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Author Topic: Shock Trauma  (Read 20305 times)


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Shock Trauma
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
Line: Master

Color: Purple/Blue/Teal

Coverstock: Reactive

Core: 2-piece



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Re: Shock Trauma
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2002, 02:01:36 PM »
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Billy Ray

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Re: Shock Trauma
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2002, 12:43:57 PM »
Drilled my Shock 4.5" pin with MB just left of strong.
Shined with Ebonite Factory Polish and weight hole on axis.
Balls revs up well i mid lane and hooks very nicely with strong controllable move to pocket on long sport condition.
Ball stores energy well and hits very hard for a ball that hooks alot.
Stronger and earlier than the core power great ball for carrydown and guys who need some help to hook it.
Billy Ray
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Re: Shock Trauma
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2002, 12:05:37 AM »
I drilled this one strong...
I love this ball, I could play it any boards I want with a lot of hand,
very nice backend and hit like a truck...

Christopher Marchand

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Re: Shock Trauma
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2002, 07:13:54 PM »
To be honest, this is one sweet rolling ball. Drilled this one 3 15/16 x 3 15/16 for a new pattern and got a very predictable even rolling reaction. The shot is long oil (I believe 38 feet) tapered crown using Brunswick Guardian on synthetic lanes. I rolled 2 games today after taking the summer off and shot 268 second game. Start league next week and this will be the first ball out of the bag. I recommend this ball to anyone who previously had the El Nino Gold because this one rolls very similar if not the same. Good luck to everyone as we start another season!

Christopher Marchand

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Re: Shock Trauma
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2002, 10:01:23 PM »
Follow up on my previous posting, the Shock Trauma I punched up for the new league season using a 2.96 top weight 2 1/2" pin and drill pattern 3 15/16" X 3 15/16". Brought ball under 1 ounce side with a 25/32" hole on my axis, drilled 2 1/2" deep. This drilling seems to be very forgiving and predictable and produced a 708 series with 4 missed spares after taking the summer off. Recommend this ball to all the Storm lovers who enjoyed the El Nino Gold. Best of luck to everyone this season.



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Re: Shock Trauma
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2002, 01:12:59 PM »
This Trauma Will Shock You!

(We will be short and to the point on this one!)

First of all, don't let the name "Trauma" make you think this has anything to do with the past Trauma Series, because it is a total different ball!

The Core design comes from the "Tried and Proven" El-Nino 2000 and with its new Powerful "Blended" Reactive coverstock, this ball has more than enough hook and power for ANY bowler! With its, "Fully Adjustable" cover, this ball will adapt to a wide range of lane conditions. This will be a great ball for Heavy Oil with its out of box "Sheen" finish!

This ball is driller friendly so good ahead and apply your favorite pattern to this ball and just go to the lanes and Just Score!
This Storm Ball is probly the Most Powerful ball currently on the market for its Hitting Power and Versatility! Its one of those great balls that many bowlers will use and replace again with another one once the first one is all burned up! You will find that this ball alone could replace two or three balls in your bag!

We Highly Recommend this ball to all bowlers! and suggest that you Run to your local Proshop and get one today!
You will be missing out if you don't!


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Re: Shock Trauma
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2002, 01:26:00 AM »
Ball:15.3, 3 OZ top, 3inch Pin
Hear Korea. I drilled 5days ago.
very good choice.
I have a Trauma Shock and it works great for me.
I shot a 242 twice and 267.
I have this ball drilled for maximum hook on heavy oil conditions.
A great heavy oil ball.


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Re: Shock Trauma
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2002, 05:46:46 PM »
15 lb 4 oz
3.0 - 3.5" pin
3.54 oz. top weight

I bought this ball so that I would be able to combat carrydown and heavier oil patterns more efficaciously. Since then, Storm's Shock Trauma has performed wonders for me. I drilled up this beauty with the pin above the ring finger, cg kicked out slightly right and mass bass in the right quadrant of the thumb hole. Used it on 3 different lane conditions and excelled on all. For records sake, I am a tweener (used to be a spinner) who gets a moderate amount of revs and throw the ball between 14-18 mph.

