Reviews => Storm => Topic started by: admin on December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM
Play with Fire! A disciple of two of the hottest performance balls in bowling, the new Pyroâ„¢ is a perfect fit between the Storm Diabloâ„¢ and Fired Upâ„¢. Combining the proven Twin-Vâ„¢ weight block with a thick Reactorâ„¢ pearl particle coverstock, the Pyro moves smoothly through the heads and provides optimal mid-lane friction producing superior backend motion on longer oil patterns. If you like to play with Fire, you''re a Pyro-maniac.
PYROâ„¢ Technical Specifications
Coverstock Reactorâ„¢ Pearl Particle
Weight Block Twin-Vâ„¢
Ball Color Maroon/Sapphire
Ball Finish 1500-grit Polish
Radius of Gyration 2.54 (Med)
Differential .049 (Med-High)
Durometer 74 - 76 Rex D-scale
Flare Potential 5" (Med-High)
Fragrance Grape
Weights 10 - 16 lbs.
This ball has been hit pretty hard in the forum section so check it out. I drill mine stacked with pin just to the right of the ring finger, left side weight at about an oz.
This ball is dynamite, I get a great midlane read, and is very consistent. Also, get any fingers in it, and when it makes the turn, watch out, it doesn't stop. Go get one won't be sorry....
Pin - PAP 4"
MB - PAP 4"
Pin - Midplane 3"
I drilled this the same as my Paradigm and FiredUp thinking that I'd be able to use it on flatter patterns where pearl reactives are too quick to see the friction. The Paradigm and FiredUp are a great complement to each other, as the FiredUp is a few feet longer and slightly more angular the the P-digm. The Pyro for me is similar through the front to the FiredUp, while being very smooth and predictable off the point where the FiredUp can be a bit bouncy if thrown on wet-dry. I don't see the huge backend that everyone else has reported... maybe it's because I don't bowl much on the super-fresh strip. It definitely creates angle but it is far from uncontrollable. This ball shows excellent continuation, which is something that Storm had been lacking in recent years but now seems to have re-found.
Comparing it to the FiredUp, I'd say it finds friction a foot or three sooner on the lane and still gives you plenty of direction change. Maybe a board or two less hook but much more forgiving on wet-dry.
Comparing it to other pearl particles of late, I'd say that it's a bit cleaner than the Ace... similar to the Ragin Banshee up front, but outhooks both on the big end by a few boards.
Definitely a keeper if you like pearl particle covers. This one has backend and hit nearly as crisp as a pearl reactive but has the smoothness at direction change that you expect from a lightly loaded particle.
I'll post the pictoral layout and review on my website as soon as I get a chance to D/L the pics from my camera.
Angular Acceleration Pro Shop
Right Handed, PAP 5" right, 16mph, 350rpm, 20 degrees axis rotation, 30 degrees tilt with normal release
A pearl particle is a necessity is any serious bowlers arsenal. The Pyro is one of the best available. The medium Rg allows for easy length and the coverstock offers a strong yet predictable motion off the dry boards. The full review can be read in the April issue of Bowlers Journal International.
thank you
joe cerar
I drilled a Pyro up 2 days ago and threw it in league last night for the first time. I used it in games 2 and 3 shooting 235 and 248 (not bad considering I had no real idea what kind of reaction to expect). After league I used it in practice and shot 278 (left a solid 9 pin).
This ball goes very long, is very smooth and then, much like the Hammer Doom, makes a hockey stick trajectory into the pocket. However, it does not overreact like the Doom when conditions break down. It has good continuation and hitting power. For a low load particle I couldn't believe the snap in the backend! It reacted more like a pearl reactive with just enough added control to make it more predictable during transition. The length this ball gets is unbelievable. The first time I threw it I thought: "well, there's a washout" only to watch it come back at about 50 feet flush into the 1-3 pocket.
The ball looks almost exactly like the original X-Factor in its coloration.
This is my first experience with the Fire line of balls from Storm and I'm quite
The Pyro is an ideal pearl particle ball, it has tremendous midlane and a hard charging backend. The backend is stronger than many other pearl particles that I have used. Just find enough head oil or the ball will tend to pick up a little early. When you can use the Pyro on a condition with good head oil and a fresh backend the ball truly shines. I have also found that it is also a strong weapon for longer patterns with moderate carrydown as long as you square it up a bit. Overall a very versatile, strong, smooth, pearl particle that everybody should have in their bag. Once again Storm has come up with a winner in the Pyro.
