Reviews => Storm => Topic started by: admin on December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM
Seeking to expand the perfect combination of power and control, the trailblazing Super Charge cuts through oil and digs into the backends.
SUPER CHARGEâ„¢ Technical Specifications:
Coverstock MONSOONâ„¢ Solid Reactive
Weight Block True-Rollâ„¢ Design
Ball Color Orange / Grape Crush
Ball Finish 800-grit Matte
Radius of Gyration 2.460 (Low)
Differential .050 (High)
Durometer 76 - 78 Rex D-scale
Flare Potential 6 (High)
Fragrance Orange
Weights 10 - 16 lbs.
We drilled this one for one of our customers 4 x 4 hole on PAP. He bowled on synthetics on the second shift of league. This ball is a keeper. Very strong bowling ball. This ball cleared the front pretty good and made a strong move into the pocket. He was standing about 25 sending it to about 10 and this ball came roaring back. It was actually a little too strong for the lane condition. Ball never quit, though, even though they were hooking. Didn't appear to hook and stop. This ball appears to be a great ball for medium to oily conditions. I was impressed with the carry, decent length, and the powerful backend. The smell is pretty good too!!! I think that if you are looking for a ball for those med. to oily conditions, than this would be a great choice. We will post more when more are drilled.
Robert Gogolak
Sales at Junior's Pro Shop
visit us at:
Full online pro shop with very, very competitive pricing.
Testing 123... Hi, I am a beginner. Finally, I am in the forum.. Lkike to hi to all you bowlers out there...
pin 4 and 1/2 45 degrees, hole 3" from grip center on midline
storm 1 finish
I am a tweener with about 375 - 400 rpms and 18mph ball speed.
I have thrown this on a variety of conditions now, and I am beyond impressed with this ball. It is the benchmark ball that storm lost when they discontinued the Tour Power. Now don't get me wrong, it's in no way a Tour Power, but it's the midlane rolling solid reactive ball that I think storm has been missing for a while.
This ball has an extremely smooth breakpoint move, it just gets started pretty early. This isn't a hook monster, but at the same time has to have some heads to be effective. Great all around ball though......
------O--O----- LEGEND: O = finger or thumb holes
------@------- @ = pin
--------------- * = CG
--*--------- (YES this is drilled for a lefty)
hey I finally got around to drilling up that Super Power. I drilled it with the pin under my ring by 1/4" and kicked the cg out 2 1/2" with a 2 1/2" pin. I tend to have a slower ball speed not granny style slow but not average. I'm a lefty who loves to play all lines to the pocket. basically whatever gets me a strike. There's one word that defines this ball. WOW!!! I threw this ball on a heavier oil house shot and this ball did two things. fist of all it flat out hooked and second it harder then mike tyson in the ring. If I hit high, STRIKE!!! If I hit low, STRKIE!!! it was like this ball was unstoppable. I even played right through the middle of the lane where the oil is the heaviest and it still hooked a grip load. This has got to be the ball of the year, well this and probably the FF (Fear Factor) Storm has done it again. I don't know what they're doing but whatever it is, they should definitely keep up the great work. I'm not one of those people that only stays to one company either. I go with whatever looks like it would work for me to my best advantage. I have a few brunswick, ebonite, Storm, Columbia 300, track, and one roto grip ball and they all seem to be working fine but this one definitely out does them all by far. I feel like there is nothing that can stop me. this ball comes flying back to the pocket just when you would think it's going to go into the gutter and there's only about 15 feet left til the pin deck, but zoom it's like I'm throwing one of Chris Barnes bowling balls. Oh well I feel like I've said way too much. You can tell what is good for you if you never go out and try something yourself. After all you aren't the same type of bowler as I am. So get off of your computer and go bowl like every man should do.
Why does everyone have to hate on the Lefties
If you know you can't beat them you minus will join them.
I was excited to see a solid reactive from storm with a low RG. I had this drilled with pin under my ring finger, CG 2.5 inches down from that, no hole. I tried this out on a fairly fresh house pattern with flying back ends. This ball is very strong. I had to move left 5 with my feet and 4 with my target (from my normal line on this pattern) in order to hit the pocket. The ball is strong, probably the strongest ball I own now. It read midlane and made a hard continuous roll thru the deck. It hits hard. Later as carry down occurred I was able to move right and it was easier to control and seem to hit even better. This core seems to match up well with the cover. It is a good example of matching core to the cover rather than wrapping a different cover around same core over and over.
Well, this is my very first review of a Storm bowling ball... although NOT the very first Storm ball I've ever purchased. In the fall of 2001 I used a Trauma ER, the Super Power duo, and the Tour Power in league competition. All were highly successful, but I never submitted any reviews on those pieces.
Brunswick has been my favorite ball company for eleven years (with Track a distant second). During that same period of time, I have seen the growth of Storm with regard to equipment and popularity. I have read many reviews here and elsewhere on Storm bowling balls; most if not all of them were positive and informative. Right now, I am a point where I want to expand and experiment, and I feel that Storm will reveal some unknowns about my own game.
Anyway, here is my review of the new Storm Super Charge!
I had this fifteen-pounder (2" pin out, 3.96 oz. top) drilled 4 1/4" X 3 1/2" (pin under ring finger, mass bias on VAL, X-hole on PAP) and kept the 800-grit-matte box finish. It was tested on fresh oil (a blended 42' house pattern) with stripped backends.
This ball rolls early and heavy with a clean break to the pocket. It finishes strong with a smashing blow to the rack. With the low RG, high differential, and unique core design, the Super Charge could be a economy version of the X Factor line.
In one stretch I rolled seventeen Xs in eighteen frames. In only three games of practice I rolled 724 (223-265-236), but I know better days are ahead!
Call it the "Storm front", 'cause this is only the beginning!
Review #2 of the Storm Super Charge:
I debuted this ball on a Saturday night mixed league at Harbor Freeway Lanes in Port Clinton, Ohio. Rolled 737 (225-278-234) with only one open frame: an errant 2-4-8-10 split caused by operator error. As a result, I raised my average nearly six pins after struggling the previous six nights...
Many fellow bowlers were asking about the new Super Charge, and one of them was particularly impressed with the breaking action on the fresher and medium/heavy oil. This rock never gave up in the midlane; it kept its reaction right through the oil transition, something I've been having trouble with the past few weeks.
I already e-mailed and complemented Storm, and I hope that a pearlized version of this ball will hit the market soon. The new MONSOON coverstock could very well be Storm's answer to Brunswick's Activator Coverstock.
My performance last night made me a believer in Storm products, and I look forward to doing more business with the company in the immediate future! Keep up the fine work!
Review #3!
Rolled 755 series (256-276-223) in league play last night with this ball. I could have very well rolled an 800, but two missed 10-pins in the last game cost me (operator errors again, this time with the spare ball)! Added nearly four more sticks to my Monday night average (from 213.1 up to 216.6).
The lanes were a little slicker than Saturday night, mainly due to humidity. The Super Charge, however, still lives up to its name: slicing through the midlane oil with super roll, then charging back to destroy rack after rack! What amazes me is the fact that the MONSOON coverstock still has the same relative out-of-the-box matte finish after nine games in the oil! Of course, proper cleaning and care afterwards helps out!
Nine games (three practice, six league): 246.22 average! Thanks again to all at Storm for adding a Super Charge to my game!
Behind the approaching front, the perfect Storm is about to be unleashed...
There is one ball that deserves a 10.0 on a 10.0 scale for hit. You guessed it, the Faball Nova Pearl!
Eric Topham, M.B.A.
Chemical Engineer by Degree, State Employee by Day, and an M.B.A at night in the Proshop.
Doesn't make any sense does it?
Lane Conditions: Medium Oil (Synthetic lanes)
Ball Weight: 14lb
Pin: 3"
PAP: 5" right, 3/4" up
Drilled: 3 3/8" x 3 3/8" (stacked leverage) (Balance Hole: 1" below PAP)
Ball Surface: Factory/box
Bowler: Right hand / Stroker
I just tried a few games today with this new ball from Storm. The experience so far is fantastic, it did exactly what I expected - a very stable and controllable ball. This ball is smooth and predictable.
The ball rolls early and heavily with a nice curve back end, the control through the heads and midlane make this ball one of best on the market. This is a heavy flare ball, I got 4 inch of track flare in the oil. It also hits the pins very hard.
I tried different line with different speed and hand release, it is very versatile and forgiving. If I move left, slow the speed down and put more hand to the side, it will hook more and curve it's way back to the pocket. On the other hand, if I move right, increase speed and put hand behind the ball, it will go longer and then make a nice smaller hook to the pocket.
At first I am worried that this ball will roll and hook too soon while the back end is not enough, but after a few games today, I can confirm that it's a perfect ball for the medium oil synthetic lanes. It rolls perfectly with a smooth back end, BUT it's not a skid/hard flip ball.
The only problem I think is drying head, also do not use it on dry lanes. On the other hand, I am worried how long the "Monsoon Solid Reactive" coverstock will last.
It is a bit early to make a conclusion without trying on other conditions, i.e. carrydown or heavy oil condition, but so far it seems this is a great ball if you are looking for control and smoothness.
Steve Chan
Used the same layout as my Flash Point (pin over bridge, CG off to the right) however this ball we pitched the balance hole away from the core in order to leave the shape of the core intact.
This ball works awesome one the fresh, and combats carrydown pretty well. Rolls very even and hard. Possibly Storm's best dull ball in a very long time.
Sportstop Bowler's Shop
Long Island, NY
First let me give you the layout of my ball.
----O O----- Finger Holes
------@----- Pin Placemnent
-------- * - CG
---- O ----- Thumb Hole
Yesterday 02/20/04 was the second week I have used this ball in my league play. First week I tried to swing the ball out and let it come back like a banana. Did not work for me, because I do not put a lot of revs on the ball. Last night went up the boards, stood at 15 through it to 10 and right into the pocket. Three game set was 191 212 225. This ball is extremely versatile, one could rev it up and swing it wide, or you can play up the boards with it. A great ball 10 out of 10.
Review #2
My Super Charge has more than 80 games now and this is my second review.
Although I clean my ball using Storm's "Reacta Clean" after every game, the "Monsoon Solid Reactive" coverstock lost the traction after 60 games and the backend is pretty weak.
So I used Track's "Clean ’N Dull" to deep clean and restore the tackiness. It helps a lot, but can only bring back around 70% of the performance when compare to new.
Does anyone have the same experience? Any suggestions on this issue? It seems there are a few negative reviews regarding the "Monsoon Solid Reactive" coverstock that it dies quickly. Please share your point of view.
Thanks for reading.
Steve Chan
All I can say is WOW, this ball will hook. I had the ball drilled with the pin to the right and below my ring finger and the cg in my grip line. I thought this ball would be weaker than my deuce, which has the same drilling and grit, but this ball is a good 5 boards stronger and hits better and unlike my deuce, it doesn't shine up after 6 games. The monsoon coverstock is great. I cant wait to get rid of my x-factor and my deuce, so I can buy the xxx factor, which has the pearlized version of the monsoon coverstock. Well, I will give you a review on the xxx when I get it and I hope its as positive as this one.
There are no bad bowlers, if you show up and do you're best, you're a good bowler in my book! Stormy Normy
I got this ball about two weeks ago and boy it hooks like a mad man. This ball is drilled with the pin right next to the ring finger. Bad thing about this ball it may have to much drive. I have left alot of 8-10 and 9's.
At first it wasn't as good as I figured it would be. But the more I throw it the better it seems to get. It is starting to have a massive amount of hook ability. The line I mostly play on wood lanes, dry and flooded is, I stand in the middel and I throw it out to the right and it finds it way back to the pocket nicely. It is drilled to be agressive and it is just that. On synthetic lanes it's not as good, I still can't find a good line that works. It doesn't hook good at all on anything but wood, but I mostly bowl on wood anyways so it's ok.
I got this ball about a month ago and it has over 20 games on it. I got it used from a great member of this site, trouter13, great person to deal with and a great teammate of mine at Penn State Berks. He gave it to me polished. Had it redrilled to fit me but kept the drilling the same. Pin seven o'clock under ring. Cg kicked way out. Pretty aggressive drilling.
I needed a middle oil ball to play up the outside on conditions where the inside does not produce results with my fear factor. This ball does exactly what I want it to do. I have to play hard and fairly straight up the outside. Thsi ball is great from like 5 to 8 boards. I normally play a little crank from like 9 to 6 and this ball will come stormin to the pocket. It hits very hard and make the loudest sounds when it hits as you will hear from any ball.
