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Author Topic: Paradigm  (Read 25538 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Coverstock: EOX Pearl Reactive

Weight Block: RAD+

Ball Color: Silver/Gold/Purple

Ball Finish: 1500-grit Polish

Radius of Gyration: 2.48 (Low)

Differential: .055 (High)

Durometer: 74-76

Flare Potential: 6" Plus (High)

Fragrance: Concentration - Aromatherapy

Recommended Lane Condition: Medium-Heavy Oil

Description: The way we think, live, work and dream--this is our Paradigm.
A highly refined, versatile new coverstock made from a special blend of the purest materials. EOX Pearl Reactive generates more consistent friction to enhance performance and reliability.
With a Mass Bias of .025 on the "Y" axis, the RAD+ Core finds its preferred spin axis in an incredible 5 seconds!

- Strong Midlane Motion
- Forceful Change of Direction
- Unrivaled Backend Reaction
- Superior Entry/Exit Angle



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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2005, 12:14:49 AM »
Drilled one up for my brother. He has no hand and loves to just throw the ball down the lane. Punched it up with the pin about 2" away from PAP and mass bias just on the positive side near the thumb. This is the first ball that he has ever had that allows him to play inside while kicking out the corners on a walled up house shot. The ball seems to allow him to miss right a little bit and still hold line. Awesome ball for anyone looking for a little more kick for playing those inside angles.


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2005, 10:21:11 AM »
Simply Amazing...Had this drilled to a 4x4 as instructed by Storms diagrams...I am a lefty that has a high rev rate and throws the ball about 17mph...The conditions were initially heavy oil and this ball just ate the lane up....When it turned the corner it turned hard and hit the pocket with explosive force....But be careful cuz I dried up the lane and the ball hooks a lot...Ive gotten some Jersey strikes when I threw the ball over board 35 and deep so it hooks a lot


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2005, 02:01:50 PM »
I just wanted to post another review cuz the last one I did was when the ball had less than 10 games on it and now I can fully put my opinion up.....THIS BALL IS A MONSTER....Im a lefty and usually stand at 10 and throw it over 33, which gets the ball deep down the lane and it snaps very hard and just barrels thru the rack...The break point is very smooth and you can see when the ball stops skidding and hooks into the pocket..Since the RAD+ weight block is about 2 inches left of my thumb the 3 lbs. of weight is traveling right to the pocket and the ball picks up speed when it flips for some amazingly loud shots with a lot of pin action


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2005, 09:40:02 PM »
Had this ball for over a month now (20 games)...and this ball is very well suited for my arsenal.  
Drill Specs:
Pin: Above and in between fingers.
CG:  Kicked out at 5 o'clock from pin 6" down
Weight hole:  2" at 3 o'clock from cg
PAP:  2 inches down from CG at 5 o'clock.
Surface:  sanded the ball with the 1000 pad

I have been a once a week bowler for about 2 months now.  Got this ball because I was struggling getting my other equipment to react soon enough.  This ball definitely reacts soon enough for me.  However, I bowl on AMF HPL 9000 synthetics and I have trouble getting this ball to react consistently downlane when I try to stroke it from 12 out to 6 or 17 out to 10 depending on the oil  pattern.  This ball suits well for me playing a power game.  Throwing straight down 8 or 9 with about a 17mph ball speed and a 20 foot loft.  This ball hits extremely hard and loud.  This ball knows how to kick the back row out pretty much every time.  

The interesting thing about this ball I discovered at the pro-am for the pba in Mechanicsburg last week was that I could use this ball all three games playing straight down 11 on the pro-anvilane lanes.  When the lanes did get a little dry in the third game I moved two boards in and slowed the speed down and stroked it a little better.  At my home house, the lanes dry out starting at the end of the first game.  Since I have trouble stroking this I just switch balls and move in and put this ball in the bag. I do have the appropiate equipment to switch for the drier lanes so it is not a big deal for me.  

This ball defintiely serves its purpose for what I got it for.  I have since improved my first game average from 202 to 211 in the matter of 5 weeks with a 268 as the highest game and 218 as the lowest first game.  

This ball is another awesome ball by storm, keep it coming storm!!!  I love the smell on this ball too!!!   Definitely a 10 out of 10 for what I use this ball for.      

