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Author Topic: Reign  (Read 29923 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
- Color: Crimson/Fire All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Coverstock: R2S Pearl Reactive
- Factory Finish: 1500-grit Polish
- Fragrance: Red Hot Cinnamon
- RG: 16#-2.55, 15#-2.57, 14#-2.61
- RG Diff: 16#-.052, 15#-.048, 14#-.041
- Description: Coming Soon!



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Re: Reign
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2009, 03:32:55 AM »
15# 3oz.
2" pin with 3.08 oz. TW.
Drilling: 5 x 3 pin under, box finish
PAP: 5 1/4 over 1/2" up
200 average tweener

I'd heard a lot about this new invention from Storm from a lot of both staff and non staff players and as always I'm skeptical about something new deviating away from a proven combination of core and cover that scored well with such a broad range of bowlers on all different oil patterns. But at an affordable price I decided to give it a try.

What I was looking for: I was lacking a piece I could pull out in league when my Black Pearl started leaving tucking fenpins near the third game and I could just use close to the same breakpoint and chase the oil inside a board or two and keep striking.

What I got: I'm not one to sugar coat words and make a piece of bowling equipment seem like it deserves its own castle and throne but plain and simple, I got what I was looking for . Very versitile ball, forgives the occasional release inconsistancy I have every once in a while, predictable non squirty breakpoint(rolls true on the path you put it on),moves left with authority,perfect for carrydown and fried heads,requires minimal head oil to duplicate the shot of the ball that you just put away that was burning up.First ball I ever bought that I will buy more of just to store in the closet to replace the first one when it dies. Thanks for reading, hope this review is helpful.



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Re: Reign
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2009, 05:45:25 PM »
See profile for stats.

Lay Out: 5" from PAP at 50* PAP angle and 35* VAL angle. The pin ended up above my middle finger just slightly. So far no weight hole.

Surface: I have taken it down by hand to 3000abr.

Purpose: I have a pearl Nomad(4000abr) with the pin above the bridge. This kind of layout is usually a good length option for me. In contrast the pearl Nomad is pretty smooth off the spot and I wanted to have a ball that pushed the fronts but had more backend for me.

Lane condition observations: I have mainly thrown this on our house pattern both on the fresh and on broken down second shift conditions. This ball with factory polish has no problem getting thru the front of the lane. When I hit it by hand with the 3000abr, it slowed down the push enough to read the mid lane better for me.

Final thoughts: What I am seeing is a ball that will easily get length. If factory shined and on the correct pattern, it will also read the spot very strongly. Players will need to adjust the surface if they are more speed dependant or if they are on a slicker medium pattern. When the Reign faces the pocket, it a pretty thing to watch as pins go everywhere.

"Why don''t you call me sometime.....when you have no class" ~~Rodney Dangerfield to Sally Kellerman, his college professor in Back to School ~~1986

Mike Craig - Storm Products Pro Shop staff -Columbus, OH
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH


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Re: Reign
« Reply #18 on: November 23, 2009, 04:54:06 PM »
Drilled two 15# Reighs . First one pin 5 mb approx 1 inch right of thumb , extra tra hole on axis . Ball surface out of box , with good synthetic burn . Been using mega bite on it . Ball Hooks a lot on house conditions ,and never stops . Used it recently on the US OPEN pattern and early it was not enough ! Tried it after the lanes transitioned ,  but it hooked way to early ! Was playing 25 out to the spot around 13 , had a hard time getting it through the fronts even with 5 foot of loft . Like this ball A LOT on shorter patterns that you can open up the lane . The second Reigh is drilled pin 5 1/2 mb right next to thumb. No extra hole . Ball out of box shiney . Ball clears heads pretty easy . Does flip off friction very strong . Good when the heads break down , and there is a distinct hook spot down the lane . On the US OPEN pattern is was over /under . Ball changed direction to hard . Wnen I tried to force it to the spot it never read it down the lane . When I missed Inside or trapped it , it hooked to early . Like this ball on deep inside , shorter conditions .Ball does hit VERY HARD !!


