Starting specs:
3.0 Top
Pin 2.5
This ball drilled very nicely, good smooth holes, and the core wrap drilled very much like the shell.
I am right handed, medium-high revs, medium-slow ball speed. I used a layout with pin 5 from PAP, Rad 3 from PAP, Pin buffer of 2 ½ inches. I have used this layout on an Ace and Vertigo, and I liked the reaction. I drilled the ring finger full depth (3 ¾ inches) so it would be “legal†without an extra hole.
I used the ball on a broken-down house pattern, and on a fresh house pattern. The lane isn't wide enough if I use my normal release and ball speed, the back-end motion is extremely strong. I cut back the revs a little, and the ball reacts very true, good midlane and still makes a strong move off the pattern. The ball had a tendency to over-skid with box finish when I took some revs off, so I hand-scuffed with 1000 abralon. I used the ball in league, playing more hook than I like at this house, but I still scored pretty well. This ball definitely gets more length than the original Paradigm, and the Domination carries much better for me with my softer ball speed.
I also used the Domination at a PBA regional with the 38 foot, higher volume patten. I was -40 after three games, switched to the Domination and I was 120 over for the next 4 games, including a 296 game. This ball reacts very nicely even on lower volume patterns like the PBA and Sport patterns (compared to most house patterns I bowl on).
My Agent has stronger mid-lane reaction than the Domination, but the Agent also has quite a bit more surface, and the Agent is much smoother and earlier off the pattern. The Domination is much more angular and continuous then the Agent, it never started to labor as the lane broke down like my (dull) Agent does as the track gets burned. The two balls compliment each other very well, although I would probably still go with an Agent with surface on longer patterns, rather than trying to smooth out the reaction of a Domination.