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Super Natural
« on: April 04, 2013, 10:18:47 AM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
Storm Super Natural Ball Specs:
- Color: Red Pearl/Red Solid All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Coverstock: U3Sâ„¢ Hybrid Urethane
- Core: Turbineâ„¢ Core
- Factory Finish: 1500-grit Polished
- Reaction: Medium
- Fragrance: ??
- Recommended Lane Condition: Light-Medium Oil
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal

Description:The Storm Natural line just keeps getting better. Back and better than ever the Storm Super Natural, this ball offers control along with predictability. The Super-charged Natural will go longer down the lanes with more hitting power.



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Re: Super Natural
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2013, 01:27:42 PM »
SUPER NATURAL review by Storm staffer Jeff Richgels

DRILLED May 11, 2013
The SUPER NATURAL specs are here:
You can see a picture of it in my blog here:

I had some quick success when I first drilled a urethane NATURAL after it came out a few years ago. That included nearly winning a PBA Regional on Cheetah with it.
It gave me great control at the predictable cost of sacrificing some striking power that you get with resin balls.  The one thing I didn’t like about the NATURAL was when I shined it up it would skid way too much in today’s oils. That meant I had to keep it relatively scuffed which often made it difficult to use on burned conditions.
So the NATURAL didn’t get a lot of use for me, even though my slow ball speed should make it a key niche in my arsenal.
So you can perhaps imagine my excitement when I heard about the SUPER NATURAL, with what Storm called a “super urethane” – U3S -- that would provide the control of the NATURAL with “a touch of aggression on the backend found in” the Reactor and R2S coverstocks.
I ordered a SUPER NATURAL as soon as I could and drilled it 4 x 3 x 5. The pin is partially drilled out by my ring finger and the CG Is kicked a bit to the right with about a 75-degree drilling angle. I have a small weight hole at about P2 to make it static legal.
The goal was a strong enough drilling to get it into a roll and be able to play on a wet/dry oil line like you see on many short patterns and wet/dry burn patterns. The shiny cover and U3S would hopefully give it just enough kick on the back end. It also should have more power than the NATURAL and your typical plastic ball due to the Turbine core, which gives it several inches of a track flare.
So far I have thrown my SUPER NATURAL on Brunswick Pro Anvilane synthetics a wet/dry house shot and on a PBA Viper pattern on AMF HPL synthetics.
And it has given me about what I expected along with perhaps a little more reaction in one way.
It’s also enabled me to retire – at least for now – my polyester SOCCER BALL for spares.
On the wet/dry house shot, I could play down and in exactly as I expected. The only difference from my TROPICAL BREEZE was a smoother reaction on the back-end.
What shocked me was the look I had when I moved into the oil and swung it. Where my NATURAL would never have been able to turn the corner and return to the pocket, the SUPER NATURAL made a fairly strong move and turned the corner to the pocket, though it definitely wasn’t the snap you see with resin.
It reminded me of throwing a shiny urethane ball back in the pre-resin days.
On the fresh Viper, I was able to control my reaction with just a little less striking power and area than resin. That made me choose resin balls, but in retrospect that may have been a mistake as I was under after three games before recovering to miss the cut by just 13 pins at 80 over.
What really surprised me was how good it was for spares.
I scuff up polyester balls for spares or they simply squirt too much for my taste on today’s lane oils. So I was a little worried about how the shiny SUPER NATURAL would work, both in squirting too much and in reacting too much on the back-end.
But the cover has not squirted too much for my taste yet and I can make the back-end reaction stay very controlled or pick up enough to take out the 8 in the 2-8, for example.
So I used it for spares in PBA50 Regionals on Viper and Scorpion over Memorial Day weekend and my only miss the entire weekend was a chopped 6-10.
Does this really matter? I think it does because it will allow me to replace my SOCCER BALL – which I would never use for strikes -- with the SUPER NATURAL – which may come into use for strikes.  That’s a logistical bonus for sure.
I think the SUPER NATURAL could be a great fit for many people, both for short and hooking burn patterns and as a spare ball. Even a straight player might find use for it in being able to stay to the right where resin balls might force a move to uncomfortably deep territory.


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Re: Super Natural
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2013, 06:08:33 PM »
Super Natural
PAP - 4 3/16 over 1/4 up
Ball Speed 17-18 mph
Rev Rate 300-350
Right Handed
Layout 53 x 2.375  x 33
Surface Preparation: OOB

What I was looking for: Ive never had much luck with Urethane balls in the past. When I heard about this ball I knew it was going to be something worth giving a shot. I drilled it to pick up pretty early and just be overall very smooth.

