. There is the primary difference in both balls: one is a smooth surface solid and the other a shined pearl. The IQTP was more skid/snap in box. The look with the IQTP was more closer to the original when I put the 2000-abr on it.
Final Thoughts: I see a lot of IQ Tour Pearls on ball returns in our area. Several of the centers have defined wet/dry house conditions and the IQTP rolls enough in the oil and hooks back sharply if sent right of target. The guys who are really hitting league shots in our area with the IQTP are the ones who have slightly hit their ball with a 4000-abr pad. This lets them get closer to the friction and cuts down on the 9 pins left.
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH