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Author Topic: Street Rod  (Read 12106 times)


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Street Rod
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
# Coverstock: Reactorâ„¢ Solid Reactive
# Weight Block: Turbineâ„¢
# Ball Color: Blue/Black All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
# Ball Finish: 2000-grit Abralon
# RG Differential: 0.04 (Medium Flare) on a scale of .000-.080 Low Flare-High Flare
# RG Average: 2.53 (Med-Low) on a scale of 2.43-2.80 Very Low-High Break Point
# Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium Light Oil



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Re: Street Rod
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2008, 01:48:33 PM »

Storm Products has the release two of their hottest, loudest, and fastest Hot Rod
To date The Street .Rod Solid
With  a turbine light bulb weight block
Hook a little early then the pearl for me than the pearl brother
(Pearlize Ball can react difference)
 with certain rolls patterns
STREET ROD SOILD  copies the pearl in hitting power.
The Difference is a earlier mid-lane but not an  early hook
Color Looks and Power. Through difference in tint  both ball look awesome
 Reactive pearl cover stock,

I drilled both  balls almost the same using. Street Rod  Solid
 Dual Angle Layout Technique - Courtesy of Mo Pinel

30° Drilling Angle both pins were drilled through ring finger side
On with a extra hole due to top weight issue
Ball reaction is still strong and very aggressive and versatile
Street Rods are a must for all types of rolls and bowlers
 On Medium condition the twin will rule
Versatility response is controlled by adjusting the drilling technique to maximize the performance of these bowling balls.

Member Of Buddies Pro Staff


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Re: Street Rod
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2008, 02:54:29 PM »
The Street Rod bowling balls introduce a new core to the Storm line. I was excited to see this core shape, because one of my favorite balls years ago was the messenger by Columbia. The Street Rod and messenger share a very similar core shape. I drilled a pin 1-2 out ball, with my pin under my ring finger, and Cg on grip line (5 x 5 3/8).

I have found the Street Rod to give a reaction much like my Screamin' Banshee. The cover is the same, and over all movement is very similar. The Street Rod weight block reads the lane earlier for me than the thunder line, but with less flare and less backend reaction. This is something we needed in our line in my opion.  

I found out of the box, the Street Rod to be a little too aggressive in the midlane for me. After polishing with step 2, then step 3, I then hit the ball on all four quadrants with a well used 2000 abralon pad, and got the reaction I was looking for. The reactor cover gets through the fronts rather easily. The ball just absolutely blends out a walled house shot for me, as well as gives me control on tougher patterns. I used this ball at the RPC in Indiana this year, with great success. It was a key reaction to getting me into the finals. Just last night, I shot 267 (missed seven pin), 280, 278, 279 for 1104 four game block with this ball!!! Whether I am bowling on tough conditions, or a walled house shot, this ball is in my bag.

The new Street Rods simply out perform their price point. This new hot line will be a favorite among many styles of players, as well as give Stormchasers a new reaction style on the lanes. Stop by your local Storm VIP pro shop and ask for the new Street Rod!!!
Tommy Gollick
Storm Regional/Pro Shop staff
Red Crown Pro Shop Harrisburg, PA
God creates us with a blank canvas, and the "picture" we paint is up to us. Paint a picture you like and love!

Mr Straight Ball

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Re: Street Rod
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2008, 11:25:10 AM »
o <---pin
.x <---CG on midline

16.2 - 2.25" pin - 2.36 top

Surface: well used 2000 abralon pad

I had my first chance to try this ball while at Storm's Open House at Country Lanes and that led me to picking one up. This layout makes this ball a power players dream in today's world of wet/dry patterns. Finally, a ball that reminds me of the Lighting Storm thanks to how smooth the ball rolled. I found myself able to play in the track and not watch the ball going sideways. After adjusting the ball to fit my hand just right, I tossed 21/27 strikes between the 10th frame of game 1 through the end of game 3.

For comparison purposes, the 15# Open House ball I tossed had the pin over the ring finger and CG lined up below it. This ball read the midlane sooner then the one I own. Throwing the Open House ball showed me this ball was not going to push by the break because of a little oil. This is more of the type of layout I foresee most opting for because the layout I picked is not very strong.

