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Author Topic: Rapid Fire Pearl  (Read 14329 times)


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Rapid Fire Pearl
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
# Coverstock: R2S Pearl Reactive
# Weight Block: Twin V
# Ball Color: Purple/Bronze All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
# Ball Finish: 1500-Grit Polished
# Flare: 5"-6" (Med-High)
# RG: 16 - 2.53, 15 - 2.57, 14 - 2.62
# Diff: 16 - .55, 15 - .50, 14 - .40
# Fragrance: Cinnamon Vanilla



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Re: Rapid Fire Pearl
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2008, 02:10:37 PM »
Ball is drilled with the pin 5 inch from my axis cg kicked out 1 inch and a 25/32 hole on pap.

The ball is sick.  This is the next big thing tht every amateur and professional will be using.  If you thought the Fired Up was a good ball just wait till u throw this piece.  The ball goes just as long as the Fired Up but If you can believe it flips harder on the back.  

Great Job Steve!!!

Dave Piroozshad


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Re: Rapid Fire Pearl
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2008, 11:24:08 PM »
Rapid fire Pearl is a ball every Amateur and Professional will be using.
At One Time Or Another.
I felt it was best to test a Fired Up against a Rapid Fire Solid
Against. The Rapid Fire Pearl
When comparing the three I noticed very similar motion with different agree of  Angle, hook &. Mid-lane & over/under off the Dry
 the Fired Up has a great back end recovery
Mid-lane reading was consistent and explosive,
The Rapid Fire Solid has an harder sharper reaction in  the back End.
then the Fired Up.
If you can believe it
A great improvement without the over /under jerk off the dry.

 Now the Rapid Fire Pearl is the elite of the three all in my opinion
The Rapid Fire  Pearl is solid muscle.
( for people who like Pearlized balls)( And the others the ball is a must try)
 This ball will clear the front easily  & Consistently ,
 Reads midlane  with out the jerk off the dry.
 A positive backend  direction for great pin action.
The Rapid Fire Pearl has amazing recovery.
The Rapid Fire Pearl  can be used from a variable of  angles and conditions.
From Sports to house shots
I’ve punched it out for tournament conditions and testing for Video‘s,
 Remember  this motto with Storm the hits goes on.
This is a (1-2 Punch)
 Great Job Steve!!!
 Ball reaction are based on you Roll ,Hook, reading of the lane

Member Of Buddies Pro Staff


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Re: Rapid Fire Pearl
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2008, 07:36:52 PM »
my layout
 is pin above the ringfinger this allows
the ball have a strong reaction on the backend
very good for me when the frontend starts to hook
and backends get tight another awesome piece to
have in your bag.
captain cavey


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Re: Rapid Fire Pearl
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2008, 01:56:33 PM »
this ball is like WOW..just got mine drilled last nite before league..the shot was spotty..

i wanted something that i can play with on dry lanes and medium lanes i got what i asked for..with this ball all i have to do is change my hand position to get the reaction that i want...

Z Man

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Re: Rapid Fire Pearl
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2008, 03:07:06 PM »
Storm has a winner with this one.

Typical late shift house pattern.  The league in and of itself is not ALL that high scoring, but the condition is far from tough.  The carry is always an issue from the league bowlers.  This ball allowed me to play MUCH further right than I am used to playing at this particular house, and the roll pattern of the ball was as good as I have ever thrown.  I have issues with carry with the other balls in my arsenal when my ball gets too close to the friction early, no such problem with the RFP.  Out of the box during practice, the ball(for me) was pushing slightly too far down the lane.  A light scuff with a red scotch brite pad during practice and I started out with the front 17.  Left 5 10 pins for the night(4 due to operator error).  The hitting power of this ball, and the ability to play further right on the lane, compared to my current arsenal, will make this a "go to" ball in my bag.  The surface playability of the ball was also very impressive.  Recommended for tournament players, and league bowlers alike.


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Re: Rapid Fire Pearl
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2008, 12:56:28 PM »
WOW.... The Rapid Fire Pearl is one of my go to balls right now.  My favorite ball from the past was the Agent, and when they discontinued that ball, I needed to find something to kinda take its place.  I found it with the Rapid Fire Pearl.  I have mine layed out with a 4 3/4 by 4 3/4 drilling with pin above my bridge.  This ball is very clean through the front and extremly strong and continuous in the back.  Whenever the lanes go through transition and I have to move left and go around them, this ball is a real treat!!!  Very strong off the spot, but not to jerky.  Its not as strong as my agent, but pretty darn close!  Bowl up a Storm!!!

Erik Ramos
PBA Storm Regional Staff


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Re: Rapid Fire Pearl
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2008, 12:07:06 PM »
See stats for profile. Drilled one to try out.

Lay Out for RFP: 5" from PAP over my ring finger at a 75* angle. This would be a 75/5/30 dual-angle drilling. I did add a weight hole down the VAL to separate the flare some more.

Surface: I have been leaving this at box which is 1500 factory shined.

Purpose: To give myself a ball that might be able to be used as an angular reaction ball on medium to medium-wet patterns on backends that might have some carrydown on them.

