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Author Topic: Prodigy  (Read 23496 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
- COLOR: Carbon/Sapphire/Sterling All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- COVERSTOCK: R2X Pearl Reactive with E.T.M.
- CORE: Centripetal featuring a Low Center of Gravity
- FACTORY FINISH: 500- then 4000-grit Abralon
- FRAGRANCE:Blueberry
- RG: 16#-2.48, 15#-2.48, 14#-2.53, 13#-2.59, 12#-2.65
- DIFFERENTIAL: 16#-.052, 15#-.050, 14#-.049, 13#-.045, 12#-.035
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal
- DESCRIPTION: The Prodigy is the new cornerstone of Storm''''s Master Line with a Centripetal core featuring a lower center of gravity to create stronger ball motion.



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Re: Prodigy
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2010, 02:26:16 PM »
...and now a look from the left side.

PAP: 4 7/8 over 3/16 up
290-300 rev rate

I drilled the Prodigy 4X5 with a 5" pin. CG swung 35 degrees. With a long pin to CG layout, the pin is almost directly above the bridge, 4 3/8" above grip center.

I also was looking for a reaction similar to the tried and true Special Agent with the similarities in the (low RG) core design. The Special Agent was one of the best long sport pattern balls I've ever used and the Prodigy lived up to expectations and then some.

My first outing for the Prodigy came on a Kegel Long and Winding Road sport pattern on a worn wood surface. Because of the condition of the wood, the head area was very beaten up and therefore difficult to get anything clean through the front part of the lane. I was able to move all the way out to the gutter and the Prodigy was the only ball in the bag I could get to consistantly peel off the edge without hooking too early.

The second go was on a house pattern on an old Pro Anvil surface at our state tournament. Lots of hook in the mids, and once again the Prodigy cleared the fronts easily with a strong but controlled mid lane move, and a very continuous roll in the back end. No hook/stop look here. I was standing on 35 (yes, right of the big dot) looking at 18 at the arrows and 12-13 at the breakpoint and had a great look that held up well through the day. Finally, by game three (team event-10 on a pair), I switched to a Hy-Road with a similar layout to finish.

The third setting was doubles/singles on a house pattern on an old HPL surface. The shot was quite a bit tighter than the day before but again the Prodigy's versitility came through as I had a great look about 10 boards left from the day before. The only negative to the day was the amazing amout of back row leaves I piled up (7's, 8's, 9's and 10's). Our pair set up quite a few bad racks so that may explain some of that.

Big picture, the Prodigy is one of the most versitile pieces I've drilled, easily on a par with the Furious and the Hy-Road. The R2S pearl shell with Mica responds well on a wide variety of surfaces, reads the mids well and gives a strong continuous roll through the pins. Obviously, very heavy oil might hamper this ball a little but a Reign of Fire or Virtual Gravity takes care of that. For me, the Prodigy will fit very well between the ROF/VG and the Hy-Road/Fast/Furious. Thank you Storm for helping keep an old guy's career going and for putting great equipment out for myself and my customers.

Kurt Gengelbach
Storm PBA Regional Staff

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Re: Prodigy
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2010, 02:59:53 PM »
At this point, I have used this ball on a multitude of patterns and I AM IMPRESSED! I used a 4x4 layout with a low weight hole and man does this ball give me a good heavy roll. This past weekend I used it on a dual condition tournament featuring the Cheetah and Shark and it was so predictable. And everyone that knows me, they know I love a predictable ball!