What I got: This is the best reaction out of a Urethane type ball I have ever
gotten. It has an extremely smooth roll. Normally with urethane I could never have the kind of recovery area that I get with this ball. I don’t leave as many flat 10s as I have with other urethane balls.

When nothing else is working in the track area or deeper with higher end stuff, this is an incredible ball to just go up the boards with and get you out of a lot of trouble. I am loving this ball on short oil patterns like the Cheetah.

There is nothing like it, very interesting ball and a must have in anyone’s bag.
Steven Fagan
Storm Pro Shop Staff
Lexington, KY


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Re: Super Natural
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2013, 11:01:59 AM »


Volume:Low and Medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS and Cheetah

]I am not a big fan of urethane ball but the Super Natural is the exception. The cover provides more length than the original Natural and with a bigger backend motion. The backend motion is more than the Natural Pearl or the Natural. The layout I chose for the Super Natural is pin at 1:30 from the grip and 3 3/8 from my PAP with no extra hole or 100 X 3 3/8 X 45 for the dual angle people. My axis point is 5 5/8 over and ¾ up, Rev rate around 300, Ball Speed around 15 mph and I am more of a up the back of the ball guy. I prefer to go straighter through the front part of the lane. Honestly the only reason why I drilled the Super Natural is for the shorter PBA and Sport Patterns so I could stay within my comfort zone.

I threw the Super Natural on a house pattern and also a version of Cheetah. The house pattern was adventure especially after the carry down happened. The Super Natural was just not strong enough to make the turn or finish strong enough to get the corners out.  However, before the carry down I could play farther to the right with ease and go as straight as I wanted to.  The center that I bowled at does not have strong backends to begin with and the carry down took whatever backend motion away.  The Super Natural was fantastic on the low volume and short Cheetah pattern. The carry down that did happen just helped the Super Natural go through the pins!  The Super Natural did everything and more than I expected on the Cheetah Pattern. Like I said before, I just drilled the Super Natural for the short PBA and Sport Patterns.  If my rev rate was higher and I wanted to play closer to the dry part of the lane the Super Natural is a good option.

I believe that the Super Natural is an upgrade from the Natural and Natural Pearl.

Likes:The ability to play straighter on the dry

Dislikes:Urethane Cover

Daniel Schaden
Storm/RotoGrip Pro Shop Staff
Vise Grip Staff Member since 2002
Bowlers Corner Pro Shop since 2002


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Super Natural
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2013, 07:40:18 PM »

Length:40 ft


Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS

The Super Natural is a great ball for dyer or shorter patterned lanes. I drilled mine straight up pin above ring cg below.For me this ball reacted 3 or 4 boards stronger than original natural. I could play straighter and the ball would be clean through the heads but have a mid lane move and just roll up. Playing straight with this ball is amazing. You can even belly the ball a little depending on lane play. This ball should be a go to ball for when the lanes break down and you need turn for the burn.

Wes Newman
Storm Advisory Staff
Vise Grip Staff
Bowlarama Lanes ProShop


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Re: Super Natural
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2013, 06:00:52 PM »
My Super Natural Layout: 60 degrees x 3 1/2" x 1 3/4"

I'll be the first to admit that urethane is not a cover choice I need to make very often. That's most evident by the fact that this is the first urethane ball I have owned since a black Rhino Pro in my younger days. Back then I would see some lane conditions that required a tamer downlane reaction since resin was still fairly new and most lane surfaces were still wood.

When the Super Natural was announced and I saw that the cover was a NEW U3S hybrid urethane I was very interested to see what this ball would do. I had seen plenty of bowlers throw the Natural and Natural Pearl with plenty of success and expected a nice blend of those two balls with a touch more performance. The Super Natural does not disappoint.

The first practice ball I threw with the Super Natural, hot off the drill press, went way left of the headpin catching the 2 pin left center. I definitely underestimated the strength of the Super Natural by 5-7 boards. I stood father left than the new Tropical Breeze when testing on the same THS which really surprised me. The Super Natural gave me a touch of forgiveness to the right and left but I still had to keep the ball pretty much right in front of me if I wanted to get it to the pocket. Next I was impressed with the hitting power and it's ability to strike without being dead flush.

