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Author Topic: Reign Supreme  (Read 20649 times)


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Reign Supreme
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
- Color: Purple/Ruby All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Coverstock: R2S Hybrid Reactive
- Weight Block: C.A.M. (Continuous Axis Migration)
- Factory Finish: 1500-grit Polished
- Flare Potential: 4” - 5” (Medium-High)
- Fragrance: Lava Spice
- RG: 16#-2.55, 15#-2.57, 14#-2.61
- RG Diff: 16#-.052, 15#-.048, 14#-.041
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium-Heavy Oil
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal
- Description: Looking at the original Reign and Reign of Fire, you’ll find R2S surrounding the uniquely- contoured C.A.M. (Continuous Axis Migration) weight block. This combination of coverstock and core helps fit a multitude of needs. Looking at major national and international tournaments, the Reign series has been a foundation for bowlers across the globe. The new Reign Supreme will feature the same C.A.M. weight block but showcases a finely-blended hybrid shell. Bowlers looking for a clean glide through the heads with a smooth transition in the midlane will cherish the R2S Hybrid shell…just ask anyone who has owned a Hy-Road! You’ll be sure to see the benefits as Storm helps you become a dominating force of your league or tournament, or anytime you hit the lanes. In conclusion, Storm continues to develop innovative technology combined with fine workmanship. That’s why we are “The Bowler’s Company.”



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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2010, 01:35:48 AM »
See profile for stats.

Lay Out: 4.5" from PAP at 60* PAP angle and 40* VAL angle. Dual angle measurement would be 60/4.5/40. The pin ended up slightly above my ring finger and there is a weight hole on my axis point.

Surface: I have left it at box finish which is 1500 Reacta-Shine. I have been using Turbo Strike Wipes to remove the dirt but haven't needed to touch up the surface yet.

Purpose: I wasn't trying to fill any specific spot in my arsenal with this one.
I just really wanted to try out a Hybrid Reign as I liked my Reign and Reign-of-Fire and still have both.

Lane Condition observations: I have thrown this on our house shot and a sweeper that used the Kegel Middle Road pattern. On the house shot it was very strong and lets me roll it near the friction with a firmer release or go away from the pocket with a stronger release. The one thing it hasn't let me get away with is variances in ball speed. If I baby this one, it goes thru the beak almost every time. A smoother surface might get this ball to lay off more in the backend for folks having ball speed control issues like I have been having right now. On the Beaten Road pattern, this ball was suprisingly good going up the lane and then tweaking left with feet and target.  

Final Thoughts: I am seeing some utility with this one as I have been able to tweak release slightly and ball speed and get different looks. I haven't touched the surface to see if I can smooth it out on the back or get it to read earlier. This ball does give the appearance of being very similar in look to the original Reign, maybe even stronger in the back end if that is possible. Pick this one up in you liked your Reign and want to get the same look and strong backend with slightly more versatility than the original.
"Why don''t you call me sometime.....when you have no class" ~~Rodney Dangerfield to Sally Kellerman, his college professor in Back to School ~~1986

Mike Craig - Storm Products Pro Shop staff -Columbus, OH
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH


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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2010, 02:54:02 PM »

above is a link with me throwing the Reign Supreme and Anarchy! Enjoy everyone! If neither of these balls are in your bag, I suggest going to your local pro shop and drilling one up! =)

Anthony Pepe


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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2010, 02:48:40 AM »
The Reign Supreme

Storm commitment to excellence is very apparent once again in this hybrid for “Reign” series within “Storm’s” Thunder Line of equipment
My Reign Supreme weighed 15lb 4oz, with 2.85 oz of top weight with a 3 to 3.5 pin.
The drilling used was an old favorite – A leverage drill with the pin near the ring finger. The layout measured  3 ½ by 4 with an extra hole.
My ball speed is  15 to 15.5 mph with a rev rate of 250 to 300.
The Reign Supreme for me gets through the heads better for me than the Hy-Road with a smoother move to the pocket on a fresh house pattern. I was also able to get in after they broke down and just watched as moved to crush the pins.
I have used it on a house pattern  of 39’ on lane shield and a house pattern  of 40’ on anvilane.  On both patterns I had a stronger midlane than the Reign, but not as strong backend since the Reign was more skid/flip..
You can’t go wrong with this ball it’s another top of the line piece of equipment in the mid price range.
Thank you for “Storm” for you efforts. This ball should add nothing but titles to its resume.

