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Author Topic: Reign Supreme  (Read 20647 times)


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Reign Supreme
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
- Color: Purple/Ruby All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Coverstock: R2S Hybrid Reactive
- Weight Block: C.A.M. (Continuous Axis Migration)
- Factory Finish: 1500-grit Polished
- Flare Potential: 4” - 5” (Medium-High)
- Fragrance: Lava Spice
- RG: 16#-2.55, 15#-2.57, 14#-2.61
- RG Diff: 16#-.052, 15#-.048, 14#-.041
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium-Heavy Oil
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal
- Description: Looking at the original Reign and Reign of Fire, you’ll find R2S surrounding the uniquely- contoured C.A.M. (Continuous Axis Migration) weight block. This combination of coverstock and core helps fit a multitude of needs. Looking at major national and international tournaments, the Reign series has been a foundation for bowlers across the globe. The new Reign Supreme will feature the same C.A.M. weight block but showcases a finely-blended hybrid shell. Bowlers looking for a clean glide through the heads with a smooth transition in the midlane will cherish the R2S Hybrid shell…just ask anyone who has owned a Hy-Road! You’ll be sure to see the benefits as Storm helps you become a dominating force of your league or tournament, or anytime you hit the lanes. In conclusion, Storm continues to develop innovative technology combined with fine workmanship. That’s why we are “The Bowler’s Company.”



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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2011, 06:48:50 PM »

Length: 40'   


Volume:   medium - medium heavy

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS



Likes:  This is the ball I go to when I need more angle.  I can swing it out and it easily makes the transistion to the pocket.  I'm normally a down and in stroker but sometimes the lane condition, carry down etc will cause you to leave 10 pins on what otherwise look like great shots.  You try need to get more angle to the pocket to carry thise 10s and I've found this ball does the trick.  I get about 3-4 more boards with this ball than what I get with the Reign using the same line.  A great compliment to the Reign.  I found it a little too agressive on drier/shorter patterns though.  Being the stroker I am I don't like moving left beyond 25.  Even then, out to 5 or less and this ball makes a nice transiition to the pocket.  An easy to read ball which makes targeting easier.

Dislikes: none so far







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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2011, 10:14:20 PM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):Kegel Main Street



Likes:Easy length with strong move at the breakpoint

Dislikes: None yet! After I redrilled it!




 I got this ball last week and went with a pin down drilling. I went 55deg x 4" x 70, which placed the pin under my ring finger. The ball rolled really smooth and I didn't have any trouble hitting the pocket, but didn't carry very well. I decided to plug and redrill it pin up cause if I sold it I wouldn't get much from a used ball with low games. I went with a 50deg x 3-3/4" x 35deg, which placed the pin above and right of ring finger. The ball was still smooth and got down the lane with ease, but the carry increased. I've used it twice this week in league and shoot 737 and 698 and the only problem was operator error on a couple of pitches!!!! This is now the first ball I pull out of the bag!!! Another great ball from the friendly people in Utah!!


"Train a child up in the way they should go and when they are old they will "Bowl Globally", "Bowl the world over", be "King OF THEM ALL" and not turn from it!

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Mr Straight Ball

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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2011, 06:34:55 AM »
Pin Length: 2.75
Starting Top Weight: 3.10
Ball Weight: 16

4 ¾ x 4 ½; hole is 5” across and 1” down
Pin under the outside of the ring, cg is just right of that on the mid line

Rev Rate: High
Ball Speed: 18.6
PAP/Track: 5” across ½”  down

OOB – polished 1500
The only thing I do to this ball is clean it and repolish it as needed.
The smell has the word lava in it and this ball does burn!

Big time fan of the Reign and of the hybrid covers so I could not wait! Lets just say this ball lived up to all of the pressure I put on it. There were times I felt my Reigns were not reading at the right spot to get the best look but this ball grabs seems to hit the spot just right before sling shoting itself back to the hole. This ball is like cheating when the look appears. This ball revs up and makes this sweeping arc that I can read time after time. Normally the first ball out of my bag as it gives me an awesome sneak peak at the lanes and tells me exactly which ball or zone to play. This ball just takes control of patterns in my hand and is so forgiving that it really makes scoring that much easier. My best night with this ball went 228-279-279 and I got in the way of both of those perfect games. Bad bowler, bad. LOL

To me this is "like" a Hy-Road but heavier rolling so it creates a different look than my Hy-Road. I'm not sure why more of these aren't on the lanes but you're missing a good piece.
Likes: Predictabile, not afraid of the juice
Dislikes: That I have to put it down when the lanes curve.

