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Author Topic: Paradigm  (Read 25527 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Coverstock: EOX Pearl Reactive

Weight Block: RAD+

Ball Color: Silver/Gold/Purple

Ball Finish: 1500-grit Polish

Radius of Gyration: 2.48 (Low)

Differential: .055 (High)

Durometer: 74-76

Flare Potential: 6" Plus (High)

Fragrance: Concentration - Aromatherapy

Recommended Lane Condition: Medium-Heavy Oil

Description: The way we think, live, work and dream--this is our Paradigm.
A highly refined, versatile new coverstock made from a special blend of the purest materials. EOX Pearl Reactive generates more consistent friction to enhance performance and reliability.
With a Mass Bias of .025 on the "Y" axis, the RAD+ Core finds its preferred spin axis in an incredible 5 seconds!

- Strong Midlane Motion
- Forceful Change of Direction
- Unrivaled Backend Reaction
- Superior Entry/Exit Angle



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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #46 on: June 02, 2006, 02:40:48 PM »
Ok, after drilling the first one up and not liking how it hit, the boss had me drill up another one alittle stronger.  I must say that this is a very good hitting ball.  When this ball turns over it drives through the pins extremely well.  I left the box surface on it and put the pin above and slightly to the right of my ring finger.  Kicked the cg and mass bias out about 2-2 1/2 to the right of my thumb hole.  What can I say it rolls great.  Gets through the heads very well and turns the corner nice.  The only thing you have to be careful with this ball is when you are on a house condition and you sneak it right early it reads the lane well and will jump on you.  I have had success with this ball on sport conditions as well as house conditions and I have been able to play up the boards and swing it.  This is a great versatile ball.

Good Luck and Good Bowling,


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #47 on: June 12, 2006, 02:02:06 PM »
Mine just cracked again. It cracked in February, soon after buying it, between the ring finger and the pin. The proshop manager fixed the crack, and I didn't have any problems with it until this week. It developed fine cracks between the finger holes, above the finger holes in a semicircle, and one on the outside of the middle finger hole. I'm going to see if I can get these repaired as well, since I have a regional this weekend, and I'd like to bring the ball with me, even though I think it will be a little too strong for the short pattern they're using this week.


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #48 on: June 16, 2006, 03:07:32 PM »
I just cant say enough about this ball.  This ball in my hands is by far the most versitile ball i have ever thrown.  On a house shot i can play the lanes straight up, swing the lane until its over the gutter.  Then this is probally the 3rd time I was on a sport shot with this ball.  First shot was the 36ft, 2nd time was the 41ft and yesterday was the 44ft pattern.  Each being challenging in you have to play different lines to make it to the pocket and this ball had like a homing device on it to always find the (1,3). Insane hitting power and just such a strong reactive cover.  Just the ultimate versitile ball. Gonna buy the Solid Paticle one to handle more oil.


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #49 on: July 27, 2006, 12:39:27 AM »
This will definitely be the weirdest Paradigm review here.

My Paradigm came with an 11-inch pin (not kidding), 2.8 oz. topweight. It's a "pro-pin" ball, or you might call it a blem depending on whether you buy into the "pro-pin" marketing idea.

The easy thing to do would have been to invert the pin and drill this ball as if it were a 2-inch pin, upside-down to the label. Instead, we went pin over the ring, MB in the palm (correct as written) and CG about 5-6 inches due south of the thumb hole. The ball then got a lunar crater-sized weight hole about 4 o'clock and two inches from the thumb.

What we ended up with is a ball with MAJOR midlane read, nothing up front, and nothing in the backends unless you're bowling on a flood and just happen to have the ball pointed in the right direction.

As such, this is an extreme hook/set ball that is very condition-dependent if I'm trying to throw my normal shot. But it definitely has a place in the bag.

The upshot to this drilling is that I have extraordinary carry when the ball's in the pocket. This ball rarely leaves a corner pin, and is actually more prone to leave a light 7 than a 10. It is very effective at playing up the boards, and in this regard it excels on multiple conditions, because of its hook/set nature.

I imagine, drilled differently, that this ball could be anything from skid/snap to hook/set to medium. Like most Storm balls, it is very versatile. The only negative is the smell -- whatever "aromatherapy concentration" is, it stinks. But that's a small price to pay for having such a nice piece of equipment.