This ball will leave corners if you are not careful and you don't put much hand in it. But since I throw it pretty fast and with loft this ball gets the pins flying. The recommended line for me and probably this ball for the people who have little crank is play a 18-20 foot loft and play from like 9-8 board at the arrows to 7-6 at break point and put a decent amount of hand in it. I call this ball the mika ball because when you throw the line i said above you feel like mika throwing a ball. After a while, the scent gets a bit annoying too. My ball stinks up my whole playroom where i have my balls and it is in a four ball bag, that is how much this ball smells. It smells like orange but a strong orange it is!
This ball I would recommend to any speed players who want to play up the outside. Overall, I would say a 9.5 out of ten because you can't play the inside and hit well on a consistent basis on all surfaces.
A lot of people say i carry a lot. I carry more than the average bear in my mind. But if people and even I think that why can't i defeat the ten pin when i want it to go. I am ready to step up and fight the ten pin. Are you with me? Come on lets go!
I just got this ball from PerfectStorm and it is in great shape. It is drilled with the pin above the fingers stacked. I like the way this ball handles the oil. It makes a solid move to the pocket and hits as good as any of my other Storm balls. It isn't snappy at all with a very controllable arc. The only probablem I had was that it burned up my track pretty fast, which was probably a result of there not being much oil to begin with. This ball will be tremendous when there is medium - medium heavy oil out there.
Chris Winchester
Everyone else just takes shelter!
i throw ball, ball rolll down lane, hooks like a mad man. crushes pocket. strike
now on a serious note....great med-med heavy ball from storm. not recommended for lite oil pattern, will hook early and burn up, thus leave plak 10's all night. get inside and sent it right, it'll come back. this ius my 1st ball out of the bag.
lane surface= AMF HPL2000
oil pattern= 37 ft oil application with buff to 44 ft.
typical house pattern of the present day of bowling.
I got this ball when it first came out. I have mine drilled with the pin above and between the bridge and the CG at 45degrees. This ball rolls up really quickly. The problem is that it burns up too fast. My solution was to polish it. After I polished it, I haven't had a problem since.
I don't see much oil here in Canada, but if I do hear of a tournament that will have some oil, then I wouldn't be afraid to dull it up.
Great ball for the money.
14 lbs,
Drilled :
------@--- pin
Medium oil. Wood lanes.
Straight out of the box.
I just got this ball two days ago. Man does this ball hit. This is a very controllable ball, that just eats through the oil. The first game I played was not that good(150,because I just needed to adjust to a ball that I could really control. Now the second and third game was a different story.(210),(265). This is my first storm ball and I am very happy with it. The ball has only 6 games on it, but it gets better with every game. I would recommend this ball to anyone. You wont be sorry. Just keep it clean!!!!!!
I have had this ball for about 5 months. I don't remember the specs. I think it had basic 3inch pin 3oz top. It is drilled 5 X 4 with a big weight hole drilled with the hole through the GC the CG to the VAL. The Cg is below the GC.
O xh
This balls does hook but it needs some dry area. Its very smooth rolling. I have had several 300s and 800s. And bowled very well in several tournaments with this ball.
Sorry about the layout.
Thanks Jay.
Lane Conditions: Heavy Oil
Typical Conditions: Variety of Shots
Type of Lane: All Synthetic
What part of the lane did you play? Second Arrow
Did the ball track out? Normal
Weight of bowling ball: 15
Surface of bowling ball: Factory/Box
What grit was the surface of the ball? 600
Likes: Greatness in one ball
Dislikes: Dryness
Got this from the Great Dave Olm of Florida.... and MAN!! I drilled it myself and MAN!!!!!!!!! I drilled it up on the same day in my doubles tournament w/ the GreAt 290 Bryan Higgins... we got 2nd and I was pleased w/ the reaction..... Very great.. I would recommend to anyone... it seems this is everyones 300 ball..... that would be great if it was mine too... lol.. Its drilled w/ leverage and a weight hole... Never sand this... its great the way it is... and it says it has a scent... and I havent even SMELLed it myself! lol im crazy
Cranker, 17.5 mph, 450 rev, very high track, bowl mostly on sport shots.