Fantastic pearl particle ball by storm. First game out of box 300. Ball is drilled to have smooth mid lane and not nuts on back end. Fresh condition with clean backends is best for me with this ball. By third game have to put it in bag. So far with this ball 300 200 then 276 225. I am tweener with 16 to 17 speed female bowler. This ball does not overreact like most I have thrown.
amazing amazing amazing
drilled cg in palm and pin in between fingers
this ball rolls super hard in the midlane and has a super continuos backend roll.....amazing ball for med conditions
I bought the ball 2 weeks ago and have rolled 9 games with it so far. I am a lefty with medium revs, 15 mph and a stroker, avg is 192.
The ball is drilled stacked leverage with a balance hole on my PAP. It plays nicely up the 5 board with a lot of snap at the back end. First game out of the box was a 190, a little more realistic to believe than a 300 I saw from another review. Works well through the heads and reads mid-lane area and then the ball just makes it's hard turn into the pocket. 2nd game was a 184.
The 3rd game I decided to crank the ball a bit and play inside from 15 out to 5. I found that the ball really shined once the outside area dried up. The ball once again surprised me by it's ability to store up energy and the hard, hard turn once it hit the back-end. This ball hooks more than advertised, get one drilled STACKED. BTW, last score was a 199 for a 190 184 199 583 series. I can't wait till I've had it a little longer and get used to it to give a second review.
Pick This One Up on ebay Highly recommend by my Proshop guy. ball is 15lb 2.5-3pin with 3.0oz top. Stick it 4 x 4 1/2 no weight holes. The night I was killing the rack with the Delta1 I try this ball and it just goes straight for me. good for 10 pin that night. Next day bowling on a turny the lanes I have no idea what kind of shoot it was but my delta and Vertigo just can't carry. I try almost every ball and can't string some x together. So first game with mix balls I got 174, 154 , So I say what the heck lets try the Pyro. Plying deeper now casue of lane change swing from 30 to 10 the Pyro just make a turn and get a strike somehow! Keep using and keep striking somehow flush hits but it carried somehow ?????? Anyway finish the game with the Pyro with 247. Won a 2nd place side pot paid for half of the ball! Great control and great carry.
Not a med / Heavy ball for me more like a med / light condition ball for me.
Over all I give this ball a 9 out of 10. I can use this after the vertigo start loosing its carry.
Honestly I got a lot of balls. No NOT BOWLING BALLS!
I had it drilled by Mike Dugan at Brunswick ZOne River Grove in Illinois.
it is a very good ball. its really strong off of the dry so i cant use it on the driest of lane conditions. its a really good ball for house shots.
Storm Pyro
Weight = 16lbs
Pin = 3 1/2" inch Pin
Top Weight = 3oz before drill
Layout = Pin under Bridge, cg at 75 degrees, 5 x 4 1/2
Weighthole = 3/4" on PAP
Surface Finish - 1) OOB 2) 2000 abralon 3) 1200 abralon w/Storm Reactashine (mmm...banana)
19-20mph of hand
425 rpm
PAP - 5 > 1/2 ^
Axis Rotation - 10*-60* degrees
Axis Tilt - 0*-15* degrees axis tilt
I ordered this ball in order to take to Nationals. From my last experience and talking to those who have been a pin down, particle pearl was the way to go. I had seen the Fired Up and Diablo in action and saw promise in the Reactor and new Twin-V core. The ball ended up being stronger than advertised.
Overview -
This ball is meant for mediums, both heavy and light, but can handle a little more oil than medium-heavy. There is no such thing as throwing this ball through the breakpont. The light particle load allows for a firm change of direction, bordering on flippy even with the rolly drilling. As I have seen with the Reactor coverstock fresh the move can be quite angular on fresh backends , but as the mids start to go the ball smoothes out nicely. With the OOB surface the move was almost too much. It forced me to cover too many boards on the fresh but as the carrydown surfaced the Pyro comes alive. This ball will be able to be used deep into tournaments as carrydown is hardly a problem.