Mark Weiss
Storm Regional Staff Member

Tom Hess

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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2010, 11:43:29 PM »
I was very excited to drill the Reign Supreme as the Hy-Road is one of my all-time favorite bowling balls and the Reign Supreme has the same hy-brid cover. I drilled my first Reign Supreme with the favorite drill from my Hy-Road. It has a 4 1/2" pin to pap with the pin placed right below my ring finger. The cg is 65 deg from my pap with a small hole on the val. With the OOB finish this ball was just to angular for me. I was looking to get a similar, but stronger, reaction to my Hy-Road. I decided to hit the shell with a 2000 abralon lightly by hand (which I do every time I use it). This made the ball not quite as angular. The Reign Supreme is stronger than the Hy-Road for me. It reads the midlane earlier, has more total hook and hits the pins harder. It is almost to strong for me as I have left allot of solid 9's with it the last couple of weeks in league.

I decided to drill a second Reign Supreme with the pin above my ring finger. This is a 5" pin to pap for me. The cg is 1" left of my grip center line. This is a ball that I like to move left and use to "open up" the lane. It fits right in between my Prodigy and Reign both with similar layouts.
Tom Hess
Storm Regional Staff
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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2010, 03:14:02 PM »
I used my favorite layout on the Reign Supreme. This puts the pin over my ring, cg on my grip line (5 x 5.5) no extra hole.  I decided to touch the surface with a light scuff of a used 2000 abralon pad. The Reign Supreme falls perfectly in between the Reign and Reign of Fire at this surface prep. I used the Reign Supreme as my primary ball on the way to a second place finish in a regional in Lancaster, PA. We bowled on the USBC Blue pattern, which has a slight more concentration of oil in the middle of the lane than our normal PBA patterns.  

The Reign Supreme has the perfect combination of control at the breakpoint, as well as a defined hook motion through the backend of the lane. The Reign Supreme takes surface alterations very well. The hybrid R2S cover is a great step down from the R2X hybrid found on the Virtual Energy.

 As big of a hit as the Hyroad was, I think the Reign Supreme will ultimately be even bigger! Sharing the same cover as the Hyroad, this C.A.M. core shape gives the Reign Supreme a bit more angle through the backend of the lane than the Hyroad. If you found yourself on the fence between a Reign of Fire, and original Reign, the Reign Supreme is the best of both worlds, so don't let this ball pass you by!
Thank you for reading my review of the Reign Supreme.

Tommy Gollick
Storm Regional/Pro Shop staff
Red Crown Pro Shop Harrisburg, PA
God creates us with a blank canvas, and the "picture" we paint is up to us. Paint a picture you like and love!


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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2011, 05:21:09 AM »

Length: House shot and sport shot

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):


Likes: The Reign Supreme Is my go to ball it is perfect every where smooth roll,smooth hook.This ball is perfect for all the lane conditions i Have bowled on. This ball Is better then the other storm balls they have came out withe recent. If you don"t have this ball in your bag go out and get ONE




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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2011, 03:46:46 PM »

Pin Length: 3"

Starting Top Weight:  3 oz

Ball Weight:  15 lbs



Pin to PAP:  3-3/8"  Drill pattern #2 on Storms sheet but shifted it about an inch up so the pin is a little above a line through the finger holes instead of just left of them .
CG to PAP:  3-3/8"

X Hole (if there is one):  About 3" down and right of the CG


Rev Rate: Med

Ball Speed: 15-16mph


PAP/Track:   Track is about 2" off my grip line.



Grit:  Factory

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded):  Factory



Length:  38'


Volume: overexaggerated puddle in the middle

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):  THS



Length:  Long

Back End:  Strong


Overall Hook:  9 scale of 1 to 10

Midlane Read:  Depends and hand position

Breakpoint Shape:  Hard  left of the break point if working the inside of the ball and increasing tilt.  Get earlier read if dropping under the ball and coming up the back more which results in more of a hard arc. 



Likes:  Wanted a ball that since I like to get deep and play my break at 40 that I could throw through the oil to it and have it go hard left off that spot.  I got what I wanted as it's actually tough to throw this past my break point.  Revs up through all of that oil and once it hits the break point slams left to the pocket.  Hit is very hard and keeps the pins low and keeps driving to the pit.  Love the color and smell.  Once the lanes start to get too jumpy it adapts well to changing to a more underneath and up the back hand position.  Reads a good 10' sooner and starts to curl left in a still decent arc.

