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Author Topic: Lucid  (Read 34069 times)


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« on: October 02, 2012, 09:10:45 AM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00



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« Last Edit: November 05, 2012, 08:31:54 AM by Ballreviews »



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Re: Lucid
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2012, 07:10:33 PM »
PAP: 5 7/8 over ¼ up
Speed: 18 MPH
Average rev rate: 400
Current league average: 242
Layout: 50 x 5” x 70 extra hole on axis (25/32 bit, 2 ½” deep)
My intent for this ball was to have something that would allow me to open up the lane on medium oil or breakdown conditions. I was looking for a something that had good length with a strong and angular backend reaction.
The reaction I got from it was a nice clean skid through the front, a strong mid-lane roll, and an aggressive angular movement in the back. This ball rolls through the pins HARD! Although it was definitely more mid-laney than I expected, the LUCID saves a lot of energy for the pins. I will definitely drill the next one with a longer pin to PAP.
What this ball pairs well with:
This ball will match up best with every type of style on medium to heavy oil conditions. Definitely the pearl asymmetric you want in your bag. This ball will obviously pair well with the VIVID, but also the IQ and MODERN MARVEL. When this ball becomes too strong, you might want to go to a FIRE ROAD or another pearl symmetric.


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Lucid review by Storm/Roto Grip Staffer Garrett Richardson
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2012, 11:41:57 PM »
Hand: Left
Ball Speed: 16-17mph
Ball Weight: 15lbs
PAP: 5 left 7/16 up
Degrees of Tilt: 17
Layout: 5 1/4 x 3 1/4 x 1 1/2

The Lucid is probably the STRONGEST pearl ball I have ever thrown. This is a pearl version of the Vivid without the nano technology in the cover stock. I have the pin high above the fingers with the PSA (Preferred Spin Axis) a little over 2 ½ inches away from thumb with reacta shine polish over the factory 4000 finish. With this layout, which is a fairly weaker drilling and the balls strength out of the box it gives me the strength of the balls potential without losing the balls strength by using too strong of a layout. I get through the fronts clean, read the mid lane strong and watching the ball rev up towards the pocket is amazing.

You can see all 3 phases of what a ball does; skid, hook, roll and it is defined clear as day.  I have never seen a ball rev up that fast and hit the pocket as hard as it does with any other Storm or Roto Grip ball. Everyone that saw me roll it for the first time said the same; just couldn’t believe how strong it is and how hard it hits. I compared this with my Storm Anarchy and Roto Grip Critical Theory which are both pearls and the Lucid was stronger by 5 boards with the Anarchy and 4 to 5 boards with the Critical Theory.

I used it in league for the first time on one of the kegel challenge series patterns and shot 289 with a 754 series for 3 and 966 for 4. This is going to be a big seller for sure!

If you have any questions about the Lucid email me at

Garrett Richardson
Storm/Roto Grip Amateur Staff
Vise Inserts Amateur Staff
Pinole Bowler’s Supply

Tony Reynaud

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Re: Lucid
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2012, 05:07:52 PM »
Lane Conditions: Many
Typical Conditions: Variety of Shots: House, Sport Shots
Type of Lane: All Synthetic
Weight of bowling ball: 15
Surface of bowling ball: Factory/Box
What grit was the surface of the ball? 4000
Likes: Strongest ball in my bag
Dislikes: None so far

My layout: 55 x 4 3/4" x 2”
My PAP: 4 3/4" over 1 5/8 up

The Lucid is the newest ball from Storm that I feel will make a great addition to anyone’s bag. As soon as I threw my first shot with the ball I knew it was a very aggressive ball. I threw a few shots that at 58 feet I thought I would leave a weak 10 pin, but somehow the ball finished flush and carried. This is not a normal reaction for me as I throw the ball pretty straight. 

I think one of the things that sets Storm apart from other ball companies is you can actually build a great arsenal of balls that will you give many different looks.  If you can learn how to use this versatility you should be able to be more competitive more often on different conditions. 

Anybody that knows anything about me knows my benchmark ball is the IQ Tour and this will not change for a very long time.  The IQ Tours works wonders for me on most conditions.  I have however run into a few conditions where I needed something stronger and the Lucid was there to answer the call.  I bowled a sweeper on the pattern Earl Anthony. I started with the IQ Tour but needed something stronger in games 4 and 5. The Lucid came to the rescue while I was struggling, which helped me finish strong and to take 2nd place.