I HATE THIS BALL! I've had it for about 6 months now and have tried it on just about every condition.
I love Storm, but not this one. This ball jsut doesn't roll good for me for some reason. I've tried polishing and sanding the surface, but it doesn't seem to matter. Might not be a good ball for players with a high roll. I have the pin well about the fingers at 12:30 and still track the thumb hole with this ball sometimes. The Razor Wire is a much better ball and is supposed to do about the same thing.
Had this ball for about a year now and it is still a great second and third game ball. This ball takes some imagination in order to use, so I can see why some people struggle with it. Have the pin under the fingers and cg kicked out about 2 inches at 4:00 from pin. This ball is polished.
The second game this ball comes into use for me about 95% of the time now. In the second game I use the same type of style (semi-stroker with a little power loft in which I come slightly around the ball) as I do with the ace and play around 7 out to 5 with this ball. Average the lowest of the three games around 185.
The third game the lanes really get weird on my house shot and I usually end up going up three with a flat wrist like a ten pin, I just angle it enough to get back to the pocket. Average around 205 doing this.
You have to be creative in order to use this ball. It kinda forces you the deeper into a set you get to get more creative with the line you play. It hits very hard and makes almost as loud of a noise as my ace. You normally leave more solid 7s with this ball then 10s. I give this ball after a year around a 9.5 out of 10.
Seven basic mottos of bowling:
1)Versatility leads to greatness
2)Be a man, stand up for yourself, blame the balls or the lanes
3)When you get a lucky strike, flex the big muscles of steel
4)Always have a deadeye approach to spares
5)Always have a backup plan
6)When you bowl bad and someone that wasn't there asked you how you did, just say i was bowling with a hot chick, so i bowled bad
7)Sex and bowling do go together somehow
Specs in p-file.
Came 15lb 5oz, but thumb has been plugged and fingers 2 times. ( had it plugged grips to no grips, and i plugged the thumb and fingers. Got it from my left hand buddy)
We drilled this bad boy up 4 by 3 3/8, pin next to ring finger. Weight hole on PAP, kinda big but NOT really deep.(when i measured it, it was 15/16?) Polished it to 1500 grit so i can use it as my more med plus a little ball.
Well it has the kinda reaction i like, has mid lane with a very strong roll threw out the backend. The ball started revving up at the arrows it looked like!
I have already shot 246 in a tourney with it.
This well be my main "go to" ball.
Taking over the lanes with Mother Nature!
Eye of the Storm(founder)
Ball comes nicely. First night out I shot a small 700 with it and I can't say I even threw the ball real well that night.
Will hang a little in real deep oil...will race real hard if you keep it at 800 and start the ball in the dry. Worked best as a ball I started around 16 and ran out to about 8.
Hits hard, carries well. Left two ten pins on first night out. I deserved them both.
Fast reving,loves oil! Our house shot 39ft buffed to 45ft.
Heads dry out,goes in the bag.I throw it better at
1500-2500 grit polished, than stock cover 800 grit matte
Monsoon cover to me,needs to stay clean for consistant
response.All in all -Well Done STORM!!
This is my first storm bowling ball and I am impressed. This ball gets into a roll very nicely and bites hard at the end. I am a lefty that rolls about 15mph and medium to high revs. It is a very forgiving ball to what I can see. It hits very hard not as hard as my Morich TS@A go figure. It is a great 3rd game ball for the way I throw it. This ball can go deep and straight up depending on how you throw it. I have only practiced with it so far and on a dry house shot and it did well. I have not gotten it out on oil yet so this review is only from a bowler that has used it on dry oil. When I get it out on oil I will post more.
This was my very first storm, and i was very impressed with it and it ended up being my favorite ball. unfortantly it was a 14 pound and the next season i ended up haveing to switch to 16 units to get me to slow down. when i use to throw the ball alot slower it would start its role about mid lane our so then when it hit dry it would explode and fly into the pocket. but for being a 14 and me being a stroker at the time i didnt get great pin reaction sometimes leaving a lone pin like the freakin annoying 10 pin, but sometimes it was just coming in at a bad angle
This ball is just awesome. Hooks the most out of all my bowling balls. Pin is right next to the ring finger. This ball hooks in a lot of oil and can also stay straighter on drier lanes. I love this ball.