My summer sport league had Boardwalk out the week I got the Super Natural so I was able to test it on a pattern that I would most likely need to use it on. The Super Natural performed well on the pattern as you would expect but I have a couple of asymmetric balls with layouts specifically for short patterns so the Super Natural would not be my go to ball on such a pattern. At least not on the fresh. However, I could see higher rev players or those with lower ball speeds who have trouble controlling the backend on shorter patterns taking advantage of what the Super Natural offers on shorter patterns.

I had a no-thumb friend of mine give the Super Natural a try to compare it to his Natural Pearl. On Boardwalk the Super Natural was 3-4 boards stronger than his Natural Pearl which was not quite strong enough on the fresh for him. Those of you lamenting the discontinuation of the Natural now have a legitimate replacement option to add to your bag.


Conditions I have used the Lights Out on: 40' THS, Boardwalk (35')

Where it fits in my bag: It it just above my Tropical Breeze (Blue/Green/Yellow) in overall strength and below every other ball in my bag.

When I use it: When I see a pattern shorter than 35' with a little less volume than Boardwalk. I definitely could have used this ball when struggling on Sydney last year. My other short oil balls just burned up too much on Sydney.


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Re: Super Natural
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2013, 09:06:00 PM »

Pin Length: 3-3.5

Starting Top Weight: 3

Ball Weight:15


Pin to PAP:3.5

CG to PAP:4

X Hole (if there is one):none


Rev Rate:350

Ball Speed:19 off hand

PAP/Track:4 over 1/2 up


Grit: 3000

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): Matte




Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): ths and Nationals D/S


Super Natural gets down the lane like a Urethane but hits like a beast of a reactive. It hooks, hits and carries better than all previously made urethanes plus some reactive.  Light mix and high flush both results in a high percentage of strikes.  Simple label layout with 3.5 p2p and I can play up the boards on medium and swing it when the heads dries up. 

Second one on the way since they’re having trouble keeping them in stock.  The bright red color is also very flashy touch. 

With clean backends, it's on par with the new tropical breeze overall motion.  The difference occurs when the pattern starts to break down.  I move right with Super Natural and left with everything else.


Likes: Allows me to stay right (I'm a righty) and avoid most traffic without sacrificing much carry.



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Re: Super Natural
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2013, 08:34:17 PM »

This ball is so much better then the original Natural. Where the original Natural lacks in backend motion this Natural really moves on the backend, and really slaps the 7 pin out.  When the lanes are very dry this ball allows me to square up and play where no one else can.  So if you are looking for a weaker ball with strong hitting power, this is the ball for you.  It's great on shorter sport patterns and is undoubtedly the best urethane ball out there!


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Re: Super Natural
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2013, 01:47:20 PM »
The Super Natural is Storm’s latest urethane release having combined pearl and solid to create the all new U3S hybrid urethane cover stock. The engine is the same as the previous Naturals, The Turbine core. This core gives bowler’s ample amount of flare potential, when considering the cover strength of the ball. The Super Natural has very nice shelf appeal with its red pearl and darker red almost burgundy solid cover. The polished 1500 grit surface, and the bright yellow labels, with the cool emblem reminded me of a classic car. The Super Natural will definitely fill the bill of someone wanting a cool looking bowling ball.
Don’t let the cool looks fool you though, this ball is all about performance on drier lanes. The biggest difference with the Super Natural, compared to the Natural Pearl, is the change of direction. While the Super Natural isn’t a “reactive” move, it does read the lane stronger than any other urethane ball that Storm has released in the recent past. Second arrow and out on our regular house shot seems to be the preferred area to play with the Super Natural. We have been trying out a recreational pattern that has only 11 mL of oil, and is only 36 feet in length, and this ball is a monster on it. The Super Natural hits and carries like a reactive ball on this pattern. I haven’t left a lot of 7 pins with this ball. If and when I do leave a single pin, I have seen more 8 pins than anything else.
I have had great success with the Natural and the Natural pearl in the past when bowling on wood lanes, as well as Pro-Anvilane. I have had a bit of trouble carrying with those urethane balls on AMF HPL. I am hoping that as the regional schedule is picking up, this ball will be my go to for those shorter, hooking patterns on HPL that we often see in the east region. With the popularity of shorter patterns, any tournament bowler should look into buying a Super Natural.  When reactive is just way too strong, the Super Natural will step in and fit as needed.
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Storm Super Natural Ball Review by Casey Murphy
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2013, 07:41:48 PM »
Orientation:  Right Handed
Rev Rate:  400 RPM
Speed:  16-17 MPH
PAP:  5 across ¾ up