At 2000 grit abralon the ball really came to life. I was at least 5 left with my feet but the ball became the essence of smooth. This drill with the slightly rough surface equaled incredible results on shorter patterns and messy broken down conditions.
Hook -
A 5" pin above or below fingers is my favorite drilling. It normally fends off the early hook I see sometimes and allows for a sharp controlled move. This drilling on the Pyro creates a fantastic control ball for me, even with the strong move. I don't feel that the ball will overreact with an errant release or speed malfunction. The backend is smooth and continuous with the pin under bridge. I suspect a pin over drilling will get me a ball that will go coast to coast with ease. Again, it is hard to throw this ball through the breakpoint. This is a lot of ball at a medium price point.
Length -
The OOB surface gives easy length and the core revs up nicly in the midlane prepping for a good change of direction. At 2000 abralon it picked up about 2 feet earlier and smoothed out the hook.
Control/Readability -
Even with the big backend potenial, the light particle deems this a control ball for me. Others have said this ball is too much, but with this drill and surface combo I've found something special.
Patterns played
Regional 3 38' crown
This pattern gives you a fake shot on the gutter, and a more manageable shot up the track. This ball is not as violent on the fresh as many pearls are on this pattern. It allowed me to think I had a shot outside of 5 as lower pin drills work well out there. It gave a good read to start the pattern and a great read in the later games as carrydown arose and we had to move in past 3rd arrom. I was able to keep the speed up, stay a little outside of everyone and still push through the messy backends.
Regional 5 44'
This pattern calls for inside anlges and this drill just doesn't pick up a roll soon enough as a pin abopve bridge drilling will. A pin up Pyro will work wonders as it will have enough on the back and just enough midlane to give you a look on the fresh. The ball will work on heavier patterns with the right surface but this was the wrong drill.
Nationals 38'
The ball was still in OOB condition when I went to Nationals. It was this tournament I drille dthe ball for and was dissapointed because it turned out to be the exact wrong ball. It was waaay too much of a move on the backend on the fresh playing out side, and forced me too deep to play inside with the lower pin drill. My Trifecta and Agent were better siuted to outside and inside respectivly.
Compared to Other Balls in my Arsenal
Agent - Pin over bridge, cg @ 70 degrees, no hole.
The Agent is my go to ball and the Pyro gives me a great option above it if I see a little too much oil for the Agent. The Pyro allows me to square up to a pattern better than the Agent as well.
Trifecta - Same drill, bigger hole on PAP, 600 grit abralon
The Trifecta is my soup ball as it will make the corner on anything, as well as a ball for outside shots, and over/under conditions. The Pyro is an easy ball change when the Trifecta starts picking up too early or flattening out in back.
Hot Rod Hybrid - Stacked drill, OOB
Hybrid gets 3 extra feet but stronger and smoother break. The Hybrid is my house shot ball, something that will hold when tugged and hook when leaked right so I can maximize my scoring there. The Pyro can handle much more oil, but I find myself using these balls on similar patterns. Shorte patterns where the breakpoint is out side of 5, and when I have to play straight. These balls will not let me cover too many boards from too deep as the stronger drillings will cause the ball to die if too much lane is covered.
Overall Impressions and Final Thoughts -
This ball was a beast OOB. Those will less hand or more speed will appreciate the strong change of direction. This can also be a ball for those that only have a few in their arsenal, it can cover many different oil volumes with surface tweaks. With my drill though the ball has taken the spot of first ball on tougher shots, esp. sport shots. It allows for a strong move from a controlled drilling.
PS - Thanks to Ramtart for the use of his review format. Makes it easier than trying to remember to include everyhting.
*...Got the 5 out clean!
For Great coaching in Southern CA, go to
Go Gaucho bowling!
To prove I'm real
My Pyro is drilled with a 4" pin from pap, with the mass bias at 75 degrees, and OOB finish. The ball rolls really smooth, and I see it as a great backup to my Fired Up, when the lanes get burnt up, or a little swirly for the FU. The Pyro goes a little shorter down than the FU, but it reads the midlane better, and rolls into the pocket in a lot more smoother reaction than the snap the FU brings. I have found to really love this ball when I am going straighter and/or playing more on the outside boards. Since my "A game" is more of playing the lanes deep, I do not see the Pyro too much, but still take it everywhere with me whenever I might need it. It really revs up a lot sooner than anything I have ever had, and like I have said, for me, it is more of a condition-specific ball (which isn't a bad thing). It is a good ball when I have over/under, and I am starting to see it as another "get out of jail free card", like another ball I have, that I will review real soon.