Solid choice if you are looking for a big pearl to add to your arsenal.
Brian Cavey
aka Captain Caveman
Storm Amateur Staff ''00-present
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Re: Prodigy
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2010, 12:48:27 PM »
I have been using my Prodigy for a couple of weeks, on many different patterns. Everything that I am seeing from this ball, points to an updated, stronger Agent series ball.
I drilled my Prodigy pin over ring, cg on my grip line(5"x5.5"), and OOB surface. As a comparison, I have an Agent with the same drilling, with VERY few games(actually, the Prodigy probably has more games than the Agent up to now), and a pin over Virtual Energy, mb in thumb (basically the same layout), as well as an Invasion, with the same drilling as the VE.
So far, the only pattern I haven't had success with, has been the Cheetah. The ball is just too angular down lane, with the pin over drilling, and the unmarked mb being in my initial ball track. For my style of play, this drilling allows the ball to clear the heads, make a strong move down lane, and still continue through the pins without alot of loss of energy.
Now to discuss different patterns. I used the Prodigy, and the Invasion, during a regional a few weeks back bowling on Chameleon. I started with the Invasion (OOB finish, bowling on AMF HPL lanes), since it gave me a good control of the down lane motion, and allowed me to stay straighter through the fronts, and control the pocket. As the day went on, about the third game, I made a switch to the Prodigy, and made a move right, and gave the ball a little more room, as the Prodigy saved more energy down lane, and had a stronger backend reaction on the softer AMF surface. I was using the Invasion going up the boards, playing left of 5 at the arrows, and moved into around 6 board at the arrows, but still fed the ball to the same break point. The Prodigy carried very well, and really opened up the pattern for me, allowing me to qualify second on our squad. Sunday, found the Prodigy to be a little too strong up front, and forced me too far into the middle of the pattern, sending me to the bag to end up using a Reign of Fire at 2000 abralon (high speed of a two speed spinner) to get down the lane, and keep my angles in front of me.
Next, using the Prodigy on a house pattern of 39 feet in length bowling on DBA lanes, standing 25 targeting 15 at the arrows, gave me plenty of recovery, and a strong consistent roll back to the pocket. As the oil depleted, I just simply chased the pattern in, looking for more head oil, with the Prodigy showing no signs of early roll out, or loss of carry.
Now to compare the Prodigy to my Agent. The ball motion of the Prodigy is very similar to the Agent line. The Prodigy handles oil much better, due to the improved R2X cover, than the Reactor cover found on the Agent and Double Agent, and also stronger than the  R2S found on the Secret, and Special Agents.
The Prodigy is also a very good complement to my Virtual Energy (green scotch-brite finish on the VE). It clears the heads much easier than the VE. When I need a defined break point, I will use the VE, and as the pattern breaks down, and I can open up the area created by the VE, I can go to the Prodigy, and know that I will have more of a continuos backend reaction, as compared to a sharper, more defined ball motion of the VE. This also allows me to chase the pattern in a little deeper, and not have roll out.
I really like the new Prodigy, however I will still miss the Dimensions. The Prodigy will offer the bowler a unique ball motion going through the pins, reminiscent of the Second Dimension, but will find more traction in oil, due to the box finish, and an earlier move on the lane in 15lb equipment, as rg and diff. numbers do not change as much with the new core shape of the master line, as compared to the continuum core of the Dimensions when going from 16 to 15lbs.
Tommy Gollick
Storm Regional/Pro Shop staff
Red Crown Pro Shop Harrisburg, PA
God creates us with a blank canvas, and the "picture" we paint is up to us. Paint a picture you like and love!

Tom Hess

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Re: Prodigy
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2010, 02:12:24 PM »
Storm's newest master line ball is the Prodigy. Using the R2X pearl with E.T.M cover and the all new Centripetal weight block.

I drilled two of the Prodigy's. The first Prodigy was drilled with the pin under the ring finger 4 1/2" inches from pap and the cg 45 degrees with a small hole down. I compared this ball with a Hy-Road drilled exactly the same. The Prodigy was 2"-3" sooner than the Hy-Road and much smoother at the breakpoint. The Prodigy overall out hooked my Hy-Road by about 4-5 boards. The Prodigy is not as strong as the Virtual Gravity. My VG read the lane about 2" sooner and out hooked the Prodigy by 3-4 boards. This Prodigy will be used on the longer patterns. Either as the first ball out of the bag or after the Virtual Gravity.

