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Author Topic: Paradigm  (Read 25519 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
Coverstock: EOX Pearl Reactive

Weight Block: RAD+

Ball Color: Silver/Gold/Purple

Ball Finish: 1500-grit Polish

Radius of Gyration: 2.48 (Low)

Differential: .055 (High)

Durometer: 74-76

Flare Potential: 6" Plus (High)

Fragrance: Concentration - Aromatherapy

Recommended Lane Condition: Medium-Heavy Oil

Description: The way we think, live, work and dream--this is our Paradigm.
A highly refined, versatile new coverstock made from a special blend of the purest materials. EOX Pearl Reactive generates more consistent friction to enhance performance and reliability.
With a Mass Bias of .025 on the "Y" axis, the RAD+ Core finds its preferred spin axis in an incredible 5 seconds!

- Strong Midlane Motion
- Forceful Change of Direction
- Unrivaled Backend Reaction
- Superior Entry/Exit Angle



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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2005, 11:34:20 AM »
This ball is the MotherLoad. I have never threw a ball like this that started motoring early
with this much backend reaction. It has to be the new coverstock. I don't have alot of hand and
it doesn't matter with the PARADIGM. I hit half pocket in league last night most of the time and
got the ten out every shot. Three other bowlers in my league drilled one as well and they all love
this ball.

I didn't even drill this ball that strong. Pin above the fingers...MB kicked right of the thumb.

This ball comes 1500 grit. I have never witnessed a ball this shiny that digs into the oil the way the PARADIGM does. The continuation through the pins is great. THANK YOU STORM!


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2005, 11:34:46 AM »
This ball is the MotherLoad. I have never threw a ball like this that started motoring early
with this much backend reaction. It has to be the new coverstock. I don't have alot of hand and
it doesn't matter with the PARADIGM. I hit half pocket in league last night most of the time and
got the ten out every shot. Three other bowlers in my league drilled one as well and they all love
this ball.

I didn't even drill this ball that strong. Pin above the fingers...MB kicked right of the thumb.

This ball comes 1500 grit. I have never witnessed a ball this shiny that digs into the oil the way the PARADIGM does. The continuation through the pins is great. THANK YOU STORM!

Pat Patterson

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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2005, 05:31:57 AM »
Had this ball drilled up by Mike Miller(PBA)at "10 Pins and More" in Rio Rancho, NM. Ball started out weighing 15lbs 1 oz with 2.48 oz top weight before drilling and a 3.5" pin. Laid ball out with pin just above and right of the ring fingert(Right-Hander), RAD+ swung out 1/2" right of thumb, x-weight hole, polished up to 1500.
Threw ball on my typical house shot 38' buffed to 45' Synthetic up and around the 10 board(see profile for style), there is OB outside the 5 board. My benchmark ball is a XXX-Factor drilled pin above fingers and RAD swung out 1/2" right of thumb with comparable top weight as the Paradigm and I can tell you that on this shot the Paradigm easily outhooked/cover more overall boards by a minimum of 7 boards to start and tamed down to about 5 boards difference after 6 games of practice and 3 games of league(League set: 230, 267, 258 = 755 Series). The ball is very aggressive throughout the entire lane. No matter how hard I tried, it was very difficult to get this ball to blow by the 1-3 pocket. If the ball got out too far it would come flying back, but if I pulled it the thing was way too aggressive and would cross over.

Another Excellent Ball From STORM!
Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2005, 11:04:38 PM »
Got the ball punched today and threw it tonight.  House shot with a little more oil than usual house.  Shot was a little drier from 5 out.  

Pin over fingers (middle) cg kicked right slightly.  MB directly under thumb.  Pin is out roughly 2-3 inches.

I throw 19+ mph (usually higher) with 450+RPM, lower track.

This ball flies.  Absolutely awesome.  Have a Fired UP drilled same way, but with cg in middle and it outhooks and outflips the Fired by a lot.  Ball covers up bad releases with stunning results.  Get the ball out it still comes back.  My team asked what I did with their regular bowler.  Once they dry out a little the ball leaves 10's from entry angle.  
Ball clears heads awesomely.  No effort at all to get the ball down the lane.  Did not burn up one bit for me.