Seven basic mottos of bowling:
1)Versatility leads to greatness
2)Be a man, stand up for yourself, blame the balls or the lanes
3)When you get a lucky strike, flex the big muscles of steel
4)Always have a deadeye approach to spares
5)Always have a backup plan
6)When you bowl bad and someone that wasn't there asked you how you did, just say i was bowling with a hot chick, so i bowled bad
7)Sex and bowling do go together somehow


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #20 on: December 22, 2005, 11:09:11 PM »
Ball Specs: 15 lb
            3 oz top wt
            3-4 in pin

Drilled: Drilled ring finger thru pin, cg kicked out, rad 2" right of thumb
(modified 4 x 4).

Man oh man. Used it for first time on a 42' 5 to 5 pattern. Played 12 to 8 first game, moved in to 15 to 10 second game, and 20 to 12 third game(Arrows to breakpoint). Normally not much backend from in and pretty wet/dry out.  Was looking for something I could play in with and not have it either burn up early or be too squirty. Shot 256-251-254-761. Most amazing thing is that my poorly executed shots still gave me a good look. Ball is smooth thru the front w/ an amazingly smooth/continuous recovery. Not real skid flippy like past Storm pearls I have thrown. And the way it dices up racks and throws messengers reminds me of my old cranker days w/ urethane. Acid test will be tomorrow night on a spotty 41' 5 to 5 pattern w/ deadish backends (only strip once a week.) I'll update after. Anxious to see how it reacts to different hand positions. But so far really amazing. Had many guys in the league asking about ball.
UPDATED: 12/23: Used ball on spotty pattern stated above. Ususally use my Thing Lives on this pattern w/ pretty good success (Averaging 224 on it). Well, lanes were a little drier than usual. Played 13 to 5 w/Thing Lives and had a good look. Decided I wanted to try the Paradigm. Normal release was way too strong. Went flatter w/soft release and ball really responded. Shot 232 them decided to try real deep (25 arrows to 10 at breakpoint) with more hand. Have never had a pearl ball respond like this. What a monster reaction. Clean thru the fronts w/readable midlane and massive pop at the end. Shot 228 257 last 2. Practiced afterward to really shake it down and it really responds great to hand positions. Really looking forward to a solid version of this ball (if it happens).

If you blame the lane conditions for your bad scores, then you had better thank them for your good ones!!
If you blame the lane conditions for your bad scores, then you had better thank them for your good ones!!


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #21 on: January 03, 2006, 01:30:25 PM »
Ball specs: 16 lbs.
2 - 3" PIN
3 oz. TW

The ball's drilled with the Pin under the ring finger and CG kicked out.  At first i was not impressed at all.  The ball would go too long and not make the recovery back.  After almost thinking about selling it, I wet sanded it to 800 and it's like a completely different ball.  Clears the heads very nicely and is very aggressive on the backends.  There was just too much shine out of the box.  But now after the shine is off, I like it a lot and it hits like a truck.


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2006, 10:05:45 PM »
i love my paradigm. its a monster on the oil. i couldnt believe that a high polished ball could do what it does. even after 50+ games, it still rolls just like it did out of the box, the ball was drilled 4x4 (my opinion when looking at the drilling sheet), the guy that drills my ball looked at me werid and didnt think that it would work, but i showed him, better yet the ball showed him. also was able to throw the new passion today and i think i might have to get that ball to go with my arsenal. i thought that the passion actually hit harder than the paradigm did if u can believe that. check out both the paradigm and the passion


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #23 on: February 02, 2006, 07:43:34 PM »
at first the paradigm was a strong ball i had it drilled using layout 4c in the PSA guide book, used it in my league on tuesday night. on synthetic lanes with med-heavy amount of oil, this ball performed no where near my expectations. the polish on the ball made it look like i was throwing a plastic ball most of the night, even worse after 9 games of use it cracked right down the middle fo the cg. i was using an xfactor ace and now with this ball being useless im dropping storm and im going to go pick up a brunswick..... do not buy a paradigm,paradigm passion of the epx T1 the coverstocks will crack
Current Arsenal-
Modern Marvel
Marvel Pearl
Iq tour pearl

Balls in Home Bag
Defiant, Hyroad,Nano,Hyroad,Fringe


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #24 on: February 03, 2006, 02:55:06 PM »
I just recently bought one of these monsters and was extremely least for the first five games.  Unfortunately, the coverstock cracked on the bridge inbetween the fingerholes halfway through game six.  i didn't get too upset because I know that sometimes these things happen, plus my pro shop was willing to compensate me for the damaged ball.  I wasn't even going to post this review until I talked to another scratch bowler in my house who had the exact same thing happen to his paradigm after only three games.  i started asking other bowlers and pro shop owners and found out there have been several other people who have experienced this same flaw with the paradigm.  As I said earlier, before it cracked I had nothing but praise for this ball and will own another one if Storm can fix whatever is wrong with their fantastic new coverstock.