Great nugget for the price!!!
Baker...Why doesn''t my ball hk?
40 Boards & A Ball Tournament Director
The left sucks & the right is wide open! R.I.P. Brizmo 6/15/08

Bakes...Bevel is for wimps!!!
Storm Products, Inc. family member
40 Boards & A Ball -
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Ko's Glen Burnie Pro Shop


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Re: Street Rod
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2008, 01:01:07 PM »
My Street Rod Solid I have layed out with a 4 x 3 1/2 drilling with a low hole.  My pin is under my ring finger and I have the surface at 2000 abralon.  This ball is unbelievable for its price point.  The Street Rod Solid is extremely smooth and continuous.  The most success I hae with this ball is on the shorter patterns, where it doesnt come off the spot to hard, it just rolls archs.  A very good league pattern ball as well, where you can play closer to the track and not have to go around them to much.

Erik Ramos
PBA Storm Regional Staff
Erik Ramos
PBA Storm Staffer


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Re: Street Rod
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2008, 12:06:13 PM »
See stats for profile. Drilled one to try out.

Lay Out for SRS: 5" from PAP under my ring finger at a 75* angle. This would be a 75/5/75 dual-angle drilling. I did add a weight hole down the VAL to separate the flare some more.

Surface: I have been leaving this at 2000 abr and 4000abr depending on oil volume.

Purpose: To give myself a ball that might be able to be used as a control ball on medium patterns on the fresh backends that some tournament conditions have.

Initial Observations: I have tried this out on some house conditions and also some of the PBAX conditions in our leagues this summer. The two PBAX conditions were the US Open and TOC pattern. On the league pattern, I had to keep it more online to the oily side of the friction. If it caught friction to early, it would leave half tens like crazy, By keeping it in the oil a little longer, the hitting power was better for my ball roll. It surprised me on how nicely it hooked on the two longer patterns, but again at the first sight of burn I would start plaqueing corners.

Final thoughts: This ball would be excellent for me if I had laid it out pin higher to make it respond a little stronger to the friction. The ball initially was closer to a pin in and putting the pin up would have put the CG almost in my ring finger and the top was too high to bury the fingers and get that finger weight out. The cover is just strong enough for me that it will still read early dull and the block is underpowered to read that early for me if there is a lot of friction in the pattern. With this lay out and the balls initial factory dynamics, this is not a good match for me and the SRP will probably be used better in my gaps.

"Why don''t you call me sometime.....when you have no class" ~~Rodney Dangerfield to his college professor in Back to School ~~1986

Mike Craig-Columbus, OH
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH


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Re: Street Rod
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2009, 10:25:48 PM »

It's what I judge a ball on now.  I can't estimate how many balls I have rolled but the ones that were forgiving, consistently, are the ones that stick out in my head.  

I think, but I'm not sure, this ball falls into the "forgiving" class, but it lacks one "forgiving" feature the previous Jolt had.  If I throw this ball far right, it comes back.  If I throw it too straight, it glides into the pocket.  However, it does nothing if you don't rev the ball.  The Jolt would come back hard if I let go to soon and didn't have the revs.  

Drilled Pin over and CG in my palm, It gives a consistent throw.  I have thrown about 5 games now and the scores continue to go up.  Also what I have noticed is that this cover drinks oil.  I will update after league this week.


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Re: Street Rod
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2009, 11:05:24 PM »
Storms Street Rod Solid is a great compliment to anyone’s bag who wants an aggressive yet controllable ball motion. If you don’t look at the picture provided I will explain the drilling. (3 ½” X 3 ½”) The pin is above the finger and the cg is angle into my grip-line at approximately 15 degrees. Depending on what patterns I face this is my heavy surface ball (500, 1000 grit abralon). This ball is strong throughout the lane but with the drilling is hard and controllable on the back ends. Even with the strong surface and ball it gets through the heads very clean with a nice arcing but strong motion. I would strongly approve this ball if you are looking for a dependable ball on medium to heavy oil. At a very affordable price!

Picture of Drilling:


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Re: Street Rod
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2009, 11:39:49 PM »
Ball is drilled with two fingers. Drilled 6 x 6 1/8 pin 2.5" up. Ball is at 4000 abralon. I like this ball when i need to keep a square look to the pocket but like to keep my speed and rotation in my comfort zone. Ball motion is very smooth without a lot of boards covered. Great ball from Storm. Thanks to monty stratton at bowlers depot oceanside.


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Re: Street Rod
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2009, 07:46:07 PM »
Good for a controlled arc ball smooth most of the way through depending on if the ball cover stock was altered. over all great ball to use on most conditions provided the knowledge of game lane play is known.
Kevin Brophy William Paterson Bowling Team
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