The Lucid is shining naturally for me as I get more games on it. This natural shine is actually making the ball react even better for me. The Lucid hits the pins really hard and keeps them very low.

Bottom line if you are looking for a top of the line, best in class aggressive bowling ball that will fit into the number 1 slot in your bag,  you won’t go wrong with the Lucid.  My tournament bag right now consists of the Lucid, IQ Tour, Nano, Fringe, Victory Road
Solid, and a spare ball. 
« Last Edit: October 10, 2012, 05:47:56 PM by Tony Reynaud »


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Re: Lucid
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2012, 07:43:22 AM »
[youtube] [/youtube

Tested on: 42" Modified Kegel Main Street and PBA Shark patterns

Hand: Right
Speed: 15.5 (on monitor)
Rotation: 30* to 45*
Axis tilt:  15* - 20*
PAP: 5 3/16 right and 3/4 up
Drilling Layout: 65 X 3.5 X 30

Intent:  I was looking to use the Lucid on longer patterns.  Shots where the breakpoint was 10 or left.  In the past, Storm's equipment tended to go too far down the lane.  Even such balls as the Nano got too much length.  This time I was going to use similar dual angle layout numbers but take the pin down a bit.  I was using 4" to 4.5" pins in the past so I didn't think the 3.5 would hurt?

Results:  I got what I wanted as far as shape.  The Lucid is a STRONG rolling pearl.  It is not the typical motion that Storm has become famous for.  There is NO skid/flip.  Only on the longer patterns and only close to the headpin did I get the reaction I was looking for.  I have to keep the ball as far in as 13 at  the breakpoint.  That being said, the Lucid hits @ 13 like a ball coming in from the 3 board.  It is just explosive!  For a more general ball motion I could have put a 5.5+ pin on the ball but hind sight is 20/20.  I got what I was looking for but it will not work on a THS.  I was easily getting 7"-8" of flare on some shots.  It wants to roll right off you hand. Tried all surfaces and polish and got similar results.

Likes:  I could get the ball to roll on even the heaviest of volumes.  Didn't need a big entry angle to get an amazing amount of pin action.

Dislikes:  Not a typical Storm motion.  Condition specific ball.

Conclusion:  Would not suggest this ball for rev dominate people.  Not even sure if speed dominate would like it.  This ball is more for you average house bowler that struggles to get equipment to hook.  With a middle of the road layout they can see a huge improvement in ball motion and carry percentage.  Would like to see Storm/Roto Grip do what Brunswick/DV8 did.  Separate the different ball motions among the 2 brands.  It is going to get confusing when trying to layout future equipment.  Is the next ball going to have the skid/flip quality or the roll early quality?  My 2cents, make Storm the Skid/Flip and Roto Grip the Roll Early.  At least consumers will know what to expect.

BowlerX Staffer

BuddiesProShopcom - Tim

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Re: Lucid
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2012, 09:50:17 PM »
I laid out my Lucid 50 x 4 x 35, as I was looking for a ball with a strong midlane roll and continuation.  I found the Lucid (with this layout) to be really strong in the mids.  When bowling on a fresh pattern with a decent amount of head oil, this ball was a monster.  The sanded pearl cover had enough teeth to dig through the oil, and the core made the ball drive through the pins like nothing else.  When this ball decides it wants to go, it goes.

As the lanes started to break down and I had to move my feet further away from the track area, carry started to diminish.  The more I tried to roll it off my hand, the more it would finish, but as I moved in and got around it to create more angle, the ball would seem to lose “umph.”  This is 100% a product of the layout, as balls that read the midlane are better for playing less launch angle.  For shorter patterns, this cover is just too strong, even with the earlier/smoother layout.  I would have to try some polish to tame it down. 

Overall, I think the Lucid is a terrific ball.  It would fit in anyone’s game, and is very tunable through layout.  If you want a ball that is clean with some serious kick, widen that drilling angle and move the pin further away.  If you want early roll, drill it similar to mine.  Either way, you won’t be disappointed!
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« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2012, 04:20:01 PM »
Lay Out: 5" from PAP at 75* PAP angle and 35* VAL angle. Dual angle measurement would be 75/5/35. I have no weight hole.

Surface: I am box finish which is 4000 abralon.

Purpose: I wanted to drill up this up to see what it rolled like and also to get it on the lane beside some of the other pieces in my bag. I had a Gravity Shift that I liked to keep surface on and it was a really good rolling pearl that fought thru over/under better than anything I had for awhile. Plus Storm pearl cover balls always seem to roll better for me with surface than shine.

