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Author Topic: Natural  (Read 32710 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
- Color: Black
- Coverstock: U2Sâ„¢ Urethane
- Weight Block: Turbineâ„¢
- Ball Finish: 2000-Abralon
- Flare Potential: 3”-4” (Medium)
- RG: 16#-2.53, 15#-2.55, 14#-2.58
- Diff: 16#-.040, 15#-.038, 14#-.035
- Recommend Lane Conditions: Dry
- Description: Our intent was to design a “pure” urethane coverstock with less surface friction for those challenging patterns along with a core combination that would complement. We developed the U2S™ coverstock, a second generation of U2000™. It enables one to get length with out the over-reaction that resin sometimes creates. Even though it’s made of a pure urethane material it’s dynamic enough to handle today’s lane conditioners. The Turbine™ core creates ample flare to ensure fresh coverstock is always touching the lane. This translates into additional friction to create ample entry angle, without generating an over/under reaction down lane. The Natural™ integrates classic reaction with today’s modern technology to deliver unbeatable performance.



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Re: Natural
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2009, 10:48:06 AM »
Bought this ball almost exclusively for 2nd to 3rd game on the House shot, where everyone and their uncle has burned up the track area and my carry starts to struggle when i get deeper and deeper on the lane.  As everyone else keeps moving left, i grab the Natural, take a step right, and use the built in hook they created.  I am a higher rev, higher speed player, so i need to be aware of how hard i throw it, but the ball does as advertised, reads the midlane with a nice gentle arch, gives me adequate entry angle, and even carries some of the off hits.  High flush: its devastating, light in the pocket it will throw some pins around, 1/2 pocket...well  i wasn't suprised to see a flat 10 when i got the ball there (in fact on one shot i was happy not to see the 8-10).  

As you would expect, being a less dynamic ball, its not as forgiving as others, and maybe puts more of a premium on shot making.  

When it comes down to it, i give the Natural a thumbs up!  Who knew "OLD SCHOOL" could be so much fun.


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Re: Natural
« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2009, 03:33:59 AM »
Im a Lefty tweener with a Med-high track, and high ball speed.  I have my natural drilled pin under ring, cg kicked out slightly.  The U2S urethane coverstock matched with the turbine core makes for one essential weapon on the dry.  The Natural rolls absolutely amazing on the dry.  I think storm really got it with the urethane cover with a semi-weak core.  Perfect match up for a excellent dry lane ball, that will always give you that kick on the end to carry all ten. This ball is great if you think the swing wont be there, but the other balls to much, get up those boards with this ball, nothing to worry about.  Excellent ball, great concept, another winner from storm!
Mike Haberman Jr.
William Paterson University Bowling
Storm Bowling Staff


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Re: Natural
« Reply #18 on: October 15, 2009, 02:21:22 PM »
Used my favorite drilling with pin well above the ring finger (approx 4.5" to pap) with the CG slightly right of the midline.  Drilled the ring finger very deep to account for the high top weight and I ended up with an almost completely balanced ball (zero all the way around according to the scale).

This is a short review because I've only used it for 2 games on one pattern so far.  We started the Cheetah month in our PBA Experience league and the first night I stuck with the Cell Pearl for all 4 games with great results.  Last night the first game went just as well as the previous week but the lanes broke down very differently and I no longer had a predictable reaction.  After struggling through much of the 2nd game I switched to the Natural and suddenly I had a great look again.  

This PBA pattern has always "liked me" but last night it took The Natural to tame the Cheetah!  I am looking forward to trying it the next time I have that severe over/under house pattern break down that I tend to get all the time.  More later!

Storm Amateur Staff, Central Texas
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Re: Natural
« Reply #19 on: October 15, 2009, 06:55:30 PM »
The Natural was very consistent due to its urethane cover stock i have a layout 4 x 4 which for this ball went down the lane and arced in. I used this ball a few times on the Kegel Pattern the Boardwalk a slightly drier pattern how ever i was able to play more direct. On heavier Patterns i found the natural to be best as a spare ball.
Kevin Brophy William Paterson Bowling Team


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Re: Natural
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2009, 10:01:05 AM »
I have drilled a few Naturals, and want to Review the pin down, strong ball. This is the ball I used to win the Regional in Forte Meade on Viper. I also continue to use this ball on Cheetah, as well as Viper and also on a house shot, with strong backends. The ball has the pin at 5", with the pin just above the center line, below my ring finger, and a medium sized balance hole 2" down on VAL (a modified RICO). I have the surface at 1000 abralon (new pad).
This ball allows me to go up the lane on the shorter PBA patterns, some thing that is a challenge for me with my softer ball speed when using reactive equipment. This ball really opens up the lane for me, as it does not over react off the dry. The combination of strong drilling and high surface prep gives me plenty of hook, and hook were I need it, in the mid lane, instead of in the backend of the lane, that then becomes uncontrollable on the shorter, flat PBA patterns.
I believe that every tournament bowler should have a urethane ball in their bag. It is a reaction that will keep you out of trouble, and allow you to leave makable spares when scoring paces are very low. Don't let the idea of "Urethane" pass you by. It has it's time and place, and will be an excellent addition to any arsenal.
Tommy Gollick
Storm Regional/Pro Shop staff
Red Crown Pro Shop Harrisburg, PA
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Re: Natural
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2009, 09:20:55 PM »
Don't know my measurments, don't really care. Every ball i have is drilled the same, straight up 1:30 drill. So i needed a ball to combat the over under and the massive dry i see at game 3 of league. The house i bowl in has a massive wall but i have to much hand to really be successful, i could stand left, close my eyes and pitch it to the gutter and hit the head pin every time... I needed something to help me be more consistant and think during league. So i got a 15 pound Natural drilled 1:30, And tossed a few games, i love this thing. No snap, just roll. Why have i never had a urethane like this??? I am rev and speed dominant, and i do not get around the side of the ball much, i am more up the back of the ball. But i can tell you this thing is sweet, very consistant ball reaction.
Obviously you were not listening to your ball...