Oil Pattern #1: Medium-heavy with carrydown

Oiled from 9-9 to 35 ft with soaked backends. Played the extreme outside boards with maximum side turn to get the ball to cut through carrydown. Carried all 10 in the pit every time it hit flush and left only a minimal amount of 10 pins. Didn't work as well when I swung the ball across the width of the lane because it wouldn't come back through the carrydown.

Oil Pattern #2: Medium-heavy reverse block

Dry from 7-7 with somewhat fresh backends and slick outside boards. Played straight up the first arrow and saw the MONSTER backend this ball unleashes. It glided through the heads with ease, revved up with authority in the mid lane and just unleashed raw power on the backend. I could even swing the ball through the dry and it still had enough energy retained to explode the pins.

Oil Pattern #3: Heavier oiled sport pattern

First taste of the sport pattern and hearing a multitude of stories about how averages plummeted on sport conditions, I was surprised to see that I could actually maintain my average with the Shock Trauma. Had to put a coat of Reacta-Shine polish (1500 grit) on the Shock Trauma to get it through the heads better but it reacted very well when I did so. I found the best striking line to be 18 to 10 and back. Brooklyn shots carried exceptionally well, as did light hits. It really mixes the pins up well and keeps them low as well.

Overall, a great ball for medium-heavy to heavier oil. Can be adjusted very easily and a very strong, aggresive ball. Definitely not for the likes of super crankers. I give it a 9/10 rating.


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Re: Shock Trauma
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2002, 11:00:33 PM »
this ball has a 3 3/4 pin with 3 ounces of topweight.

i drilled this ball with the pin under the ring finger and the cg kicked out 30 degrees. i drilled a 29/32 balance hole 3 inches deep 4/18 down and 2 1/8 out from my axis. i threw this ball on a fresh wet/dry block this is the best medium/heavy balls i have ever thrown. with the box sanded condition it loses a little energy onthis condition but still hits and carries but i still ran to the pro shop and polished this ball with storm diamond gloss. this really let the ball really open up the lanes. this let me play any angle i want and still strike. this ball can cut through any carrydown even when polished. when polished the ball glides through the heads and the midlane when it gets to the backends it picks up a really heavy roll and takes a strong even left turn and puts all 10 in the pit with ease and consistency. the carry is amazing with this ball. the cover is completely and easily adjustable.i recomend this ball to anybody.


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Re: Shock Trauma
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2002, 12:27:53 PM »
Let me start off saying that this ball ROCKS.  For a while, anyway.  I couldn't believe how well this ball fits any condition.  That much hook in carrydown and broken down conditions is just mindboggling because of the sheer consistency.  For the first month I owned it, I was averaging 230 in practice, shot a ton of scores over 250, and 750 (for three, of course), and hit 800 not too long ago.  Averaged 235 for 7 games in a city youth top ten tournament on a pattern similar to an easy sport shot.  And it just CRUSHES the pocket when it hits.  Had it drilled strong, which was a mistake, and polished it, which was also a mistake.  It's a little weak out of the box, so polishing it just a very little at first is perfect, and if it hooks too much, just WORK WITH IT.  Don't do anything else to it.  I lost all the reaction, and now after just two months, it's basically an expensive plastic ball.  I'm gonna get it redrilled and resurfaced and see if that does anything.  Hopefully I'll get my baby back!!  But overall, if you treat it right, it'll love you back.  I have a friend that has one, and he absolutely loves it.  Haven't heard a bad word about it, and I won't say one, cause it was my fault it's screwed up now.


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Re: Shock Trauma
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2002, 11:33:04 AM »
This ball i drilled 4x4 with the pin over the ring and tha mass bias just below the ring.  I found that this ball had an incredableskid snap to it.  It is the longest skid snap i have had.  Time after time swinging it out to the 2 board and suddenly it flying back at the pocket with full power.  The only problem i found with this ball is that it caried so well through the pocket that i left several nine pins.  But i would recomend this ball to any experienced backend player.

Mike Austin

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Re: Shock Trauma
« Reply #12 on: October 06, 2002, 07:57:34 PM »
The Shock Trauma that I drilled had the pin out about 4" from the center of gravity, with about 3 1/4 oz of top weight.  I put the pin over my ring finger with the mass bias about 2 inches to the right of my thumb hole.  This could also be looked at as a 4 3/4 inch pin to PAP in a 75 degree layout.  For me this is my "default" layout, when I am in a hurry, or don't otherwise know what I want the ball to do.  I did have to use a small hole low to get the ball back to legal side weight.