Location:  Enterprise Park Lanes, Springfield MO
Pattern:  High Volume THS
Layout:  50, 4 7/8, 75 w/ P4 hole

YES!  FINALLY!  This is the urethane ball I always wanted from Storm!  The Natural and Natural Pearl were okay but I never quite matched up with their reactions.  They were always 4-5 boards from being really really good for me.  The Super Natural is just what I was looking for.  It’s about 4-5 boards more than either the Natural or Natural Pearl.  I would compare it to the length of a Tropical Breeze but with a smoother but strong backend.  The Super Natural is very useable on house conditions when the track gets burned up or if you want to play further right of your friends.   It automatically has a spot in my back for shorter sport conditions.  It’s going to be a ball I used for years and years to come!

Tony Reynaud

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Re: Super Natural
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2013, 01:03:04 PM »
COVERSTOCK: U3Sâ„¢ Hybrid Urethane
WEIGHT BLOCK: Turbineâ„¢ Core
LIGHT WEIGHT BLOCK: Modified Centripetalâ„¢ Core
FACTORY FINISH: 1500-grit Polished
BALL COLOR: Red Pearl/Red Solid
DUROMETER: 75-77 Rex D-scale
FLARE POTENTIAL: 3” - 4” (Medium)
WEIGHTS: 12-16 lbs.

My layout: 60 x 3 1/2 "x 45
My PAP: 4 3/4" over 1 5/8 up

When reading bowling ball reviews I feel it is important to know a little bit about the person who is writing them. I not a high rev player and my ball speed is average. Besides my leagues I managed to bowl 60-70 sweepers and tournaments a year.

The Super Natural is not a ball that is going to be in my hand very often. Even though I roll the ball early, I haven’t run into many conditions over the past few years where I needed to drop down to a urethane ball. On the normal house patterns I have tried the Super Natural on, the ball went very straight for me. I had to really work it to make it finish for me.  Keep in mind that I could have used a Marvel S on the same condition. A friend of mine that doesn't use his thumb made the ball look pretty good. I have to consider this ball being a very condition specific ball.

If you’re a high rev player fighting the heads then Super Natural may make a good addition in your bag. If you are a straight guy who bowls on very dry or wood lanes this ball may help you also. I just haven’t run into many situations personally where I needed to use urethane.

In short, since I am a staffer and drill everything Storm comes out with, it won’t hurt me to keep this in my car in case I run into that very dry lane condition down the road sometime. If you are a straight player like me, who can’t drill everything that comes out, I rather see you buy something like the Lights Out or Freak’n Frantic. I think you get more mileage out of either one of those two balls. If you are a high rev player this ball might be the ball for you, because you probably fight the heads more often.. Storm makes many different bowling balls that will work for many different styles. Some balls fit well for some players, and not others, and vice versa. Even though I am not in a position to rave about the Super Natural, that doesn't mean someone else with different circumstances won’t love it. We staffers write reviews to help people narrow the many choices that are on the bowling ball market. 


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Re: Super Natural
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2013, 09:33:53 PM »
Coverstock: U3Sâ„¢ Hybrid Urethane

Weight Block: Turbineâ„¢ Core

Light Weight Block: Modified Centripetalâ„¢ Core

Factory Finish: 1500-grit Polished

Ball Color: Red Pearl/Red Solid

Durometer: 75-77 Rex D-scale

Flare Potential: 3” - 4” (Medium)

Weight: 15 lbs.  rg. 2.55    diff. 0.038

layout: 65/4/40
pap: 4-> 3/4^

Storm's latest urethane release, the Super Natural. The name of the ball speaks for itself... Super! This Super Natural features the same weight block as the previous Naturals, but the biggest difference is its coverstock. This Natural utilizes a hybrid, and step up in urethane coverstock formula, called the U3S Hybrid Urethane. It may not have the huge backend-flip motion that everyone likes to see, but good! because this ball isnt for that! this ball is by far the most superior urethane ball for short oil patterns. I would have never thought you can make a versatile urethane ball, but Storm has done it! It takes very well to eother polish, or a 1000 pad. Whatever you may need to hit this ball with for your own game in order to succeed on demanding oil conditions. I have used this ball on WTBA Sydney, and in later games on Kegels Boardwalk Sport pattern, and had very good success with it. This may not be a ball for everyone, but it is a must have bowling ball for anyone looking to bowl tournaments that include shorter oil patterns, where reactive coverstocks can not give you the right look on the lanes, and over react on the backend. I will definitely keep this ball on hand if i ever get into problems with everything overhooking, or shorter patterns.