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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #50 on: August 21, 2006, 01:58:53 AM »
Pin to CG Distance - 3"
Drill - 5x3

I bought this ball for Nationals last year where I had it drilled 4x4.  I was only able to throw it 5 or 6 games before we left and really struggled @ Nationals mainly due to the approaches but also due to the fact that unless I played straight behind it with my hand, it wasn't consistent.  When the lanes broke down, I was dead because I couldn't get it to push.  When I got back, I asked them to redrill it to 5x3, which yielded much more positive results.  

This ball is pretty versatile for me to the point that I can play it straight down the boards if the conditions are right.  Most of the time, I have to play left and feed it right.  A couple of things I noticed about this ball is that it has a pretty strong midlane and strong, but not snappy reaction.  It's not nearly as snappy as the Fired Up for me, but that's probably partially because of the drill and mostly because of the core designs.  For me, this ball is at it's finest when there's oil up front coupled with high friction back ends because of the smoother reaction.  I shot 704 in the AZ State Tournament with this ball and it could've been alot more if I was rolling the ball a little better. Carrydown and lower friction backends are trouble for this ball, but that's not a total surprise considering the coverstock.  The only downfall of this ball is that it's not anymore effective on house shots for me than some of Storms medium line balls like the Fired Up or the Thunderstruck solid.  That makes it hard to swallow the extra $75 I paid for it.  

I'd like to take this ball and use it on some sport shots and PBA patterns to see what it could do there because I think that's where this ball will set itself apart from the Fired UP and Thunderstruck Solid.


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #51 on: August 24, 2006, 07:02:04 PM »
Storm Paradigm
Weight = 15lbs
Pin = 3 inch Pin
Top Weight = Unknown

Layout = Pin over and right of ring with MB @ 75-80* degrees
Weighthole = 5 1/2 inches over from middle of grip

Surface Finish - 1000 Scotchbrite with Ebonite Factory Polish overlay

----------------*X-Hole 5 1/2 over

My Stats
Right Handed
High Tracker
High-End Tweener
PAP - 5 1/2 > 5/8 ^
Speed - 15-15.75 mph @ Pindeck (Quibica Scorers)
Rev-Rate - 325-400 approximate guess
Axis Rotation - 75*-90* degrees
Axis Tilt - 7*-11* degrees axis tilt (11.5-12.5 inch track diameter)

Hey BR Family!

I acquired this ball from BR user Tracy Brockette (T Brockette). I left the drilling and layout alone and went ahead and plugged and redrilled it in the same spot. Our spans were nearly identical! I wanted to see just how good this Paradigm was and since it is supposed to be Storm's version of their High End Go Long and Flip type of ball.

I only have 15 games on this ball, but I figured that was enough to warrant some type of initial review. It has been used in league and tournament play. It has also seen game time on Wood and Synthetic surfaces. Here is what I've experienced, observed and noted down since I've acquired this ball in June 2006.

In regards to lane conditions, I would say this ball is good for Mediums all the way up to slightly Medium-Heavy type conditions. On 2nd shift shots or when the lanes start to fry up, the ball in a polished state still cannot get enough push. The weight block, coverstock, my 15 mph speed & rev-rate ratio combined is too strong for dry lanes.

On another note, this ball will squirt on some carry down, hang or on Heavier oiled lanes. On Heavier oiled lanes, I would find myself squaring up to the pocket, but with the Pearl coverstock, it just fights to get through the oil. I'd rather take something with a Solid coverstock that could handle more soup. The jury is still out on this ball on whether or not it will adapt to a light scuffing or a sheen finish. I'll let you know if I decide to experiment with a sheen surface in the future.

With the Pin up over the ring and MB around 75*-80* degrees, this baby turns on the back with the best of them. On normal crowned/top hat style house shots this ball recovers with a pronounced "Hard Arc." I wouldn't call it Flippy, but the shape it produces on the backend is more of an angular motion.

With Ebonite Factory Polish applied over a 1000 grit surface, the ball seems to clear the front and mids with ease. When the heads/mids break down, I find myself chasing the oil in a little more and this seems to get the ball to push. With this ball, if I get it through enough head oil, it usually gets the job done and gets me enough push before it starts to make it's hard move to the pocket.