Initial Observations: I have tried this out on some house conditions and also on some of the Central Region PBA patterns, mainly Shark and Scorpion. On the league pattern, this ball is a beast. If it caught friction too early, this ball would look like someone kicked it sideways. I would have to make sure I gave this ball a little more angle than normal thru the front to the target. If I did this, this ball blew pins all over the building. I was able to throw this on the fresh on Shark on a wood surface up the gutter and get a great read. With the pattern being long, that only lasted a game and a half as the field all migrated left quickly. I was then able to play inside of the fourth arrow with it and get it back pretty nicely with some juice left to carry. On Scorpion on a slicker surface like Pro Anvilane, I could go up the lane with it and get it to hit pretty well.

Final thoughts: I get the impression with this ball is that there is some good degree of versatility. I am tempted to drill one with slightly more flare potential and less VAL angle (90*) to compliment a Gravity that I have with the same layout. Nonetheless, I am pretty impressed with this ball and can see it leading to some big scores and solid positons on the cash list.

"Why don''t you call me sometime.....when you have no class" ~~Rodney Dangerfield to his college professor in Back to School ~~1986

Mike Craig-Columbus, OH
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH


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Re: Rapid Fire Pearl
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2008, 02:44:03 PM »
Mapped this ball out with the pin above my fingers and the cg swung out a bit, no extra hole. This ball is clean thru the front of the lane and picks up and mid lane but doesn't jerk off of it, and is strong and continuous in the backend with a very controllable read. This ball is a nice league ball and i think is an easy sell to a local house bowler. I used the ball out of the box surface and have not tried it with a sand or even a lower grip abralon pad and shine, will pst later on more updates.
For more information please check out my website to get a full review of this ball and others, thanks rich maloney.


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Re: Rapid Fire Pearl
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2008, 03:16:11 PM »
RAPID FIRE PEARL-pin under bridge- 5 pin to PAP,  Cg  kicked at 45 degrees
RAPID FIRE PEARL compliments the RAPID FIRE I drilled both balls the same. Where I get a good heavy roll with both balls , the RAPID FIRE picks up sooner off the break and has nice smooth continuous finish. The RAPID FIRE PEARL gets through the heads and midlane cleaner and the shape was a hard rolling arc off the break point.  I compare this ball to the FIRED UP, but the FIRED UP has more, skid – flip – roll and not as continuous through the pins.  The RAPID FIRE PEARL works well for me on the tighter Viper patterns or halfway through the Scorpion / Shark patterns.

old roller

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Re: Rapid Fire Pearl
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2008, 12:35:25 AM »
I thought that Dimension was strong but the Rapid Fire Pearl goes longer and snaps harder.I drilled
with the same set up as the Dimension. Pin above ring and slightly to the right. Doesn't roll quite as
early as the Dimension which allows me to go straighter up the boards. When oil got pushed to the
back ends, all I did was soften up my speed slightly which gave me a strong backend reaction.

Storm Nation

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Re: Rapid Fire Pearl
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2008, 11:29:32 AM »
If you liked your Fired Up, this is just as great if not better.  I have pin up, just left of the bridge, cg kicked out into the strong area.  This ball seems to be just gripping the lane like crazy and then pops the back.  I use it to open up the angles from the inside, very strong movement from midlane to the break and through the deck.  

  Exactly the motion I was looking for, there is no quit or loss of energy with this ball!!!!!!!

  Storm on!


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Re: Rapid Fire Pearl
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2008, 10:09:58 AM »
All I have to say about this ball is WOW.

I have this ball drilled with a 3" pin, .5" above the middle of my fingers and the cg kicked out 45degrees.  I didnt know what to expect from this ball and when I started rolling it my jaw hit the ground.  This is easily the best ball I have ever thrown on a sport and house condition.  It has the same backed as the gravity shift combined with the hitting power of the dimension.  I use this ball on sport shots from <42, and depending where the lanes are playing I can start throwing it early on or even first on short shots (like the cheetah).  

The ball clears down the lanes with ease but manages to snap hard and finish hard. It has room for error on shots and can be used from literally anywhere on the lane.  I consider this ball to be third in my lineup but I would say that this is the best ball I have and  I recommend this to everyone who plays on any shot. The Rapid Fire Pearl is a great ball to round out a 3 ball lineup with the Dimension and Gravity Shift


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Re: Rapid Fire Pearl
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2009, 09:59:22 PM »
This ball is great!!!  Finishs like a beast but doesnt snap like the Fired UP!! Dilled with the pin above the ring and CG kicked just a little bit.  Have had realy good success with this ball even with heavy head oil.
high score: 300 (1/10/07 Tropical Storm)
My Arsenal
Cell Pin above ring finger
Storm Rapid Fire Pearl Pin above ring finger
Columbia Messenger Low RG stacked label
Brunswick Inferno Pin above Bridge
2 tropical storms one pin up one pin down


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Re: Rapid Fire Pearl
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2009, 11:43:43 PM »
See Profile for Stats

5 ½” x 5”  High Gloss Polish

This is the perfect ball for leagues and dry lanes.  I recently shot a 267 with the front 8 with this ball.  The reaction is a hard but smooth break on the back end.  This ball gets through the heads really well which helps when the mid-lanes are getting extremely dry.  Comparing this to my Street Rod Pearl I would say this ball is more controlled and gets down the lane farther.  

I suggest this ball to players who are looking for extra skid yet powerful back-end reaction.  The nice thing is that the back-end reaction although powerful isn’t too snappy for this ball so it is easy to keep controlled.