The second Prodigy was drilled with the pin 5" from pap above the ring finger and the cg at 65 degrees and no hole. I applied a light coat of reacta-shine to this one. With the pin up and polish this is a ball that I'm going to use when I need to get further left on the lane. I drilled this Prodigy almost the same as my 2nd Dimension. The only difference is the 2nd has a small hole on my pap to make it legal. These two balls had almost the same ball motion except the Prodigy had 3-4 more boards of total hook. I also compared this to a Reign that is drilled with the pin up. The Prodigy had a more controlled arc at the breakpoint than the Reign. The Reign read the dry quicker with a faster with a more skid/snap reaction. I see this Prodigy being used 4 or 5 games in on medium length patterns when trying to "open up" the lane.

Tom Hess
Storm Regional Staff
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Re: Prodigy
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2010, 01:51:34 AM »
total power. i absolutely love this ball. I cant even begin to explain this ball to you. i may exaggerate a bit but trust me it is true about this ball. i looked at the information that was posted about this ball at the beginning of june and my eyes flared. I LOVED THE INFORMATION ABOUT THE BALL AND I HAd TO ORDER IT. i got this ball drilled as soon as the very first shipment came in on july 2nd. and the war was over. on the house shot the room for error is so larger that if a person cant bowl a 300 with this ball that person should think bout trying harder. i have mine layed out 4.25" inches from the pap. 3 inch pin. I am high speed high rev bowler. on the house shot this ball has helped me with my first 800. 837 to be exact.  and on sports shot i finally have a ball with enough backend to carry that dang ten pin almost every time.. this ball is a legend. i guarantee it will be the ball of the year this year

hillbilly boom


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Re: Prodigy
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2010, 03:22:32 AM »
Pattern: THS approx 40' with a lot of friction outside of 10
Bowler: See profile for specs
Ball: 15#, 3.5 inch pin, out of box texture w/ light polish added
Layout: 6.5" pin to pap (above & left of middle finger), CG under bridge
Balance hole: none

Typically the THS patterns I bowl on are wet left of 10 and very dry out.  I am tired of going to SASBA tournaments and averaging near 250 for the first 4 games and only 20?-something once the pattern breaks down.  So, I am experimenting with this drill pattern in an effort to find more mistake room.  So far I like the layout and the Prodigy immensely.  This layout accentuates the tendency of this ball....very smooth, strong arc to the pocket.  There may be some guys with "lots of hand" who see a serious flip but I don't. (see profile for bowler specs)  With the particle coverstock I'm getting a predictable smooth arc ball motion and with the lengthy pin to pap layout I have a "response to friction" that is much lower than the layouts I've been using before now.  So, I've been able to stay very near the dry-line without getting that hard jump off the friction...and small tugs to the left are holding pocket.  

I haven't been to a SASBA since I got this ball but I'll be certain to follow-up here when I do.  I can tell that the more I use the Prodigy and get confident that misses to the right or left are ending up strong in the pocket, the only things stopping my strings are solid-bad-breaks (typical ring-10's, stone 9's, solid 8's, etc.). I am starting to free up that armswing again thanks to the Prodigy.  I no longer feel like I have to split hairs to get strings of strikes.  I will give myself the rest of this summer league (4 weeks) to develop new "muscle memory" and confidence....then....lookout...there could be a Rat with a Prodigy and a seriously increased cash flow problem on the loose! where is that CPA of mine!

Storm Amateur Staff, Central Texas
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Re: Prodigy
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2010, 12:47:56 PM »
Storm’s “Prodigy”

The latest into Storm’s Master line family is the “Prodigy”.
My Prodigy was 15lbs 4 oz, with 2.85 oz of top weight and a pin of 2 ½ to 3. I used a 4 x 3 ½  drilling and had to use a small weight hole. I kept it at the 4000  grit box finish which gives me a heavy arcing motion going down the lane prior  facing  the pocket.
I have tried it on several different patterns of the medium to heavy nature and the “Prodigy” was just so consistent turning toward the pocket.  I had a little luck on a short pattern with my ball speed reaching 15mph, but overall the “Prodigy” was just  so strong.
In comparing the “Prodigy” to my “Second Dimension”, I feel that for me the “Prodigy” has at least 5 to 7 more boards of total backend . It is just so impressive.