It is like (quoting someone else here) someone kicked the ball at the 50 foot spot.  It flips that hard.  And carries like crazy until you play extremely deep. (30-5)

Highly recommend this ball.  


P.S.  I do have 2 Total Shock & Awes, and an EPX and this ball makes them look like my Target Zone.
None of my balls work, so I keep trying new ones!!!


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2005, 02:35:35 PM »
This ball is the best ball on the market.  I thought that the ball would not pick up in oil, but I was wrong.  A shined up 1500 grit ball that picks up in oil that's great.  My drilling pin right of the ring finger 1 1/2 out.  Drilled leveraged.  I have a ball speed around 18-19 mph with a lot of revs. I could play deep inside or right up the boards with this ball.  The backend on this ball is outstanding.  The hitting power is like a recking ball knocking down buildings.  The new EOX cover is great.  If you miss a little right dont worry it's coming back.  This is the best ball on the market as of now.  So watch out absolute inferno storm has taking over once again.


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2005, 12:21:16 AM »
I must admit that when I got my staff ball about a month ago I was a little skeptical. I thought, how much different can this really be then a Triple X-Factor and the rest of the Xfactor line. I must say that I am truly surprised. This to date is the best asymmetrical ball I have used.

Ball specs: Pin out 3 1/2, top 2.68. CG is 1/2 left of the pin to Rad marking

Layout: Pin 4 1/4 from PAP, Rad 5 1/8 from PAP, Pin 3 inches above grip midline, NO Xtra hole

My PAP is: 4 3/4 over

I have tried this on a variety of conditions including our long and heavy house pattern (41 ft, with about 80-100 units in the middle), to another house pattern (37 ft, medium volume of oil), to sport patterns (37 ft and 39 ft with medium to heavy volumes of oil). On our long and heavy house pattern I had to play 10 and right (no ball is really any good inside of ten). The ball gave me the front end roll of the Triple X-factor but the strong breakpoint of the original X-factor. The Paradigm nearly seemed like a hybrid of the two in ball motion. On the shorter more normal house patterns that most centers run and the sport patterns, I was able to move left and wheel it around the front of the lane and get great recovery. Each time I use this ball I am more and more amazed at its great recovery. In comparing to one of my favorite balls (Fired Up) how get more recovery from the mid lane with the Paradigm. So for me when my Fire Diablo is to early or stands up to soon and my Fired Up is just a touch to long and late the Paradigm is the answer.

I would recommend this ball for all bowlers. Guys that get in and boom it will love the Paradigm for its unbelievable recovery and straight players will love it because it will give them a sharper, stronger breakpoint then the ever popular Triple X factor.

Pick one up today. Even though it is a few bucks more then the X-Factor line, you will not be disappointed. Each time I use mine I love it even more.



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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2005, 02:38:42 PM »
I talked to a rep from Bob's Business and he says the Paradigm has
the strongest move to the pocket of anything on the market. The cover
is very tweakable. I can't wait to see it in Pete or Robert's hand on the show!

J Dubs

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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2005, 01:42:35 PM »
I drilled a Paradigm. Used in house known for tight lanes, Brunswick Pro Anvillane, lots of carrydown by game 3 (5 Man league). Sad to report a disappointment w Paradigm. Ball does NOT flip as hard as advertised. The ball "wheels" due to the weight block, but would not face the pocket enough to carry 10's and 7's. Tried multiple angles, speeds and releases. Ball was factory finish (too shiny perhaps) drilled 4½ x 4, pin high. I do like the ball but not the 50% carry percentage I had over 2 nights of bowling. I will drill a Trifecta with a similar layout for this house. That should give me the extra read that I need but as I said, the ball was similar to any other pearlized reactive resin, the only difference was the ball motion which was very impressive; sadly did not equate to strikes. I'd say this ball is good for a medium shot, and needs some dry boards to generate the desired crisp reaction.