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2006, 05:34:21 PM »
You guys arent the only one with the ball cracking. I know 4 guys that have this ball, 1 guy has 3 of em. Out of 6 balls, everyone of them cracked. Before they cracked they all loved their ball. 1 guy even threw a 300 game/804 series with it. Heard alot of priase but also heard alot of cover stock problems.
Mike Zadler
NE Lake County IL
Brunswick Equipment
Sanctioned Highs:
775 Series/288 Game
Sanctioned average (2004/2005)
Mike Zadler


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #26 on: February 07, 2006, 03:37:19 PM »
bigk, Some cracks will get worse some dont. I have a Columbia 300 Messenger Ti (the original) that cracked from my middle finger left and it has not cracked anymore then were it was 4 years ago and I still use it on occasion. Just mark the cracks with either an engraver ot crayon and see if it moves any more, if not then it might be okay.
Mike Zadler
NE Lake County IL
Brunswick Equipment
Sanctioned Highs:
775 Series/288 Game
Sanctioned average (2004/2005)
Mike Zadler

Frank The Tank

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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #27 on: February 08, 2006, 12:27:58 AM »
I felt in love with this ball when I first tested this ball out in the league I shot 176 200 and 251 627 series with that ball finished strong 3rd game with 6 strikes in a row. This ball was drilled 5 from my PAP and 2 from the RAD+ to my PAP and 2 Inch Pin Buffer the ball reaction was a hook, snap, and set drilling and axis hole was on my PAP. As I was saying using a hole on your PAP, with less positive side weight(possibly neg. side) will help towards achieving a hook set reaction. I had thumb issues but I fixed it last game I used my fingers without worrying about the thumb and that was my biggest adjustment I had to make by the 3rd game. I've bowled very well with this type of drilling overall in leagues last one I had it was 14 months ago from my first Ultimate Inferno drilled Heavy Oil 1L and axis drill on my PAP I hope I can keep it behind from me and move on.

Predictability- Grade A+- reads the lanes very well without overreacting on the backend without that dynamic transition.

Coverstock- Grade A+- coverstock is reliable and does not die out as other bowling balls do.

Midlane- Grade A+- reads the fronts good because the RAD+ is in the strong position.

Backend- Grade A+- has the backend that I need to endure inconstent transition and hit of the over and under reaction.

Overall- Grade A+- this is one of the strongest and reliable balls out there on the market today I like this ball I never had a problem with this ball give it a try today. This is our Paradigm. I use this ball for medium conditions with fresh backends. DO NOT USE FOR DRY OTHERWISE ENERGY COULD BURN UP TOO QUICK CAUSING A U TURN FAST OR NOT MUCH BACKEND!
Fraserstock Enterprises Great Deals + Great Prices check it out at


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #28 on: February 13, 2006, 02:31:39 PM »
Hi All, new guy here.  Just letting you know I also had a Paradigm crack in TWO places right above both finger holes with 2 games and 4 frames on it.  Storm is well aware of the problem and are replacing mine.  It is taking them quite a while (going on 4 weeks) since I sent it to them.  Personally I didn't like the ball anyway.  It hooked way to much for me.  Drilled 6X4 on the drill sheet.


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #29 on: February 14, 2006, 05:24:33 AM »
8 Frames and a cracked bridge.  3 games and change cracking from ring finger to axis.  but i still love the ball.


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #30 on: February 15, 2006, 06:41:01 AM »
My first Paradigm cracked.  It had small cracks centering aroun the pin that I noticed after 9 games and continued to get worse.  I had the ball replaced after 15 games.  The replacement ball has about 30 games and has no cracks.  I have seen 3 other Paradigms that have cracked.  Does anyone have othe info on the cracking issue?

New ball specs: Right handed, 15lb ball, pin is 2-3, above fingers and slightly to the right, CG is kicked out, PAP 2 1/2 below CG and slightly to the right.  I release at about 25 out to 7-10 with an average speed is 16.25 mph.  Ball is very predictable with oil and works great.  Rolled 721 and 728 first two sets.  Averaging about 224 with it the past month.  The ball tends to get very unpredictable with very short or dry patterns.