Lane Condition Observations: I have thrown this on a couple of different patterns: Left over shot the morning after a strong scratch league and all night open play, and second shift of our normal league pattern. The second shift was following a mixed league full of plastic throwers and head pin hunters. All I can say is I love the reaction of this ball. Strong arcing but predictable would be the best way to describe it. Our house condition is 38 feet on Brunswick Pro Anvil Lane. The Lucid is way too strong in box condition for this pattern. I went to a center nearby that has about the same length of pattern but more volume in the middle part of the lane and the Lucid came to life. Good strong roll, but not over-aggressive. I also just threw it on Kegel Deadmans' Curve which is 43'. When the condition opened up, the Lucid was unstoppable. Good push and great strong roll in the back end.

Response to Friction:I would rate this a medium to quicker response in box condition. The motion is strong arc. I would be interested to see if the response was higher with Reacta-Shine on it.
Other Ball Comparisons: I did get to throw it some side by side with my Fire Road, IQ Tour and Prodigy. The Lucid is earlier than all of those except the IQ Tour. The IQ Tour is a little more stronger of a look than the Lucid and I was 2 and 1 left compared to the Lucid. Where the Lucid shone for me was when I just tried to roll it off my hand. Now this ball was blowing racks and just sawing up pins. My Prodigy is 4000 abr and was definitely earlier than the Lucid but not with as much pop on the back end. The Prodigy would be more controllable than the Lucid on longer patterns.
Final Thoughts: I see the Lucid as a good way for people to see what Storm/Roto staffers have known for years and that is putting surface on pearl covers gives a very forgiving look on the lanes. Polishing this up will create a totally different look also, so there is chance to drill a second one for a compliment. Drill this one up to have a stronger look for longer patterns when they transistion. This is also a great compliment piece for your oil eateing solid to ball down to.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 11:10:57 AM by Bigmike »
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH


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Storm Lucid
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2012, 11:12:50 PM »
 65 x 5.25 x 65

The Lucid uses the new ERG™ coverstock utilizes similar technology from our NRG™ coverstock but without the Nano additive. Evolution Reactive Genesis, ERG for short, is closer to a pure reactive which creates a later break point, putting more emphasis on the backend.
I drilled my Lucid  65 x 5.25 x 65 with the thought in mind to use this ball for medium lane conditions and for league.  This is a very strong pearl.  With the new cover I've noticed the ball does retain more energy than some of the past Asymmetrical Storm pearls.  So this ball and drilling allowed me to open up the lane, and create good angle to carry. I also noticed how the Lucid keeps the pins low and the 6 pin kicks out the 10 with ease.
  If you liked the Vivid, then the Lucid would give you more length and kick at the back without sacrificing the mid-lane roll.
I have received a lot of good feedback from bowlers that have throw this ball, from strokers, tweeners and crankers.  Very versatile ball from Storm.

PAP 4 up 1 1/4


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Re: Lucid
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2012, 09:40:28 AM »
The Lucid is the latest release in the premier line of balls. It uses the same M.A.D. core that was introduced to Storm Nation with the Vivid. The cover has been changed to ERG pearl reactive. The factory finish is 4000. The Lucid has a reasonably strong asymmetrical core (0.017 intermediate differential) with an Rg of 2.52 and differential of 0.050 in 15lb balls. The color is an Emerald, yellow and Charcoal blend.
The Lucid skids through the front of the lane much easier than the Vivid. The core strength is magnified by the use of the pearl cover stock, and unleashes a very explosive backend reaction.  Because the Lucid doesn’t share the same Nano technology as the Vivid, the ball doesn’t slow down as fast, and the aforementioned backend reaction is ascertained.  Opening up the backend of the lane with “built in” motion characteristics that an asymmetrical core gives us, is what the Lucid is all about.
So far, I have preferred using the Lucid on 42 foot patterns and longer because of the strong downlane motion, and hard change of direction. The ball motion of the Lucid and my slower ball speed is not a great mix for shorter patterns. It is just too sharp of a move for me to control properly.
The Lucid won’t be the first ball out of the bag for me, BUT will be in the tournament bag and come out when I need a big move down lane. The Lucid is a ball that will be great in the hands of slower speed lower rev rate bowlers looking for a heavy oil ball that doesn’t slow down too quick, medium speed and rev rate bowlers looking to open up the backends, and faster speed higher rev rate bowlers that usually has a problem with the ball not cornering hard enough.  I would recommend the Lucid for just about any style of player, as long as they use the ball as it was designed for to their advantage. The Lucid is a great ball for a specific ball motion.
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Storm Lucid Ball Review by Casey Murphy
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2012, 12:40:08 PM »
Storm Lucid Ball Review by Storm Staffer Casey Murphy
Storm Lucid Ball Review
by Storm Staffer Casey Murphy

