325rpms and 16 mph of speed.
tracking a little low at this time (pap 4 1/16 and 7/8 up)
15 lb.
2 1/4 in pin
2.86 oz of top
pin above the ring, cg in the center grip and about 1/4 above the mid line so for me 3 3/4 by 4 1/16
What I was looking for:
I was looking for a real medium oil ball that had decent backend. Something that allowed me to get the ball to push through the fronts effortlessly without having to overthrow the ball.
Lane condition #1:
I had this ball drilled at the house I bowl league in on thursday night. The house is famous for dry outsides and soft backends. The fronts have a decent amount of oil to get the ball through the first 30 ft. THATS ABOUT IT! Although, the backends are soft, they are still dry. They do not offer a huge amount of recovery like last season, however, still cannot miss inside.
That being said I got a lane to practice on before league. My first few shots with the ball were icky. The ball is effortless through the fronts and the mids, which is something I'm not used to. I compared it to my Horizon Pearl and it was about 4 ft longer than the pearl with virtually the same layout. However, it recovered from almost anywhere I put it. I was impressed in that regard. So, mid game i took the ball down to 4000 because it seemed to get a bit squirty from the inside. That made the ball a little earlier but gave it a lot more recovery from the inside line. The ball looked good, however, I still had an inch to take the surface up so I took it to 2000. Bingo! The reacted like a champ about 3 ft earlier that box finish and drove through the pins nicely.
Later that night in league the ball continued to impress me by giving me a look I have never seen. The ball continued to glide through the heads and mids, saving all its energy to the back. It allowed me to work a part of the lane, being left handed, that I wasn't able to play with any other piece. Ended up shooting a meager 623. Threw a couple splits and missed a spare.
Lane Condition #2:
Monday night I bowled league in a house with plenty of oil in the front and in the mids. Starting of league, the lanes allowed no play inside of 6 giving you gutter to 6 of dry and thats about it. Any other part of the lane offer nothing but 60 ft. I got lined up with the Reign standing 15 rolling 5. The ball rolled about 40 ft stood up and trucked the pocket. It just cut through the oil in the back. I ended up shooting 267 the first game. The ball allowed me to make small adjustments and realign myself in the pocket. End the night with 225, 194 (686). Got left three 7 pins and missed a one. Also left a wicked 6-8 on a pocket hit.
What I got:
I got exactly what I was looking for. A ball that I can line up with in game one and still be throwing by game three. The ball is a backend monster and eventhough not used to it, I welcome the reaction as a fresh change from the smooth balls and layouts I was using. Surprisingly, the ball keeps the pins low for a skid/flip. You get more of an opportunity for mixers and light taps. I was a little reluctant to get this ball at first but after throwing it, I'm more than please. This a great medium oil ball for THS. Can't really speak for sport shots because have yet to use it on one. It kind of reminds me of THE Ebonite One in my area in how it goes longer than most conditions then recovers. It's definitely a piece to look into. I would love to get another one and drill it a little weaker.
Great Product from Storm Inc! You guys are really doing your thing and trying to monopolize the market.
Formally LeftyHawse, Jim Jones.
I''m man enough to admit I stroke with the left hand and it feels good.

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