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Re: Reign
« Reply #19 on: December 01, 2009, 10:12:25 PM »
Storm  once again has given us a ball that destroys the pins with a great back end.
This new edition into the family is a lot of ball for the mid price range and will give bowlers that extra backend when needed.
I kept my ball with the box finish and it weigh 15lb 3oz with 3.84 top with a pin three to three and one half.
I used a 4 x 4 1/4 drilling with a two inch pin buffer and a hole on the axis.
This ball reads the lanes so well and stores the energy for a big back end
I just can't say enough about this ball. Storm has once again put another ball on the top of the marketplace.

Storm is truly the Bowler's Company....

Mark Weiss
Storm Staffer and PBA Regional Member


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Re: Reign
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2009, 09:34:41 AM »
I drilled a second Reign, as the first Reign I drilled was a very condition specific drilling. This Reign started out pin 2.5-3, with just under 3oz. top weight. I placed the pin over my ring finger, with the cg on my grip line. This gives me a 5x5 1/2 drill, with 6 3/4 mark in my ball track. I took the surface to 1200 using the CAB system sanding discs, by hand with circular motions as not to apply any specific sanding line direction.
I have been using this ball on the new PBAX shark pattern (43 feet in length). The ball allows me to trap the middle of the lane, and really read the mid to late middle of the lane, with a very nice change of direction toward the pocket. I really like this ball at this surface, as a step down from my pin over ring, key in the thumb Virtual Energy at 2000 abralon. It is very clean through the front, with a very explosive backend reaction.
This ball FAR out performs the numbers that are on paper(2.57 rg, with .048 diff./15 lbs). This new C.A.M. core is very strong. The Reign shares the same cover as the T-Road Pearl and the Fast. The up date to this core is just unbelievable at this price point.
The Reign is designed to give the bowler that classic Storm skid-snap reaction, and will not disappoint.
Tommy Gollick
Storm Regional/Pro Shop staff
Red Crown Pro Shop Harrisburg, PA
God creates us with a blank canvas, and the "picture" we paint is up to us. Paint a picture you like and love!


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Re: Reign
« Reply #21 on: December 12, 2009, 08:09:30 PM »
Ball is drilled with pin above bridge and cg under ring finger (no thumb). I took the surface down and back up to 4000 abralon to smooth the motion and keep it in control. My house shot plays like the Viper from this year's WSB. The inside of the lane hooks a bunch if you miss left and has a lot of oil to the right that is tough but not impossible to get through. This ball plays nicely in the oil and makes a smooth yet defined hook. When there is enough oil in the middle of the lane, it makes the same motion but crossing many more boards. Great ball and thanks to Monty Stratton at Bowler's Depot Oceanside.
Real MEN throw it right off the press!!!


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Re: Reign
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2009, 11:38:38 PM »
Coverstock: R2S Pearl Reactive
Factory Finish: 1500-grit Polish

Storm combination of core and cover stock  scores  with such a broad range of bowlers on all different oil patterns.
Reign versatile  reaction forgives the occasional release inconsistency
The Reign is ideal for carry down and fried  back end.
The ball is very clean through the heads and had a fantastic amount of reaction in the back end. What really surprised me
Reign gives predictable without squirting problems
The Reign  bowling ball is filled with  testosterone
The Reign midlane  is continuous  (no-slow down)  and  the backend reaction  Is strong.
 Even stronger than an Hy-Road.
The Reign is an Adjustment change for most bowlers when getting too much early roll from the  Virtual Energy,
Increasing length to the pocket  no early roll
The Reign bowling ball really reminds me of the Fire Up,
It is super clean through the heads and makes a very defined move to the pocket
Another great addition from storm

Member of Buddies Pro Shop
Member Of the Vise Grip Staff


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Re: Reign
« Reply #23 on: December 31, 2009, 12:25:07 PM »
My drilling is not important, my average is not important but getting the most bang for your buck is important! Any bowling ball can strike, I pulled out an old Buzzsaw C2 last league night and shot a 300. However, there is a time when a bowling company puts out a ball that is unique. The Reign is one such ball! This ball does what a bowling ball suppose to do.......strike! I got mines for Christmas, and it suppose to be a pearl but handles the lanes like a solid. There are a lot of new balls out on the market, and it is confusing on what to buy. However, the Reign would be an excellent choice. You want be disappointed! Get a Reign and give the competition a golden shower!