Right Handed
Rev Rate:  375-400 Rpm
Ball Speed:  16 mph
PAP:  4 5/8 straight across

Location:  Sunshine Lanes
Lane Pattern:  Typical House Shot
Layout:  40, 6, 40

When I saw the design specs for the Lucid I was very excited.  The MAD core on a cleaner cover than the VIVID promised a more versatile ball overall.  I drill it like I do a lot of my upper end asymmetricals with a strong but smooth layout.  What I got in return was a much cleaner reaction than I thought and a very smooth movement on the back. 

I threw the Lucid on a medium volume house pattern.  I got a great reaction off the fresh with lots of recovery and continuation through the pins.  I played around and varied my speed after awhile of throwing strikes.  When I was slower I could move in and still maintain carry.  If I moved right and threw much harder I was able to get the length and defined mid lane I needed to play that line with that speed.  Overall a great high performance ball with lots of options on when and where to use it.   


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Re: Lucid
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2012, 04:03:05 PM »
Hello all and thanks for reading.  Video review is here :

Storm Lucid.  Fantastic ball in every bowlers arsenal.  This is the follow up to the Vivid.  New coverstock for this one makes all the difference in the world.  This ball is drilled 70 x 5 x 50 for me and the motion is incredible.  This ball gets through the front part of the lane easily and saves its energy for the midlane and for the pins.  Even though the box surface is 4000 abralon it gets through the front part easily and also takes great to adding polish.  I have used this ball on scorpion, Shark, and Viper patterns with much success as well as the local house shots. The Lucid has amazing hitting power and is incredibly versatile with the ability to cover more boards or less boards depending on where you like to play and what surface you are using.  It is one of the first balls out of my bag during league and will without a doubt be a staple for ball reaction for Storm for quite some time.


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Re: Lucid
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2013, 09:45:45 AM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS

COMMENTSDrilled my Lucid 4x4x1. This ball has remarkable length and power on the backend. excellent pin carry far above average. Second night of league shot 245, 258, 279 for 782. Stoned a 9 in the 9th frame last game could have been 300. Great Product STORM.

Likes: Color and scent among numerous other things

Dislikes: Nothing

Storm Advisory Staffer


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Re: Lucid
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2013, 11:20:51 PM »
Review- Storm Lucid
Nick C. BowlerX staff member
Weight- 16lbs
Surface- factory
Recommended lane condition-  medium to heavy oil
Pin Placement- 4-5

I drilled my Lucid with a typical 4x4x2 layout. pin top right of ring finger and cg and psa parallel to center line. This one needed a little balance hole to bring everything back to legal.

The lucid is my favorite ball out of the storm line that I have tried so far.  It is unbelievably versatile with hand position changes.. I feel like I have a remote sometimes for this ball. It is an absolute machine on oily house conditions or any condition that has a descent amount of oil. The lucid makes the corner and continues through the pins with ease. It gives me two to three boards easily, not over reacting when I get one a little "in" and never laboring to get back to the hole when one slips away.  The Lucid from Storm is my number one recommendation to a bowler looking for the best ball on the market offering versatility, continuous motion, mid lane read, and overall hitting power. This ball is an absolute must have for the serious bowler.

If you don't mind paying a little more for a bowling ball, you wont be disappointed in what you get with the Storm Lucid. This ball is an aggressive, yet predictable ball that any skill level of bowler can find a place for in his or her arsenal. Visit today and order your storm lucid, you wont regret it!!!

UF bowling

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Re: Lucid
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2013, 03:40:50 PM »
I love my Storm Lucid. I have it drilled pin up with the pin   over the finger in between my grips with the CG in the center of my span.  With this drilling, the ball provides a well defined but controllable back-end  reaction. This is one of my favorite balls from Storm because it gives me the same type of reaction no matter the condition.

Clinton Andrews

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Re: Lucid
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2013, 03:41:29 PM »
A surprisingly controlled ball with no sharp turn at the breakpoint.  I ended up also drilling it pin down and it had great cutting power on medium volume and medium to long-length shots. I'm also going to try the Storm demo layout on another Lucid, just to see what else it can do! A great ball, I was very surprised by its controllable nature

Matt Gender