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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2011, 08:29:50 AM »


Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS and sport shots


Likes: looks nice and smells great. havent thrown it yet i'll come back for this after a few games

i chose a 40x3 3/8x70 with a P3 weight hole layout on mine so the pin ended up about a 1/2in under my ring finger and a little to the right and the mass bias on the VAL. I have found that putting the MB on the VAL is great for me, it helps me make the corner harder and cleaner when i need to have a sharper angle and also be more predictable on sport shots. i needed a ball with teeth and this should be a great ball to have to compliment my mission and vibe.

UF bowling

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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2011, 08:35:23 PM »

Upon getting this ball, I had no idea what I was going to get out of it. I wasn’t so sure of the hybrid cover stock, and not being a fan of the previous two balls in the Reign line, I was a bit skeptical. That quickly changed.


I had this ball drilled to where it would give me a smooth transition from the heads and through the midlane, with a bit of a flip on the backend of the lane. First couple of games, it took a while to get used to what the ball actually did for me, but after that, the Reign Supreme became one of my favorite balls Storm has ever made. Third game out of the box with it I shot 251 then followed it up next game with my high game yet of 289, with a span of 14 strikes in a row between the games.

 All I can say is that I was absolutely surprised by what this ball added to my game. It added a dimension of smooth transition through the midlane that I have struggled so long to find before and it has given me a ball that I can trust from a shot to shot basis, which is key in any person’s game. I would highly recommend the Reign Supreme to anyone that is looking for a ball that can get through the midlane and give finish in the back end.    I absolutely love this bowling ball and I’m sure anyone that has this ball will agree with me.


Matt Nance

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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #21 on: April 07, 2011, 08:36:11 PM »

My Reign Supreme has a 3 inch pin and is drilled (for a lefty) with the pin above my ring finger and the CG out to the left. I wanted something that would fit in between my Reign of Fire and my Reign. The Reign Supreme has a break point in between these two balls but still has a ton of backend. On a house shot the ball goes long and then turns toward the pocket and hits with a lot of energy. On a sport shot, it doesn’t make as an aggressive turn which forces me to play a more direct line, but it still stores up its energy and hits the pocket hard. I tend to leave less weak 7s with this ball than with other balls. For continued performance the ball will eventually need to be repolished.


Mike Moskowitz

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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2011, 08:36:34 PM »

My reign supreme was drilled pin under my middle finger with the CG kicked out right. The ball has a 3-3.5inch pin. Early hook has always been a problem for me due to my low axis point, which makes many bowling balls hook earlier than they were intended to when the manufacturer designed them.


Out of the box the ball hooks a ton, and provides great length down the lane before turning over and makings its move towards the pocket. I drilled a Nomad Dagger at the same time, and this ball gives me a little more length with more backend finish when the Dagger begins to hook too early. On a house condition, the ball is simply a monster with its ability to recover from an overthrow to the outside part of the lane or the extra length it seems to find if I miss my target a little inside.


I also brought the ball with me to participate in the Hoosier Classic which is the largest collegiate bowling event in the country each season. Day 1 was a 39 foot pattern that was completed flattened out. The ball was amazing, and gave me the best ball/pattern matchup I had all season, getting out of the higher volume of oil with enough energy to blow through the racks. Day 2 was an extremely long pattern (46 ft which was beyond crazy) and the ball struggled on that to find friction due to how I had the ball drilled.

Overall the ball is a fantastic additional to my arsenal which currently consists of a Nomad Dagger, a Reign Supreme, a Tropical Heat, and a 2fast. We love our STORM/Roto products down here in Gainesville, and I would recommend this one to anyone. At this point it’s the first ball out of my bag every time.


Jeff Horowitz


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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #23 on: April 23, 2011, 10:49:44 AM »

This ball destroys the Nationals Pattern and makes it look like a house shot. I have a high pin at 6” and this ball get to the end of the pattern and unloads! Ive bowled 3 tourneys on this pattern and I am averaging 220, I cant wait to test it out in Reno!

Thomas Bosquez
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Re: Reign Supreme
« Reply #24 on: October 22, 2011, 07:02:13 PM »
I have owned the reign supreme for about a year now. It is drilled very simple with the pin over bridge and the cg in the palm. At box surface the ball was a bit squirrelly for me until I put about 12 games on it. After that it was much better but I still saw a lot of over/under with it. So, a few days ago I hit it with 2000 pads and saw a much more controlled and tamer reaction. I asked my driller if I should hit it at 1000, and I did. The reaction I got was better than expected. What I was expecting to see was rollout and weak hits but what I got was more control and even more roll. In 2 games I hit pocket 24 times, with a 181 and 266 respectively. I plan on using this ball in my team usa league on the atlanta pattern to put a nice track area in the lane, then switch to something else when it gets too strong off the spot. I have been having a hard time figuring out where this ball fits in my arsenal, but after I took the shine off, I am confident it will stay in my bag, whether it stays at 1000, or I take it back to 2000, I am very happy with this ball now.

All my specs are in my profile, thanks for reading!! :)

 Formerly rotofan775.
formerly known as rotofan775