The natural ability to clear the heads and a hard arcing backend do not qualify this ball as a control ball (for me at least). I have a Columbia U-Turn Particle Pearl scuffed at 800 grit that reads the lanes and arcs evenly on the back for control. If I need some help in the back, I usually pull out the Paradigm.

Experience on PBA Pattern #5
On August 19, 2006, I found myself practicing on a somewhat broken down PBA Regional Pattern #5 Pattern (After a win a spot event). On this pattern, the ball was too strong on the back if I got the ball in. It would squirt on the outside where there was an OOB. Best line to the pocket semmed like a slow hook from around 18 playing a small swing to about 12-13 at the breakpoint. Other than that, this ball was too strong for the backs and too squirty in the oil. My U-Turn Particle Pearl was a better choice as it blended out this tough PBA Pattern. Neat experience for my first time on a PBA Pattern though!

Hit & Carry
One thing I've noticed is that it mixes up pins a bunch when encountering those light pocket hits. For me so far the Hit this ball generates is outstanding. So far I've left a couple of solid 8 pins, but other than that, the carry has been awesome.

Compared to Other Balls in my Arsenal
Ebonite The One (Virtually Same Drilling) 1000 Grit W/Ebonite Fac. Polish -The Paradigm has a heavier arc while the One is snappier. The Paradigm will also handle a pinch more oil with the same surface prep.
Brunswick Rampage - The Paradigm will check up a little earlier than my Rampage with Pin over ring finger and CG stacked below. It will also handle more oil than the Rampage. Rampage gives me about the same hard arcing motion, but later down the lane
Columbia U-Turn Particle Pearl *800 Grit Scuffed* - The Paradigm will clear the heads and midlane better than the U-Turn. It also has a mroe angular backend than the even-arcing U-Turn. You can truly see the difference when you throw these two balls side by side.
Storm X-Factor Vertigo 800 Grit - The Paradigm and Vertigo have almost the exact same layout/drilling. Paradigm goes down the lane a pinch further. The Vertigo has more of a hockey stick type shape movement. These two balls compliment each other well. I believe they both have the RAD+ weightblock as well.

Overall Impressions and Final Thoughts
I really like this ball a lot. This is my first encounter with Storm products since the Orange Flame Reactive and Original Eraser PBT Reactive. I'd have to say with all the problems Storm had with the first batches of Paradigms cracking, they have stepped up and corrected the problem with flying colors. I see myself buying Storm in the future. The RAD+ weightblock is also very impressive as it revs up quickly. I def. would like to see them utilize the EOX coverstock more. If you need a ball that will handle most Mediums to Medium-Heavy, I would suggest the Storm Paradigm.

Video of the Paradgim, X-Factor Vertigo & Brunswick Rampage in Action
Storm Paradigm Vs. X-Factor Vertigo Vs. Brunswick Rampage 8/08/2006:

Hope this review helps out!
Good luck & Good Shooting!
The Candy Man
Rammy Davis Jr.


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #52 on: January 24, 2007, 06:11:18 PM »
weight: 16 lbs.
Layout:  See signature

Got this ball about a year ago.. I must say ball is a beast.

I am about a 180 average, have been bowling since I was 5 (currently 19) at a very tough house.

39 foot pattern house shot, with not alot in the middle.

Ball goes out through the heads clean, hits the dry and makes the turn amazingly.

Have had some great scores with this ball, my first 2 700's and I have had 10 in a row twice.

only complaint is that I must keep it very shiny or it starts to get inconsistant in the reaction...

All in all a brilliant ball by storm...

In The Bag:
Cobalt Bomb

This is our Paradigm


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #53 on: January 26, 2007, 05:17:07 AM »
This is a great ball love it to death ball in my family is known as the scout thrower. Im a high rev player throw 17mph (14lbs) i have the rad on the left of my thumb right next to it and i have the pin angle slightly to the left of my ring this ball is a nice backend ball really controllable

I shot 757 in league with this ball this ball and x-factor trifecta I had 2 back two back 700's this is a great ball THANK YOU STORM!


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #54 on: February 02, 2007, 10:29:40 PM »
This is a very hard hitting ball. Pins go flying every where and have great pin reaction.  Pin under the fingers.  2000 grit polished. Shot 600's with it. Not that agressive but I can control it.  Very NICE BALL!!!!
The Strike Zone Pro Shop in Brunswick Georgia. The best ever come visit!!!

