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Author Topic: Paradigm Domination  (Read 21418 times)


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Paradigm Domination
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
Reaching a pattern of consistent performance at your highest level requires true conviction and passion. As the bowler''s company, we understand this and reward your commitment with the all new Paradigmâ„¢ Domination.â„¢ A newly refined asymmetrical RAD+â„¢ weight block combined with the Reactorâ„¢ Pearl Reactive coverstock creates the absolute best skid/ flip ball we have ever produced. Intimidate. Eliminate. Dominate.

PARADIGMâ„¢ DOMINATIONâ„¢ Technical Specifications Coverstock Reactorâ„¢ Pearl Reactive  
Weight Block RAD +â„¢
Ball Color Graphite/Sapphire/Crimson
Ball Finish 1500-grit Polish
Durometer 74-76 Rex D-scale Rex D-scale
Flare Potential 6" Plus (High)
Fragrance Spearmint  
Weights 10 - 16 lbs.
PARADIGMâ„¢ DOMINATIONâ„¢ Ball Dynamics Ball Weight Radius of Gyration Differential Mass Bias Diff.
16# 2.47 0.055 0.023
15# 2.49 0.047 0.026
14# 2.55 0.055 0.017


Pat Patterson

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Re: Paradigm Domination
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2006, 12:19:11 AM »
Purchased the DOMINATION from Mike Miller of 10 Pins and More in Rio Rancho, NM. Ball Specs are as follows: 15lb. 3oz. 3.12 oz of TW before drilling and a 3.0" pin, ball is laid out with pin above the ring finger and the RAD 3.0" right of Thumb CL with a weight hole 6.0" from grip CL through the CG. Threw the ball on 38' of oil buffed to 45' with OB outside the 8 board. Current lane conditions were after several games were thrown with plastic so there was some carrydown. Compared this ball to my AGENT drilled pretty much indentically to this one. OOB the DOMINATION is about 3 boards stronger than the Agent, but really revs up in the midlane. The DOMINATION was evidently much more stronger in the midlane then the AGENT in which I thought had the most midlane of Storms current line-up (the DOUBLE AGENT is the exception).
Overall this ball revs up beautifully and carrys extremely well, but like all balls still leaves the dreaded 10 pin.

I believe STORM has yet another winner in the DOMINATION!

Enclosed are actual pictures:

Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson


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Re: Paradigm Domination
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2006, 09:26:41 PM »
When you combine a RAD weight block with a Reactor Cover, the results are literally breathtaking. I drilled my Domination with a 4" x 4" layout and I can tell you this ball is unrivaled. NO BS!
We tested the Domination against a One, a Big One and an Action Max. The results were sick. The Domination cleared the front end better ( 3-1 crowned middle - HPL surface) picked up remarkably in the midlane and blew away all three balls with the backend motion.

This ball has the best of both worlds. The RAD weightblock with the Agent cover. UNREAL!

Storm balls have always had superior backend reaction but the Domination's midlane motion is going to
make this ball a huge winner. I am a believer. THANK YOU STORM!


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Re: Paradigm Domination
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2006, 08:30:17 AM »
This ball does clear the front great and makes a hard snap to the pocket at the end. Unlike anything I have seen since the Original Xcaliber.  Reacts like a high rg ball. The cover clears the front, the ball comea back from the 1-2 board at 40ft, standing 35 crossing 17-18.
Our conditions are 5 to 5, 40 ft, buff 20-40, 2nd shift, we have changed the shot and lowered the units in the middle to avoid too much carry down, so backends are pretty fresh.
I would say I have medium ball speed, 45 deg. tilt, and a med. rev rate.
Drilled a 2" pin under ring finger 5" from axis, kicked cg toward my axis at about 3" from axis, decent size weight hole.  Started with 3oz of top weight.
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Perfect Approach Pro Shop

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Re: Paradigm Domination
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2006, 03:11:49 AM »
Received ball through VIP program Ball is 14LBS, pin 2-2.5, top weight 2.20. Drill the ball with a 4 1/2 pin from pap and a 45 degree MB. MB is on my VAL and pin is below my ring finger. Drilled a 7/8 axis hole on my VAL 3 inches below my PAP. End side weight is 1/2 oz. Ball is awesome. Ball clears the heads very well and has tremendous backend. This is first Storm product I have thrown since the X-Factor Deuce and I am very impressed. I will be pushing this ball in my Pro Shop. 3 sets shot with ball (284/701; 710, 300/720) Feel free to ask any questions.
JD Helton
Perfect Approach Pro Shop
J. Helton
Perfect Approach Pro Shop


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Re: Paradigm Domination
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2006, 02:32:56 PM »
There are four guys in my area who drilled Storm's Domination. All of them are very happy with the motion of this ball. Storm is marketing it as their strongest skid/flip ball. It is very strong and the RAD weight block gives it a great read in the midlane. Then it goes balls out on the backend. It absolutely crushes on any condition with a build up in the middle of the lane with hook to the right. GREAT BALL!