Stay Focused and Make the Shot

Buy your bowling equipment at Perfect Fit Pro Shop, Sports Plus Bowl


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2005, 09:27:33 PM »

Hit the cover with a green pad. You will like the results!


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2005, 03:32:40 AM »
I just got the Storm Paradigm today and had a chance to use it on the two leagues I bowl with. This is just a short review since I rarely had time to get used to the ball and used my X-factor deuce most of the time instead.

I used it on my second shift lanes and it was very consistent and had a very strong yet smooth arc to the pocket. After the first game of the second shift, it was pretty much time to put the ball away because it was starting to burn up. For me, it has possibly the most perfect arc to the pocket I have seen. This ball is sort of like the Original X-factor on steroids, which is a good thing because the Original X-factor is discontinued.

I will post more about this ball as I practice and use it more. From the few times I threw it, I've liked what I saw.
Also known on a first name basis at Buddies pro shop !


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2005, 02:23:31 PM »
I just got the Paradigm. Drilled 5x3 3inch pin buffer. X-hole though the grip center though cg to the VAL or PAL. specs on the ball 4.5 pin with 3.5 top weight.

We bowl on old wood lanes long oil heavy blended pattern. The ball was everthing said to be. Clean though the heads and very strong midlane and strong backend reaction. This ball is a must for Med to heavy oil.

Gene J Kanak

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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2005, 10:19:53 AM »
Got my Paradigm from Buddies Thursday afternoon and had it punched up by Friday. Here are the specs:

15lbs, 2 oz.
3-4" pin, 2.65 oz. top
Drilled Pin right of ring, cg under ring, RAD just right of thumb hole

Left in box finish.

Tested the ball on the following patterns:
PBA  Regional/Senior Tour pattern No. 3
THS--second shift mixed league

For me, the true strength of this ball comes in its versatility. If you are able to change your hand positions and releases, this ball will be whatever you want it to be on medium conditions. I've been able to stand left and swing the lane from inside at 5th arrow or pipe it hard and straight up second. In either case, the ball delivers good push through the heads, a slight check in the midlane and a powerful arc on the backend. As is the case with every ball made these days, the hit was outstanding.

This is not a magic ball, it doesn't give you 50 boards of extra room or guarantee that you're never going to leave corner pins. So if you're one of those people who is going to ask "why should I pay $165 plus shipping when I can get a Rampage for $90," don't bother buying this one. However, if you're bowler that is looking for a very smooth, predictable and versatile pearl resin bowling ball, this will be a very nice choice. I see equally strong scoring potential for strokers and crankers alike. If used properly, this ball will be whatever you want it to be. As a nice bonus, it looks and smells nice, too. Aromatherapy: concentration my arse. The ball smells like Fruit Loops!
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 345 : )
 I provide the muscle for the Fellowship of the Saws  

Left Turn

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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2005, 06:06:15 PM »
This ball ROCKS!!  I have the pin above my ring finger with a 10:30 drilling.  The ball has a similar motion to an Xfactor but stronger.  This ball absolutely slices through the pins.  It won't make a bad shot look good but it definitely rewards a well rolled shot.  I can play this ball on any part of the lane, the ball just wont quit!  I bowl on a fairly flat oil pattern and this ball matches up well.  Throw a good shot and it's a strike.  Throw a bad shot and get what you deserve.  This is all I can ask of a ball.

Thank you STORM!!  

First three series with the Paradigm 685, 704, 702.  High game was 279, split in the first frame and then struck out.

J Dubs

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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2005, 12:17:05 PM »
Got a second one of these, and laid it out very strong this time with the 4x4 A (1½ buffer). Ball is sick. There is a tremendous change of direction with this layout, and a beautiful ball motion. Extremely clean in the front of the lane, really revs up nicely and makes a left turn downlane. Ball hits the pins so solidly, with a loud sound. When the lanes carrydown, it was not necessary to put the ball away. All it took was a nice move left, with softer speed and the ball reacted beautifully. It's really hard to leave a pin if you execute properly.
Stay Focused and Make the Shot

Buy your bowling equipment at Perfect Fit Pro Shop, Sports Plus Bowl  631 737 4837