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Re: Reign
« Reply #24 on: January 04, 2010, 10:52:36 AM »
I purchased this ball Sat. 1/2/2010 and rolled 4 games with it that day 222,234,254,235). I am a 200 avg bowler. What I can tell you is that for the money this ball is a good ball. I usually bowl with Lane 1 product's and the backend on this ball is just as good for less money.  This ball i was impressed with, this is the first storm ball i have bought and with the outcome may not be my last.


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Re: Reign
« Reply #25 on: January 08, 2010, 12:00:37 PM »
Absolutely phenominal ball in every way.  I could bore you with drilling formats, style, etc, but the bottomline is what counts.  This ball plays from every approach, and plays well!!  Using it in combination with the Hy Road is a perfect approach to any lane challenge! Great Job Storm!!



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Re: Reign
« Reply #26 on: January 10, 2010, 11:07:42 AM »
In my opinion this is the ball of the century!!!!!  (and I don't make these comments lightly).  The Reign is a ball that can be played from every angle in all conditions (except the very dry lanes) and come through with superb results!!!  Storm should have made this ball scent "ROSE" as it get's the rose when all balls are weighed.  Great versatility in length, superb reaction and backend, there's just no negatives.  For those of use who are angry at technology making the game too easy for the newbee's, you're going to hate this ball as it has a built in targeting seeker that guides it to the pocket from anywhere on the lane............. (just kidding of course).
Buy it, you'll like it, I promise!!!


David Lee Yskes

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Re: Reign
« Reply #27 on: January 11, 2010, 03:02:10 PM »
Ok so i just had the ball drilled up this afternoon and WOW!!!!!!!

I had it drilled like Tony Ruocco, in the video.  the pin is under my ring finger with the CG out about 60degree's.   Pin is 3 to 3 1/2 inches, top weight i believe was 3.49 on the box, ball was left OOB condition.

I threw the ball for about a 1 1/2 games while trying to get usta the new turbo 2n1 switch grips i had installed in all my bowling balls.  

the ball is SICK!!!! easily gets down the lane, but really takes a left hand turn off the dry.  

I didnt throw the ball too well, cuz when I had the switch grips installed, I also adjusted the reverse pitch in my thumb from 1/2 to 1/4.. So i kinda felt like i was going to drop the ball and didnt want to squeeze the ball either.  

But over all, the layout this ball has, is very good for playing deep on the lanes and bouncing it off the dry/break point.

I do believe once i get comfy with the new pitch in my thumbhole, I'll be able to tear up the lanes.  

" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "

For my vids on youtube - search coolluvr4u1976
" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "

David Lee Yskes

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Re: Reign
« Reply #28 on: January 12, 2010, 01:14:41 AM »
Ok, new update...

This ball is FREAKING SICK!!!!!!!  

bowled my league tonight and used the Reign for all 3 games.   First game i go XX53XXXXXXXX9 for a 260, the bad shot in the third came off my hand bad, I soley blame it on the new thumb pitch i am using lol jk, it just came off my hand like crap.  

third game i shot 198, and third was another 180  game not really sure lol, i think i ended with a 635 series so the score keeper said, idk...

But anyways, the ball is unreal, it does get down the lane and makes a hard left turn off of anything dry.  

So i bowled two games of practice afterwards, and went 198, 266....

I seriously can not believe how this ball just kills the rack.  I did have 1, 4-9 split, and 1 solid tenpin, but had a ton of pins taken out by birddawgs and such...
" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "

For my vids on youtube - search coolluvr4u1976
" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "


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Re: Reign
« Reply #29 on: January 12, 2010, 06:15:44 PM »
325rpms and 16 mph of speed.
tracking a little low at this time (pap 4 1/16 and 7/8 up)

15 lb.
2 1/4 in pin
2.86 oz of top

pin above the ring, cg in the center grip and about 1/4 above the mid line so for me 3 3/4 by 4 1/16

What I was looking for:
I was looking for a real medium oil ball that had decent backend. Something that allowed me to get the ball to push through the fronts effortlessly without having to overthrow the ball.

Lane condition #1:
I had this ball drilled at the house I bowl league in on thursday night. The house is famous for dry outsides and soft backends. The fronts have a decent amount of oil to get the ball through the first 30 ft. THATS ABOUT IT! Although, the backends are soft, they are still dry. They do not offer a huge amount of recovery like last season, however, still cannot miss inside.