Once again “Storm” is leading the industry with this creation.

Happy Birthday “Storm” and Thank you for what you do!

Mark Weiss
Regional Storm Staff Member


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Re: Prodigy
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2010, 05:02:51 PM »
Wow the name says it All!

I drilled the ball with a 4 in pin under the ring finger. with cg 3in left of thumb. and weight hole in line with pin and cd 1 in down from cg.
O - O
. \ /p      PAP from Center grip is 5 1/4 down 3/8
..  O  cg.    

This ball starts very early and never stops hooking. i have quite a few other storm balls and the v-gray is not even close the the hook this ball produces!
When the ball hits the pins its like Hurricane. Seems like no energy is lost. First ball out of my bag now cause of the easy lane read it gives me! Deffinatly a PRODIGY!.

Thomas Bosquez
Storm Southern Regional Staffer
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Thomas Bosquez
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Re: Prodigy
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2010, 07:01:44 PM »
Hand: Left

Ball Speed: 16-17mph

Ball Weight: 15lbs

PAP: 5 left 7/16 up

Degrees of Tilt: 17

Layout: 70 x 4 ½ x 70

Once again Storm has done it again! The prodigy is really strong for a pearl with the 4000 surface. It is similar to the 2nd dimension but with the surface which makes it even stronger. I use it mostly in my sport league. Using it on a typical house is hard unless I polish it then it is much better but still strong. If you don’t hook the ball a lot but you need something stronger than what you have but not spending a lot of money for high performance ball this is the ball to have. If it too strong to your liking then you can polish it and it works just as well. It gives you a little more length for better control. It is my 2nd all time favorite bowling ball behind the hyroad.

I have a video on facebook and youtube. If you have any questions about the Prodigy email me at

Garrett Richardson
Storm Amateur Staff
Al Louie's Pinole/Diablo Valley Pro Shop


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Re: Prodigy
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2010, 10:41:31 AM »
See profile for stats.

Lay Out: 4.75" from PAP at 45* PAP angle and 35* VAL angle. Dual angle measurement would be 45/4.75/35. The pin ended up above my ring finger and the RG ended up right of my thumb. I added a weight hole on the axis. Out of the box this layout was very high flaring and the weight hole tightened the flare up slightly.

Surface: I have left it at box which is 4000abr. I have been using Turbo Strike Wipes to remove the dirt but haven't thrown it enough to touch up the surface

Purpose: I wanted to have a stronger pearl ball for longer patterns and higher/medium volumes. This was meant to be a strong rolling ball to use when the wet/dry is steep and I need to keep it in the puddle more. I also wanted a ball that could be left with surface to start with and then be able to ball down to the Mutant Cell Pearl with the same look.

Lane Condition observations: I have thrown this on our house shot and the PBA X version of the Scorpion. On the house shot it was very strong and definitely carried better when started on the oiler part of the lane. A smoother surface might get this ball to hold more energy if led to the dry earlier. On the Scorpion pattern, this ball shined as it rolled up well enough to carry well and then also let me make some small tweak type moves in with the breakdown. when it came time to ball down to my Mutant Cell Pearl, it was not a hard change or a guess. The look was not much different that the Prodigy except maybe a hair more jump at the breakpoint probably due to the enhanced MB of the Mutant Cell weight block.

