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Author Topic: Natural  (Read 32739 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
- Color: Black
- Coverstock: U2Sâ„¢ Urethane
- Weight Block: Turbineâ„¢
- Ball Finish: 2000-Abralon
- Flare Potential: 3”-4” (Medium)
- RG: 16#-2.53, 15#-2.55, 14#-2.58
- Diff: 16#-.040, 15#-.038, 14#-.035
- Recommend Lane Conditions: Dry
- Description: Our intent was to design a “pure” urethane coverstock with less surface friction for those challenging patterns along with a core combination that would complement. We developed the U2S™ coverstock, a second generation of U2000™. It enables one to get length with out the over-reaction that resin sometimes creates. Even though it’s made of a pure urethane material it’s dynamic enough to handle today’s lane conditioners. The Turbine™ core creates ample flare to ensure fresh coverstock is always touching the lane. This translates into additional friction to create ample entry angle, without generating an over/under reaction down lane. The Natural™ integrates classic reaction with today’s modern technology to deliver unbeatable performance.



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Re: Natural
« Reply #31 on: February 24, 2010, 03:08:40 AM »
First off let me start by saying i NEVER do reviews so this is my first one. punched up my natural yesterday specs before drilling 14.10lb. 3.0 oz top weight with a 3.5-4 inch pin. had it drilled basically lable with the pin just above my ring finger with the CG pretty much in the palm(maybe kicked left just a little) no weighthole was needed. left in box condition(2000 abralon). i have to say throwing this ball was about as much fun as i have had bowling in years. with my high rev rate (400+) and below average speed (16-17mph)my reactive equipment just makes me work too hard to find the pocket sometimes. with the Natural i could hit it as hard as i want without it EVER over reacting. and the more surprising thing was the multiple lines i could play with it. i could throw it hard up the gutter,or play a small belly hook,or keep it in the oil in the middle and it always found the pocket. of the three lines i was playing around with today the small belly hook was always 10 back. the more direct line was better than average with only single pins standing. and the up the gutter was the worst of the threes lines but not bad by any means just some flat 7 pins. heres a small figjam i shot 5 games today with scores of 208,226,300,290,218 it was only a THS shot but still not bad none the less. i would say if you are rev dominant like me don't hesitate to give the Natural a try. from the first shot to the last shot you take. you will be left smiling. thanks Storm.
" bowling is for one thing and one thing only to make money"


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Re: Natural
« Reply #32 on: August 14, 2010, 08:10:22 PM »
I bought the Natural last November hoping it would help with the extreme over/under conditions I've never been able to handle. Due to emergency neck surgery I was not allowed to try it out until recently. I should also mention that I managed a 201 average way back when that meant something, but after 25 years away from bowling, the best I could do over the past five years has been low to mid 190s. The changes to the game, which seem to favor flame throwers, are frustrating to me... between being older and the troubles with my neck. The only answer to today's conditions has been to throw hard, which I just can't do anymore. Well, now I'm looking forward to league starting up next week. In six games, I'm averaging over 215 with the Natural, and no where near that with any other ball. It's early, but the control this ball gives reminds me of the old days, and it always finishes strong through the pocket. I just drilled a Virtual Gravity, which I'm hoping to start league night with, but if the over/under is too bad for me to handle, or as soon as the lanes break down, I know I can go to the Natural and score well. You youngsters who don't put your fingers in the ball and heave to an area 40 feet down the lane, probably won't like the Natural... but bowlers will.

Ryan Peebles

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Re: Natural
« Reply #33 on: September 02, 2010, 11:51:02 PM »
It's been a while since I reviewed a ball, and I "naturally" went back to the past!

The old school is back in session, and the Storm Natural was the classroom feature on the old, worn wood lanes! I'm still trying to reacquaint myself with the characteristics of urethane. The very early rolling motion and the controlled move off the spot (sometimes with a touch of fade) take me back a quarter century when I was learning the game as a young teen!

I had my 15# Natural drilled pin 5" from PAP above the bridge, CG 4" from PAP just above the midline, no X-hole. I left the 2000 Abralon box finish.

This two-piece urethane is the best one I've used since the Faball Hammer days. I can play up the boards comfortably without having to worry about the reactive snap on the backend. I also learned once again NOT to use the towel on the ball when the lanes have light traces of oil. I've been averaging between 210 and 220 with this ball, and I think it will help me control the lanes for the upcoming 2010-11 USBC season. The last four years for me have been quiet... and I intend to make a strong comeback this season!
"You have to give 100% all the time. You have to keep trying to be a machine."
- Earl Anthony, 1977
Ryan Peebles
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Re: Natural
« Reply #34 on: September 03, 2010, 12:02:13 AM »
I reviewed this ball earlier, but I wanted to add my video review.

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Re: Natural
« Reply #35 on: September 22, 2010, 12:48:37 PM »
I did not like this ball at first. I could not control it at all, but now I'm in LOVE with this ball. It works really well with dry lanes, more for when the lanes break down.


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Re: Natural
« Reply #36 on: September 22, 2010, 02:33:29 PM »
Although it's not my favorite ball, it definitely comes in handy when the lanes start breaking down. It's a useful weapon to keep in your bag.