The ball comes dullish out of the box.  It actually gets pretty good length with the box surface.  Good on fresh, oily, and some sport type shots.  The break point is not very sharp with this surface, very smooth.  I planned on shining this ball from the beginning, but wanted to throw it box just to see.  I really like what I saw.  I think this ball will work very well for me in Regional conditions, because we bowl on fresh oil most all the time, so the heads will be good.  With a little more "rollier" layout, I think the ball would be even better.

With the shine on it, it is very long and has a very nice back end.  Fairly snappy, but not like it bounced off a rock.  The ball compares to a Trauma ER, but I think the ER hooks more at the break point.  These balls have similar length, but the Shock Trauma is a little smoother at the break point.  Very nice hit though, with both balls.  

For you Storm Fans- this ball is longer than the Eraser Boost, cleaner through the front, probably not quite as sharp at the break, and more overal hook with the box surface.  Longer than an LRG, less hook overall.  Similar length to the Core Power HRG, but more back end.

Don't really think there is a style that can't use this ball.  Very versatile, but may hook a little too much to be a "benchmark" ball.  For me personally, Tour Power is a better benchmark ball.  Another nice ball from "The Bowler's Company"!!!

Hope this helps ya!
Mike Austin
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX
Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shops
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Re: Shock Trauma
« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2002, 09:02:46 PM »
The Shock Trauma had 3.5 oz top and 3.75 inch pin to start.  I place the pin over the ring finger with the CG down; a 5.5x4 drilling for me.  I tried with the box finish, and ball tended to burn up too fast for me.  I polished it with Storm Proacta shine, and it helped a lot, but the ball still didn't make a real definite move at the break.  I added a 7/8x1.5 inch hole about 1 inch down from the axis 1/2 inch above the axis plane, and the ball became much more readable.  I tried it on a fresh house pattern on wood and synthetic lanes, and the ball worked well on both.  The overall hook is less than I expected, but it is very controllable playing up the lane.  I also used it in a tournament that used a "sport" pattern, and it worked very well on the fresh.  I could play straight up the lane through the heads, and this made the ball recover well off the "o-b".  The ball labored too much as the lanes broke down, so I put it away after a couple of games.  I would recommend this for bowlers with medium to high ball speed and medium to little hook who don't really want to boom the ball, and don't want to play a "big" (i.e. sharp) hook.  Pin carry is good with this ball as long as I could play up the lane, but it was flat as I moved in.  I could put some hand in it and make it carry from deeper on the lane, but the ball reaction isn't as predictable when I do this.


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Re: Shock Trauma
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2002, 05:06:26 PM »

Ball is 16 lb. pin out, 3.25 oz. top weight and drilled modified #2 from Storm's drill sheet. It turned out basically 4 X 3 with an extra weight hole and the cg kicked out and down from grip center. This is my first Storm purchase (have always thrown Columbia and AMF) and I am impressed and intrigued by this ball. I wanted a ball to use for heavier oil and tournament conditions and I have made a good choice. Ball is surprisingly effective on a variety of oil patterns and conditions ranging from fresh medium heavy to broken down medium light with a lot of carrydown. On a heavier shot with some backend, I was able to throw straight up the 10 -12 board and watch the ball arc/snap into the pocket with devastating results. As the lanes start to track up and the oil gets pushed down I can move left and play the middle of the lane, where the oil is, throwing 25 out to 15 with excellent results. When this line starts to go, I have moved 3-4 boards left and thrown it out to about 9 or 10 board and ball will still make it to the pocket and carry. I have been careful not to throw it on drier conditions and know when to put it away as the ball becomes very erratic when there is no oil to play it in. I have to give it a 9.5. Hit and carry is tremendous - absolutely crushes the pins! As advertised, it works well in carrydown, maybe not quite as well as my Revenge, but almost. Handles oil well, but I think only a cranker would be able to use it in really heavy oil. I have kept it in out of box condition so far and I am very happy with it's performance. After about 40 games, it has no visible track or lane damage. I bowl on synthetic lanes and clean the ball after every set. I am very pleased - way to go Storm!