Julian Valdaro
Storm Staff
The Right Approach Pro Shop
East Islip, NY


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Re: Super Natural
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2013, 02:21:24 PM »

Pin Length: 3.5"

Starting Top Weight: 2.5

Ball Weight: 15 lbs


Pin to PAP: 4.5"

CG to PAP: 3.5"


Rev Rate: 450

Ball Speed: 17mph (at break point)

PAP/Track: 5" x 3/4" up


Grit: Box


Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS


Being a rev dominate bowler I can't begin to express how eager I was to drill one of these. Having had a lot of tournament success with the original natural I was confidant this one may work better on league conditions being marketed as a stronger "hybrid" urethane cover. Our typical house shot at Classic Lanes Greenfield (Milwaukee WI) puts out one of the heavier puddles in the center of the lane. With super crisp backends any ball can easily see an over/under reaction, especially after carry down starts creeping. My goal was to setup a ball to go around all this action instead of playing deep inside angles.

We went with a pin down drilling directly under the ring finger swinging the CG over to the right (4-1/2 x 3-1/2) with an attempt to get the ball into a roll on the backend. The box surface was lightly teased with a dry 2000 grit abralon pad to take some of the shine off of the finish. The result is exactly what I had hoped for... Putting the ball down around the 8 board with a light swing to 5, smooth midlane, even transition, and a strong roll into the 1-3. My moves were extremely small and seldom. I would say every 6 frames I moved 2 and 1 with my line.

This ball excelled in the track area after the 1st game. With so many bowlers throwing sanded pearls and dull heavy oil balls these days it left a nice carved up area anywhere from 10 to 5. Even with my rev rate I was able to sit in this zone all night with absolutely zero issues carrying the corners. The only issue I encountered was when I pulled the ball into the oil which was almost always certain to leave a bucket. The ball needs a bit of dry to start up. By the 3rd game even a tugged shot would roll up flush.

In summary the Supernatural is becoming my favorite THS ball. I'm averaging well over 230 when I'm able to use this ball. This of course may be due to the straighter is greater philosophy without the paranoia of good shots going unrewarded. I might pursue a 2nd Supernatural with a similar drilling and a sanded coverstock for fresh conditions. It's tough to keep other great balls like the IQ Tour Pearl and Motiv Venom Strike in my bag but this ball just keeps coming through.

Big Thanks to Joe Cerar of Bowlers Pro Shop for the continued support!   

Likes: Control pure and simple

Dislikes: Oil sensitive nature can lead to tough counts
Just an unbiased bowling enthusiast trying too enjoy the game with each set.



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Re: Super Natural
« Reply #13 on: December 25, 2013, 02:55:48 PM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS


Likes:  My local pro shop found this ball for me.  I'm 68 and slowing down a little.  I was using an Avalanche Slide and I wanted something with more control at less speed.  I tried a plastic ball and it was too straight.  The Supernatural is just what I wanted - half way in between the two.  Once I got lined up (had to move right to 26-8) it held the line good at the speed I can control and it carries well if you hit your release.  shot 199-225-246 the 2nd night out.   




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Re: Super Natural
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2015, 01:42:29 AM »
This ball is by far the best urethane ball I've thrown. This ball is really good on short patterns and is good for playing straighter up the lane on medium patterns and house shots. Unlike most urethane balls, the pearlized urethane helps the ball to get down the lane and retain energy with a stronger backend motion than most urethane balls while the solid urethane helps to read the lane and carry pins better than any other urethane ball I've thrown. This ball is a lot like a weaker version of the HyRoad. You can play straight up the lane on medium patterns and on short patterns, you can throw it out to the gutter and it will come back. And if you really have enough hand, you can play further inside then get it out to the dry and it will come back on house shots. I really love the ball because of how versatile and angular this is for a urethane ball. This ball is great whether it is dry or heavy conditions or if it is a short or medium length pattern. This ball is totally the most upper class for urethane, but you have more room to miss with this ball opposed to most urethane balls. This ball is a must have on shorter patterns on drier house shots and is the most hooking urethane ball Storm has made so far.