That being said I got a lane to practice on before league. My first few shots with the ball were icky. The ball is effortless through the fronts and the mids, which is something I'm not used to. I compared it to my Horizon Pearl and it was about 4 ft longer than the pearl with virtually the same layout. However, it recovered from almost anywhere I put it. I was impressed in that regard. So, mid game i took the ball down to 4000 because it seemed to get a bit squirty from the inside. That made the ball a little earlier but gave it a lot more recovery from the inside line. The ball looked good, however, I still had an inch to take the surface up so I took it to 2000. Bingo! The reacted like a champ about 3 ft earlier that box finish and drove through the pins nicely.

Later that night in league the ball continued to impress me by giving me a look I have never seen. The ball continued to glide through the heads and mids, saving all its energy to the back. It allowed me to work a part of the lane, being left handed, that I wasn't able to play with any other piece. Ended up shooting a meager 623. Threw a couple splits and missed a spare.

Lane Condition #2:

Monday night I bowled league in a house with plenty of oil in the front and in the mids. Starting of league, the lanes allowed no play inside of 6 giving you gutter to 6 of dry and thats about it. Any other part of the lane offer nothing but 60 ft. I got lined up with the Reign standing 15 rolling 5. The ball rolled about 40 ft stood up and trucked the pocket. It just cut through the oil in the back. I ended up shooting 267 the first game. The ball allowed me to make small adjustments and realign myself in the pocket. End the night with 225, 194 (686). Got left three 7 pins and missed a one. Also left a wicked 6-8 on a pocket hit.

What I got:
I got exactly what I was looking for. A ball that I can line up with in game one and still be throwing by game three. The ball is a backend monster and eventhough not used to it, I welcome the reaction as a fresh change from the smooth balls and layouts I was using. Surprisingly, the ball keeps the pins low for a skid/flip. You get more of an opportunity for mixers and light taps. I was a little reluctant to get this ball at first but after throwing it, I'm more than please. This a great medium oil ball for THS. Can't really speak for sport shots because have yet to use it on one. It kind of reminds me of THE Ebonite One in my area in how it goes longer than most conditions then recovers. It's definitely a piece to look into. I would love to get another one and drill it a little weaker.

Great Product from Storm Inc! You guys are really doing your thing and trying to monopolize the market.
Formally LeftyHawse, Jim Jones.
I''m man enough to admit I stroke with the left hand and it feels good.

Mullans pro shop Richmond, Va.

J. C. Jones coaching solutions
Richmond, Va.


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Re: Reign
« Reply #30 on: January 23, 2010, 01:32:40 AM »
I LIKED TO APPLAUD STORM for creating the REIGN .I wasfirst intdoduced when my friend Darren Kravitz started to throw it and bowled 300 game with the REIGN.Then i got one wanted to experiment with and decided to drill weak going by the pearl coverstock and high RG Loved the consistent continous roll.My friend Darren has his drilled strong so pin under ring finger.Decided to drill another one2.80 top 3.5 pin.I drilled mine the same too much skid so decided to abralon sand to 2000 now perfect surface for med-heavy oil.                                 THE NIGHT Monday my mixer league bowling center oiled lanes with old Kegel machine means more oil.Some kids bowled on my left lane pushing the oil down.Bowling just last Wednesday same pair confident.Decided to throw strong Reign and nine in a row watched teammate right lane hits 9th board light strike next shot misses one right flush last shot miss hits 9th board light bucket.So i decided to miss one board right8th board strike out 300game.Second game ball change to weaker Reign move 3 to 1 right aiming 8th board hard straight strike.Never switched left lane with strong REIGN after 9 in a row left lane became sensitive hit tenth board 7-10 lght strike so my tenth decided to miss and hit 9th board flush strike struke out second 300 game.Heading into 3rd game decided to switch to weak Reign just like the first 300 game moved 3 to 1 right weak Reign 9th board strike basically weak REIGN both lanes end up 299 TONIGHTS TOTAL 300,300,299,899 with TWO STORM REIGNS buy THIS BALL WORTH EVERY PENNY!