Ryan Peebles

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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #55 on: March 27, 2007, 12:23:45 AM »
This review will have several layers of dust on it, so here goes...

I have had the Storm Paradigm since late May of '06.  It is a fourteen-pounder with a very strong drilling.  With the higher RG and lighter weight, I chose a 4" X 4" setup (pin to PAP, RAD to PAP).  My thanks go out once again to Mike Corum of Empire Pro Shop at Southwyck Lanes in Toledo, Ohio.

The smaller weight allows me to generate more revs AND more speed.  I love the fact that this Paradigm will not deflect through the rack; it has early pickup with a strong, continuous backend reaction.  I have used this ball on both house AND Sport conditions, namely the PBA Chameleon and Scorpion patterns.  

This rock lives up to its name: a Paradigm!
Behind the approaching front, the perfect Storm is about to be unleashed...
Ryan Peebles
Area Staff Member
Lane Masters/Lord Field/SWAG



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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #56 on: October 24, 2007, 10:39:24 PM »
This is my second Paradigm review, because I now have a second Paradigm. (g)

This one, unlike my other one, is not a pro-pin ball. This ball came with a 4.5-inch pin, unknown top weight (ball was bought used). Drilled with the pin over the bridge, about 5 inches from my PAP. This is my preferred drilling on most balls.

We took some of the polish off. The ball is at 1000 grit.

Ball has been tested on a variety of house shots, nothing more difficult yet. Most frequent shot it sees is a low-volume THC but without a real flood in the middle. Ergo, the track burns up fairly quickly and most people end up having to go to weaker equipment/drills earlier than otherwise.

With the drill and surface prep on this ball, it stores energy nicely, makes a decisive move to the pocket. By far the most impressive attribute of this ball, however, is its pin carry. Like my pro-pin Paradigm, this "regular" Paradigm has incredible drive through the pin deck and doesn't leave many corners.

If anything, I've had issues getting the 9 out. The ball allows above-average recovery outside without overreacting off the dry. It also offers me good hold on pulled shots.

I'm very happy with this ball and hopefully will always be able to have a Paradigm or two in my arsenal.



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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #57 on: February 25, 2008, 11:50:53 PM »
Great Ball, actually my first Storm ball. I have it for 8 months now, bought it used in about 95% condition. Here we go...

Drilled 4.5" to PAP, above finger and about 50 degree angle, finish OOB.

In THS synthethic this ball is monster for me. I love the length and power it brings when it made its way to the pocket. One thing she didn't like is carry down. When it becomes dryer I usually take her out again and play from deep left, but I have to make sure I stay away from carry down.

On 37 feet christmas tree wood lane, I have to cross the ball standing on 25 throwing it to 15 and brake on about 5. On this house I have to keep the speed up for it to avoid early break point.

Overall, I like this ball very much for its consistency and awesome hit/carry. The down side only in carry down. If only they have this ball with particle load inside to overcome the carry down....

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different result


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #58 on: November 10, 2008, 10:46:15 AM »
16lb Ball, Medium to Heavy Oil, Pin Above fingers to center.  

I bowl 13.8 mph with a high rev.  This ball was obviously not designed for me, but wanted to get a big hook ball for tournaments with heavy Carrydown.  I have found great sucess with this ball is exactly that situation.  This ball hits HARD.  I do have a complaint though, if the ball becomes even slightly off axis it never comes back.  I find the same happens if I try to put more revs on it to try to get it to come in harder (which, I'm probably getting it off axis because of).

I find my Jolt Pearl responds better/harder if I try the same tactic of increasing revs.

Overall the Paradigm is a great ball if you stick to the basics.


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Re: Paradigm
« Reply #59 on: August 06, 2010, 08:29:40 PM »
I just used this ball on the cheetah pattern and I was very good.  I have mine drilled lefty with pin down and cg out to the left.  This ball gave me plenty of length and still had strenght for the backend hit.  carried well and was very consistant on the break.  
I used a playmaker for league and stayed after for more practice and this ball really shined.  the lanes were breaking down where I couldn't use the playmaker with great accuracy so switching to the paradigm I was able to move 5 boards in and still hit the same breakpoint with power for the pocket.
This is one great ball.