I am bowling my first PBA Regional in a few weeks in the West Region Member/Non-Member Doubles, and it is on E Pattern. I am already getting the Pyro ready for this pattern, because I know it will be the ball for it most of the time.
Overall, I like my Pyro, but for me, as I said, it is really a condition-specific ball. So it doesn't see too much play, but I know when it comes to needing it, it is there for me.
I got my Dexters' on, but they look like sneakas...
Ok, I am still learning how my ball is drilled, I am just glad that I found someone that was willing to listen to me and watch what I was doing so to recommend a decent ball. Thanks to DAVE OLM at the IGLOO PRO-SHOP in Tampa, Florida.
I wanted something under my Strike Zone since it was too strong on medium lanes. The PYRO was one of his suggestions for medium lanes. He also suggested the FIREDUP, but I went with the PYRO. I was really surprised as to how this ball reacts on not only medium lanes, but lanes that lean towards dry. Ball goes long and snaps into the pocket. I stand 22, throw 10, skid to 5 and backend is unreal. Actually had to speed up a little to keep the ball in the 1-3 pocket. Great ball for medium lanes, actually great ball all around. Would buy this ball again
Special thanks to Steve K at STORM for the layout. Decided to use a 5 x 5 pin below fingers. Ball gets into an early heavy roll and hits with pin crushing power. A must have ball for anyone who wants to score. I am able to play a variety of lines with this layout. If you are not using STORM you should be!
I din't have this ball for long but for the time that i did have it, it was pretty good.You can almost classify me as a cranker and no matter how i put my hand, i couldn't swing it more than 4 or 5 boards if I wanted it to come back.So I decided to polish it and it got worse,I could barely get the ball to come back even when playing straight up the boards.I do recomend that u buy this ball, it is really a good ball, hell I cant complain,I shot my first 700 series with it.But in general, you shouldn't polish this ball cause for some reason, it just doesn't make that turn at the end.
i have my pin below my ring finger and the cg above my thumb with a weight hole. this ball is pearilized but is pretty strong in the midlane. this ball is also very versatile. it has enough length to play up the boards and enough backend to move in. it has a strong backend, but not skid/flippy. the move is more of a strong arc. this ball is predictable and hits hard. i suggest it on wet/dry conditions because the particle allows it to grab in the oil and the pearl gives it enough length in the dry. this ball will open the lanes up and free up your swing because it creates a larger area for mistakes. very forgiving overall ball. is you are wondering total hook, a little more than the spit fire and a little less than the special agent. great ball
Pin to CG Distance - 1.5 inches
Topweight - around 3 oz.
Layout - Pin under ring finger, CG kicked out slightly with an x-hole about 3 inches from center of grip.
Surface - 1000-grit abralon with Moon Shine Polish
Ball Reaction - Good midlane read with a controlled arc on the backend
I didn't like this ball at first, but that was mainly due to the fact that the oval thumb slug inadvertently got rotated when it was cut, so it wouldn't come off of my hand correctly. When I got that fixed, I liked it alot better (amazing how an opinion of a ball can change when it comes off the hand correctly). I found that the surface finish made the ball go a little too long for what I wanted from this ball, so I had the surface altered a little bit to compensate.
The result was pretty much what I was looking for which was a control ball when there's some head oil, but the backends are flying. The thing that surprised me a little bit is that this ball also does very well on some "not so nice" surfaces. I think it's because it burns a little more energy in the midlane with more a controlled backend move. I've mainly used this ball 2 houses one with a very old and worn out surface and another where the backends are flying off the chart. This ball has fits the bill very well at both places. Early friction and trying to swing the ball too much is usually trouble for this ball, which is not surprising considering how it's drilled. A very good control ball for flying backends and worn surfaces, and another winner from Storm in my book.