Dislikes:   I'm more consistant with the inside hand position and once, or IF the lanes get too jumpy it doesn't  matter how hard I throw or how far left I stand, It wants to get left in a hurry.  But as I stated above I DID want a ball and drill that got left hard off the spot. 







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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2011, 09:17:29 AM »

Length: 40 FT            



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS



Likes:This ball gets through the midlane with ease and saves it's energy for the backend. This is a great piece for anyone looking to open up the lane when fresh oil and doesn't seem to leave alot of ten's either even in game 3 with a bunch of carrydown!! I drilled this ball pin above ring finger cg kicked kicked about 1.5" off midline and extra hole around PAP. First series last night 256,211,258 I played about standing 32 playing 17-18 out to 10 at breakpoint with speed about 16.8mph.

Dislikes:  The fragerance is a little to much






Formerly Iamthegreat
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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2011, 01:48:08 AM »


Likes: This ball has great backend. It has a strong midlane roll and doesn't quit in the back. You'll have room for days on the right.

Dislikes: The way the ball was drilled for me is very jumpy. I tried taming it by taking it to 4000 and polishing, but it's still very jumpy. not suited for my style of bowling, but easily one of the strongest balls in my arsenal.


Cagey Vateran

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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2011, 07:13:39 AM »




Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):



Likes: Great back end finish, excellent carry.  2 330's so far with it.








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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2011, 09:32:44 AM »

Length: 39ft

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):  THS


Likes: Ball drilled pin over ring, 45 degrees w an xhole in the lower thumb quadrant. Ball turns the corner HARD, harder than I originally expected. Clears the fronts well and turns hard off the dry, very easy to get in and open up angles w this ball.

Dislikes: None I love this ball



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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2011, 12:19:04 PM »

Pin Length: 3.5"

Starting Top Weight: 3oz

Ball Weight:15lb 6oz





Rev Rate:350-390

Ball Speed:16-18mph (can vary depending on lane condition


PAP/Track: 1/4" right of Middle insert



Grit: Box Fiinish

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded):



Length: 38ft



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS



Length:  The ball continuously rolls on the lanes.

Back End: Seems like a homing missle to the pocket.


Overall Hook:8-9/10

Midlane Read: The ball reads the midlanes perfectly.  I have thrown it on THS and a couple of sport patterns and the ball hasn't let me down since.

Breakpoint Shape: large smooth and controlled arc



Likes: I like the fact that the Rico drilling on this ball gives me more control over the ball.  The ball depends on what I do with my hand whereas most bowlers drill it to where even if they throw a crappy shot still strike.  The ball is nice and continuous throughout the entire line.  I have thrown about 20 games on it or so and it hasnt let me down yet.  My low game with it is 229 with my high game being 300.  I wanted something different in a ball and the Reign Supreme does not disappoint.  I am glad I picked up the ball.

Dislikes: Right now none at the moment.







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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2011, 12:19:40 PM »

Pin Length: 3.5"

Starting Top Weight: 3oz

Ball Weight:15lb 6oz





Rev Rate:350-390

Ball Speed:16-18mph (can vary depending on lane condition


PAP/Track: 1/4" right of Middle insert



Grit: Box Fiinish

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded):



Length: 38ft



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS



Length:  The ball continuously rolls on the lanes.

Back End: Seems like a homing missle to the pocket.


Overall Hook:8-9/10

Midlane Read: The ball reads the midlanes perfectly.  I have thrown it on THS and a couple of sport patterns and the ball hasn't let me down since.

Breakpoint Shape: large smooth and controlled arc



Likes: I like the fact that the Rico drilling on this ball gives me more control over the ball.  The ball depends on what I do with my hand whereas most bowlers drill it to where even if they throw a crappy shot still strike.  The ball is nice and continuous throughout the entire line.  I have thrown about 20 games on it or so and it hasnt let me down yet.  My low game with it is 229 with my high game being 300.  I wanted something different in a ball and the Reign Supreme does not disappoint.  I am glad I picked up the ball.

Dislikes: Right now none at the moment.







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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2011, 01:46:18 PM »




Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS



Drilled my Reign Supreme 4 3/4 Pin to PAP left with box finish. This is the first ball outta my bag every week, it gives me a great read on how the lanes are playing that night.This ball has very good length and a strong controlled backend with out-standing continuation through the pins. I love the hybrid shell it lets me keep my moves small and when other guys are having to make huge moves or make a ball change I just make minor adjustments and I get lined up and keep striking. Thanks Storm for one hell of a ball!

Dislikes: None so far



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Edited on 1/26/2011 at 12:48 PM