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Author Topic: Meteor Flash  (Read 15295 times)


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Meteor Flash
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Curelyon with SUPERFLECK reactive coverstock; Weight Block: Four-piece multi-density core with FE2 technology; Color: Black with Red Fleck;  Finish: Wet-sanded 400 grit and factory polished 1,500 grit;  D-Scale: 76-78;  Weights:10-16 lbs.;  Logos: Meteor Flash, Eye of the STORM and Flying “S”.


Mike Carlson

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Re: Meteor Flash
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 1999, 02:00:00 AM »

The keywords on this ball are VERSATILE and AFFORDABLE!

I drilled mine with a 12:00 pin over the fingers. The medium rg allows the ball to lope easily through the heads and, much to my surprise, I was able to take the shine off of it and throw it on fresh oil.

It's strenght though seems to be the mediums, with a little shine this is a good wall ball and it has enough guts to get in deep and maintain carry.

A very good "read" ball and an inexpensive addition to your arsenal...

Brenton Davy

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Re: Meteor Flash
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 1999, 02:00:00 AM »
This ball is further evidence that the manufacturers have got the mix right in their budget/mid range reactives.  ONe of these drilled for one of our junior leaguers (14yrs old, 13lb, label drill, pin at 1.30) completely outperformed a Bullwhip that he had previously used.  Pearlised sparkle coverstock (Curleyon 2)  again creates a clean skid through dry heads and has plenty left for the turn in the back.  What can I say, yet another performance bargain that many of the circuit players love to use, especially some of the heavier hands.

Shane Strickland

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Re: Meteor Flash
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 1999, 02:00:00 AM »
I have had the Meteor Flash for about 2 months now and love it for when the lanes start to break down. It is the ideal ball for medium to medium dry oil. It isn't though, gonna do very well with heavy oil because it skids and breaks too late to get to the pocket. The price is extremely affordable and performs well for the price.


Jerry Weller

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Re: Meteor Flash
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Have just started throwing the Meteor Flash so I will follow up with more later.

First time I used the ball was on fresh backends which basically means it was going to skid and snap no matter what if it was made of resin. So I am not sure about this ball's fundamental character just yet.

However... a very surprising thing happened...

I was actually able to control the hard left snap and turned in a very respectable (for me) 247 game right out of the box. (Blew a 2 pin spare of all things, the ball skidded forever in the oil without wrinkling)

My teammates picked up my slack with a 279 and a 289 for a nice 815 scratch 3 man game. So, do I thank Storm or yell at them? I'm not sure ;-)

This ball's hit is definitely nice and crisp and it covers a lot of boards once it hits dry, but after we moved to a heavily oiled shot I had to put the Meteor Flash away. This ball just plain floats on oil in factory condition.

I will post more after I get a chance to use this ball some more. It was mid priced ball of the year so I am sure I will find some uses for it, but I definitely haven't seen it act in an arching fashion yet. Maybe that will change on carrydown.

Jerry Weller

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Re: Meteor Flash
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Well here's the follow up as promised.

I had put the Meteor Flash away for a time, but grabbed it instead of another ball by mistake and said hey what the heck lets see what happens.

Well... what happened was that on a lightly oiled shot with carry down where the other bowlers couldn't stay off the nose and the next high series was a low 500 or so, I tore the house up (relatively at least) for a very respectable 687.

Hit was crisp even if not quite in the Ti Messenger class, but what really impresses me about this ball is the control. On carrydown this ball had a predictable even arching backend. The ball still wants to float on heavy oil, but the way it read what little was left in the middle of the lane made it perfect on a rather dry shot. Awesome medium to light oil control ball.

My only complaint is it's tracking out so fast. Had a discernible track after only about 12 games on wood.


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Re: Meteor Flash
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2002, 04:20:32 PM »
yes i bought a meteor flash and i drilled it to max hook, but i forgot the drill specifications but i was bowling at "interstate lanes" in rossford, oh and i stand in my usual spot that is "second to last dot on the right side" . im a lefty. so wheni through it i couldnt keep it in the left pocket side and kept hitting the 3 pin. so i moved 7 boards  right of the last dot and through it 4th arrow out to the 3rd and it can back GREAT!, so i am staying there.  if u are thinking about buying this ball i think it is a good ball and if u cant handle it all u have to do is move where ever u want to hit ur mark. it is a great ball and it hits the pocket hard and doesnt leave alot  of splits(that my opinion)


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Re: Meteor Flash
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2004, 10:04:12 PM »
Believe it or not I just picked up the 5 year old Meteor Flash brand new and I am very impressed with it. Thanks to . The ball clears the fronts very cleanly and makes a sharp snap on the backend resulting in better than average carry. I have seen that the ball is lethal on shorter patterns letting it play to its strengths but have also seen that you can square the lane down on a little bit of a longer pattern  and it still finds its way to the pocket. The only problem with this situation is that it doesn't carry as well because it gets too far down the lane and doesn't pick up fast enough. Overall, the Meteor Flash is a great ball for a lower price. It is very versatile and is a great "go to" ball when finding the pocket is the top priority. If you haven't used the ball before I suggest you find one before they are gone forever.


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Re: Meteor Flash
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2004, 09:42:58 PM »
I've had this ball for several years and have bowled many games
with it.  It is the ball of choice for drier heads with some oil down the middle.  Gets cleanly through the front part of the lane and has more length than any ball I have thrown.  Doesn't react at all until it hits the dry back end and is the most angular ball I have seen.  If you are fighting oil,
don't even think of using this ball.  Keep it polished and it is the best I have seen for playing the down-and-in shot.  This is never my first ball out, but I am never without it.  Great situational ball.

Big John


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Re: Meteor Flash
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2006, 06:20:49 PM »
This ball goes longer than any thing that storm has. This ball hits like a truck and never over reacts. Great for lanes that are burned up or pull it out during long night pot games.!
Brunswick Scorchin’ Inferno
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