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Re: Natural
« Reply #37 on: November 01, 2010, 02:48:53 PM »
This ball works so well for me when lanes break down because I put a lot of revolution on the ball. It's strong in the pocket but can hold on even when the lanes are completely dry.


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Re: Natural
« Reply #38 on: January 02, 2011, 09:19:37 AM »

Length: 39'         


Volume: Medium      

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS



Likes: Strong consistent roll! This is my goto ball for my house shot this year. My ball speed limits what I can do with my equipment. This year for me anything inside of the 10 board goes right. The Natural has allowed me to play straight down first or second arrow with a strong but smooth move to the pocket. I have shot my only 700 for the year with this ball. Storm has a Keeper in the Natural!

Dislikes: None really!  due to my ball speed I leave a lot of sevens (my bad)







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Re: Natural
« Reply #39 on: January 19, 2011, 09:15:31 PM »

Length: 35


Volume: Light

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS



Likes:  Heard a lot about this ball and decided to get one.  Just what the doctor ordered.  I'm 60 years old and it's gotten a little tough for me to consistently fire a ball down the lanes... still use 16 lb balls.  That's what I was doing with the weakest balls I had and ended up using a spare ball on the lighter patterns.  Use to dream of having my old yellow dot urethane.  This ball took me back... if you ever had a Columbia Yellow Dot you know what I mean.  This ball is my dream come true on the shorter light patterns.  All I had to do was move left (I'm a righty) as the lanes toasted up.  Makes a big difference when you can throw a relaxed shot.  Has the same pocket crushing effect I've become use to with Storm balls and the pins stay low for when you're off on your shot a bit to give those good mixer strikes.  Thanks Storm for another great ball.

Dislikes:  None






Edited on 1/19/2011 at 8:18 PM


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Re: Natural
« Reply #40 on: January 26, 2011, 04:19:38 PM »

Length: Various, from 36-40      


Volume: light to medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): Mainly THS



Likes: Had this ball for about 15 months. Strong label drill (4x5). Great alternative on a pattern that permits using the dry early and going straight up the boards.

You get what you hit with this ball, good pocket hits excellent carry, with less of a chance of leaving a solid back row leave. Off hits not as good, but you should expect that with the angle you give up. This ball is all about control and not giving up the pocket when stronger balls are not yielding a consistant result.


Also, I have recently switched from plastic to this ball for spares. This opened up a space in the bag for something else.


All good bowlers with any hand at all needs a urethane piece available, be it the Natural, Pearl Natural, Grenade, Avalanche, or other.

Dislikes: Performance wise, none. One should expect less carry percentage on off hits, that's what you give up for keeping the ball in play sometimes. It does need be wiped before every shot as the oil just sits on the surface. (it is kind of cool to see the track flare without really studying) 







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Re: Natural
« Reply #41 on: February 01, 2011, 06:18:07 PM »

Length: 35'


Volume: medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): ths



Likes: this ball is great for shooting spares and then also doubles as a dry lane ball.

Dislikes: being urethane, i don't get much pin action like im used to with reactive



UF bowling

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Re: Natural
« Reply #42 on: May 19, 2012, 10:32:57 AM »
Great bowling ball to fill the lighter oil part of one's arsenal. I was debating between this or a tropical breeze and was not disappointed. I was expecting it to hook early but gradually to better handle dried out, later-tournament conditions. It actually hooks earlier than I expected and transitions to its roll phase very early, which gives it a lot of consistent carry that people assume it lacks just because it's urethane. But it still retains enough back end to take advantage of the leeway of a house shot. I use it as my go-to ball on any typical house-shot because it's the only one that allows me to play straight up the first arrow when everything else is too reactive to stay outside.

Josh Longerbeam

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Re: Natural
« Reply #43 on: May 19, 2012, 10:35:52 AM »
I believe that it’s very important for me to have a urethane ball in my arsenal.  Whenever I encounter a short oil pattern, I know that I can always use my Natural.  It is not overly aggressive but I still get good carry that I would not normally get with a plastic ball.  I had it drilled pin under so that it would react early and be very smooth at the break point.  Overall, I was very satisfied.  I also use this ball exclusively in practice.  Generally, for me, I have to be more accurate with a urethane ball in order to get carry.  Between that and the fact that the ball hooks less than a reactive ball, it makes it so much easier to use a reactive ball in competition.  Doing this easily increased my average ten pins.  I would definitely recommend this ball to anyone whether they are a beginner or a long time bowler.

Michael Moskowitz


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Re: Natural
« Reply #44 on: April 18, 2022, 02:05:02 AM »
Unlike the more modern "Urethane" balls, the one in Natural line are no made to burn up early in oil. These are really light oil balls.

This past weekend bowled a tournament on 41 foot flat pattern. 3 1/2 games in the lanes were really burned up. There was 2 choice - stand left and and chuck it right, or start right and try to find something in out of bounds.

With Natural I could stand at about 27, throw it out to 17 and good line to pocket. I doubt there is any ball currently on market that would allow me to play that line. This ball has twice now bailed me out to win some money in scratch sport shot tournaments.

It's like my 13 year old special weapon for when the conditions go to hell.

If you need a true light oil control ball that'll get through the burn better than anything - this is it. Have also used the other's in Natural line and they are awesome as well and still pop up on ebay from time to time.