Final Thoughts: From what I am seeing, the Prodigy should be a good versatile ball. With the box surface, the ball read the lane somewhat like my earlier pieces (ROF at 1000, Invasion at 2000). It might not have the skin to grab, but definitely hits well from many angles. On our league shot, I could get it into the friction later and still have it hold energy which tells me that this ball shined is probably an animal on the back end. The ball roll reminds me a lot of the Second Dimension except with a stronger cover on it. If you are looking to upgrade from your Second to a ball that handles a little more oil, then you will not be disappointed at all. In fact, those two would be a great one-two punch for most league conditions this fall.
"Why don''t you call me sometime.....when you have no class" ~~Rodney Dangerfield to Sally Kellerman, his college professor in Back to School ~~1986

Mike Craig - Storm Products Pro Shop staff -Columbus, OH
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH


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Re: Prodigy
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2010, 04:40:19 PM »
Had my prodigy drilled with the pin above the bridge, and the CG just about center of grip.  This is a pretty standard drill for me and especially with a symmetrical core i was pretty sure i would be able to manipulate the ball roll depending on axis tilt, etc.  This ball does not disappoint as i was able to play 5th arrow or up 5th board depending on hand position and ball speed on our THS.  Used it on Scorpion and it read the spot flawlessly the first few games.  As carry down occured and the heads got a little drier i could chase the oil in, but with the increased angle, it was necessary to tip the axis a bit more, and this caused the ball to at times read early.  

Compared to a similarly drilled invasion with its OOB finish the Prodigy "seems" stronger as its more angular, and makes a more pronounced move when it encounters friction.  For me the prodigy is very much like my HyRoad with an attitude.  Stronger than the HyRoad by a good 5-7 boards, but still will exhibit even archy roll if thats what you require.  

Overall a VERY versatile ball, and a great addition to any arsenal i would say.
Right Handed
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Re: Prodigy
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2010, 05:10:09 PM »
Layout: 60X40 dual angle with a 4 1/2" pin
PAP: 5 3/4 left, 1/8 up
Hand: left
Rev Rate: 400+

I have thrown this ball with a lot of success so far on just about any condition I have encountered. I have used it on a few different house patterns, the 44' Shark pattern, the 42' Scorpion pattern, the 40' Chameleon pattern, and the 37' Viper pattern. On the house patterns it rolled fairly early for me and gave me a smooth, arcing backend motion which allowed me to change the entry angle by using a few different hand positions. On the Shark it stored more energy for the backend and I was able to get just enough finish out of it to carry pretty well, but it really matched up to the Scorpion and Chameleon patterns better. On the scorpion it gave me a similar motion to what I was getting on house patterns, just a little later finish but that allowed me to play straighter a little easier and when I did that I was allowed a lot of room
for error. On both the Shark and Scorpion I was getting a stronger backend motion because the ball was storing more energy for the backend since the patterns were a little longer. On the Chameleon pattern, it rolled a little earlier and started trying to smooth out and roll on the backend a little quicker, which was perfect for me to really control my break point on that pattern. Finally, on the Viper pattern the ball rolled even sooner and tried to roll out more on the backend which allowed me to play a little more direct when it was fresh and not worry so much about it over-hooking since that pattern is a little shorter, and when I decided to move in a little more it allowed me to open up the lane but still with a smooth, controllable motion. Overall, it seems to be matching up well on just about everything for me and has become the
first ball out of my bag most of the time now. I would compare it to an Invasion probably, just not quite as early and just an overall stronger ball. It is still earlier than the Virtual Gravity though, which has been one of my favorite balls since it was released, which allows me to drop to the Virtual Gravity when the Prodigy becomes too strong. However, even though the Prodigy is earlier rolling, I have still been able to clear the heads pretty easily on just about everything I have been on with it.

The Prodigy is simply an outstanding bowling ball! It is very versatile and still at a pretty affordable price point as well. The Prodigy is definitely a great choice for any bowler!

Jake Washington
Storm Amateur Staff Member


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Re: Prodigy
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2010, 05:57:42 PM »
This ball is the best ball ever. I had it drilled with then pin drilled negative. It goes long and strong in the backend. It is also very versatile. I used it on the pba patterns, i could use it on any pattern and shoot well with it. Im going to keep it in my arsenal for a very long time. Once it dies, im definitely going to replace it with another one drilled the same exact way.
Have a nice day


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Re: Prodigy
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2010, 02:15:00 PM »
I love this ball! It has beautiful rotation and a strong back end. I bowled with it on medium-oily lanes and it came back from the 3 board for a nice clean pocket shot.