Currently Residing in New Mexico, I don’t get a chance to bowl on enough oil to use the Super Nova. I use it, but I have to shine it which completely defeats the purpose of the ball. I have the ball drilled with a 5 inch pin, pin down, which for me helps control the early mid lane hook. I have slower ball speed so everything I use wants to roll early and lose energy down lane. The Super Nova definitely out hooks the Nova and unless you’re going to have the Nova polished I wouldn’t say the 2 balls play off each other. Both balls use the same big core, and going from one big core to another, unless you have faster ball speed isn’t the best option when needing to ball change. The Fate, or Phaze 5 is a better option when the Super Nova becomes too much ball. Another option is to move left, but you have to be careful, because the bigger core and stronger cover responds better to less boards crossed on the lane.