Now that I have spent a good amount of time with the Torrent, I feel comfortable reviewing it. I have about 540 rpms, 19 mph off my hand, around 3 degrees of tilt, and about 45 degrees of axis rotation. I consider the Torrent to be a slower moderate type ball in terms of response to friction. It isn't the slowest of balls available, but it is far from flippy. More of a gradual sweep off the spot.
With all this in mind, I wanted to take advantage of the specs without trying to make the ball do something it's not intended to do. Mine is a 5 1/2 inch pin from my PAP with an angle to the VAL of about 70. It tells me what the lanes are doing really well. Usually goes as long as the pattern is when thrown near the track and then allows me to adjut the the pattern as needed. If I'm bowking on something on the shorter medium side, this ball need to be thrown from the outside. If it's a pattern that is longer, my ball needs to be shaping more in the midlane as opposed to downlane. This ball is truly a benchmark. Being more on the rev dominant side, I can use this ball on the fresh without needed more ball than this. Usually, I need to cut my rev rate a little to start straighter on shorter mediums. This ball finds itself at home more so on 39-44 feet. When it's too slow downlane, I usually need to go to something that uses it's energy a bit later (Code Red or Hy-Road Pearl for me). I wouldn't hesitate changing surface to match up with this ball more. I've used surfaces like 1000, 2000, 3000, and 2000 polished. My favoeite surface is closer to 2000. I haven't drilled a Rocketship, but I have drilled multiple IQ Tours. The IQ Tour goes longer for me and shapes better when there is less surface on the ball. Going to an IQ Tour or Code Red after the Rorrent usually allows me to chase the pattern left and gices me a great blueprint on the lanes to see what they're doing.