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Re: Paradigm Domination
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2006, 07:18:58 PM »
OK here Is a short Review I will Update it after I get to throw It some more.

Starting Specs
2-3in pin
2 1/2 Top
Cover-1500 Storm2-OOB
Tested On A THS Lots of Volume In the Middle.
My Specs 300+ Rpm's 16mph
Axis 5 1/2 1/2Down
Drilling 4x4 Pin 1 1/2 From My Val Xhole On my Axisown

All I can Say Is Wow The Ball Is A Foot Or Two More the My original paradigm But It Is Much More Violent Than The paradigm Or the Agent.This Ball Reminds Me Of How the Xfactor Was Compaired To everything Else back then.This Ball Turns On a Dime and Very angular So this Will Be a great ball.I will Post Another Update After I get To Pot bowl This weekend Or when I get to throw it in league.So In short This ball Is a Great Mix Of Agent and Paradigm Characteristics So this Ball Will be a Big winner.

Beware I have the Domination In my Bag So now Its time for me to dominate!

Jeff Carter

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Re: Paradigm Domination
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2006, 12:19:59 AM »
I finally got a chance to drill a few Dominations last week. So far, my opportunities to use them have been limited but i really like what i see so far. I drilled one 5x3 with the pin under the middle finger with a low hole. I hit that ball with a burgundy scotch brite pad with medium pressure in the track area. I drilled the other at 5x3 with the pin over the middle finger and an x-tra hole an inch passed my axis. I left that one box finish for now.

I bowled last weekend in Springfield, Mo on regional pattern #5 ( 44' - medium volume @ 45 mils ). The lane surface was fairly old anvilane, but well maintained. I used the pin under Domination quite a bit, especially during match play. This ball has very similar motion to the original Paradigm, but is a pinch longer and a decent amount more angular. So far in my current arsenal i have the Domination in between the Agent and the Thunderstruck Solid. I seem to match up better with the Reactor cover than the EOX cover, so this ball should see a lot of action for me. The cover ( like all the other ball with the Reactor cover ) is very tunable, which will make it a player for all styles.

Higher rev-rate players will love this ball because it will give you an assymetrical option to get in deeper and create more entry angle. Lower rev-rate players will be able to stay closer to the track and make more aggressive adjustments than maybe they are used to. So far this ball has been well received by the regional players that i've talked to, which can only translate into success for you
Bowl up a Storm,
Jeff Carter


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Re: Paradigm Domination
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2006, 01:36:49 PM »
Recently, Storm has sent me the new Domination.  The ball I received had a 1 1/2" pin placement.  I drilled the ball with the pin just below the ring finger and the CG 1/4" to the right of my palm.  I am a right hander bowler.  The ball goes long and fnished strong at the back end with a little extra finish just before hitting the pocket.  The consequences is a explosion at the pocket.  This ball makes off hit single pin leaves a thing of the past.  The carry is fantastic!  I recently went from a 16lb ball to a 15lb ball and I was concerned about the carry because of the weight differential.  This ball has thrown away my fears!  Tell you readers if you want to dominate their opponents, rush out and buy Storms's new Domination.  They will not reqret it.


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Re: Paradigm Domination
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2006, 01:12:46 PM »
The Storm Domination is the most powerful bowling ball that I have ever thrown, it clears the front part of the lanes very cleanly, and also provides a very smooth read through the mids, with a very strong backend motion to the pocket!
I have been able to use it on numerous conditions, anything to heavy oil to dry patterns.
If you are looking for a very versitile bowling ball the Domination is the answer!


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Re: Paradigm Domination
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2006, 09:53:45 PM »
Starting specs:
3.0 Top
Pin 2.5

This ball drilled very nicely, good smooth holes, and the core wrap drilled very much like the shell.

I am right handed, medium-high revs, medium-slow ball speed. I used a layout with pin 5 from PAP, Rad 3 from PAP, Pin buffer of 2 ½ inches.  I have used this layout on an Ace and Vertigo, and I liked the reaction.  I drilled the ring finger full depth (3 ¾ inches) so it would be “legal” without an extra hole.