Monster Stitch

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Re: Natural
« Reply #22 on: December 22, 2009, 02:09:48 AM »
3 inch pin
3 oz top


The Natural is a ball everyone needs in their bag no matter what. I decided to drill one up because i had to fill in a gap that i had between my spare ball and T-Road Pearl. The perfect test was when i bowled a No-Tap Tournament at my local house that used a weekend shot that was really short. Just say when i tried to throw my T-Road Pearl, it hooked right when it passed the arrows. It was ridiculous. So i pulled out my Natural and was able to play up 10 or throw it right. The ball rolled like a champ. It got down lane and faced up to the pocket with no problem. The Natural has a very rolly motion. It has a toll set look. This ball will defnitely be in my tournament arsenal.

the pooh

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Re: Natural
« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2010, 11:56:31 AM »
This ball always goes in my bag! In symmetric terms, I have it layed out 4 x 3 7/8 with a 3 1/2" pin buffer. For me, this puts the pin under the ring finger. I have used it at many different surface preps and it responds well to changes. I currently have it at 2000 AB and it still gets through the heads well, even on a light or highly used condition. Must be that U2S coverstock.
This ball is great for playing outside or on fresh or flying backends. If the backends are clean enough, it will strike from deep angles, also! It will smooth out most any over/under condition. For being so smooth, the ball still carries extremely well. When the lanes are really dry, this is my next choice up in hitting power above my Lane #1 Starburst XXXL. The only conditions it won't shine on are heavy and/or long oil, and burnt heads with lots of carry down. The reactives have a better chance on those.
This ball is a pleasure to throw and makes a good choice to read the lanes with. It will tell you if you need more ball, and quite often, it will be enough.

the pooh
the pooh


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Re: Natural
« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2010, 07:58:10 AM »
This ball is really nice, i should have gotten this ball earlier for my tournments for school. but ive been reading your post on this ball and i decided to buy it. yesterday 1/19/10 that was the first timed i used it and we had a match i bowled my best series this year for school 703    213 213 277 I HAD 9 IN A ROW AFTER  the 2 8/'s i had but in the 10 frame had 2 goin but but didnt it hard on it left 9


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Re: Natural
« Reply #25 on: January 31, 2010, 12:01:17 PM »
See profile for specs.
This ball was drilled pin above and in between fingers and CG  on the slightly strong side of center. Won't spend much time on drilling as this will vary and coverstock is 75% of the reaction.  In this case, Urethane cover is probably even more like 85-90%.  As usual, I suggest to work with your local pro to find what best works for you.  My ball driller has been watching me for 2 years and I let him select the drilling to compliment me and my arsenal.

Bowl on 41ft THS.  Honestly, my first impression was I wasn't sure if I could actually use this ball for a strike shot.  I was a little worried about spending this kind of money on Urethane equipment.  However, I really liked it for spares immediately.

Price 7/10: Going back to my first impressions, I would have given this ball a lower score.  It was hard to reconcile spending "new ball" money for "old school" technology.  But I tried to keep an open mind and take the plunge.

Core:  It's got the same core as my Furious so I knew that it will be a fairly strong hitting core.  It's a well-known symmetrical core for Storm.

Cover 7/10:'s Urethane.  I have a hard time scoring this compared to the now standard reactive coverstock.  Urethane does not absorb oil much and wreaks a little bit of havoc on the oil line.  It's hard to say how versatile this cover is but it's nothing like your current solid reactives as far as versatility.  This is ultimately because of how Urethane reacts to oil and dry.  Urethane reacts slowly off dry so tweaks only need to be miniscule.  I haven't tried polishing the ball as I really think it will turn it into an almost plastic ball on a 41ft THS.

Reaction 9/10: Ok, after all of this, I have to say I am falling in love with the urethane reaction.  I almost want to use it on fresh, but I have to be smart about it.  With that being said, it took me 2 games to figure out how to throw strikes with this ball.  My first ball was reactive, i.e., Crush/R.  People might remember WRWJ win a few tournaments with it.  Point being, I never experienced a urethane ball until now.  One night, finally decided to pull it out after 2 games.  It took me most of the game to understand the Urethane reaction.  Since then, I have pulled it out several times for the 3rd or 4th game and have yet to score lower than 228.  If you find the right place on the lanes, you can stay in the pocket for a long time.  You're always close to the pocket and I have to say that carry is pretty good.  I really don't have problems leaving 7s, even though you would expect it with a smooth reacting ball.