Yay for a new toy! So I got my grape scented wonder about 3 weeks ago, maybe a month now. I have it drilled pin above ring and CG under ring, stacked. Sort of like this:
Now down to business. The ball comes 1500 polished OOB condition. After a week of practicing with it I decided I wasn't a fan, it was way too jumpy off the breakpoint for my tastes. So I took a 2000 Abralon pad to it, which I read on here would help smooth it out, and smooth is an understatement. The ball went from a hard arc to this smooth rolly-esque arc that just destroys all in its path. I have bowled on quite a few conditions with my Pyro...let's try to break it down:
Drenched to Medium-Drenched: Pyro cannot handle it very well. I slowed it down and played straight up 5 on a drenched and long THS...did nothing. It hit the pocket like a marshmallow and left ringing tens like it was this ball's day job. I will stick to my Passion for such occasions.
Medium: The Pyro shines on a medium THS...even a bit medium-heavy. Overall the reaction is anywhere from the same to 5 boards weaker than my Passion, depending on shot. Usually I'm standing 2-3 boards more right though on a medium shot. The ball has insane recovery too. Throw it a squeak in or outside, it'll hold or come roaring back, with energy to spare.
Drier stuffs: The cool thing about the Pyro is I can stand an arrow left of center and swing it out and pretend to be a cranker on a drier shot. But I did come across a pair of lanes so dry it was hooking at my toes; Pyro bad there.
The Chameleon Pattern: I bowled on this regional PBA qualifier a while back with the Pyro. I bowled quite horrendously, but the Pyro did its job the one game I did bowl with high game of the set actually.
All in the all the Pyro is one versatile ball. Any condition with the word "medium" in it you're a go with the Pyro. Anything with more or less oil you might need new gear...but for most THS's, this ball is gold. Unfortunately it is a bit sensitive to speed, at least for me it is. The hit and carry power of the Pyro is pretty flings ten pins into orbit; a light hit will send messengers going everywhere; a high flush hit will trip the 4 pin sometimes, but not always. But Storm has a winner in this pearl particle beast of a ball. Very versatile, very forgiving, and very powerful. And it smells like grapes. Sweet.
Weight: 15lbs
Drilling: Stacked leverage, pin to the right of ring finger, with pin 3-3/8 to PAP.
Pattern: 38" almost flat. High Volume.
Although it is only 38, believe me its difficult especially for a high track player like me.
Smooth mid lane read. Able to carry the pin 10 ( because I have to bring down my ball speed). Just won a few BUCKS with. ( Face it, its hard to bowl, if it is not for the money.)
Just starting to use it. Will update after 50 games or so with it.
Strikes gets people to notice you, but Spares bring in the dough.
Pin Length-3.5"
Starting Top Weight-2.96oz
Ball Weight-16lbs
Reactor Pearl Particle
Similar to Layout #3 on Advanced Drill Sheet
Pin to PAP 3 3/8"
CG located 1 1/2" from the grip centerline on the midplane line.
No marked MB location, but would be in the thumb if you measure the location.
Weight hole is 5/8" dia., 2" Deep. located just left of the PAP.
Click Here for Photo (http://"")
RH, Medium Rev's, High Track, speed 17-18 mph approx. 15 mph at pins.
PAP is 5 7/8' x 5/8"up using standard grip layout
O.O.B. 1500 grit Polished
Brunswick Pro Anvil lanes
Pattern (Fresh) buffed to 41" Maybe just little flatter than THS.
Mendes Synthetics
Afternoon open bowling
Was very clean through the heads and had a smooth breakpoint. Good continuation through the pins. Could use just a little surface tweak for the fresh pattern and on carrydown.
If you pulled the ball, it would hold the line real well. If you leaked it out, it could come back if you have the turn on it.
Not a heavy oil ball, better for mediums and dryer patterns, This was similar to my Columbia Dr.Jekyll.
Click For My Grip (http://"")
Let me start by saying that I don't traditionally like storm. Drilled the ball leverage, and I'm a cranker, so it reads early and hooks hard. I have no problems getting this ball to the pocket, but the carry this ball has is absolutely atrocious. I wouldn't reccommend it unless storm really works for you! It is not a bad ball, but some bowling balls don't work for some people, and this looks like another typical storm ball. If you need a heavy oil ball, seriously look into this if Storm will carry for you.
For a game based on the principles of science and math, bowling sure does have a bad habit of being illogical.