I used the ball on a broken-down house pattern, and on a fresh house pattern.  The lane isn't wide enough if I use my normal release and ball speed, the back-end motion is extremely strong.  I cut back the revs a little, and the ball reacts very true, good midlane and still makes a strong move off the pattern.  The ball had a tendency to over-skid with box finish when I took some revs off, so I hand-scuffed with 1000 abralon.  I used the ball in league, playing more hook than I like at this house, but I still scored pretty well.  This ball definitely gets more length than the original Paradigm, and the Domination carries much better for me with my softer ball speed.

I also used the Domination at a PBA regional with the 38 foot, higher volume patten.  I was -40 after three games, switched to the Domination and I was 120 over for the next 4 games, including a 296 game.  This ball reacts very nicely even on lower volume patterns like the PBA and Sport patterns (compared to most house patterns I bowl on).

My Agent has stronger mid-lane reaction than the Domination, but the Agent also has quite a bit more surface, and the Agent is much smoother and earlier off the pattern.  The Domination is much more angular and continuous then the Agent, it never started to labor as the lane broke down like my (dull) Agent does as the track gets burned.   The two balls compliment each other very well, although I would probably still go with an Agent with surface on longer patterns, rather than trying to smooth out the reaction of a Domination.

J Dubs

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Re: Paradigm Domination
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2006, 01:51:47 PM »
Laid ball out with 3¾ pin to PAP 2" above midline, 5' RAD to PAP, 95 degrees. Pin Buffer was 2 & 3/8. This is the Strongest lateral movement of any ball I have ever thrown. Some of my friends were amazed at how deep I was able to get and the amount of recovery. I think this Reactor cover around this strong core really matches up amazingly. The ball skates through the heads and revs up in the mids and really covers alot of boards downlane. Favorite ball or "toy" right now for me by far. Keep in mind this was a very strong layout and it takes full advantage of what the ball can do. GO drill one up.
Stay Focused and Make the Shot

Buy your bowling equipment at Perfect Fit Pro Shop, Sports Plus Bowl  631 737 4837


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Re: Paradigm Domination
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2006, 01:46:59 AM »
I just drilled a domination and only got to throw it for a few games this weekend. It hooked moore than I thought it would, but thats a good thing. I used a strong drill pattern and left the surface alone. It pushed easily through the front and made a strong continuous move toward the pocket on the backend that was very predictable. I think this ball is a great compliment to the spitfire.

Rich M

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Re: Paradigm Domination
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2006, 04:38:07 PM »
I purchased the Storm Domination thru Storm on 10/5/2006. I had the ball drilled up on 10/20/2006. 15lb, 2" pin out. The pin located right next to my ring finger. Also had a balance hole put in, as well. For me, being a down & in player, it's a bit of an aggessive layout. After having the ball punched out, i bowled my 3 game league set & tossed games of 300-235-225, for a 761 set!! Hard to believe, but a 300 game with the new ball, right out of the box!! I did not alter the surface at all.This new Domination turns the corner a bit better than my Storm Paradigm, which i have had very good luck with, as well. The condition was a fresh house pattern (38"). I usually play up 10, but with this ball, i was 16, out to 5, pretty much the entire evening. On a scale of 1-10, i would rate this ball a 9. Excellent!!


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Re: Paradigm Domination
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2006, 11:41:08 PM »
The Info

i drilled my domination today then went out and tried it. i tried it on regular house shot but it seemed like there was a little more oil than usual but it could have been the carrydown from people bowling on it b4 with the plastic balls. i put the pin up above the my bridge because i wanted it to go long/clean through the heads and not have a violent reaction in the back end plus i dont carry as good when i get the hockey stick reaction. basically have my hand do everything cause i do have a lot of hand to begin with. the ball goes really long and has a nice smooth turn like i wanted but its still more than what i expected to happen.

The Line

i quickly found i had 2 lines to play with, one i would stand 3 left of center and throw at 13 to 10/9ish and it would hit awsome once it made the turn it kept goin (my favorite line). the other spot that i could play was 2 left of the second last dot through 15 out to 8. when the ball found some friction it made the turn sending sick messengers flying across the deck.

The Cons

1. it needs some friction to get goin so oily shots will be had with this ball
2. on my second line i left a lot of weak 10's but that was probably due to the carry down.
3. if i would tug it a little into the oil or get it out to far it would just skid. but when it hit some dry it would take off leaving a split. but again the shot was spotty so it was probably due to that.
4. i wish i had more graphite in my ball i like that color lol

all in all the ball is very nice, clean throught the heads and bang the pins are gone. if i were bowling in a league on this shot i probably would not have used this ball untill they broke down some (but not to much because it does need some oil or else it will take off). i would have used my agent or Thunderstruck solid first. but it will definately be the first ball out of my bag everytime.