Just to touch on the shape of the reaction, it is very smooth.  Reactive balls can give you nothing like this.  It reads very early, towards the end of the heads and early midlane.  The rest of the lane, it is smooth and you watch it walk into the pocket.  I'm moving well left, going 7 to 10, pretty much a down and in shot.  I was pleasantly surprised to miss a couple of shots 7 to 7 and getting very light swishers with awesome carry.    

Overall 9/10:  People, don't miss out on this.  Intagibles!  On drier conditions, the urethane reaction is just a throw back.  If you are accurate and don't spray the ball too much, you will love this ball.  It might not be love at first sight for people who've never experienced urethane before, but you will fall in love with it.  While all the others are fighting overreaction and diving averages in game 3 or 4 or 2nd shift, you will have a nice and easy line to the pocket with the Natural.  And you will generally stay out of trouble.  

NOTE:  Something to keep in mind is that because the entry angle is not as steep, some balls that might look typically high for a reactive ball will be dead flush with the Natural.

NOTE 2:  I am absolutely loving this ball for spares.  I have always been able to throw my reactive pin straight with a flat wrist, but having a bit of trouble using every strike ball for spares, I was recommended plastic.  I have never really gotten comfortable with plastic as I felt it had so much skid with my flat wrist.  Urethane is the perfect remedy if you are like me.  It reads the early part of the lane but will not jump on the backend.  I feel like it gives me the "room" to more comfortably make 7 pins while not having to dramatically change hand position.
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Re: Natural
« Reply #26 on: February 01, 2010, 02:26:03 PM »
SPECS: 14lbs 6oz. I placed the major pin 3-3/8" from the PAP and located the mass bias halfway between my track and the PAL. I was 3/16 of an ounce over on the side weight so we popped a small hole in it and the side weight came out right under an ounce.
 I throw straight down and in with this ball on 30, 35, 37, and 39 ft patterns just by varying my speed between 15.5 and 18.3 and i am a cranker. my high game with it so far is 298. It hits solid but i leave a few ten pins from time to time. Its a very good ball for its price. Just make sure you wipe the coverstock after every roll because the oil will pile up.
hillbilly boom


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Re: Natural
« Reply #27 on: February 06, 2010, 08:35:22 PM »
Hey just curious, I roll for my High School and I was wondering if I should get the Natural for my low end ball...currently I'm throwing a Bounty Hunter, Rival, Toxic, and Bash. But today the bash was even to much when the lanes broke down after about 8 games. And I bowl a lot of tournaments that have conditions that are burnt out. I was looking into but would you recommmend the Natural?


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Re: Natural
« Reply #28 on: February 10, 2010, 10:16:04 AM »
"Hey just curious, I roll for my High School and I was wondering if I should get the Natural for my low end ball...currently I'm throwing a Bounty Hunter, Rival, Toxic, and Bash. But today the bash was even to much when the lanes broke down after about 8 games. And I bowl a lot of tournaments that have conditions that are burnt out. I was looking into but would you recommmend the Natural?"

I love my Natural, it is perfect for when my 2nd Dimension begins to jump. I can move 5 boards right and shoot a much more direct line. It does not have that "skid/snap" reaction and is very easy to control for me. I would not consider this ball a "low end" ball, it hits and carries very well, have one 300 with it already.


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Re: Natural
« Reply #29 on: February 15, 2010, 11:22:22 PM »
To scrichmo, sorry if mispelled, I just bought it last Monday night. Dad and I stayed after and threw two games and I used the Natural on house shot that had leagues rolled on it already. I was throwing from 15-19 with my feet 8-13. Anyways finished strong first game with 206. Then threw the first 11 and on the last shot just snapped a tad too much and left a solid 4 pin! I shot 299!


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Re: Natural
« Reply #30 on: February 17, 2010, 09:49:21 PM »
My "Natty" is 15 pounds with a 2" pin. I didn't really want a 2" pin but I won the ball in a $5 raffle and it was the only 15 pound Natural he had. It was drilled with the pin below the ring finger and the cg 3/4" from the center line. I've throwing it for about 6 weeks. This is the first ball I've thrown that I didn't drill myself in about 4 years.

I am thrilled with this ball. It is the perfect ball for me on league patterns. I 've been struggling with balls that hook too much and this does not do that. My friends and team mates were amazed to see me throwing a "down-and-in" shot. I play this ball straight up the 8 board and watch it gradually arch to the pocket starting at about 42 feet. I've been looking for a ball with this kind of reaction.

I am drilling second Natural this weekend with the "Leverage" layout from the Storm website. It should get me a little more hook for heavier oil patterns, but my Naturals will probably remain league balls and see too much tournament play.